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Will The Miz's "Shoot" On Daniel Bryan Lead To Anything?


The "shoot" interview with Miz going off on Daniel Bryan on this week's episode of Talking Smack has been generating a lot of buzz. Miz delivered an extremely raw, passionate promo, one of the better promos I've seen in a good long while, and possibly the best promo of his entire career. Miz "ripped" into Bryan when Bryan said that Miz wrestled like a coward after stating that he didn't respect Miz and that, back in his indie days, he viewed Miz as a classic example of a "soft" WWE wrestler. The Miz responded, in part, with a counterpoint to Bryan's assessment in which he says he can and has wrestled for 10+ years and hasn't been injured instead of being out for 6 months to a year. Miz called Bryan a coward by saying that if he really loved wrestling as much as he says he does, he should quit WWE and go back to the "bingo halls." Miz went on a tirade in which Bryan walked off camera and continued to rail against him for about another minute or so. You can look it up on YouTube or various sites if you haven't seen it yet, it's worth a look.

Even though it was a worked shoot, I'm sure that there was some legitimacy in there for Miz because he's heard internet fans and indie wrestlers criticize him for years for not being a good wrestler and he had an opportunity to lash out. While it was worked, I do think Miz brought up some great points; he's made a lot of money for himself and WWE over the years, he's never been out with any sort of significant injury and he's worked hard over the years to be a good wrestler. He's not Rollins or Balor or Bryan, he doesn't have that ability, but that doesn't mean he isn't a good wrestler.

At any rate, I'm wondering where, if anywhere, WWE is going with this whole situation. All this has led to speculation ranging from Bryan returning to the ring to mentoring someone to take the IC title from Miz to even bringing in a "hired gun" to take the title from Miz. I'm hoping that they don't just gloss over this on SmackDown Live as though it didn't happen just because it was on Talking Smack rather than SDL itself.
I'd love it to mean a return to the ring for Daniel Bryan, but I just can't see it. WWE give him quite a send off for his retirement, plus his documentary is coming out soon. I think it's too much to do all that then have him start wrestling again. One thing that did almost have me believing he may make a return to the ring was Bryan constantly saying "they made me retire" or "they won't let me wrestle". It's almost like he's making that into an angle, even though he's said it was a decision he made to stop wrestling. I wonder if there's more to that.....

I have always liked The Miz and hope he goes places with this. He was a very poorly booked WWE Champion (well, one of many") and I've always felt he deserved to be given more to work with. His stuff of late has been decent and if it gives him more exposure as a heel to be working against Daniel Bryan in some capacity then I'm all for that.

In his interview with Michael Cole a few days ago, DB was talking about guys from NXT who should already be on the main roster like Nakamura, Joe etc. I think we may see him promote one of those guys to challenge Miz and have Bryan manage him.
There has always been an interesting dynamic between these two. This goes all the way back to the original NXT concept. I am greatly looking forward to this next potential involvement between the two. It has been a while since a face authority figure has tangled with a heel....... Thinking about it the face/heel dynamic might be little blured here at times. Especially since the Brand Split took place Bryan has been much more controversial and at times directed down right harsh towards others. When it comes to Miz Bryan has been very outspoken in his feelings towards the IC Champion. No denying Miz has an attitude but Bryan has been a borderline bully. This eventually caused Miz to lose it and stick up for himself in the form of a magnificent verbal assault. It will be interesting to see this play out as most of the wrestling world eagerly awaits Tuesday night.
I'm hoping this leads to Miz running through every challenger before one of two things happens.

1. Daniel Bryan is able to get the WWE to clear him for "One More Match" and he takes on The Miz. If he wins, Miz is stripped of the IC Title, if Miz wins, Bryan leaves Smackdown as GM. Bryan ends up winning and holds a tournament for the title or a battle royal.

2. Daniel Bryan announces the Miz will have a mystery opponent at Survivor Series. Miz is cocky about defending the title, and when his opponent is revealed, it's Samoa Joe. Joe and Miz have a good match with Joe finally dethroning The Miz.

I'd have chosen Nakamura, but he's going to be in NXT I think until the earliest, Royal Rumble.

I really hope this shows us a different side of The Miz and he's able to capitalize and turn it into a major push.
The combination of Brock taking out DB's boss, Brock's clear heel turn, and this promo has me salivating for a DB one night return to face Brock at Mania. Facing Brock is the antithesis of being cowardly. Especially for someone with DB's "health history" and stature. But it's the biggest money match WWE could possibly have. DB doesn't even have to win. All he has to do is make Brock look vulnerable to a "real wrestler" and he sets up the next guy to finally take Brock down. Or maybe DB gets the rub. That wouldn't be any more surprising than when Brock broke Undertaker's streak.

