Will there be a Wrestlemania 50?


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So this year WWE celebrated it's 25th Wrestlemania. As far as Wrestlemania cards go I thought it was subpar. Nothing got me really excited. The Michaels-Undertaker match was an instant classic but other than that nothing really stands out. Very forgettable if you ask me. The reason WWE reached 25 Wrestlemanias in the first place is because of guys like Hogan, Savage, Austin, Rock, and the Undertaker. Of course the mind behind all of this was Vince McMahon. Contrary to his own beliefs, Vince will not live forever and soon Stephanie and Paul will have full control and final say on the direction of WWE when Vince officially steps down. Based on how things are going I'm not sure that is a good thing. Do Steph and HHH have the vision and creativity to take the WWE into the future? Right now the WWE is surviving on name and reputation and aging talent. IMO there is no creativity and no vision. Larger than life personas such as Hogan, Austin, and Rock have carried the company over the past 25 years. Hogan started the WM era, then came Austin and Rock. Is there going to be someone of their magnitude to come along and carry the ball? I"m sorry it's not John Cena. Will the company ALLOW new stars to be original and creative. Everything is scripted but these days everything SOUNDS and appears to be scripted. That's not good.

So, what do you think? Will there be a Wrestlemania 50?
I believe yes there will be a Wrestlemania 50.

I agree with everything you said.

And even though Im one of the one's who say that we're not happy with Vince's mentality as of late I still trust the company in his hands than in Trips or Steph's hands.

Even on WWE's weakest year, there is still going to be a WM. They can take out or eliminate ppv's but as long as there's air in WWE's lungs there will be a Wrestlemania. It'll be the last event standing.
the best part of mania 25 for me was seeing austin one last time, other then that, it was a pretty piss poor ppv with the excpetion of taker/hbk, its posible there will be a wrestlemania 50 in 2034, eventually shane or steph is gunna take over, vince cant do it forever and itll all depend on how they run and direct the company
Well there are realy 2 questions here. 1) will WWE be around in 25 years and 2) is fo will it be what it is today or TNA or njpw or even like UFC. In 25 years the sport will change alot. i beleive that vince will make a MMA brance to wwe soon. As for the question i beleive there will but it may not be the same as it is today. If MMA takes over then Wrestlemania will still be there but it ma have some if not all MMA in it or MMA may be a diferent branch. But i will start a thread for that. i beleive Yes there will be a WM 50 but when vince leave the WWE i want shane and stef to control it equaly. i like what shane can do but i dont want HHH still wrestling when steph gets control.
I am willing to bet money that there WILL be a WrestleMania L (roman numeral for 50). Lets look at WWE from a company standpoint. They were able to survive the owner of the company being on trial in the early 90's. Then, they were able to survive the IN-RING death of a performer (Owen Hart) due to a stunt. 8 years later they were able to survive the brutal murder/suicide by one of it's top stars (Benoit). It is starting to seem that the company can survive anything.

Furthermore, When the time comes that Vince McMahon steps away, and Stephanie and Triple H take control of creative, it could actually be a good thing. I remember hearing reports on Wrestlezone a while ago about how Triple and Stephanie would convince Vince to not do some stupid ideas, so maybe they will be better then a 64 year-old Vince. Plus, I do not think Triple H will be wrestling when that happens (at least not as a full-time wrestler). If Triple H isn't wrestling full-time, he would be concentrating fully on creative, and maybe he would actually improve the product.

So, to make a long story short, there DEFINITELY will be a WrestleMania 50. WWE is never going away.
The simple answer to this question is yes. WrestleMania is now established as one of the major events in sports and entertainment world-wide and I think to question whether they will be a Golden Anniversary of WrestleMania in 2034 is kinda stupid.

Maybe the WWE is going down hill a bit at the moment, but the WWE is still the biggest professional wrestling organisation in the world and by quite some margin. And even if the WWE continues to go down-hill over the coming years, WrestleMania will be staged... every year, simply because it's the biggest professional wrestling event in the world.

