Will R-truth Have a Heel Turn Soon?


Pre-Show Stalwart
If you listen closely to the Miz during the commentary of the Gauntlet match he kind of gives a slight hint as which direction the wwe will go with R-Truth. He says which R-truth are we gonna get the guy that raps and gives ^5's to the little kids or the Street thugger a guy thats a force to be reckoned with. Maybe the WWE has plans to make Truth a heel which would be a great idea.
Listen to the Miz @7:44

It would be interesting. His What's Up gimmick is getting really old, and WWE needs to make some shakeups to keep their fanbase interested in the product. He gets very little opportunity to show anything in the ring. Tbh, they've made such changes before with MVP, Carlito among others, and it's led to nothing. SO while I hope if he becomes a heel, he'll be used more effectively, I'm not to confident it'll do much for him. I seriously see him being released soon.
I think you are overlooking it. R-Truth has really never been a good heel. Frankly I don;t know if anyone has ever made the street thug gimmick work before and I doubt it would happen. Actually coming from the Miz I would take it more of a racist joke than anything. But then again maybe he does know something we don't know. I highly doubt it because he is a fan favorite, but maybe they have something big planned for him. What if him and Curtis formed a heel tag team. That has some draw to it. However I think this was just commentary and not actully truth.
I think you are overlooking it. R-Truth has really never been a good heel. Frankly I don;t know if anyone has ever made the street thug gimmick work before and I doubt it would happen. Actually coming from the Miz I would take it more of a racist joke than anything. But then again maybe he does know something we don't know. I highly doubt it because he is a fan favorite, but maybe they have something big planned for him. What if him and Curtis formed a heel tag team. That has some draw to it. However I think this was just commentary and not actully truth.

Well, i followed Ron Killings in Tna and actually he was a pretty good heel to me. It would be interesting if he did. Fans would switch the words in his theme song. Instead of saying Wassup! Theyll be saying " you suck" I think it would be entertaining. It could just be commentary. We'll just have to wait and see.
Well, i followed Ron Killings in Tna and actually he was a pretty good heel to me. It would be interesting if he did. Fans would switch the words in his theme song. Instead of saying Wassup! Theyll be saying " you suck" I think it would be entertaining. It could just be commentary. We'll just have to wait and see.

I think you are right when you say we have to wait and see. However I am fairly certain we would see a theme song change with a heel R-Truth. WWE can't take the risk of him putting a mic in someone's face and them cursing off. I think the Krunk gimmick would work fine for it. And I too know R-Truth from TNA and I think he was actually good, however I just don't see them doing it yet.
I think you are right when you say we have to wait and see. However I am fairly certain we would see a theme song change with a heel R-Truth. WWE can't take the risk of him putting a mic in someone's face and them cursing off. I think the Krunk gimmick would work fine for it. And I too know R-Truth from TNA and I think he was actually good, however I just don't see them doing it yet.

yeah that Krunk song, actually would be good for a heel turn. If they do turn him heel they probably would make him wear suits. Which would be cool. It would be awesome if he won the world title. It would be an insult to the business if this is not even really a push and after this match he goes back to being a jobber.
yeah that Krunk song, actually would be good for a heel turn. If they do turn him heel they probably would make him wear suits. Which would be cool. It would be awesome if he won the world title. It would be an insult to the business if this is not even really a push and after this match he goes back to being a jobber.

I think you might have to get use to this being an insult. Too be honest and I support the hell out of R-Truth, but this spot was Morrison's and he created a hissy fit and they gave it to Truth. I am the strong believer in the fact that he was destined to be Tag Champ again however somehow Curtis never showed up. However I feel a R-Truth feud with Cena would be amazing for him. I kind of thought this would happen back when Cena was Nexus and Truth told him to quit.
I think you are overlooking it. R-Truth has really never been a good heel. Frankly I don;t know if anyone has ever made the street thug gimmick work before and I doubt it would happen. Actually coming from the Miz I would take it more of a racist joke than anything. But then again maybe he does know something we don't know. I highly doubt it because he is a fan favorite, but maybe they have something big planned for him. What if him and Curtis formed a heel tag team. That has some draw to it. However I think this was just commentary and not actully truth.

New Jack, Homicide, Godfather (He was a pimp, but was definitely a street gimmick) and Mabel when he was a heel back in the mid 90's all I thought made the Thug or street gimmick work. Even Taz to a certain point was considered a thug or tough guy from a rough area. I think Truth can make it work and get Cena over more as a face at the same time if done right. He can blame Cena for holding him down and stealing his charisma as the Hip Hop type wrestling star.

I'm intrigued by this storyline and WWE has potential to build a new upper-card main event guy, unfortunately I think that Truth is just in the match to make it seem new and not a typical WM27 rematch and so Cena doesn't get pinned cleanly by The Miz
Well, I know r-Truth isn't the biggest face in the world, but couldn't they use Truth to turn Cena?

Maybe Cena wants his 1 on 1 match so he beats the holy hell out of Truth, injuring him, and just be completely ruthless. Then Truth is unable to compete. Cena gets his one on one match and maybe A-Ri helps Cena win the title and turns on Miz, thus Cena is hated more for pulling a stunt just for the title. The next night on Raw, Miz could bring the Rock out (since we know he is advertised) and The Rock and Miz could tag against Cena and Riley. Down the road R-Truth could make a surprise return from "injury" and feud with Cena. Just an Idea, just brain storming.
truth has trouble with the WWE style.....believe it or not in TNA he was very good IMO, What he needs to do is show Cena he was a "thug" first and not a phony one like Cena is. A heel turn would be good IMO, He can bring out more personality that way, IF guys like Cena will put him over.
At first I liked the idea of Truth as a heel, but even more so, I like the idea of using Truth to turn Cena.

