Will the Highlight Reel return?

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The Greenius

Triforce Troll
Now I know Jericho's character is supposed to be the anti Y2J, but do you think it will happen when he turns face (who knows when).

I happen to think so, I mean, the Y2J gimmick always had it, being the assclown we know. I mean, I know during the feud with HBK, he said he had his last Highlight Reel ever. But that was part of his character's development, getting away from his Y2J gimmick. So my Question is, if Jericho gets the Y2J gimmick back, will the Highlight Reel return?
I hope not, I truly am sick of all these 'interview' segments the WWE seems to throw at us. I really just want to see wrestling and storyline building through wrestling and a few promos, not wrestling talk shows. However I don't think it would come back anways, as it ran it's course in my opinion. It wasn't popular anymore and all Jericho used it for was to jump his opponents.
Probably, since the Highlight Reel was a big part of his Y2J gimmick. The real question is if Jericho ever returns to that character at all, which is doubtful.

Unlike a lot of the talk show segments that have come and gone over the years, I always loved and looked foward to the Highlight Reel. Mainly because I love Jericho's mic work, and the HR was a guaranteed 10-15 mins of it. So if Jericho ever turns face again, I'd love to see the Highlight Reel come back.
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Maybe if he turns face, but I still wouldn't want to see it since Jericho needs to retire and in all the years he had the interview show he never really got tooken seriously as a threat to the worlds champ, but ever since he stopped he has won the worlds title twice. I like jericho coming out and delivering a good promo, we know he's great on the mic he doesn't need a talk show.

However I think we should get to see the peep show instead of that stupid Abraham Washington show on ecw. Christain knows how to handle the stick, and puting a young guy in a promo with christian is great, because people are always saying here that the youngsters need more mic time to develop. Well since christian is capt. charisma I say give them a segment with him and let the development begin!

*By the way, could anyone please tell me how to start threads, I've always wanted to do one, please and thank you.*
Chris Jericho may never return to Y2J because he could easily turn his current Gimmick face by disrespecting the Heels the way he has been treating us fans. I have the feeling though, that Y2J may just return, just not with the Highlight Reel. The Reel was great for Y2J, but he's proven to deliver great promos without it, as proven with his current Gimmick. I for one, wouldn't mind either way, I just don't see the Highlight Reel returning,
Maybe if he turns face, but I still wouldn't want to see it since Jericho needs to retire and in all the years he had the interview show he never really got tooken seriously as a threat to the worlds champ, but ever since he stopped he has won the worlds title twice. I like jericho coming out and delivering a good promo, we know he's great on the mic he doesn't need a talk show.

There are so many things wrong with this post, I don't even know it came out of your brain.

Why does Jericho need to retire? Where does that come from? You didn't even explain why you said that, and it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the post, but you simply transitioned into how he was never "tooken" seriously as a threat while doing his show. I don't think the Highlight Reel has any correlation whatsoever to winning the championship.

Also, if a wrestler is good on the mic, why would you want them to not be on the mic? The way I see it, if a wrestler is that good on the mic, they should be on the mic. Jericho is one of the best in the business on the mic, so I don't see a problem with him being on the mic as much as he is.
So my Question is, if Jericho gets the Y2J gimmick back, will the Highlight Reel return?

He said so himself that the Highlight Reel is never returning, and that he will not answer to Y2J again. However, never say never. Those things could have been said to get him heel heat. I don't see him turning face anytime soon because he is a great heel and his character is far from stale. The Highlight Reel is probably never coming back unless he turns face again because that was part of his face gimmick rather than his current one.
Chris Jericho seems to change between face and heel so randomly and quickly that when it happens, we'll for sure like to see the Highlight Reel again. Out of all the "talk shows" that wrestlers have, Jericho's is the best and the most exciting to watch IMO. But with Jericho being anti-Y2J, it's not going to happen anytime soon.
I doubt it.

