William Regal Returning Soon

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
William Regal is expected to return to WWE television very soon as his suspension ended this past weekend. Regal was backstage at this week’s Monday Night Raw and at this past Sunday’s Great American Bash PPV. It should only be a matter of time until we see Regal back on WWE television.

Oh, happy day. Maybe this'll be my excuse to pay some sort of considerable attention to the WWE again. I really liked Regal before his suspension. Although I never actively noted it, I actually quite enjoyed his win of King of the Ring and the entire development his character went under. Now he's going to be back.

Sadly, I don't see him climbing to the top like he was apparently going to. I think a lot of people feel like that, reading some of your posts. However, I do think we can still get a good few feuds/matches out of him and he'll be a fantastic base to jump from into the main event.
Yeah, I'm glad that he's coming back. I really enjoyed the push he was getting before he got suspended, and it sucks that we might not get to see that storyline again. Raw was getting really good around the time of his push and only in the past few weeks have they improved their product. Hopefully, they won't job him out when he returns and maybe they will even continue where they left off with him. Either way I'm looking for to his return and see him involved in some fueds again.
I'm glad he's coming back, but I doubt he's going to get his push anymore. He will probably come back as GM to control the chaos. For storyline purposes, he will say even though he had to laeve the brand, he was able to come back because Stephanie and Shane re-hired him to take control. Even though he will be GM, he isn't going to be pushed as a World Title contender just yet.

Am I the only one who thinks the only reason he was pushed in the first place was because they knew he failed a test? The same thing happened with D.H. Smith. It could have been WWE just trying to prove another point.
I missed William Regal. He was one of those characters that was entertaing, yet made for a great participant in the feuds that were going on. As to how he fits back into the scene, I'm not sure he can come back where he left off, as a legit threat to the title. Maybe in a month or two he might get back in there, but i'd see him more as someone to build Birchill up. I like Birchill but I think Regal works well with him, he seemed lost without him to defend, especially given Kennedy's move to SD
I'm glad he's coming back, but I doubt he's going to get his push anymore. He will probably come back as GM to control the chaos. For storyline purposes, he will say even though he had to laeve the brand, he was able to come back because Stephanie and Shane re-hired him to take control.

i agree 100% percent about regal. He's most likely not getting his push that he was getting before he got suspended. There's a valid point where they can re-enter him back at the level where he left and that's the general manager role. I can see WWE giving him the push later on down the road, but regal may not make it to that point pending his age. Seeing that Jeff Hardy hasn't gotten his push back and knowing that regal wasn't even close, Our old boy from England will have a helluva wait...
Least he's still knocking about, he hadn't any good storylines for years then he gets a decent run and suspended at the beginning of it lol.

Always liked him though, even in WCW as Steve Regal, actually mainly then but still like him.
I'm telling you, my personal belief on this subject is that William Regal will return to the General Manager spot.

I strongly believe Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon will bring him back, and reinstate him to the position he was "fired" from. He has to be reinstated somehow, otherwise he's just some guy trying to interrupt the show. It wouldn't make sense to not explain why he just randomly shows back up and wrestles.

And since Raw needs a General Manager, and Regal's best quality is his mic. work, I'm more than confident that he'll return to be the General Manager again.
I'm telling you, my personal belief on this subject is that William Regal will return to the General Manager spot.

I strongly believe Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon will bring him back, and reinstate him to the position he was "fired" from. He has to be reinstated somehow, otherwise he's just some guy trying to interrupt the show. It wouldn't make sense to not explain why he just randomly shows back up and wrestles.

And since Raw needs a General Manager, and Regal's best quality is his mic. work, I'm more than confident that he'll return to be the General Manager again.

I badly hope so. Just before he got suspended, Regal was fast becoming the epitome of awesome. He'd moved up in to 3rd on my list of favourite Englishmen (after myself and Boris Johnson). Without him, RAW was so painfully, incredibly awful until the the stage collapsed and they brought in this whole "lawlessness" angle. And that can't go on forever. It's already getting a bit old.

Regal's just God on the mic. The subtle, understated menace, almost on the verge of madness - the same serpentine, threatening quality that Edge also does so well - Regal's got it all. Long may the true King rule RAW.
Willian Regal was pretty good in charge, and we really need that aspect to it again. If Willian Regal returns as GM, then we go from out of control, to power control. That actually sounds like it makes for good entertainment, and makes me want to have him come back as the GM.