But that's a pipe dream and I have no knowledge of DB's health to say it could happen. But if he is going to compete again there is no reason that wrestling Brock and Brock's style is any more dangerous than anyone else despite popular opinion. Which brings me to my next point...

While Miz has a decent track record of staying healthy, his competitors have not. It is kind of a running joke and sort of unfair, but until Seth "whiplash" Rollins came around Miz was the guy to blame when someone got hurt. DB could have gone there with their back and forth but clearly the script did not call for it.

So if I had to bet my guess would be that DB begins to have a bit of a vendetta against and uses his power to put Miz in matches that Miz does not want to be in and WWE keeps trying to get us to go to their network. Nothing more than that. I hope my bet is wrong. I would love to see DB become a special attraction but it is doubtful. He doesn't look to be close to his wrestling size as it is, not that that was even that big.
Anything with Bryan? Maybe

Anything with Miz and Bryan? No

There are reports that they are thinking of allowing Daniel Bryan to have acctuall wrestling match. And with all due respect to Miz, dont think they would waste one more Bryan match on him. WWE would want something big for that occasion and dont think they think on Miz as big thing when they could even use Bryan against Lesnar, for example.
DB at Mania would be cool but I dont think it will ever be Brock. Brock is wrapped with Shane next year too, but yeah as much as I actually did wanna see this DB/Brock is for the consoles now.

Miz and Rusev are prolly one of the best tandem US/IC Heel champions since both the belts existed together. And I think Miz can build on this and actually be DB's one more match.

That's where I see it going.

Hopefully atleast.
Even with Bryan retiring I always saw WWE giving him a handful of matches the same way Foley did after his retirement. We could probably see Lesnar vs. Bryan at WM33 due to what happened at Summer Slam, of course the problem here is that with Bryan's concussion issues and Lesnar giving Taker a concussion at WM30 and how physical Lesnar WWE might not want to do a Lesnar vs. Bryan match.

That said it's only a matter of time until Bryan returns to the ring, I don't see it as a full time gig but with guys like Taker getting old and Triple H having more backstage responsibilities WWE needs some drawing ability until the current roster of Owens, Zayn, Rollins, Reigns, Balor, Nakamura, and others are able to draw on their own.

DB at Mania would be cool but I dont think it will ever be Brock. Brock is wrapped with Shane next year too, but yeah as much as I actually did wanna see this DB/Brock is for the consoles now.

Miz and Rusev are prolly one of the best tandem US/IC Heel champions since both the belts existed together. And I think Miz can build on this and actually be DB's one more match.

That's where I see it going.

Hopefully atleast.

Brock actually has a lot more dates for 2016 I believe. He's worked 2 matches since April (which I assume is when he renewed his last contract) so, based the number of matches he had from April 2015 to before WM, he probably has 4 matches left before WM33 he can work with Orton and Shane before that event.

I am looking at Lesnar's possible opponents at WM33 and the ones I can see work for Lesnar is possibly AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, John Cena, or The Rock. I seriously doubt The Rock will return to an actual match and I am willing to be Cena vs. Taker will happen next year in some Title vs. Career Match. Styles and Jericho are possible opponents for Lesnar but both are probably going to stay as heel so it would make Bryan the best option.
The combination of Brock taking out DB's boss, Brock's clear heel turn, and this promo has me salivating for a DB one night return to face Brock at Mania. Facing Brock is the antithesis of being cowardly. Especially for someone with DB's "health history" and stature. But it's the biggest money match WWE could possibly have. DB doesn't even have to win. All he has to do is make Brock look vulnerable to a "real wrestler" and he sets up the next guy to finally take Brock down. Or maybe DB gets the rub. That wouldn't be any more surprising than when Brock broke Undertaker's streak.

But that's a pipe dream and I have no knowledge of DB's health to say it could happen. But if he is going to compete again there is no reason that wrestling Brock and Brock's style is any more dangerous than anyone else despite popular opinion. Which brings me to my next point...

While Miz has a decent track record of staying healthy, his competitors have not. It is kind of a running joke and sort of unfair, but until Seth "whiplash" Rollins came around Miz was the guy to blame when someone got hurt. DB could have gone there with their back and forth but clearly the script did not call for it.