Jericho is done with the Highlight Reel in my mind anyway. When he dropped the Y2J gimmick, I would say that it really went to the trash with that. That is not to say that they were trash but Jericho seems to want to shed that image and become more of a legitimate heel. For the time being, I don't see him adopting a face gimmick and I don't think that is likely to change over the next few months anyway. He has played his heel character fantastically well and whilst he could probably turn face again at any point, I think he should stay heel. If he does want to be considered a great wrestler and not just a great entertainer, I think that the Highlight Reel is doomed to stay in the annals of the WWE.

That being said, if Jericho does become face again, I might be able to see the Highlight Reel making a comeback but I agree with one of the other posters. The interview segments have really run their course in the WWE. I am pretty sick of them and I don't think they serve their purpose all that much. Hopefully, it is gone but I could see it returning under many different circumstances.
Maybe if he turns face, but I still wouldn't want to see it since Jericho needs to retire and in all the years he had the interview show he never really got tooken seriously as a threat to the worlds champ, but ever since he stopped he has won the worlds title twice. I like jericho coming out and delivering a good promo, we know he's great on the mic he doesn't need a talk show.

However I think we should get to see the peep show instead of that stupid Abraham Washington show on ecw. Christain knows how to handle the stick, and puting a young guy in a promo with christian is great, because people are always saying here that the youngsters need more mic time to develop. Well since christian is capt. charisma I say give them a segment with him and let the development begin!

*By the way, could anyone please tell me how to start threads, I've always wanted to do one, please and thank you.*

I don't think the Highlight Reel was a direct correlation in him winning and not winning the world titles.

When he went heel, he ditched everything that the fans loved about him and the Highlight Reel was seemingly one of those things. If he turns face, then he will probably bring it back but for now the Highlight Reel is gone and will be for a while.
Not to be a downer here, but I'm just curious if someone can explain to me what was so great about "The Highlight Reel" to begin with? I just am not seeing something here.

All I saw was Chris Jericho, two chairs, and a Jeri-tron setup in the middle of the ring ... with Jericho just conducting an interview. What was so great about "The Highlight Reel" that people would even care about seeing it make a return?

My thoughts are when Jericho inevitably turns face again, it probably will return because it will give him another platform to get on TV for a Raw filler segment, in what would be perceived as something for the fans.
There are so many things wrong with this post, I don't even know it came out of your brain.

Why does Jericho need to retire? Where does that come from? You didn't even explain why you said that, and it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the post, but you simply transitioned into how he was never "tooken" seriously as a threat while doing his show. I don't think the Highlight Reel has any correlation whatsoever to winning the championship.

Also, if a wrestler is good on the mic, why would you want them to not be on the mic? The way I see it, if a wrestler is that good on the mic, they should be on the mic. Jericho is one of the best in the business on the mic, so I don't see a problem with him being on the mic as much as he is.

I meant that when Jericho retires he should go out on a high note by winning many championships, when he had the show he was a in mid-card pergatory, he never made it to the top because he was a joker with his own show. Ditch the show and get serious you will become the champ, and that's what happened. Chris should talk on the mic, but he doesn't need a show, he's a true main eventer now and he needs to be a seious competitor, not a t.v host. I don't have a problem with chris' mic work, I have a problem with the fact that when he has the show he never goes anywhere but when he stopped the H.R he went to the top, superstar of the year '08 remember.

I think christain, since he apparently is never going to the top because vince aint to high on him should have his show used more, and since in my opinion he is better than jericho on the mic, he should be used as the talk show host/champion. Jericho is above christian, he shouldn't go back to cheap suits and qu. cards.
I meant that when Jericho retires he should go out on a high note by winning many championships, when he had the show he was a in mid-card pergatory, he never made it to the top because he was a joker with his own show. Ditch the show and get serious you will become the champ, and that's what happened. Chris should talk on the mic, but he doesn't need a show, he's a true main eventer now and he needs to be a seious competitor, not a t.v host. I don't have a problem with chris' mic work, I have a problem with the fact that when he has the show he never goes anywhere but when he stopped the H.R he went to the top, superstar of the year '08 remember.