Well I think RAW may get better with this, and some good matches combined with some good fueds won't hurt anything, so I am all for him being GM.
Since there are a lack of main event heels on Raw at the moment I believe WWE would be very stupid if they didnt put Regal back into the Main Event spot.
Regal certainly deserves to be a main eventer, this since he at present is one of the few wrestlers in WWE nowadays who can actually wrestle, and the character development WWE gave him before his suspension was very entertaining and made him for definate the best heel on WWE television in a long time.
I personally would love to see a CM Punk vs William Regal feud for the World Heavyweight Championship. There could be some great wrestling matches seen with a feud like this and it should culminate in Regal winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Regal certainly deserves a World Title reign since he is that damn good.
I personally prefer Raw without a general manager. I have thoroughly been entertained for the last few weeks and I think its mainly because of the chaos that has been going on Raw lately. When there is a GM, too much time is wasted on them. While some people might brag about how William Regal was so great as the GM, I personally don't see what the big fuss is about. His wrestling skills are pretty good but in all honesty, I just don't find the guy very entertaining.

I tend to find most general manager's a bore. Excluding Vickie Guerrero of course. I am almost certain Regal will once again be the General Manager of Raw when he returns. He can have some nice fueds with CM Punk, Batista and Rey Mysterio. He could almost act as Randy Orton's replacement for the time being. But I think the WWE should showcase Regal's in ring ability more instead of making him the GM once again. I find the guy much more interesting in the ring, than on the microphone.
I was hoping that due to the ratings situation WWE would bring back Bischoff as GM, which doesn't seem entirely unlikey according to his last blog. It would also fall in line with Stephanie and Shane doing something drastic to control the chaos. Bischoff would then most likely hire back Willy Regal, perhaps as some sort of assistant to do his bidding. I would think that in returning though he would be booked as a legitimate threat and not some sort of comic foil, as he has been in the past. He may have to fight his way through a few people though before he gets to Punk (which is not unexpected I'm sure) as it looks like JBL's gonna get the Summer Slam title shot.
Anxiously awaiting this return.
In my opinion, when he returns it should be to JBL's current role. He should be doing what JBL is doing right now. William Regal is far more entertaining than John Bradshaw Layfield. With Regal "taking over" JBL's role. JBL should become the General Manager of RAW. Even though I quite enjoy RAW "without rules", they need someone to be in charge. JBL's the man for the job.

As for Regal returning in general, I'm pretty excited as his role as "King Regal" was one of the only reasons I tuned into RAW.
So, what did everyone think of Regal's return then?

Apart from the ridiculous attire that he was wearing I thought this was a very good showing by Regal and it shows that he'll probably still get the push he was going to receive. The match, although seemingly burying Punk, made Regal look like a very strong competitor, and one that could easily challenge for the WHC. Which I think he will do at SummerSlam, before losing and tagging up with the up and coming Burchill.

However, last night he was described as a 'free agent' so possibly they could do some sort of angle where he shows up on all 3 brands, fighting for a job back in the WWE. I'd much rather see him on RAW though.
I'm agreeing with Luther in the fact that his new Wrestling attire is a bit corny. I don't get it, short of him not working out at all while he was suspended and that resulted in him ending up with a gut.

As far as the "Hottest Free Agent" thing goes, I would rather he not leave Raw because you're staring directly into the prime opportunity to set-up William Regal & Paul Burchill as a Tag Team that could be destructive against Cryme Tyme, and even offer strong opposition to Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. I'd love to see Regal stay and team with Burchill, they could reform the "British Blue Bloods".

If he does seek employment on another brand, however, I think E.C.W. would be his best alternative. Matches against Finlay are world famous, and the idea of Regal on a brand that could be trying to seek out it's former hardcore identity could be just the spark it needs.

The complete loss in transition would be to have him end up on the over-filled talent roster of Smackdown. He'd get lost for sure on that brand, and end up jobbing to Jimmy Yang in no time.

All in all, I hope for a stay on Raw IF and only if it results in a tag team pairing with the Burchill's. If not, then E.C.W. would be best for him in my opinion, as a single's wrestler.
I'm glad regal came back he looked a little weird in that singlet sort of thing, however glad he's back he proved that he is still a good opponent by almost beating punk. The only reason punk beat regal is because punk needs at least one clean win everyonce in a while. Hopefully like people said regal will team with burchill and become a tag champ
Overlooking the attire, I thought Regal looked very good in his match with some brutal moves before being pinned by Punk. It was definitely the match of the night IMO. That suplex that he hit on Punk near the end was sick. As for where he goes from now, it's anyones guess.

Before his suspension Regal was drawing great heat and looked to be getting a good push and now it looks like he's back to square one. I'd like to see him in the main event picture on Raw as he is capable of putting on good matches and getting heat from the crowd. He's also quality on the mic which is always good. If creative aren't too high on him after the suspension then the obvious tag team of him and Burchill is on the cards.

