Will we ever see a TNA/WWE invasion angle?


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I personally would like to see a TNA/WWE invasion i mean i could see it happening in 2014 building to a WM 30 dream card. This is how i would build it up. Have a few TNA guys invade the WWE's most exciting match of the year the royal rumble and just destroying some of the best in the ring at the time like say in the ring during the rumble is cena, sheamus, orton, rhodes, cm punk, d bryan etc, etc, etc. And had the some of the WWE concerned about and more guys start interfering on RAW and on friday night smackdown. Then we would see WWE interfering on IMPACT shows. And basically having verbal battles between HHH, Vince mcmahon and Bischoff, Hogan and setting up WM matches on TNA and Raw/Smackdwon I could see a potential wrestlemania 30 dream card in the making & heres how i would book WM 30 if an invasion angle were to happen. By the way i see this card being alot of matches. (does not include divas)

Kane vs Abyss

Matt Morgan vs Randy Orton

Crimson vs Sheamus

HHH vs Bobby Roode

Austin Aries or Christopher Daniels vs Daniel Bryan

Bully Ray Vs Mark Henry

Mick Foley-wwe vs Ric Flair in a street fight

Vince Mcmahon Vs Hulk Hogan II

World Title match
Jeff Hardy vs Christian-for old times sake IN a TLC MATCH

WWE/TNA Championship Match
John Cena Vs Miz-Royal Rumble winner vs Kurt Angle

CM Punk Vs AJ Styles

Main Event
Sting Vs The Undertaker

Give me your thoughts and opinions on this card and a future TNA/WWE invasion angle

In general a TNA vs WWE would be great but your idea for the WM 30 face-off is brilliant!! That would be perfect but I'm afraid we might not see Sting vs Taker- however, I'd probably be wrong cause we all know how awesome that would be. The card you've written out is awesome and I'd expect it to be similar if not exactly like yours if this were to happen. But, me being me, I have a few dream matches of my own I'd love to see.

Justin Gabriel vs Kazarian (my favs from both companies fighting each other= best moment of my life)

Air Boom vs Beer Money (that one might have an obvious ending tho)

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy (the rematch we all want to see- and with the return of Matt Hardy to whoever win's side; or Jeff's)

Jack Swagger vs Kurt Angle (these two have both mastered the ankle lock; let's see what happens when the All American Jackass goes against my fellow Pittsburgher)

I love the rest of your matches tho, they're awesome. If this happens then we can only hope that that ^^ is our card for the event. :D

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