Will The Miz get a Jericho-like rub at WM?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my first thread here and I apologize if this thread has already been made elsewhere.

After seeing Jericho's comments about The Miz stealing his persona and being exactly like who he was at the WWE, I thought of the situation Miz is in and how he might actually get the biggest rub in wrestling since Jericho.

The one moment (or maybe two) that defined Jericho and established him in the main event forever was when he defeated The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night and became the first ever Undisputed WWE Champion. The same moment that he will mention in his entire career and it will give him instant credibility.

Fast forward to Wrestlemania 27, The Miz who has a persona exactly like Jericho, is feuding with two of the biggest stars wrestling has ever seen The Rock and John Cena. Will The Miz do the very unexpected and manage to beat both of them at the same night? Let's say The Miz defeats John Cena, out comes The Rock using his power as the host and challenges him to a match and The Miz wins. The Miz who was the afterthought going to Wrestlemania, who retains his title by cheating against the likes of Jerry Lawler will get credibility that will never ever be doubted again.

If The Rock returning to the ring should not be wasted on The Miz, then a beat down on both of them might also work in the same way.

I'm by no means a Miz fan but it wouldn't hurt the WWE to have one more credible main eventer who can carry the ball for years to come.

Is The Miz worthy of such a phenomenal rub?

What are the chances of this actually happening?
I dont think that is needed this is how I think it will go down. When The Rock and Cena have their "faceoff" or whatever they are doing I wouldnt mind seeing Miz attack both of them. This way Miz can look strong and brag about how he was overlooked on the Road 2 Mania.
hmmm not the worst idea i ever heard but in all honesty i really cant see this happen....i think miz has a slim chance of beating cena possibly :shrug: but i really cant see the rock coming out after the match to challenge miz for the title and LOSING to the miz it would work GREAT for miz & his gimmick but i doubt this will happen and honestly i dont wanna see it happen because rock being used to job to miz just to make him look good is a waste of a great talent IMO :disappointed: but id LOVE to see miz defeat cena doubt it will happen though he is facing supercena after all
Well the main difference in your theory is that Jericho wasn't like that when he won the Undisputed Championship. He was Y2J. Not Jericho.

But I'm a firm believer that Miz will retain. Rock won't use his powers as host to throw himself in the match. He's just a host. Not a GM. I think Rock will interfere in the match and help Miz win, but he won't challenge for the title. He has ring rust. 7 years of ring rust. Yes he's in shape, but that doesn't mean anything.
wasn't only when Jericho beat Stone Cold and The Rock in the same night.
He also successfully beat both of them individually in the following 2 PPV's b4 losing the titles to Triple H at Mania, doing the whole you will not overlook me

I can see and more or less already have seen that in the Miz atm
While Cena and The Rock are busy trying to one up each other, Miz just keeps plugging away trying to get attention.

and yes i could see him retaining at Mania, he's not the worst champ there's been and it would be unexpected. Something along the lines of Miz pushing Cena into The Rock, the 2 come to blows and Cena get's Rock Bottomed or DQ'd giving the win to Miz,

Miz then blindsides The Rock, walks out and on the following night claims he did what he said he would do, they wouldn't pay him attention and he took out The Rock and Cena in the same night. ala Chris Jericho all over again, then he can defend at Backlash and lose at the following PPV or at SummerSlam.

That's ofcourse assuming The Rock is involved in the match in some way. Which they have to now, there's too much invested in the Cena/Rock back and forth for them to just leave Rock as a guest host.
IMO if he does it wont be against the rock, like everyone is saying why would wwe waste the time and effort on bringing rock back when he has said he wont come back unless its for something major. if there gonna have him get beat up by the miz thats just lame

Know Your Roll and Rest In Peace
Beating Cena clean(ya right) is all the rub Miz needs right now to shrug off some of the X-pac Heat he gets.

But I really would love to have the Miz walk out and do a 10 minute promo on how he went one on one with the great one, I think it would add a nice dimension to his character, although I also think in the long run it hurts Rocky's character more than it molds the Miz into a better character.

Also, if something like this were to happen, I'd rather see it built up over a month's time, not 1 night, having the Rock quickly lace up his tights just to lose would seem pretty rushed, I'd rather see the Rock challenge the Miz to another date, and havng 1 more match. Extreme Rules could do a gimmick match that could hide the Rock's rust, and allow for the Rock to do a showmanship type match, which he could pull off really well even without being ready to rumble.
This would cause quite an upset for the live crowd, having Mania end in such an un-favoured way. I'm pretty sure majority of the people want to see Rock deck someone, not get laid out and beaten. I smell a riot.