If the free agent scenario continues, then a move to ECW would be most likely with SD as cluttered as it is. Young stars like Miz and Morrison would benefit from working with a veteran like Regal and he could contend for the ECW title against Matt Hardy as I'm pretty sure he's getting the title at Summerslam.
I'm not sure what everyone has against his attire, it really wasn't that bad in my opinion. Anyway Regal's return wasn't that bad concidering he was in a competitive match against the champion.

He could have won the match, but he was up against the champion so that couldn't really be a great idea. Regal and CM had a pretty good match as well, looked rough and that when CM's head was knocked against the steel post it looked bad.

As long as Regal isn't consistently losing his matches, then his return couldn't end too badly. I think teaming with Burchill would be a good idea too, it would add a tag team to the much needing tag team division.
I'm glad Regal is back. He's a favorite of mine. He's always been solid on the mic and has always been a great wrestler. I really wish he didn't screw up, and I really wish the WWE released details about wellness policy failures. He had a lot of issues with alcoholism and substance abuse, and it seemed like he had overcome them. In a weird way, I had hoped that his suspension was for performance enhancing drugs.

I have a feeling it was for something other than performance enhance drugs though. After being the general manager and being crowned King of the Ring, it appears his first feud back is against Jamie Noble. I think Noble's a tremendous wrestler and always has been. However, he's pretty low on the WWE pecking order and it looks like where Regal is going to start off. He's going to have to work his way up, which is a shame. Jeff Hardy was restored right back to his position of being an upper-midcarder, and as much as I like Adamle, Regal would have been the perfect choice to be the GM once again of Raw.

The fact that Hardy didn't start off on the bottom of the card really goes to show you another place where the wellness policy fails. It doesn't matter that a lot of people for whatever reason like Hardy. His return should have been a program with Lance Cade and not picking up where he left off.
Regal has always had the tools to be a main event heel, especially during the brief rise of his "King Regal" character. He seems to have continued that to the present, and I like it.

I like it much, much more than his plain "typical British snob" gimmick. Now, he has more intrigue to his character, and isn't just about teaching Americans proper manners. His character is more so about megalomania, and I think he can go places despite coming off a suspension.

I definitely want him to team with Burchill, as those two always had great chemistry in and out of the ring. I don't really want them as a full time tag team as both are good singles guys, but part time is just fine, simple "associates" I guess you could say. There's plenty of hope for Regal, as I've always viewed him as more than capable of delivering in high profile feuds. Obviously a Noble one isn't high profile in the least, but he's going to have to gradually make up for his suspension. Putting on fantastic matches with Noble is a good start.
I think he would be fucking Excellent on ECW. I would mark hard for ECW if Regal was having matches on it weekly. Fuck it, id say give him a run with the damn title. You would have very solid entertainment weekly on that show in at least your mid card if he was there. Of he is on RAW, what is he doing?? Nothing, most likely. If he is on SD!, what is he doing?? DEFINATELY nothing, as we didnt even get the brands champion fit into the program last week. So why not let him onto ECW?? He would be tons of entertaining to see against the likes of Bourne, Finlay, and would probably get a pretty damn rugged match out of Matt Hardy as well. He should stage a hostile takeover of the brand, and whip Teddy Longs head, and do the king thing, just on ECW. Or something simular. I dont know. I just know I want to be able to wath Regal work weekly, and ECW would seem the only place for that to legit happen.
I think he would be fucking Excellent on ECW. I would mark hard for ECW if Regal was having matches on it weekly. Fuck it, id say give him a run with the damn title. You would have very solid entertainment weekly on that show in at least your mid card if he was there. Of he is on RAW, what is he doing?? Nothing, most likely. If he is on SD!, what is he doing?? DEFINATELY nothing, as we didnt even get the brands champion fit into the program last week. So why not let him onto ECW?? He would be tons of entertaining to see against the likes of Bourne, Finlay, and would probably get a pretty damn rugged match out of Matt Hardy as well. He should stage a hostile takeover of the brand, and whip Teddy Longs head, and do the king thing, just on ECW. Or something simular. I dont know. I just know I want to be able to wath Regal work weekly, and ECW would seem the only place for that to legit happen.

That didn't even hit me earlier, but I agree completely. Regal's smash mouth style is what the ECW title needs.

While I do believe he should be the holder of the Raw or SD world title, that's never going to happen coming off his second suspension. So, the ECW title would be a reachable goal and a perfect way to elevate the younger ECW talent. As you said, Regal/Finlay- Regal/Bourne- Regal/Hardy, all are great possibilities.

I do think he'll have his weekly appearance on Raw. Even if it is minor, he's still gonna get a decent match out of somebody and/or get some time to cut a brief promo. Regal can do both, which is a tremendous asset to the Raw midcard. With guys like Kofi and Burchill who are given next to no mic time, Regal could help them both in that aspect. The same applies with someone like Matt Striker.

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