So if I had to bet my guess would be that DB begins to have a bit of a vendetta against and uses his power to put Miz in matches that Miz does not want to be in and WWE keeps trying to get us to go to their network. Nothing more than that. I hope my bet is wrong. I would love to see DB become a special attraction but it is doubtful. He doesn't look to be close to his wrestling size as it is, not that that was even that big.

So, your theoretical plan is that Daniel Bryan is cleared for one match, comes back, and loses to Brock Lesnar? That may be the single worst idea ever.
So, your theoretical plan is that Daniel Bryan is cleared for one match, comes back, and loses to Brock Lesnar? That may be the single worst idea ever.

If anything I am guessing Miz works with Bryan first and then works with Lesnar after. As for winning or losing while Lesnar winning the match makes sense, Bryan winning the 1st match and lose the 2nd could also happen.

Now I know Lesnar losing to Bryan might be unrealistic but we've seen Lesnar lose at UFC and Taker did beat Lesnar at Summer Slam. It's no less realistic than someone like Benoit eliminating The Big Show at the Rumble, Eddie beating Brock, and Sean Waltman beating Razor Ramon. As long as WWE can find a creative and believable finish it could work.
So, your theoretical plan is that Daniel Bryan is cleared for one match, comes back, and loses to Brock Lesnar? That may be the single worst idea ever.

No, the worst idea ever is any time anyone engages you in a discussion.

I don't know DB's health and neither do you. I'm not sure if DB knows his own health. I can tell you that WWE typically tries to save big events for Mania. Daniel Bryan's return is a big event. Daniel Bryan returning at Mania makes it a bigger event. Daniel Bryan returning at Mania to face a heel Brock Lesnar is off the charts huge.

The result of the match is irrelevant. WWE has everyone's money regardless. DB doesn't need the win. He is an established attraction. If this is a one time match it is absolutely pointless for him to win. You having to buy new underpants after the site of DB winning does not benefit WWE. There is no money in DB winning and then retiring and WWE's monster heel of all heels being exposed as beatable with one year left on his very expensive contract.

I accept your apology. I know you can't help yourself.
That worked shoot was for the benefit of the Miz and the Miz alone. Look, since the split, what has Miz really done? Basically bupkis. They NEEDED to do something for him. So, hence this big hubbub with DBry. Look at the mileage this is getting? If Miz had pulled that with Cena, Styles or Ambrose, nobody would give a shit. DBry is a RETIRED wrestler. For Miz to have gone off on someone who CANNOT fight back or have a match with, it makes the fireball go aglow on him. This worked shoot was brilliant. Only problem is, will Creative capitalize on it?
No, the worst idea ever is any time anyone engages you in a discussion.

I don't know DB's health and neither do you. I'm not sure if DB knows his own health. I can tell you that WWE typically tries to save big events for Mania. Daniel Bryan's return is a big event. Daniel Bryan returning at Mania makes it a bigger event. Daniel Bryan returning at Mania to face a heel Brock Lesnar is off the charts huge.

The result of the match is irrelevant. WWE has everyone's money regardless. DB doesn't need the win. He is an established attraction. If this is a one time match it is absolutely pointless for him to win. You having to buy new underpants after the site of DB winning does not benefit WWE. There is no money in DB winning and then retiring and WWE's monster heel of all heels being exposed as beatable with one year left on his very expensive contract.

I accept your apology. I know you can't help yourself.

Apology? Why would I apologize to you, when you're 100% in the wrong? You don't bring back a retired MEGASTAR for one last match and have them get squashed. And ALL of Brock Lesnar's matches are squashes. It's LESNAR winning that doesn't benefit WWE, not the other way around. Stop stroking yourself to Brock Lesnar and see logic for once in your pathetic life.
Apology? Why would I apologize to you, when you're 100% in the wrong?

You wouldn't apologize because you're too stupid to understand what I am saying, what is actually right, and ultimately the concept and execution of an apology.

You don't bring back a retired MEGASTAR for one last match and have them get squashed.

Show me where I said DB would get squashed.

And ALL of Brock Lesnar's matches are squashes.

Except they're not. The most recent one was and there have been others but not every match has been a squash.

It's LESNAR winning that doesn't benefit WWE, not the other way around.

Then why do they have him continue to win?

Stop stroking yourself to Brock Lesnar and see logic for once in your pathetic life.

I accept your apology.
I wouldn't have a guy who may or may not be okay to wrestle go in with one of the stiffest workers in the WWE.

I love the idea of a long feud with DB as GM screwing with Miz over and over and finally coming back for the one match against him. Doesn't matter it's at the midcard, DB said he was coming back for the IC title and then have him come back and take the title(which he can't defend) from Miz.

