Will triple h ever retire?


Dark Match Jobber
We all know triple h is the son in law of vince and has much influence in the bacstage.Dont get me wrong i m a big triple h mark but i think he will never retire atleast not like the way sahwn has.I m saying this because vince is getting too old and may be triple h will be the future boss.So i think he will occasionaly involve in boss vs employ storylines and will do one or two matches in a year much like vince.The thing is that he can actually wrestle.So what r ur thoughts?
i like it, he has the strut lol dressed as VKM in DX lol, he would be good, but he would need a SCSA type character to be there im thinking drew or possibly a current NXT rookie, the fact he can wrestle works in his favor
Really there are a few possibilities

If Vince died today Shane COULD come back and take over on screen (I'm just talking on screen)

Linda (down the road if the Senate stuff doesnt work out for her) could take over

Triple H could take over on screen, but it wouldnt make sense to have him take over on screen without Steph or atleast the mentioning of her backing him because real or on screen Vince cant let HHH run it 100%, that's stupid. Yes he's family, but he & Steph could break up thus a McMahon as in Steph, Shane, Linda, should always own it and on screen I just dont see HHH alone doing it because it wouldnt be realistic

That being said Steph & Shane (even though he left) will likely share the WWE because what if one of them dies.

Linda though seems busy wanting other things for her to even run it behind the scenes but all three I believe will help out if needed (Steph, Shane, Linda)

Shane, who knows where the hell he's lying in wait to do something shocking, but he can do it with Stephanie or

Stephanie & HHH which is most likely

I actually am beginning to wonder if Shane leaving is planned for Vince's death. It COULD be a fake one again 3rd time being the charm and it goes over well, but I'm thinking Vince has his death actually play into a storyline (I mean how can he not resist, that may be why we saw the fake deaths, I think that's a sign)

Anyway he Dies for REAL and HHH takes over with Steph but Steph being at home with the kids HHH takes over mainly and makes it the HHH show (you can even have the two fight like the Attitude Era)

After HHH messes up & or bores us with making it all about him or just abusing the hell out of his power and being champ for about a year or two years straight, something to that degree, Shane McMahon shows up promising the change of the century or something and challenges HHH to a fight for the ownership of the WWE at WrestleMania 30

I personally would love a 2nd McMahon-Helmsley Era after Vince's death leading to a 2nd Attitude Era
I see HHH eventually retiring to do backstage stuff/potential management figure with various on-screen roles/returns to wrestle during the time.

Either way, i wouldn't be to fussed cause the likely chance is that HHH will stand with the business till he dies whether he retires or not.
i could see Triple H taking over the WWE once Vince decides to leave for good, whether that's retirement or injury or death.

this might usher in a new McMahon/Helmsley Faction and lead into a new attitude era with the whole abuse of power gimmick that we all love.

maybe even Orton could be the Stone Cold character that rebels against authority? plus there's certainly a history already with Orton and both the McMahon family and Triple H.

but the possible build up could be between Triple H and Shane McMahon for control of WWE or even just for pride. Shane could ask why Triple H was given control of the company when he married into the family and he was born into it, etc.

might make for a good street fight at WM 30 or something like that.
Ofcourse he will retire from pro wrestling, he loves the "E", and will stay around for along time, maybe even taking over Vince's job when he takes his leave from the world.

I would like him to stay with the "E", and im guessing he is, I'm predicting he'll retire from wrestling when he is at least 45, so that gives him 5 years approx, and in that time, yes he will become a 16 time world champion.
At first I thought about sarcastically stating he'd be fighting for the title and delivering Pedigrees on his two replaced knees at the age of 80, but now I see you mean retire from the company in some sort of on-screen role, and I think it's fairly obvious that he won't.

Vince will eventually die and Shane doesn't seem too interested in taking over for him. He's not passionate enough about wrestling. He'd run the company, but purely from a business perspective, I don't think he'd know enough about booking to fill Vince's final say role. Same goes double for Steph. She helps book, but I don't think she knows enough about wrestling generally to be fully in charge.

Say what you want about Triple H, but he cares, he genuinely and truly cares about wrestling a hell of a lot. It is his passion and he would book the company from the perspective of a wrestler. He's been around Vince and upper management long enough to learn from them and he sits in on booking meetings for Raw as well, so he's already lending somewhat of a hand.

I see him filling Vince's management and on-air role. Steph and possibly Shane too would partner with him backstage in terms of running the business, but he would be the overall creative force. As for on-air, well... he'd be over already as either a face or a heel and every so often he could wrestle big matches a la Vince, but actually trained.

I don't see any way that he won't be Vince's successor and I personally look forward to the day he is an on-screen authority figure.
i see HHH being a lot like Ric Flair - he will drag his in ring career out for as long as possible. Short of gettin a career ending injury, i dont see him hanging up his boots anytime soon. However, when/if he does, I can see him taking over Vince's role as the evil boss. He would suit it perfectly
The way I see it, Triple H is doing what Taker did as the American Badass. That is, fight midcarders and move them to the main event scene. I think Trips himself knows that he can't do this forever, and honestly I don't see him pulling a Ric Flair anytime soon. I say let him tie the 16 time champ, and call it a career. He really has nothing more to prove, and he's pretty much done it all.

Now we all know he's pretty much a McMahon, so the only thing I can see him doing is playing the "Vince McMahon" part on screen when Vince offically retires from the business.
Of course at some point he will retire from the ring, he has if his knees allow him like another 5 years at least, but I think that the retirement of Shawn might be an ey opener for him. Also there is the thing with Ric Flair that might have open his eyes too.

What you want? to endo up like Flair? Wrestling because you have to and can conceive a life out of Wrestling? or GO like Shawn? who even if it is too soon to tell, seems complete and proud what he has done, with no need to wrestle again.

