Will We Ever See Jeff Hardy In The WWE Again?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok I was watching TNA and it got me thinking if Jeff Hardy is telling the truth could we see him make a jump back to the WWE and be a big star like he was in 2009/2010?

would the Fans Mark out if he returned?
has he completly f***ed up his chances of ever being in the WWE again?
I dont think he will be in the WWE ever again.
Then again, we saw Nash come back no matter how briefly.
So, it is possible but will never be the star he was.
I would mark out if he did but I don't see it happening.WWE knows about his infamous match with sting.I would like to see it but I doubt it.
You never know with vince but i doubt it, he was extremely over tho and on the verge of being a legend until he went back to tna
i dont see why any wrestler would want to be on a wwe schedule after they made the money, won the titles, made there name and especially when there's another company who values him more.
Considering Jeff's past drug abuse and the way he left the company (not to mention he jumped ship!)...... no, we will NEVER see Jeff Hardy again in WWE. Well, that is, not as long as Vince or Triple H are in charge.

Vince can't let certain bygones be bygones (the two Jeffs come to mind - Hardy and Jarrett) and Triple H doesn't like him either. Obviously guys like Bischoff, Hogan, Hart, Foley, etc. have returned because Vince allowed them to. Basically it was just Vince's way of saying, "I won" or "I knew you'd come crawling back." For Hardy? It would be his victory, not Vince's (or Triple H's). Thus.... he won't be back.

i dont see why any wrestler would want to be on a wwe schedule after they made the money, won the titles, made there name and especially when there's another company who values him more.

Obviously you don't understand wrestling (or wrestlers). Look at Nash. Look at Hogan. Look at Flair. Look at Jericho. All made tons of money. Won the titles. Didn't need to come back (well, except maybe Flair)..... but they did. It's an ego thing, but the money doesn't hurt, either.
No doubt in my mind we see him one day in the future, even if it's just for the HoF. Trust me...no matter how bad the relations between the two parties are, if guys that died of drug use or that never even worked a day in WWE can get inducted in the HoF, then Jeff goes in 100%, he has provided them with a highlight reel arguably better than anyone in the business, and they know it. If they invite someone like Ultimate Warrior, Jeff is a shoe in.

Now as far as him coming back as an active wrestler...to that I'll say it's highly unlikely, but you never really know. 2 years from now if Matt has totally cleaned up his act and somehow is able to beg his way back in to a job, I could see Jeff going back with him for a short run together to finish up their careers in WWE maybe at a WM or something.
i still think he has a few runs left in wwe tbh.. which isn't saying much because how long a wwe run actually last, he would get the same reception and probably still be back on top, when he left before (with obvious drug problems ) and came back, they made him world champ.. who knows what will happen this time, I definitely see him back, sooner than later.

jeff hardy is still a young dude and has time to clean up to wwe standards if he was to come back he would have several runs in him, I only want to see him back for the predictable cm punk fued.
The only way I could see Jeff Hardy returning is if there was a legit build-up with a match against CM Punk. They have a genuine beef with each other as Jeff is seen as the anti-straight edge against the straight edge superstar. Jeff Hardy would have to prove that he is not a Scott Hall type wrestler and start to tank his career again.

The fact that Jeff jumped ship and nothing came of it may soothe Vince's beefs and it appeared that Jeff Hardy did not hold Vince up for money before leaving which is another plus in him getting back to WWE.

If Jeff were to come back to WWE his best fued is with CM Punk hands down they would have to continue their fued from when he left. Do I see it happening? It's a definite maybe he did come back before. In my opinion we may be more likely to see Samoa Joe and AJ Styles come to WWE before Jeff would come back.
doubt it, then again he did leave wwe on good terms. but im pretty sure the wwe heard about the victory road incident. the fact that tna let him come back either shows how stupid tna is, or how dedicated they are to their performers. jeff being in the wwe again is a long shot, but like they say in the wwe, never say never.
I don't believe that we'll see him back in WWE again, if not for jumping ship to TNA, then definitely for the drug bust. I know, he came back to WWE in 2006 or whenever it was after doing a bunch of drugs, but at that point, he didn't have a drug arrest or jail sentence to his name. Plus, he's very unreliable, what with the Victory Road debacle and wanting to leave when he's in the main program of a show and is the world champion.

So yeah, I highly doubt we'll see Jeff back in WWE, unless it's for a Hall of Fame induction with Matt.
Did you see TNA's victory road match? if you did then theres the answer. He totally embarassed the company and made the PPV look like a joke
Maybe if he maned up like his brother Matt, actually admitted he has a problem and goes to rehab. The WWE might give him another chance. Otherwise, no...
ok I was watching TNA and it got me thinking if Jeff Hardy is telling the truth could we see him make a jump back to the WWE and be a big star like he was in 2009/2010?

would the Fans Mark out if he returned?
has he completly f***ed up his chances of ever being in the WWE again?