Just wanna comfirm DMan23, because WrestleMania 25 wasen't as good as previous WrestleManias, and the company is currently going through a difficult period creatively, the future of the event is in doubt?
I think it's fairly safe to say that we will see a Wrestlemania 50. As has been stated, 'Mania is an established PPV event and will continue to air so long as WWE remains in business (and WWE appears to be doing decent business currently)...it doesn't matter how dire the product is, so long as WWE exists so too will Wrestlemania. Plus, I think a lot of people look past the fact that WWE is actually going well at the moment...now they seem to be focusing their energy on the stars of tomorrow and by doing this they are building towards their future (see the pushes currently being received by Morrison, Swagger, Dibiase, Rhodes and so on as well as young main eventers like Cena and Orton) and yes that includes 'Mania 50...
Yes, there will be. This current generation of Cena, Orton, Edge, Punk, Hardy, and so on will get them through what, Wrestlemania 35 at the latest? By then they will have new talent to push, getting the WWE through Wrestlemania 45. And so, and so forth. The only real potential problems are two things:

1) A HUMONGOUS public relations disaster. They've handled racist bookers, in-ring deaths, violent murder-suicides, basically everything you could muster at a company. You would have to conjure up a massive disaster of proportions I couldn't even imagine to knock off the WWE.

2) Stephanie and Trips really do fuck things up. I doubt it, though. Trips is a wrestling man at heart, he couldn't bear to see his livelihood get blown up into a grotesque monster (though a few of you may think it already has). And Stephanie can't be all that bad. At least, not bad enough to wreck the juggernaut that is the WWE.
The simple answer to this question is yes. WrestleMania is now established as one of the major events in sports and entertainment world-wide and I think to question whether they will be a Golden Anniversary of WrestleMania in 2034 is kinda stupid.

Maybe the WWE is going down hill a bit at the moment, but the WWE is still the biggest professional wrestling organisation in the world and by quite some margin. And even if the WWE continues to go down-hill over the coming years, WrestleMania will be staged... every year, simply because it's the biggest professional wrestling event in the world.

Just wanna comfirm DMan23, because WrestleMania 25 wasen't as good as previous WrestleManias, and the company is currently going through a difficult period creatively, the future of the event is in doubt?

No, I did not ask this question because of WM25 but yes somewhat to the current state of the company and the industry as a whole. Remember, during other difficult periods there were still so many possibilities and directions for the company and industry to move in. Now, with WWE basically monopolizing the industry the possibilities of growth and interest COULD be limited. I'm not saying they are or WM 50 won't happen but thought it would make for good discussion.
I'm going to go against the crowd and say no, because I don't believe the WWE will survive for another 25 years. All you need to do is look at what happened with WCW. They went from biggest company in the world to dead within 3 years, in part due to unbelievable stupidity, in part because of the competition, mainly because Ted Turner decided he'd had enough. The WWF nearly suffered the same fate when the competition was too much.
When Vince is gone and the competition is there, the WWE will fold like a deck of cards because I don't think Steph or Shane have the love for the business.
It all comes down to how things are run after Vince's death. There could be a power struggle between Shane and Steph/Trips which could get ugly. But I don't think that'd be bad enough to actually make the WWE collapse.
There will never be a problem with the amount of fans they can draw. Hell, most of us will probably be watching Wrestlemania 50, smiling through every moment of it and marking out for our favourites at the time. WWE will still be drawing in 25 years.
Like Razorback has said, considering what WWE has gone through in the media, I don't think there's anything huge enough to stop WWE. Unless perhaps, it turns out that Vince Mcmahon is somehow dealing nukes to the North Koreans. But I don't see that happening, I hear Mcmahon is pretty patriotic....

It all comes down to how WWE is run when Vince dies. But I think it's in safe hands with Trips and (to a lesser extent...) Steph. And anyway, Vince is supposedly "killing" the WWE now. If this is the WWE being killed, it'll definately be around for years when it's not being killed ;)
I'm going to go against the crowd and say no, because I don't believe the WWE will survive for another 25 years. All you need to do is look at what happened with WCW. They went from biggest company in the world to dead within 3 years, in part due to unbelievable stupidity, in part because of the competition, mainly because Ted Turner decided he'd had enough. The WWF nearly suffered the same fate when the competition was too much.

