Will we ever see anything this huge again on a Monday Night Wrestling Show?


WWE Right Now=Same Ole Shit
Obviously we know WCW had it's problems and that's why they were eventually bought out by WWE. But, lets face it, The WWE has been lacking a little lately, and now they are having two three hour shows in a row to kind of bring them back up. But will we ever see anything like this again on RAW per say? I don't believe so but the WWE has surprised me every now and again.

Just let me say, I was at this event, the GA Dome was insane, in my opinion, Atlanta has the best wrestling fans in the country. Always packing the arenas out and being over capacity. I mean i'll never forget this night and I'll never forget being elbow to elbow all night long with everyone, no open seats, the pops were insane, and this has got to be one of the greatest Monday Nights in wrestling history, and don't forget, they only had 4 days to advertise this and come Monday Night, the GA dome is sold out.

WWE, come on, you could do this, but will they ever? No, they have no competition hardly, except TNA, but TNA is a long shot. I believe we will continue to pay for the ppv's to see these type of caliber matches. Don't thrash me, I know we see Cena/Miz on Raw for the title but nothing like this.

I'm asking your opinions, will we ever see anything like this again on a Monday Night? Will WWE ever get these pops outside of PPV? Will a WWE crowd ever get this into it? Will a WWE crowd ever stand and chant and you can just feel that electricity like I still do to this today after watching this? Lastly, but not least, will a WWE announce team ever react so great and let you feel the moment?

will we ever see anything like this again on a Monday Night?

Most likely we won't unless/until the WWE is in another ratings war where they feel they need to throw everything and the kicthen sink in order to take some fans from the competition. McMahon is a business man and will not give away that big of a match for free unless his hand is forced. Some of the people within WCW even said imagine the money they could've made if they had more than 4 days to hype the match and put it on a PPV instead of Nitro.

Will WWE ever get these pops outside of PPV? Will a WWE crowd ever get this into it?

The WWE has gotten very loud pops outside of a PPV before in this era and I'm sure they will continue to do so moving forward.

Will a WWE crowd ever stand and chant and you can just feel that electricity like I still do to this today after watching this?

I think they will. They just need to find the right stars, the right angle, a good amount of hype between the two, then just find the right time to do it.
The consensus both then and now regarding the Goldberg vs Hogan title match on Nitro was that it actually did more harm than good. They announced it 4 days in advance, allowing for almost no hype whatsoever but more importantly they put the biggest rising star they ever had against the most recognizable champion they had on free television. This match could have main evented Starrcade or WrestleMania if the two were in WWE but instead they literally gave it away without so much as 1 episode of Nitro to hype it. It was a poor decision that was one of the first blunders that led to the downfall of WCW. Watch the "Rise & Fall of WCW," they discuss it in detail.

So to answer your question, no, I don't think we will ever see something like that again and for good reason. Sure there will be surprise title matches on RAW but never of that caliber as it is simply bad business. Sure it makes for great television but at the end of the day pay per view dollars are more important than giving fans a free surprise.
Yeah I'll agree with elements of fear. Not only will we probably never see something like this again, we never should see something like this again. I'm pretty sure that was the very last time that WCW had better ratings than Raw, it was just a desperate move by WCW and killed ny momentum they could have built going forward. Big time match, big time Nitro, but horrible decision that they payed for dearly.
Ahhh yes, another cracking decision by the very men who are now in charge of TNA.

