Will this be the card (Not a predict the card thread!!!!)

Will this be the WrestleMania 31 card?

  • Yes, seems like it will be the card

  • No,It won't and terrible card

  • Maybe

  • No,but great card

  • Yes,but terrible card

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That N Word

Actively evolving
I was just thinking about how pretty much the whole card seems set now here is what I got:
**(IMO) Locked**
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Roman Reigns (WWE Hvt. title)

Sting vs The Undertaker

The Rock/Batista /w/ Mr. Mc Mahon vs Triple H /w/ Stephanie (Control of WWE) (If it's Batista it will be Career vs Control)

John Cena vs Rusev (c) (US title)

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

** Should be added **

Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt II

Luke Harper vs Bad News Barrett vs Ryback vs Ziggler (IC title)
Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus (heel)


ATGMB II- winner get's an IC title opppurtunity at Extreme Rules

Eve Torrez vs AJ Lee (c) vs Charlotte vs Paige(Diva's title)

(Tag titles) The Accension vs The Uso's vs Gold & Stardust

Do you think this will be the card.... P.S. I will add why later on today because I don't have time now
I agree with the top 4, im not sure if reigns push gets a little slack they may throw rollins or ambrose into title mix, remember cash in aswell.

Good card
I would replace Cena with Ryback, if 'Taker isn't healthy or ready I'd put Cena in his place. Tag titles should be on the main show and what reason do Ambrose/Sheamus and Wyatt/Bryan have for going head-to-head at WrestleMania? I don't honestly think Reigns will be ready but outside of that I wouldn't mind seeing that card. Of course, it makes too much sense for WWE to actually do it.
I like the card, though I doubt we will a fatal 4 way match for the IC title at WM.

Actually I doubt we will get an intercontinental title match at all at Wrestlemania.
Also depending on when Orton comes back I strongly doubt a Randy Orton Vs Seth Rollins match at WM, despite the fact it would tear the house down.

I can see Orton Vs Rollins take place at the Royal Rumble or whatever pay-per-view they are doing in February.
I can see Lesnar/Reigns, Sting/Taker, Cena/Rusev happening.

I doubt The Rock/Batista vs. HHH match at WrestleMania 31 will take place. The Rock got to promote Fast and Furious 7 and film his movie with Kevin Hart. Batista, if he's really involved in the James Bond movie, that movie starts filming in December and movies usually take like 6 months so he may be out too. I guess Orton could replace Batista and Rock.

I also doubt Orton/Rollins happening. If anything, Ambrose vs. Rollins might happen. Similar situation to the adversity Bryan went through to be in the main event last year. Ambrose is 0-2 against Rollins, it wasn't a clean win for Rollins again. Once Ambrose gets past Wyatt, there's time for Rollins and Ambrose to restart their feud.
Seriously I think it's too early to call. It will depends on what happens at the Rumble. Also do they have time to build Reigns up, and what kind of shape will he be in. Would rather see him wait and go for it at Summerslam.

There is the question of Daniel Bryan coming back, Rollins with the briefcase, an Orton face turn and God knows what else. We won't know exactly what the card will look like until the end of January. There are too many if, and's and but's right now.
No, John Cena will not be competing for a secondary worthless title at the biggest Wrestlemania of all time.
Reigns is in no way, shape or form ready to be WWE World Champion. His injury, time off and subsequent time off tv have puit paid to it happenignt at Mania 31.

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