I've really enjoyed your posts thus far on this forum Loveless, but you're quite wrong here. The WCW didn't die because of "unbelievable stupidity", competition, or Ted Turner. None of those three things had anything to do with why WCW went out of business. AOL/Time Warner no longer had any interest in operating a wrestling company, and killed WCW because of it. As bad as WCW was towards the end there, people don't realize just how good their worst ratings were in comparison to most television shows. Any network would be lucky as hell to have a program like Nitro with a built-in automatic fanbase scoring ratings in the 2's. That's a good god damn TV rating, and if people would just stop comparing WCW's ratings to the WWF's at the time, they'd realize this.

Another thing though that makes these two scenarios completely different, is that the people who ran WCW at the time didn't actually own the company. AOL/Time Warner did. Vince McMahon owns the WWE, and thus, as long as the McMahon family has money and enjoys making more of said money, the WWE will live on.

When Vince is gone and the competition is there, the WWE will fold like a deck of cards because I don't think Steph or Shane have the love for the business.

That's not going to happen. Again, the WWE is a multi-billion dollar company that is among the very few industries that haven't been seriously hurt by the economic crisis in America at the moment. The ONLY way the WWE is going to fold is if the McMahon family suddenly decides they don't like making money anymore--- which obviously isn't going to happen.

And I'm not sure where you get the idea that Steph and Shane don't have love for the business. They've spent their entire lives surrounded by it, and have whole-heartedly involved themselves in the family business. They most certainly do have love for the industry, do you think they'd have become on-air characters if they didn't? I don't think Shane-O-Mac would be making 30 foot drops from a titan tron if he didn't have a passion for the business. That kid (well he's a man now really) always put his body on the line when he wrestled those gimmick matches, and you can tell he loved every minute of it.

The WWE will be fine for the foreseeable future barring some kind of mega-event like the entire McMahon family dying in a plane crash or something, and even then I'm sure the company would forge on.

I don't understand how people can think the WWE is going to go out of business. That's like saying the AFL is going to put the NFL out of business sometime soon; how can you possibly take that notion seriously? It's not going to happen. The WWE is now not only a wrestling promotion, it's a monopoly.

I'd like to hear a serious argument for how the WWE is going to fail in the coming years, because I don't see it happening. Not only will there be a Wrestlemania 50, I'd go so far as to say there will be a Wrestlemania 100. People thought the NBA and NFL were going to fail eventually too, but obviously that hasn't happened. If the MLB can do it for nearly 150 years, why can't the WWE?
AOL/Time Warner no longer had any interest in operating a wrestling company, and killed WCW because of it.

Why was that? I have to imagine that if the WCW was making enough money, AOL would have wanted to keep hold of it

As bad as WCW was towards the end there, people don't realize just how good their worst ratings were in comparison to most television shows. Any network would be lucky as hell to have a program like Nitro with a built-in automatic fanbase scoring ratings in the 2's. That's a good god damn TV rating, and if people would just stop comparing WCW's ratings to the WWF's at the time, they'd realize this.

I thought

Ratings = Money

So if their ratings were good enough, they wouldn't have been dropped. I've seen WCW's ratings and they weren't that great, certainly not enough for their running costs.

as long as the McMahon family has money and enjoys making more of said money, the WWE will live on.

This is the WWE that nearly folded not that long ago. I could see a scenario where they're facing WCW levels of competition at some point in the future, losing money and Steph and Shane say "Cut our losses while we've still got some money left" This brings me onto my next point...

And I'm not sure where you get the idea that Steph and Shane don't have love for the business. They've spent their entire lives surrounded by it, and have whole-heartedly involved themselves in the family business. They most certainly do have love for the industry, do you think they'd have become on-air characters if they didn't? I don't think Shane-O-Mac would be making 30 foot drops from a titan tron if he didn't have a passion for the business. That kid (well he's a man now really) always put his body on the line when he wrestled those gimmick matches, and you can tell he loved every minute of it.

I mean in comparison to Vince. I do think Shane enjoys it but I believe I heard that he's not interested in being the main man and would rather spend time with his family.
As for Steph, I think she likes the business and money side but I'm not convinced she's into anything else. Even HHH is said to be less than interested in the product when he's not personally involved.
A lot can happen in 25 years and you don't need to look far back to see how quickly things can go wrong.
I don't see why not.