Miz retaining would have me smiling for weeks. I honestly don't care about the results of the other mania matches compared to Miz's match. If Miz loses I probably won't rate the event as high as if he did win it. This is just one match I REALLY want to see a champion retain no matter what.

Lose it the next PPV, I don't care. I really believe Miz has what it takes to become a top guy, and a win at Mania would really help this kid.

But no, I don't think he'll beat Rock. Even if both Cena and Miz got Rock bottomed, and Miz won, I'd be happy.

The Miz does not deserve the rub Jericho got in the past. Chris Jericho was phenomenal on both the mic and in the ring. He had all the tools to become a great champion. His first champions were very credible.

As for The Miz, his first WWE title reign is mediocre. He's not getting too over with the title. His mic work shows no flaws verbally, but story-wise, it's SAME OLD SAME OLD.

Miz: I'm the greatest and most must see champion in WWE history. The fans are stupid and John Cena isn't better than me.

Miz basically says that every week, using different words. His promo skills are overrated, and he honestly needs to stop copying Chris Jericho.

His in-ring skills are limited at best. He does turnbuckle clothes line, neck breaker, and skrull crushing finale. Besides submissions and strikes, those are his only moves...

And for your question:

Is The Miz worthy of such a phenomenal rub?

No, He's overrated

Good on the mic only, that's why WWE likes him.

What are the chances of this actually happening?

Very likely, Miz is untalented but can nail good promos without messing up too much. That's the picture WWE wants!
wasn't only when Jericho beat Stone Cold and The Rock in the same night.
He also successfully beat both of them individually in the following 2 PPV's b4 losing the titles to Triple H at Mania, doing the whole you will not overlook me

I can see and more or less already have seen that in the Miz atm
While Cena and The Rock are busy trying to one up each other, Miz just keeps plugging away trying to get attention.

and yes i could see him retaining at Mania, he's not the worst champ there's been and it would be unexpected. Something along the lines of Miz pushing Cena into The Rock, the 2 come to blows and Cena get's Rock Bottomed or DQ'd giving the win to Miz,

Miz then blindsides The Rock, walks out and on the following night claims he did what he said he would do, they wouldn't pay him attention and he took out The Rock and Cena in the same night. ala Chris Jericho all over again, then he can defend at Backlash and lose at the following PPV or at SummerSlam.

That's ofcourse assuming The Rock is involved in the match in some way. Which they have to now, there's too much invested in the Cena/Rock back and forth for them to just leave Rock as a guest host.

The Rock coming back just to get beaten by The Miz does sound pretty stupid, the scenario you just mentioned makes perfect sense and does elevate Miz. Two of wrestling's biggest stars laid down with The Miz standing tall, this is pretty much the ultimate bragging rights that could be used for years to come.
for me everyone thinks Miz has'nt got a chance well think about this Rock is coming back Live tonight on Raw to call out Cena and I think Cena will hit Rock with a FU(sounds better then what he cools it now) and The Rock will get his Revenge against Cena at WM by Rock Bottoming him during his match with The Miz and then I reckon Miz will proberly get the cover and win the match

by doing this makes Cena still look strong because him and the Rock would be even because both men would of done their finishers to each other and The Miz would be classed as an legit Main Eventer because he beat the top guy at WM(a win is a win) so in this everyone is a winner, WWE would have another legit Main Eventer which they are lacking and it would keep the Cena vs Rock war alive.
I don't think Rock needs to get involved in the match physically at Mania. Winning at Mania over the companies top star is a pretty big rub in and of itself.

Maybe just a distraction type angle where the Rock comes out to ringside Cena gets distracted and Miz hit's the SCF (he hits it from behind anyway). This way if the rumors are true and there is going to be a Rock/Cena match somewhere down the track they can both stay face, which I feel would be best for the feud(if they have one). And Miz can have the bragging rights of going over Cena at Mania.
I for one would like to see Miz take out The Rock BEFORE the match, have him cut a promo saying he didnt want Cena to be able to use the Rocks distraction as an excuse. He then goes on to beat Cena clean to get all the rub he needs and walk out of Wrestlemania still the WWE Champion.

What i would then like to see is The Rock present him with the Winged Eagle belt the next night on Raw, bring back the prestige and then have Cena attack him for getting rid of his spinner belt and complete his heel turn to set up their match either at Summerslam or Wrestlemania 28

This whole scenario would give Miz the legitimacy he needs as Champion, have Cena to move onto something else, and Miz to go onto a new challenger for him to carry on his reign.
Some people here are really delusional when it comes to pro wrestling. First off, Rock didnt come back to start jobbing to the Miz, especially in a match with no build up or hype. To even suggest Rock would waste his time fighting Miz on PPV is laughable. Miz can barely hang with Cena and is so far out of the Rock's league its barely raw worthy. Try to picture HHH taking on Miz. All you see is bury job right ? Rock is even bigger star than HHH so what do u expect ?

