Will The Rock ever return?

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Right ive been wondering for a long time now, when will The Rock return? He's been out for a damn long time, and I think he should return full time, not just for one Wrestlemania match because after that...he's gone and it sucks. So does anyone know anything about him returning? l8az
He wont return.

He is a very successful actor now, he has no reason to return, he came to wrestling, he saw wrestling and he conquered wrestling.

plus, did anyone notice he seems to be trying to drop the name "The Rock"?

In his past movies he has been called "The Rock" for his credits, but in the very newest one (That football one, cant remember the name) he went as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

But then again, maybe its just like Jesse Ventura.. who knows, all i know is Rock will never return FULL TIME as a wrestler, it would be nice to see him come back and do a match with HBK or something, but thats all he might do, a one-three match return probably
Firstly, He is not a succesful actor. I mean common, his films are good...but he's not one of the top men in hollywood. Most people still know him for his wrestling skills, not his acting skills...as entertaining as he may be. Hopefully he will be back for Wrestlemania, and stick around for a while...but...that's just a pipedream. We know where his priorities lie.
I don't see why he would return, I wish he would even if it were for only a few weeks or something, but really wat motivation does he have to return, he doesn't need the money, and I'm assuming that with the movie career he sees his wife and kid more often, and as for as being a succesful actor, he's been doing movie after movie latley so he must be doing something right otherwise why would hoolywood keep knocking on his door, and keep in mind he's not doing crappy movies like Mr. Nanny and Surban Commando like Hogan did he's doing decent shit like the Rundown, Girdiron Gang, and Be Cool

Rock may return for a couple of apperances when his movie career dies down but other dthen that I don't see him coming back
Doom bombed, welcome to the jungle barely made it, and walking tall sucked aswell so i dont consider him a great movie star just good but as a wrestler he was right up there but as i've heard people the rock is the biggest waste of talent to grace a WWE ring
As much as i was a rock fan i really doubt he'll return due to the fact he can make more money making movies than he can wrestling and since he's already said it he wants to be there for his wife Dani and his Daughter so i really don't see a return anytime soon
I want the rock to come back ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
if you smell howmuchmoremoneytherockismakinginmoviestheninwrestling

He wont be back

Lots more$$$ in movies+easy lifestyle=No rock in wwe
He and HHH don't get along. I want him back, but because of that, he won't be back.
I dont think he will. He's got a lot going for him in Hollywood I dont think he would see a reason to return.
I would not expect him back until he has burnt all his bridges in Hollywood and even then i would guess a small run and maybe a hall of fame at Wrestlemania 25 or 30.
This summer, they have a Three-Disc Rock DVD coming out. i'm sure WWE will be trying really hard to get Rocky to come in and maybe ref a big match or something. Seeing as they brought in Dusty Rhodes, Jake Roberts, and Roddy Piper to sell their respective DVDs. Be kinda cool to see him back...
Im sure he wants to be taking seriously as an actor. A lotmedia dont respect the wrestling buisiness.
dont get me wrong i think rock is a better wrestler but he is makin way to much money to ever be fulltime... i think he should be a wreslter first and then when called for a movie jsut go do the movie then go back to wrstling... making even more money... but i relaly wish he'd return as a wrestler..
i have heard that in a an interview rock said he would come back if vince gave him a real good contract and a storyline with someone that was worth it
I do want The Rock to come back, but he's doing just fine as an actor. He's the only one to make a successful transition from a wrestler to an actor. We should give him a lotta credit for it.

BTW, 'Walking Tall' did very well at the box office. In fact, it was his highest grossing film to date.
I would be interested to see how his in ring skills are at the moment. The demand is there to see him but he once said that he would never work for Vince McMahon again so I guess it's just another legend who was pissed off by Vince McMahon a while back. I think that his interest in wrestling is gone so really the only reason he'd come back is if he desperately needed the money which doesn't look like the case. I see him only involved in a hall of fame ceremony or even a guest appearance at a Wrestlemania in the future but right now, his priorities seem far from the wrestling world. We all hope he comes back, but it is very doubtful.
The Rock should come back to wrestling. His movies are pretty good but that is only because of his wrestling ability. Until he completely sheds his wrestling persona, he owes us fans one more match. I don't care if it's WWE, TNA, or Japan, I just wanna here him say, If you smellllllllllllll what the Rock is cookin!
:wwf: will like for the to come back to
but what if he has his own show
that wood be good
Honestly I don't see him coming back. He should (even though I never really liked him), because I think he owes the WWE something for making him the big star that he is today. He's an athletic guy, so I'm sure his in-ring skills haven't left him completely. I think he should come back and do a match with the biggest star right now (unfortunately, that would be Cena). That would make some money, and it would be a way for him to pass the torch.
Yeah I'd love it if The Rock came back but I highly doubt he will. Vince isn't going to offer him a huge contract anyway. Vince could probably care less if he ever comes back or not because he's got Johhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenaaaaaaaaaaaaa (sarcastic).

I'm sure he will be inducted into the HOF someday and he would come in for that I'm sure and appear at WM the next night but as far as a wrestling return goes I don't see it happening.
All you guys do know that the wwe are doing a three disc special Dvd entitled

The rock's Greatest matches

since that's gonna happen i expect to see him sooner or later to pick his greatest matches out and have some interviewing.

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