I wonder if Vince thought that Wrestlemania would last 25 years? No matter, it did and we all had to deal with Kid Rock because of it. Nevertheless, I would say that as long as the WWE exists then there will always be a Wrestlemania event to look forward to at the end of the year. So, by that logic, I am saying that if WWE manages to continue on for the next 25 years, then their will most certainly be a Wrestlemania 50.

The only thing is, how many people do you think you will know if it does make it another 25 years? Seriously, no person that is in the company right now will be wrestling come Wrestlemania 50. So that begs the question, do you think you will be watching when Wrestlemania 50 rolls around. Seriously, I am thinking of stopping watching wrestling when people like Taker, Triple H, Michaels and Cena decide to go the way of Ol' Yeller. It's a shame but the WWE will never be as attractive to me as when it was the Attitude Era. What it desperately needs is a few characters that stand out to make it entertaining again.

I think there will be but I doubt I will be watching it really.
Why was that? I have to imagine that if the WCW was making enough money, AOL would have wanted to keep hold of it

AOL/Time Warner didn't like wrestling though. They didn't think it went along the lines of their "image", and unless WCW was making twice what the WWF was at the time, there was just no way they were going to hold onto it. It had nothing to do with the ratings, again.

You're forgetting one very important factor here too: AOL/Time Warner didn't have to kill WCW. They could have sold it to Eric Bischoff when he came around with a more than reasonable offer for the company; they didn't want that. They wanted it dead. Thus, they sold it to the one man they KNEW would kill it: Vince McMahon.

I thought

Ratings = Money

Who gave you that idea? Ratings don't always equal financial gain, simply having viewers watch your program doesn't put money in your pocket. You have to convince the viewer to actually put down their money to buy your products.

The ratings themselves though are very good in comparison to the majority of television shows. Any show would be lucky as hell to attract ratings in the 2's on a weekly basis, and that was WCW at it's lowest ratings. You have to remember that AOL/Time Warner owned WCW at this point, not Ted Turner or TNT.

This is the WWE that nearly folded not that long ago. I could see a scenario where they're facing WCW levels of competition at some point in the future, losing money and Steph and Shane say "Cut our losses while we've still got some money left" This brings me onto my next point...

The WWE is radically different from what it was in 1995 when they "almost" went out of business. They weren't a multimedia powerhouse like they are now. Hulkamania may have gotten the WWF off it's feet, but the Attitude Era is what made it into the juggernaut it is now.

What promotion is going to be able to compete with the WWE? The only promotion with any shot at it is TNA, and let's be real, unless they REALLY change their business, that's not going to happen. TNA may have a weekly TV show, but they struggle to fill up venues half the size of a small WWE house show.
LOL this is hilarious with UFC100 and go on 101 and Superbowl 44 coming up I don't see WM50 at all happening hehhe hell no with 2012 upon us we might not be around
Already WM25 sucked big time with 3 matches being excellent
I see WWE going bankrupt and TNA being the future of Wrestling and UFC buying out WWE hoping Dana White can manage it if not it might be a revenge match when Ted Turner steps in with Donald Trump and buys WWE out lol that would be awesome hehehe
But seeing the decline in WWE ppvs and UFC increasing with UFC marketing now like WWE with videogames and action figures geeeeez UFC action figures???
One other thing, UFC is starting to equal the WWE in PPV's as well this is a huge loss to Vinnie Mac.He needs to make wrestling REAL or he ll lose out to the competition UFC is in and they'll take over in 2 years time or sooner
UFC did about 5,225,000 in domestic buys with a total gross revenue for PPV events of $222,766,000. The 10 live PPV shows did over $40 million.
UFC will indeed surpass WWE evntually and surely
I think there will be a wrestlemania 50. However if the company doesnt improve and stays the same way it is now. I cant imagine that I will be watching wrestling. WWE is getting hard to watch as of the moment. I suspect down the line TNA Im predicting within 5-10 years will be competition to WWE and there will be a 2nd attitude era. I dont think WWE will die though. TNA will never take over WWE the best they can do is contend with WWE.. After the 2nd wave of competition happens. I really dont know what WWE will do next..