I like the idea of a tournament for the title afterwards, I'd even be happy to let Miz win it back again. Bryan's word is kept, Miz may lose to Bryan but comes out of the tournament just as strong. Bryan can torment him with "I can take the title off you any time I choose."

Miz just needs to keep that level of intensity up, that was the best I've ever seen him in any promo, including the tandem stuff with Mizdow. Also...it was a work, Steve&Larson made a good point about Miz being a consummate professional and I think they're spot on. But I do think that Miz is a little frustrated that he isn't given the respect any other 10 year vet would be and that bled through.
This does scream more of setting up DB to be the "vindictive" GM rather than an actual match... although of course it could go that way. Let's face it there is an easy win in terms of a match there to test of Bryan CAN actually go. Mixed Tag match.... Miz and Maryse v Brie and Bryan. If that works then WWE may well give him another and it certainly spreads the risk.

More interesting though is that at present you have the good GM on RAW with the bad owner while D is just good and good... Shane is clearly gonna be the face by going at Brock so there is room for Bryan's character to start taking some liberties. Back when it was Sting in the mix for the role I always said it should build to one action, he gets enough power to book himself against Taker at Mania in his last act as GM... Bryan could do similar by booking himself against Brock to "save Shane" when in fact he wants the match himself.

There is also some heel mileage in booking himself against Foley for a match, if Mick could do it...
If they REALLY want to capitalize on Daniel Bryan making an in ring return, even if it's for one match, they need to push Miz to the moon.

IF DB is cleared to come back, even for one match, it's a match that should main event a PPV, maybe even Wrestlemania depending on the opponent. For Miz to be that guy, he needs to beat everyone thrown in front of him, including winning the WWE WHC from Dean Ambrose. I'd trust Miz to keep Bryan safe over Lesnar 365 days out of the year. All it could take from Lesnar is one mistimed suplex and Bryan can do more damage to himself than he should. I'd say let his first match back, if there is one, be against The Miz, who is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and is getting through every challenge Daniel Bryan lays in front of him.

The thing is, they need to do it where Bryan doesn't look like a heel. He needs to make Miz face the best every time and keep throwing top contender after top contender at him until Miz physically snaps and attacks Bryan. We've seen him verbally attack Bryan, the next step is the eventual physical assault.

But for a Miz vs Bryan match to be a money maker, Miz needs to be a top draw. If he wins the WWE Championship at the Rumble, you can set this match up for Wrestlemania. It doesn't need to be for the title even.
It would be interesting if Bryan has quietly been cleared to compete again.

But I doubt it. Seems like an odd thing to do given how controlling the WWE is over their programming. Maybe it was a test run to allow more talents to write their own promos/do their own worked shoots without heavily relying on a writer.
This is what you can have when there is a face authority figure antagonizing a heel wrestler, as opposed to the reverse scenario we've had forever. I questioned the decision to have Bryan as SD GM, but this ANGLE (some people thought this was a shoot which is embarrassing) made me come around on the idea.

I don't think this leads to Bryan returning to the ring. If he ever returns, he is not working with the Miz. I'm sorry. I know the Miz has been on fire for a while now, but a Bryan match could be a one shot deal and there would be a bigger star involved.

Again, Daniel Bryan is a face GM. He's going to have altercations, incidents with heel wrestlers that he is "in charge of". Every time that happens, are we going to be saying "does this lead to Bryan vs. _____ "?
I see this leading to Daniel Bryan being a heel GM. I can't see much coming out of it other than that. I read somewhere, that WWE plans on doing this frequently on "Talking Smack". Great "Shoot" by Miz though.
Lol. The Miz is a good wrestler? Since when?

Like Jim Cornette said, The Miz is a guy who wanted to do the reality shows thing, and he started as just that- a fucking host. He worked hard, sure. So did Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. But he doesn't belong in Wrestling, never did, never will. He's exactly like Sable, or those Divas who don't give a shit about being a wrestler or wrestling, but got into the business because they had no other options and were more inclined towards a Reality TV/Acting career. Is The Miz a Great or Good actor? Who knows. But the Miz is pretty much a parasite leeching WWE's resources because he's not outdoing Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks or Dwayne Johnson anytime soon. Who can refuse millions of dollars to play The Miz (a bad wrestler, bad everything) when they're set to get it, why chase the Acting career then? And then, he also pretends to be an "actor" in WWE movies, so great for him).