I think christain, since he apparently is never going to the top because vince aint to high on him should have his show used more, and since in my opinion he is better than jericho on the mic, he should be used as the talk show host/champion. Jericho is above christian, he shouldn't go back to cheap suits and qu. cards.

I think the reason Jericho got those championships not because he turned heel because he was almost the only available option. Orton and Cena were out injured and it was going to either be him or Batista and they chose him. His reigns that year were forgettable anyway.

I saw no purpose in the Highlight Reel. I don't remember any highlights and nothing memorable happened except Cena showing up on RAW and the last one where he turned heel. Of all the wrestlers in the WWE, he needed the show the least because he was already good on the mic.
Jericho has said he's never returning to the Y2J character and that he doesn't want to be a face ever again. But as we all know in the wrestling business you can never say never. I loved Jericho as a face in his early WWE days, the guy really created a legion of fans. He did a good job in 2007 as a face, but it just wasn't the same as his early face days. I like his current heel "Best in the world at what I do" gimmick. Jericho is pure gold on the mic and the guy just knows how to generate heat.
The highlight reel will never come back. When jericho made his return he lost the "it" factor. the Y2J gimmick became really stale, really quick. He now is playing this new character he has created, and i believe when he makes another face turn it will be a completely new character. IMO this is pretty irrelevant because i don't think jericho will turn face for at least another year or two.
I meant that when Jericho retires he should go out on a high note by winning many championships, when he had the show he was a in mid-card pergatory, he never made it to the top because he was a joker with his own show. Ditch the show and get serious you will become the champ, and that's what happened. Chris should talk on the mic, but he doesn't need a show, he's a true main eventer now and he needs to be a seious competitor, not a t.v host. I don't have a problem with chris' mic work, I have a problem with the fact that when he has the show he never goes anywhere but when he stopped the H.R he went to the top, superstar of the year '08 remember.

The Rock was a bit of a clown sometimes too. Does that mean he should have been reduced to mid-card status? Stone Cold Steve Austin got out his guitar and started singing to Vince McMahon. Should he have been reduced to mid-card status? Roddy Piper had the Piper's Pit. Hornswoggle is an official member of DX. I don't understand what you're trying to say, that only serious contenders get champions?

If anything, we've seen Jericho get comically mad at this point, campaigning a petition to be let back into Raw, looking for ways to get into the building. While these were great segments, reminiscent of his WCW days, there's no dichotomy between his face/heel status and his championship wins. Whatsoever.
Not to be a downer here, but I'm just curious if someone can explain to me what was so great about "The Highlight Reel" to begin with? I just am not seeing something here.

All I saw was Chris Jericho, two chairs, and a Jeri-tron setup in the middle of the ring ... with Jericho just conducting an interview. What was so great about "The Highlight Reel" that people would even care about seeing it make a return?

I think what made it great was that it basically gave Jericho a chance to have good promos with other wrestlers back when he was a face. Talk about their matches, their feuds, or just him making fun of them. They were entertaining segments in my opinion. It is obviously never coming back unless Jericho goes back to being a face, but it was a good segment and I would like to see it return if Jericho ever turns face again. It would be a lot more entertaining than the usual "interview" segments because Jericho on the mic is rarely a bad thing and it gives other wrestlers mic time too when they are guests.
I loved the Highlight Reel. It was a great way for Y2J to make fun of another superstar, without even having a feud with them. he could be feuding with Batista and do an interveiw with HHH and bag him and it would be just so exciting. Everything Y2J said is amazing

i would love for the highlight reel to comeback and the Y2J gimmick to come back too. but ive heard Jericho say that He just loves being a Heel too much and probably won't go back to being a face. but bret said that he wouldn't ever come back to the wwe :)
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