Will/Should Daniel Bryan VS HHH Happen?

Should Triple H vs Daniel Bryan Happen?

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I think we all saw the segment last night with the contract signing that involved HHH, Stephanie, Bryan and Orton. We saw Bryan lay down the challenge with HHH basically telling him he wont fight him because he is not a big enough star.
I loved the segment cause it felt real but the question is.....

Will Triple H vs Daniel Bryan Happen? Should it happen? When and where?

I understand that some people are saying that HHH and Bryan shouldn't happen because HHH could bury him and because Daniel Bryan should concentrate on the Belt

On the other side imagine if Bryan, WWE champion or not, beat HHH or made him tap? Wouldnt that create a star? Also, that match would be incredible

So what about you guys?
I think the Match should happen either at Survivor Series or Mania if they can keep HHH and Bryan as a thorne on each other's sides?

I would go with the Survivor Series tag match. HHH, Orton and Shield vs Show, Bryan, Cody, Goldust and 1 other. The one other could be whoever Ambrose fights at HIAC, they could bring Xavier Woods into the story or it could be someone unexpected. I would have HHH competing in singles matches at Rumble or Mania
Why not? we saw 3 matches of lesnar and hhh, 2 matches of hhh and undertaker and many matches of axel and hhh, this match actually has build up, if wwe doesn't do this, ill have to say wwe is throwing away a good match that could happen.
I think Big Show vs Triple H will happen at Survivor Series. If Bryan's not in the title picture I could see it Happening at Wrestlemania. It gives Bryan high profile singles match with a long build up. I would hope Triple H would put Bryan over. But no matter who wins it should be a good match.
I think it could and should happen. Let's say that this Sunday Daniel Bryan wins the championship, I cannot see the authority giving Orton another chance. Triple H would be furious and possibly tell Orton that since he couldn't get the job done once and for all that he'll have to step in himself and do it. Triple H should put over Daniel Bryan to ultimately cement D Bry's star power. HBK said it best, maybe Triple H is just angry because D Bry has proved him wrong.
I think it should happen and probably will at WrestleMania if this is still going on. If it isn't I could see it happening at the Royal Rumble maybe even EC as a "if you want to main event WrestleMania you have to go through to me" kind of thing. The match would be absolutely fantastic and I honestly don't see Daniel Bryan losing that match and he'll probably make Triple H tap out.
Daniel Bryan vs Triple H is going to happen at some point. It seems as if this is where this whole story is building towards.
I'd like to see Triple H vs Daniel Bryan, but for different reasons. I want Triple H to pretty well decimate Bryan, but more for his reasons to "correct" HBK and sort of show him that the corporate side is better than the fun, goofy DX/Clique side.
Having said that, I think HBK would need to influence Triple H to see the light in a way.. Go back to the roots and try and show Triple H why he's where he is. Sort of have a one night only talk with the whole clique in the ring. HBK, Nash, Hall, and Waltman. Have them all have a word with Triple H in hopes he will see the light.

Whether this works or not, I don't care, I just want to see the whole clique together in the ring again.
When it is all said and done, I believe that this match will not happen even though I think it should. It would just be too difficult to keep the feud going much past survivor series and do not think it will happen there as Big Show vs HHH is more likely. If this match were to take place, I think it would have made the most sense to take place inside the cell at this sunday's Hell in a Cell. Obviously that is not happening...
I think this has to happen. In the same way Austin constantly got revenge on Vince, Bryan should get his on HHH. This has the added bonus of the fact that Triple H can wrestle and him and Bryan will be able to put on a great match.

When this happens, I am unsure. It is logical for it to happen at Survivor Series (I believe Orton wins the WWE Championship) but they have to factor in The Big Show. TLC is a minor PPV so it would perhaps be a waste; however, Triple H vs Bryan could boost buyrates. Even something like if Bryan wins then he gets to enter the Royal Rumble.

A Wrestlemania match is another logical possibility. It would be a worthy match and a good use of both. That being said there are probably better options and depending on the availability on The Rock, Brock, Jericho they would be able to change.
I feel like it kind of has to happen. They can't tease the match, and then not deliver on it. I think Triple H vs. Big Show happens first though, and probably at Survivor Series.

So I'm thinking Survivor Series will probably feature Trips and Show, plus a big classic 5v5 match with Daniel Bryan, Goldust, Cody Rhodes and then probably Ziggler/Miz/Cena/Langston or some variation of the babyfaces. Maybe even CM Punk by that point. The Shield will be on the other end, likely with Randy Orton, and a fifth. Wyatt? Probably not.

So then we have TLC in December. I doubt you're getting Triple H wrestling at a TLC any time soon. He did it two years ago, but that was because Nash went and got hurt earlier in the year, and they needed to blow of their angle. God was that terrible. So I think, conservatively speaking, the Royal Rumble in January would be a really good place to have Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan. Maybe even put the WWE Championship in the picture; Hunter is power hungry (kayfabe) to want one last shot at putting down Bryan. I think it could be a really great title picture to compliment the Rumble match itself.

After the Rumble, Bryan will likely exit the corporation angle, and I'm guessing it will be John Cena or CM Punk battling whoever has the title into WrestleMania. So, unless they stretch this thing really far out, and go with Bryan/Trips at Mania, I think IF the match is going to happen - and it should - it goes down at the Royal Rumble.
I think a singles match between the two happens at some point. I have no idea when though. They could conceivably build this up until Wrestlemania. HHH (I'm assuming) puts over Daniel Bryan at Mania? It would be a good match and would put Daniel Bryan up in the top tier even more than he already is based on overness.
If I were to guess, probably not. I don't see any good reason for the match happening.

Not that WWE won't do it. I just find it unlikely that they would do that match.
I like it for WrestleMania. If you think they cannot drag this out until Mania, you're dead wrong. Daniel Bryan needs a big match at WrestleMania and I doubt he will be in the title hunt at that point.
It 100% should happen.

Bryan vs HHH is the big money payoff to this feud. No one really cares about Bryan/Orton III at this point. They killed that feud pretty quick.

Bryan needs to win the title at Hell In A Cell, and then go on a long 4-6 month reign as the top guy. And in the process, he needs to go against, and more importantly go OVER Triple H. This is the only way left to fully establish him as the #1 guy. Either at Survivor Series or at the Royal Rumble, Bryan vs HHH needs to happen for this angle to be successful.
Storyline wise it only makes sense. I see Triple H finally breaking and deciding that if Bryan defeats a certain challenger then he has proved himself worthy of a match with Triple H. Although theres always a chance that Triple H might bury Bryan, I actually see Hunter putting Bryan over if the circumstances make sense. Vince is being visibly phased out of the decision making as far as WWE is concerned and Triple H has to know that he must begin making decisions in regards to what is best for the WWE, not just himself. As long as that switch has clicked in the back of Triple H's head from performer to owner I think we could have a great match with a surprising outcome.

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