Also take on acccount that Steph is a big influence on him, surely she won't left him go to the point where he is just going through the motions.
Ofcourse he will retire from pro wrestling, he loves the "E", and will stay around for along time, maybe even taking over Vince's job when he takes his leave from the world.

I would like him to stay with the "E", and im guessing he is, I'm predicting he'll retire from wrestling when he is at least 45, so that gives him 5 years approx, and in that time, yes he will become a 16 time world champion.

He won't leave the WWE totally,like previously stated..he'll be part of the scene behind the curtain for a long,long time.
But as for in-ring competition...I think he will retire after winning then losing the title for the 17th time,You just know he wants that honor.
when will hulk hogan retire? when will ric flair retire? when will sting retire? when will bret hart retire? HHH is much younger than all these guys, and yet you aren't lamenting the fact that they are still active and what HHH to retire? I know his neck sucks, and that led stone cold to retire, but HHH looks fantastic still, so he is still marketable, he still talks, and he wrestles a power game so chances are he still has about 6 or 7 good years left. I would ponder the way over 50 crowd's future before Paul Leveque's
I must admit I see the bigger possibility of Triple H entering a semi retired role like Shane and Vince did / does, and I think that's the better choice, because we know he's gonna have a consistent role in WWE, backstage and most potentially also on-screen throughout the remainder of his life, or marriage to Stephanie, and I don't see a divorce happening truthfully.

I believe Triple H could go on to become a great on-screen semi active wrestler / on-screen authority, we have a thread on this forum about who'd make a good GM of RAW permanently, while I didn't vote for Triple H, because he's still significantly active and doing stuff well enough to not need to slow down for a GM role just yet, I could totally see Triple H assuming the role in the future as he gets too old.
I don't want to to see him retire, but if he does, he has at least another decade or two of wrestling in him, even after that he could play a role behind the scenes, like maybe GM of RAW or Smackdown, possibly even as the new Boss, with a heel turn , but I don't want to see another stable , Triple is good enough with help , whether it be as a heel or as a face
Can anyone honestly say that they're still going to love what they're doing in ten years, no matter how much that might change? Triple H has a very obvious and honest love for the business of professional wrestling. There's no reason why he'd step away from it unless that's what he wanted in his personal life. He is going to be remembered as the Bruce Sammartino or the Hulk Hogan of his generation, except perhaps even better; he's managed to promote himself while promoting the business, instead of at the expense of it, as so many others have done. He is GOOD at what he does, and if you have any strong disagreements with that statement, they support my point. He'd only be bad at what he did if you honestly didn't have an opinion.

I think the real question that the OP meant to ask was "will Triple H ever step back from his primary on-screen role?" Barring injury, I think that's at least a decade away, and he's good enough at what he does that he could go on for as long as he wants. The trick for him is knowing when it's time to go out on top, and no one can ever say when that is. Ric Flair keeps coming back for great runs, and people have been saying he should hang it up since Nitro first went on the air. Hulk Hogan, on the other hand, keeps coming back and doesn't know how to build another guy up without pushing him down at the same time. Where's the breaking point for HHH? We'll only know after it happens.

Regardless of what the future holds for HHH, he is easily the greatest wrestler of this generation. He works heel as well as he does face. He can get just about anyone over. He can still sell drama within a match, which is a skill the newer generation is sorely lacking in (besides Randy Orton). He can be a success in whatever role in the business he chooses for himself.
What you want? to endo up like Flair? Wrestling because you have to and can conceive a life out of Wrestling? or GO like Shawn? who even if it is too soon to tell, seems complete and proud what he has done, with no need to wrestle again.

Genius. I never really thought of the two's respective retirements (though Flair's was a joke) as an ultimate decision. Very nice analysis.

I think Triple H will know when to walk away. He's said countless times that when he thinks he can't go anymore he'll stop. The number of upper-midcarders is established enough for him to step down today if he had to, and Sheamus, Punk, Morrison, Miz, etc. could step up. It's been reported on this site that Triple H is considered the heir to the McMahon empire and he'll do well, whether an on screen character or not. Remember HHH was a product of the attitude era, and has seen every guy to walk through the WWE, so he knows what it takes to entertain, as well as what kind of talent works well with each gimmick. Not looking in favor of Vince's death, but Triple H would be a good leader and booker, unless of course you believe Scott Steiner, in which case Triple H will be WWE Champion for so long he has to have the belt unglued from his waist on his deathbed, but then again, fuck Scott steiner.
Since Shane has more of a Paul Heyman mentality for wrestling and Steph is more like Vince, it's pretty obvious that HHH and Steph will be running the show when Vince passes. I would love to see Shane start his own league to compete with the WWE. Hell, he could even call it WWF. How awesome would that be? For a wrestling company to compete with the WWE, it'd have to be run by a McMahon.
Since Shane has more of a Paul Heyman mentality for wrestling and Steph is more like Vince, it's pretty obvious that HHH and Steph will be running the show when Vince passes. I would love to see Shane start his own league to compete with the WWE. Hell, he could even call it WWF. How awesome would that be? For a wrestling company to compete with the WWE, it'd have to be run by a McMahon.

Having Shane run a wrestling company against his father would be absolutely stupid, first of all because it's his god damn father, and secondly because Vince will probably at some point drive it into the ground like he did with WCW and ECW.

Secondly, WWF? really? WWE only changed to WWE because another company was named WWF and wanted them to change, why in the world do you think another McMahon can go as far as to use the name again when the other company is still around?
I dont think he will ever retire. Of course he will retire from wrestling, but he will prolly be a GM or somthing to do with backstage. He will prolly be like Vince is now and have 2-3 matches per year.
HHH is definitely one to stick around, even after retirement. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he just shifted into a general manager position and never actually retires from wrestling completely.

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