At the time I was only in my teens and remember thinking that Goldberg/Hogan on Nitro was great! I look back now and still think the same - great for the fans that is. But from a business side of things it was just an awful decision. 1998, I this this was around the same time Austin fought HBK at Mania. Can you imagine Austin and HBK getting it on with Mike Tyson as an enforcer in Raws main event? Its subjective which match was bigger but we all know which match made more money!
Well WWE did do a match sorta like this a while ago with Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena, granted it wasn't for the world title but it was a Pay-Per-View type of match and they went for an hour straight on free tv. I believe that it took place over in England.
No like many others have posted above me, I believe we won't see something like this again neither should we see something like this again. This match could have easily generated more money for WCW than just the money generated from the attending crowd. This match could have easily made that year's Starrcade outsell WrestleMania 14 which was headlined by HBK vs Austin with Tyson as the enforcer, and even in a bigger arena than the Verizon center in D.C. if WCW booked this feud in a right way and gave it the proper hype that it should have. This was a rushed decision to win the ratings war over RAW that night which took into account the short term victory over long term stability, sure it created entertaining television but this should have been booked and hyped for months not just a four day hype and six days before a big match involving Rodman and Malone on PPV, on the long term it did more harm than good as this was the second to last time Nitro beat RAW head to head and WCW began losing a lot of money in 1999.
The last "Ratings war" we saw was two years ago when Impact moved to Monday nights at 9. At that time they signed big names like Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, and Hulk Hogan. They honestly had a chance against the WWE in early January. But Dixie Carter forgot that January the Road to Wrestlemania begins, and as a result, Raw ratings are much higher than the rest of the year. But regardless Vince pulled out major stops, he settled his difference's with Bret Hart and brought him in for 5 months. And when Brock Lesner returned to UFC the WWE brings in Wade Barret and the Nexus. Regardless of the shell the stable is in now, that was the biggest angle WWE creative has used in years.

This is just the thing, since the WWE has no real show that can take away it's viewers, their is no reason to work too hard on a product. Let's hope Ring of Honor with it's new T.V deal can beat WWE....Let's hope.
I don`t we will,even if somehow TNA was able to compete with WWE (which also won`t happen anytime soon)...simple reason for this is that wrestling isn`t as popular as it was back then. Add to that the advent of stuff like dvdr etc, that makes rating wars between 2 wrestling show unlikely. And I don`t really see a roster from both companies that would create such frenzy.
Unless TNA or ROH get big enough to challenge WWE no. WWE was at it best when WCW was too but i don't think it will ever happen TNA bosses haven't a clue how to run a wrestling company there product is poor too much hogan, sting, Flair and rest the old guys not enough of the young future guys that can make TNA great but never will be esp while hogan and that are running the company making the same mistake that helped kill WCW. ROH i have not watched it but if wrestling fans are speaking the truth about how good it is then with the right men behind it and right tv deal who knows. Before any of the TNA fans take a shot at me for bad mouthing TNA yes right now WWE is poor but that because there is no one to compete with them and the fans are loyal and will still buy the product and t-shirts etc. etc.....
You have to understand one thing about the match Hogan vs. Goldberg.. Hogan was a very hated man in WCW as part of the NWO aswell, all them cheers were because Goldberg was the biggest rising star at the time and everyone wanted to see him rip Hogan apart.. Yess the crowd reaction was great, but later that year when Mankind won the WWF title for the first time on Raw? Did anyone see the crowd in tha match? It was huge! I think now WWE have no real competition, so they leave all the big matches for ppv's.. Although we have seen all the big matches they have to offer..

This WCW World Heavyweight title match took place in July, they could have just saved it for Starrcade late the year.. Keep the US title on Goldberg and the World title on Hogan, and you have a huge title vs. title match at the biggest event of the year instead of seeing Goldberg being screwed by Nash and having his streak ending like that!
Wow how soon we forget . Some of us fans have been spoil rotten by WWE. We just had a few electrifying moments on RAW one in LA the other in Miami and it just happen that the Rock cause both. Folks electrifying moments don't have to be in matches only they can also be in promos, like the return of the Rock, The Rocks Birthday Bash, The Rock & Cena making a date for Mania 28 and we can also add the HHH & Taker promo for Mania 27, all these moments where very electrifying not only for many at home but in the arenas. I guess as fans its in our nature to whine over every little thing.
Wrestling has to get popular again for anything like that to ever happen again.
I don't know how likely that is. Vince McMahon buying WCW basically killed wrestling. Very few of WCW's fans followed over to WWE/F and many of the ones that did follow tuned out entirely after watching for a little while. I think a large number of the 1.7 million or so fans that tune into TNA are former WCW fans that don't watch WWE/F or care to. I did tune into WWE/F for awhile after he bought them but couldn't get into it and finally quit watching wrestling altogether until TNA got a TV contract. I tried watching RAW again the night that Taker returned but it wasn't interesting enough to me to turn it on again since.
WWE doesn't have a hot angle like the NWO, they don't have a mega heel like Hogan, and they don't have a mega star like Goldberg. Also, you would need to be able to fill the Georgia Dome for Raw and that won't happen this day in age because the fan base isn't there.

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