Do I expect Miz to get a Y2J-like rub ? Well if you mean rub as in cena playing HHH and ruining Y2J's moment at WM than yes. See all you guys keep thing Vince is so hot for the Miz that he is going to do whatever it takes to cement his place in the company. I'm really not so sure thats the case. I've heard that arguement made for Y2J back in 2002. Orton back in 2004. Even Edge hasnt won a whc match at WM. Miz right now is the weakest of all three of these guys in terms star power and being over with the crowd. Vince may want to shove him down our throats put there are serious questions about the guy's drawing ability and lack of big match performances. WWE didnt take the time to build Miz into a legit WHT contender and his win has been seen as a fluke. Putting over a sneaky champ at Mania is pretty weak and unrealistic. Why is sneaky champ ME mania to begin with ? Come on WWE.

If you looked at the PPV buyrates since he has been champ they have all dropped since last years show. When a no-name like Sheamus was ME those cards. On top of that, raw ratings returns show often when Miz has a segment, there is a substational drop in tv viewership, which means he aint drawning. Having him beat Cena is a big gamble because I think WWE isnt 100% behind his push and if they are not he aint winning anything at WM. Miz is really unproven and there are a lot of doubts about him as champ.

If WWE wanted Miz to be taken seriously they would book him be a more legit threat. Miz is just another guy Vince put the strap on, so there would be more ppl in the WWE title scene. If you actually broke down Miz's reign. There was a very negative reaction when he won. He had mediocre performances against Orton, which was not a very good fued. And his fued with Lawler was okay but overall pointless didnt do Miz any favors in building cred. I personally dont see why Miz should get a rub for his mediocre run as champ. Y2J, Orton, and Edge were all bigger stars, draws, and much more entertaing on the mic and in the ring than Miz as champ.

Fact is this Miz is lucky yo be main-eventing the biggest show, he's lucky to be wwe champion at all for that matter. I think though he had his 15 min. of fame and this experiment will more than likely will be coming to an end. There is NO WAY Miz will win clean, especially against Cena, who is the WWE's biggest star and who they love to protect. Miz can only win if Rock interferes. Here's another thing. Why have Rock and Cena start fueding when you dont expect them to have a match until summerslam at the least. How often is Rock going to be on Raw to promote a match 5 months from now. I dont see it happening just yet.

If you have watched WWE for more than 3 years you would know. 90% of the time, Babyfaces always walk out of WM as champ if their match is last. WWE will not crown two heel champions, hasnt happened yet, more than likely not in the PG era psuhed towards kids. Del Rio has a much better shot at winning than Miz retaining. Atleast one of the WHT titles will and has always changed hands at Mania. If both change hands its more than likely two babyfaces or, one babyface and a heel. Cena is supercena and wwe wants to make kids happy. Miz has had the advantage pretty much every week so his probability of losing is quite high.

One last thing, the difference between ADR and Miz is Del Rio has credentials for WWE to back up his push, much lke Angle and Lesar and their wrestling backgrounds. Miz is lacking them. Besides if Miz wins there are really no other Raw faces for him to fight other than Morrison and a continuation of the Cena program. Cena is the best bet for most scenarios.
Hey if im wrong though, i'll come back and eat my words, and you can say whatever you want about me. This is not wishful thinking though, I have clear reasons for why I see things this way.
I mostly agree with Scuba's reasons on why the Miz is most likely dropping the strap to Cena. It's just a Wrestlemania moment waiting to happen. I think Miz will get it back eventually, though. Maybe not real soon, but he's not done in the main event.

The one thing I am beyond sure of though, is that the Rock is not going to be involved in any kind of match. Period. Maybe some physicality typical of an "enforcer." But there is ZERO chance that he would be in an actual match without it being advertise to HELL AND BREAKFAST for weeks before hand. Hell. And. Breakfast. Aboriginal bushmen would know about that shit. Pluto would know about it, and it ain't even a planet anymore. If Rock agreed to be in a match, everyone would know about it well in advance enought o lay down their 55 bucks.
Now, Do i think that scenario would be great for the miz? hell yes, but honestly, I HIGHLY doubt WWE would waste the Rocks return match in losing to miz. Sorry not gonna happen.

and as for the Rock. Enough with talking about ring rust. HBK returned at summerslam back in 02 after being gone for 4 years and didnt miss a beat. now am i saying the rock is hbk in any way? no. however, you really never know.
I hope this happens, but sadly, it probably won't. But if WWE does decide to do this, I would do it this way.

