Will The Rock be used as a Sacrificial Lamb/Sacrificial Brahma Bull?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The Rock is going to be hosting Wrestlemania 27. That much is true.
But what is the reason for WWE bringing in The Rock? Just to sell a few extra tickets? Just to get a brief jump in ratings?

The Rock is a movie star now, not a wrestler. He currently has three movies in production, including Fast Five which is in post-production.

I think Vince knew the type of reaction The Rock was going to get and The Rock had an agenda last night. The Rock was out there to bury Cena.
Why would you use one of your biggest legends, as a baby face, to bury one of your future legends whose a babyface as well? My thinking is that Wrestlemania will not be big enough for two baby faces of their calibur.

Just like Hogan turned face, when he faced Rock at WM, I believe the ground work is being set for Cena to turn heel at WM 27.

How does he do it though?

Well, I remember a while back when Bret Hart was in the picture, people thought if Cena turned on the vulnerable Hart, this would be a good way to turn him heel. It's going to take a lot to make people start hating Cena. I am still hesitant WWE will do it, I'm not sure they could do it as a PG brand.

It's also risky. Cena turning heel in a shocking way could turn kids off from WWE (then again, may be not.)

What my thought is, is that Cena will brutally attack The Rock at Wrestlemania. And align with some sort of higher power, like whoever the GM is. Unlike Bret Hart, Cena has a reason to hate The Rock now. The years of constant boos have weighed heavily on Cena and he knows it's because he could never live up to the likes of The Rock/Austin.

So nows his chance to do away with The Rock. Beat him so badly, we won't see The Rock on WWE for a longggggg time (since that will be the case anyway.) This also could set up for a match between Rock and Cena down the road, such as WM 28, or even a Summer Slam in 2012.

Either way, it gets Cena over as a heel and leaves the door open for another Rock return where he will go one on one with Cena.

So yeah, I think Cena might do something shocking to get rid of The Rock and cement his place as top heel in the WWE. And if that does happen, and Randy Orton steps up as the baby face to take Cena down, then it will suck. What, is Cena going to be the one kicking people in the skulls then? Crawling around like a garden snake.

Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure there will be some type of altercation at WM 27 involving The Rock. One of those, The Rock gets in his car and an unknown assailant drops a heavy object on it. May be the even show Cena do it.

I will be interested to see what does conspire, good or bad.
I don't know how it will all take place. But one thing I DO know, if they were to have a match at Mania, John Cena would definitely come out as the winner.
I'm really hoping The Rock has some sort of envolvement in a Cena vs Miz match at Mania. It would make sense as he said he wants to see them both at the show. I don't really see how that would go about though to be honest. Hopefully the crowd will give us a crazy epic pop at Mania for him.

I like your ideas though very interesting. I don't see it though. I think Cena Rock is definetely the way there going though because even Cena was talking about the guest host earlier in the night. Seems like they're building things up. Maybe The Rock could be guest ref or special enforcer.
That much is true, Cena would win by one method or the other. As I saw KB say, only one of two things will happen if it continues.

Either we will have a re-hash of Hogan v Rock where the newer star has to wade through the boos of the fans who opt for the more old school wrestler, to a hard-fought victory where people come to respect that he won and accept his place in the company.

It is either this or Cena does actually turn heel. In either eventuality Cena would win and get a gigantic rub by beating the people's champ. It it does happen it can only be a good thing to propel the company and Cena forward in the future.
It makes no sense, even though I am a die hard Rock fan, and almost HATE John Cena, for The Rock to beat Cena, come out looking better then him, and then leave.

It really does nothing for the future of WWE. John Cena would need to win the thing overall for it to be a positive for the company and it's Top Star.
All of us are wondering what will happen next. That's the main reason why we tune in every Monday and Friday night. We want to be amused. Instead of arguing and getting angry with each other, just anticipate the future with hope and speculation. No one has any idea what the Creative Team is coming up with. It's hilarious to see people fighting over sports-entertainment. Yes, wrestling is real but it's also scripted; everyone knows that.