The difference is the Miz is little more than an awful copy of Chris Jericho, without a quarter as much talent, originality or believability. He's not a good wrestler. He's insulting.

The Miz, like Cornette says, is "not a wrestler" and that's the biggest insult Cornette or anyone could utter against him.

The fact that the IWC/people consider him a "good wrestler" bothers me. He's okay on the mic, but pretty drab and repetitive mostly. He can chant "I'm awesome" and a bunch of other phrases, sure.

And just to end on a better note, *in Jim Cornette's voice* "Fuck you Miz, and fuck you anyone who got into the biz because they wanted to be actors or some shit. "
The combination of Brock taking out DB's boss, Brock's clear heel turn, and this promo has me salivating for a DB one night return to face Brock at Mania. Facing Brock is the antithesis of being cowardly. Especially for someone with DB's "health history" and stature. But it's the biggest money match WWE could possibly have. DB doesn't even have to win. All he has to do is make Brock look vulnerable to a "real wrestler" and he sets up the next guy to finally take Brock down. Or maybe DB gets the rub. That wouldn't be any more surprising than when Brock broke Undertaker's streak.

But that's a pipe dream and I have no knowledge of DB's health to say it could happen. But if he is going to compete again there is no reason that wrestling Brock and Brock's style is any more dangerous than anyone else despite popular opinion. Which brings me to my next point...

While Miz has a decent track record of staying healthy, his competitors have not. It is kind of a running joke and sort of unfair, but until Seth "whiplash" Rollins came around Miz was the guy to blame when someone got hurt. DB could have gone there with their back and forth but clearly the script did not call for it.

So if I had to bet my guess would be that DB begins to have a bit of a vendetta against and uses his power to put Miz in matches that Miz does not want to be in and WWE keeps trying to get us to go to their network. Nothing more than that. I hope my bet is wrong. I would love to see DB become a special attraction but it is doubtful. He doesn't look to be close to his wrestling size as it is, not that that was even that big.

I would love to see DB come back and Wrestle Brock at mania. But I doubt the WWE will clear him to wrestle. Daniel Bryan or The Rock vs Brock are the two biggest matches the WWE could put together at this point.

The guy who finally beats Brock is going to get a huge rub. That's a career making win for somebody if done right. They aren't going to give that win to a part timer or older veteran IMO. That win will go to someone on the active roster who is still ascending. Kevin Owens would make sense.
Lol. The Miz is a good wrestler? Since when?

The difference is the Miz is little more than an awful copy of Chris Jericho, without a quarter as much talent, originality or believability. He's not a good wrestler. He's insulting.

The Miz, like Cornette says, is "not a wrestler" and that's the biggest insult Cornette or anyone could utter against him.

The fact that the IWC/people consider him a "good wrestler" bothers me. He's okay on the mic, but pretty drab and repetitive mostly. He can chant "I'm awesome" and a bunch of other phrases, sure.

And just to end on a better note, *in Jim Cornette's voice* "Fuck you Miz, and fuck you anyone who got into the biz because they wanted to be actors or some shit. "

The Miz is the most underrated wrestler in the company, and one of the most brilliant heels in many, many years. You're absolutely INSANE if you don't see how good he is. The Miz used reality TV to get to WWE, not the other way around. He worked his ass off for years to make it to where he is, and is one of the most deserving stars in the company as a result. Nothing proves that more than the fact that JBL, who once threw Miz out of the locker room and forced him to change in the hallways for months, considers Miz to be the most improved star in WWE history.

But, I might as well be talking to a wall here, since your idea of a good "wrestler" is Roman Reigns, who on his very best day, isn't worthy to lace Miz's boots.
The Miz is the most underrated wrestler in the company, and one of the most brilliant heels in many, many years. You're absolutely INSANE if you don't see how good he is. The Miz used reality TV to get to WWE, not the other way around. He worked his ass off for years to make it to where he is, and is one of the most deserving stars in the company as a result. Nothing proves that more than the fact that JBL, who once threw Miz out of the locker room and forced him to change in the hallways for months, considers Miz to be the most improved star in WWE history.

But, I might as well be talking to a wall here, since your idea of a good "wrestler" is Roman Reigns, who on his very best day, isn't worthy to lace Miz's boots.

He maybe wrong, but you're the wall here. He just doesn't realize that he is being worked. He will later on in life. As will you.

I liked the DBry heel manager idea that someone pitched. If he comes in and destroys Miz during one of his matches with Shane being alarmed at this change in attitude in Brayn, it could make a compelling different storyline.

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