This is a very damn good and interesting question. Who knows, Hardy has had chances to come back, but it just seems like he doesn't want to or he does everything he can to not come back. I say never say never but it would take some serious investments to get him back where he was if he came back, almost a miracle.
Maybe if he maned up like his brother Matt, actually admitted he has a problem and goes to rehab. The WWE might give him another chance. Otherwise, no...

I don't think Matt actually "manned up," I think it was moreso he was given the option of either going to rehab or going to jail. And no matter how crazy someone is, and let's be fair, Matt's a bit off his rocker, nobody wants to go to prison. So he basically did it to save himself.
No doubt in my mind we see him one day in the future, even if it's just for the HoF. Trust me...no matter how bad the relations between the two parties are, if guys that died of drug use or that never even worked a day in WWE can get inducted in the HoF, then Jeff goes in 100%, he has provided them with a highlight reel arguably better than anyone in the business, and they know it. If they invite someone like Ultimate Warrior, Jeff is a shoe in.

Now as far as him coming back as an active wrestler...to that I'll say it's highly unlikely, but you never really know. 2 years from now if Matt has totally cleaned up his act and somehow is able to beg his way back in to a job, I could see Jeff going back with him for a short run together to finish up their careers in WWE maybe at a WM or something.

NO WAY is jeff a shoe in. the man has given them a lot, they've given him a lot more. he never delivered on the mic for the wwe. i agree TNA uses him better. but theres no way they will waste there time with matt or jeff anymore, especially with a HOF nod. one guy can't keep out of court/jail/trouble and the other is making suicide notes because he got fired from TNA.
Highly doubt it he didnt leave WWE on good terms to begin with and with that Bullshit stunt he pulled against sting the WWE should stay far away from this guy!! That being said if he did return it could be at the Royal RUmble for a surprise entry make some noise get some crowd noise behind him!! He will never ever be the star he once was and he brought that on himself!! I truly want him to to turn this all around i do i hope he does and stays off teh sauce drugs and those around him who are a negative influence and he needs to get some friends around him that will kick his ass if he even thinks about messing up
Jeff Hrady may return down the track, only on Vinces terms. Hardy has worn out his chances, a convicted drug addict will not be welcomed back in a main event spot in WWE. He will succeed in the small fry TNA promotion, nobody watches it anyways.
Please god no. First of all I think Jeff Hardy has more or less burned every possible bridge there could be, he's been openly exposed in the media as a drug user, he's had a whole lot of bad publicity, he left WWE saying he wanted to take a break from wrestling, only to return to wrestling with TNA, where he has continued to slowly seem to degrade his career to a point where I just don't see why WWE would possibly want this guy back.

Yes, he was popular in WWE as hell, and now I don't watch TNA (all that often) but I'm guessing he's still popular (or over as a heel during that time period). But despite all of that, there's only so much someone should be able to accept before they can come to the conclusion that this man just doesn't belong back in WWE. It's a bit like Hulk Hogan, who's mostly only brought back every now and then because he's still hugely over, but I doubt after going to TNA that Vince would really want anything to do with that man either.

So not only do I hope we never will, but I seriously doubt that WWE would ever hire this guy again.
I would not rule out a Hardy return. If he did come back to WWE then I am sure most fans would mark out for it. The problem is that he screwed up big time in terms of some of his life decisions. That might cause him to never see a push like his 2008-2009 run ever again because he blew it right in the middle of a push of a lifetime. Seeing Jeff Hardy on WWE tv again is always possible though. Many fans miss him and he would make them a lot of money.
I think if he stays clean for a while, it's possible.

Possibly betweem mid 2012 - Royal Rumble 2013

I hope he does stay clean and we do see him back some day soon.
I admire him as a wrestler, but maybe way down the road. I feel at this moment the last thing WWE needs is a former WWE champ to return(Rock, Nash, Foley).
I cant see it happening any time soon but if Jeff becomes a megastar again and actually can boost TNA's ratings i can definitely see him being on WWE's radar :)
Haha nope, defininetly do not see that happening. I think that the WWE is well aware that he is a risk considering his many issues with illegal narcotics and hopefully know it's not worth the risk. Hardy has had plenty of fuck ups in his career but his most recent at TNA's Victory Road was not one that can be overlooked, he let his stupid personal drug use effect his performance at a PPV that he was headlining,if the WWE were to even attempt to get him back after that I would be very surprised. Hardy was a top talent and he will always go down in history that way, but they have plenty of talent and they're doing just fine, no reason to bring back a guy who would potentially fuck up a PPV main event.
I can't see Jeff Hardy ever going back to the WWE. He's on a 30 month probation to begin with and I have a hard time believing the court system would be okay with it. Then there's Vince, who I'm sure is pissed he left a second time. Add in the drugs and the joke of a match with Sting and I'm sure we'll never see it.

If it did happen though, I'd be stoked. Jeff has reached the top of the WWE, so other than money, I can't see why he'd come back, or even try to. TNA needs him more.

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