The Rock took a part of the Attitude era last night on Raw and brought it together with today's targeted generation. Those who have been watching wrestling for over 15 years, including myself, know that what we're seeing now will never live up to what we experienced when we were younger. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Although Superstars like The Rock and Stone Cold are getting older, they helped build this company and us older fans are more than excited to see the guys we looked up to still get in that ring. Today's talent will not be buried by bringing in a few Legends. If anything, it will make them stronger.

It's all about product consumption. We can't judge either The Rock or John Cena as people based off of something written down on a piece of paper for our entertainment. Their characters are created from scratch, from a concept in their heads. They're just like everyone else in the sense that they want to make a living for themselves and for their families; except they get paid more money than you and I will ever receive. In all likelihood, no one will chant your name in an arena filled with thousands of people. Vince McMahon is a millionaire because of us. And he knows how to pull the strings. He's a capitalist genius.

I don't know about you, but I felt like a kid again watching my idol do what he does best. The Rock could have verbally attacked the Miz or even CM Punk for that matter, but John Cena was chosen for a reason. I could care less about your opinions of Cena as a whole. As The Rock would say, "It doesn't matter what you think!" From a marketer's point of view, he sells. Hulk Hogan passed the torch to The Rock at Wrestlemania 18 and now The Rock will give it to John Cena in the near future.
I don't think the Rock will be wrestling. He's not going to host and compete in mania.
And he's not going to face Cena at the PPV after Mania.

I think he will host Mania and either come out and confront Cena when he wins the title, have a stare down - only to shake his hand yadda yadda yadda.

Or, Cena will turn heel by aligning himself with Vince, GM, whoever ... and for it to be enough for the kids to hate Cena, The Rock will be sacrificed so to speak.

Cena can't just say "I'm a bad guy now, I hate you idiots." He's gotta go strong or not go at all. An attitude adjustment to Randy Orton is not going to turn him. Cena needs a good reason to turn heel.

I expect to be involved at Mania some how, and it doesn't make sense for him to at Miz/Punk because he's made it clear ... he does not like John Cena.

But I defintely don't expect a match between the two. I see people saying "Miz/Morrison" ... I don't believe that. I think it's gonna be Miz/Cena and some how The Rock and Anon GM will be involved.

No match between Cena/Rock makes it more likely that Cena will turn heel, otherwise why did The Rock come out and bury him?
Instead of arguing and getting angry with each other, just anticipate the future with hope and speculation.

Whose fighting? There is no fighting in the prison! We are a peaceful people, heh.

We are just discussing what each of us think will happen.

My prediction is that The Rock is used to make Cena a heel at WM. How it's done, I don't know. But I feel that's what things are leading up too.
I also do not expect a match between Cena/Rock. Though if Rock is attacked by Cena and unknown sources, it leaves the door open for an actual Cena/Rock showdown in a year, two years ... even three years.

The Rock didn't say he'd never leave again. He said he'll never leave ... he said the fans have been with him all along the past 7 years, meaning he feels he never left. He'll always be involved with WWE some how, the same way Austin is.

But like Austin, this guys focus is movies, and he's probably better at finding work in movies then any other wrestler has been.

So yeah, that's how I see it.
The Rock was officially trying to tell people that liking John Cena is not cool and he does not compare to he and Austin.

It still is sort of weird. I can't wait to see where they go with this. I see no reason for The Rock just randomly shoot a load all over what Cena is about, if there isn't some kind of change coming for John Cena now. Maybe WWE has decided it is time to do something else with him finally.
I wonder if Rock shows up at next week's RAW being that's in Fresno and he doesn't even need to leave Cali.

I have a feeling we definitely will be hearing Rocky chants now until Wrestlemania.

I guess WWE will combat that with the returns of HHH/Taker.
Things are shaping up to be much bigger then expected. I love The Road To Wrestlemania, it is the best time to be a WWE fan.
Am I the only one who doesn't think he's leaving?

i know he's an actor but you can take time off from making movies as well as take time off from wrestling. He's still in great shape and after hearing the pop he got after 7 years imagine that every week. He can bring back old fans and make new ones. The fact that he signed a contract is another indicator. If it was just 1 or 2 apperances I seriously don't think they would have him sign a contract. A liability waiver sure but not a contract.

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