I would have The Rock pull the referee out and Rock Bottem John Cena. The Miz pins him but John Cena kicks out. John Cena tries to go after The Rock but The Miz does the SCF on him. The Miz wins. The Rock asks The Miz to face him since he helped him win. The Miz says no, but The Rock is the host and he could do anything he want, so he faces The Miz in a 1 on 1 match. They fight for 15 minutes. John Cena gets involved in the match and helps The Miz win.

I don't see anything wrong with this. It boosts The Miz into the main-event and The Rock and Cena still look strong.
Having not read the other comments, I'm just going to reply to the OP.
This would awesome (no pun intended), and it would really shut people like me up who said that Miz lacks credibility as a wrestler. It would be amazing for his career and it would elevate him possibly above Cena as the top star of the company. Yes, ahead of Cena; that's what I think this would do for him. It would push Cena to the back, too, allowing other faces to wrestle Miz eventually and make names for themselves (Jomo, I'm looking at you). Miz desperately needs to win at Mania to stay relevant, and this would push him over the top. Great suggestion.

However, since Wrestlemania typically always has to send the kiddies home with a smile on their face, this probably won't happen. If Miz beats Cena, I wouldn't be stunned to see Rock come out and beat him; I doubt Miz would beat them both. But, if this happened, this could even turn me into a Miz fan. It's funny how wrestling works like that. lol.
I honestly don't think it would make Miz any new fans or shut up people who don't like him. Lets face it: Miz has NOT been a great champion. And I love heel champions. Miz, has just not impressed me. I'm not saying that he's the worst I've ever seen, but he just may be the worst champion since Great Khali. Now answering the question, since WWE is gonna focus on Cena/Rock, I don't see this happening. Even if it did, a lot of guys would complain; I'd probably be one. Miz beating Cena is damn near impossible to just about everyone watching; i haven't seen anyone who has said that Miz will win. But beating the Rock in the same night to retain?? Seven years or not, I don't see it. I don't think it would shut up haters; they'll probably hate even more.
If you go back and watch who Rocky lost too in his last WWE Match was against Flair and @ upcoming Rookies who only been there less than 2 years as in Randy Orton and Dave Batista. The Miz started that Fall in 2004 w/ the Tough Enough thing. It about the Future not the present w/ hopefully Cena not burying The Miz this time around. I say it's The Miz' time to get the win not the loss. Plus Khali was a World Champ not a WWE Heavyweight champ. I think the worse WWE Champ in history was The Warrior he was a flash in the pan. Mike Mizanin deserves this win at Mania as a thank you for what he done so far in The WWE. No Champ in history of any company as kept his title fairly all have been cheaters when they've had them. You do what you've got to do to keep your spot. We don't know we will have to wait in less than 6 days, 5hrs, 30 mins from now to find out.
So please let The Miz, Del Rio, The Taker, Punk, JoMo-Trish-Snooki, Daniel Bryan, Lawler, and Mysterio win at Mania.
don't know if he will get "the rub", but I do think he will win at WM. Of course it won't be clean and A. Riley will have somethig to do with it, but the Miz (gulp) will walk out of WM still the champ. Now here is the scenario I have for after the bell rings:

A. Riley and the Miz continue to stomp away at Cena and Rock comes in for what looks like the save and the Rock and Cena are gonna shake hands in a mutual respect kinda way. But wait, after the Rock clears the Miz and A. Riley out of the ring, he looks over at a beaten John Cena and Cena reaches his hand out and the Rock looks down at it, then back up at him and eventually reaches his hand out to shake his hand...only to pull him in for the Rock Bottom!! Oh and what happens next...THE MOST...Electrifiying move...in ALL of Entertainment. It's the people's elbow in front of the Millions (and Millions) of Rock's fans as he closes the show and leaves Cena in the ring a bruised and beaten man.

Now back to Miz. The one problem I have with Miz is that his gimmick isn't original. It's like he's been watching the Jericho and Rock footage for his whole life and found a way to mesh them both together. He is nowhere near a complete superstar like the two I mentioned and WWE is trying there best to make him a credible foe for Cena. This is where I got to take my hat off to Cena. He has tried to make us believe that the Miz could actual beat him if this were a real fight. If you just match them up, they shouldn't even be in the same weight class, much less in the ring going for the title. Cena is a powerhouse and the Miz...well..isn't. IMO he's not believable and that's why in my mind he's not credible as a champion until he gets his wrestling skills on par with his mic skills.

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