To anwser your question.. yes there will be a wrestlemania 50. But by then unless WWE improves their product I may no longer be a fan
I believe there will be a WM 50. Believe it or not, Cena is this era's Hogan, Austin, and Rock. Soon, HBK and Taker are leaving, and WWE has been trying their best to fill their places. It's just a cycle. Within the past 3 years, we've seen Edge, Punk, Orton, Mysterio, Hardys, and Henry step up to the plate. That'll keep WWE busy until Triple H, Batista, and Kane retire. Then that's when Swagger, Morrison, Kingston, and Benjamin will go up. Believe it or not, there is actually talent in WWE. It'll get cycled around for the next 50 years.

However, I think the only threat to WWE is UFC.
Who really knows for sure. I think that it will however it will not be as popular as now. It has been weakest now then it has ever been. It needs alot of work to survive and if it does THEN there will be a WM 50.
As long as there are wrestling fans, WWE will still be viable and WrestleMania, the grandaddy of the WWE universe will still be there.

That assuming that something drastic in the world doesn't happen b4 then Oooo.,

Another question would be will TNA still be around by then I doubt it....
Yes there will be!

By that point Shane and Stephanie will be running the company!

The company has expanded enormously since the first Wrestlemania, to the extent where there will be a fan base for a long, long time!!

WWE do need to create some heavy stars because HHH, Taker, HBK will not be around wrestling for longer than 3-5 more years id say at the maximum!

They would better hope to create another Hulk Hogan, Rock or Steve Austin in the near future.. as good as Cena is..he doesn't have the status of those 3 aforementioned guys!

But i do think there will be a Wrestlemania 50!

The product and the company have become too big for that not to happen...
I'm pretty damn sure there will be a WM 50. WWE will nevergo out of business. At the moment it's not doing as great as it has in the past, but look at the economic climate at the moment. There are very very few businesses who haven't been affected, why should WWE be any different? Wrestling will go up again soon, then it might go down again. That's something that can be expected. But WM is a huge event, even those who don't buy any other PPV buy Wrestlemania, and that won't stop.
Here we are. Another thread, another RKOLEGACYRULZ post that doesn't make any sense. Well. Let's get at it.

LOL this is hilarious with UFC100 and go on 101 and Superbowl 44 coming up I don't see WM50 at all happening

I don't understand at all how these events mean the WWE can't make it. If anything, Super Bowl 44 is a mark of what the WWE can achieve.

hehhe hell no with 2012 upon us we might not be around

Yep. Because when the Mayan calendar stops our world must be ending.

Already WM25 sucked big time with 3 matches being excellent

It wasn't all that bad.

I see WWE going bankrupt

Let me guess, because UFC will buy them up but not TNA. That makes tons of sense.

and TNA being the future of Wrestling


and UFC buying out WWE hoping Dana White can manage it

Why would Dana White want the WWE but not TNA?

if not it might be a revenge match when Ted Turner steps in with Donald Trump and buys WWE out lol that would be awesome hehehe


But seeing the decline in WWE ppvs and UFC increasing with UFC marketing now like WWE with videogames and action figures geeeeez UFC action figures???

And you claim that WWE is copying the UFC. Seems to me like they're following any sound business strategy, just as the WWE did.

One other thing, UFC is starting to equal the WWE in PPV's as well this is a huge loss to Vinnie Mac.He needs to make wrestling REAL or he ll lose out to the competition UFC is in and they'll take over in 2 years time or sooner
UFC did about 5,225,000 in domestic buys with a total gross revenue for PPV events of $222,766,000. The 10 live PPV shows did over $40 million.

Not this shit again. Didn't I already tell you you were wrong? The UFC is selling a different product to a different demographic than the WWE. Neither company cares about the other.

UFC will indeed surpass WWE evntually and surely

OK. That just means that they did well as a business and really nailed their demographic. Good thing that means the WWE still has the child and pre-teen demographic to work with. Oh, wait. That's the demographic the WWE is aiming for.

If the UFC grows as a business, that doesn't in any way mean the end of the WWE. Not at all.

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