At the ppv have Cena hit Miz with the AA, but Truth pulls him off, they scuffle. Truth knocks Cena out to the floor and Miz sneaks up and hits Truth with the SCF for the win.

Cena rolls in and realizes what happened as Miz hurries up the ramp taunting Cena. Then Cena snaps and destroys Truth to close the show.

Next Raw Cena apologizes and Truth forgives him. Cena raises Truth's arm, but then clothes lines him. Now Cena has a year to fine tune his heel gimmick before the showdown at Mania.
At first I liked the idea of Truth as a heel, but even more so, I like the idea of using Truth to turn Cena.

At the ppv have Cena hit Miz with the AA, but Truth pulls him off, they scuffle. Truth knocks Cena out to the floor and Miz sneaks up and hits Truth with the SCF for the win.

Cena rolls in and realizes what happened as Miz hurries up the ramp taunting Cena. Then Cena snaps and destroys Truth to close the show.

Next Raw Cena apologizes and Truth forgives him. Cena raises Truth's arm, but then clothes lines him. Now Cena has a year to fine tune his heel gimmick before the showdown at Mania.

I like the idea, but who becomes the top face on Raw then? Is it Truth? cuz I think it's too soon to have him jump into that spot. Does it automatically become someone like Orton? Do we see a slow face turn from Miz? I love the idea, but I feel like a slow heel turn that is built up for Cena would be better maybe have a feud with Truth over a few months and get the major ending to the heel turn at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

I think a lot of us on here would like to see something different. I just don't think Cena would ever go full fledged heel because he makes so much damn money in merchandising for WWE and it would literally crush the kid or PG audience that is the main target that he gains.
Why do people tend to underestimate good midcarders,I think R-truth can eventually end up being a solid face...I keep hearing about his "not so good inring abilities",but he's a technical wresler,I bet cena cant deliver the spinning jumping thing he does...he's good with the crowd.
Still on that note I think Morisson deserves it much more,and I would love to see Miz and Morisson in a title match...considering their history and "friendship"
I do think he needs to turn heel. This is because his Whats Up gimmick is indeed getting old, and I believe the WWE need to freshen up his gimmick in order for the audience to still be entertained. Also if he went all heel he would be seen as more of a major contender for the title
there are a bunch of possibilities when it comes to this matchup. R-Truth could turn heel and cost Cena the match. Cena could overreact to losing without being pinned and destroy Truth making him a heel. A-Ri could turn on Miz claiming it's his time to shine turning Miz into a face. The possibilities are many, but in the end, I believe the WWE wants to create a face v face matchup between Cena v Rock and having him turn this early would not be a good idea in this sense.
Cena was a great heel in his Dr. of Thuganomics gimmick. His clotheslines seems more vicious and he did some "heelish" tactics like use his chain to the head for a victory. Only time will tell though because if Ive learned anything about the WWE is when you think you know, you have no idea.
Why do people tend to underestimate good midcarders,I think R-truth can eventually end up being a solid face...I keep hearing about his "not so good inring abilities",but he's a technical wresler,I bet cena cant deliver the spinning jumping thing he does...he's good with the crowd.
Still on that note I think Morisson deserves it much more,and I would love to see Miz and Morisson in a title match...considering their history and "friendship"

R-Truth cant even hit the spinning jumping thing, its like Morrison with SSP, i cant remember the last time either of them even came close to hitting their opponent on a regular basis...

Truth really needs a heel turn to freshen up his character. Yeah the kids sing along with his entrance, but after that he gets no reaction to his matches as hes been on such a losing streak. No one has a reason to believe he has a real chance to walk out Champ, often a heel/face turn is enough to bring that belief back. Have him destroy Cena with a chair at the start of the next Raw, and again the next week, then have Miz retain leaving Cena and Truth to feud. Maybe after that feud he will be ready to really jump to the main event scene
R-Truth cant even hit the spinning jumping thing, its like Morrison with SSP, i cant remember the last time either of them even came close to hitting their opponent on a regular basis...

Truth really needs a heel turn to freshen up his character. Yeah the kids sing along with his entrance, but after that he gets no reaction to his matches as hes been on such a losing streak. No one has a reason to believe he has a real chance to walk out Champ, often a heel/face turn is enough to bring that belief back. Have him destroy Cena with a chair at the start of the next Raw, and again the next week, then have Miz retain leaving Cena and Truth to feud. Maybe after that feud he will be ready to really jump to the main event scene

Not a bad idea. He does need to freshen up his character. Or they could have him and Cena basically jump Miz at extreme rules. So they can fight each other and then out of nowhere comes Awesome Kong to help her friend from Tna, slides a chair in the ring and Truth knocks the shit out of Cena with it over and over again, then she hits her awesome bomb on the Miz then R-Truth does his Suplex Stunner to finish Cena off. 1,2,3 R-truth turns heel and the fans throw trash in the ring like they did when Hogan went to the NWO.
truth has trouble with the WWE style.....believe it or not in TNA he was very good IMO, What he needs to do is show Cena he was a "thug" first and not a phony one like Cena is. A heel turn would be good IMO, He can bring out more personality that way, IF guys like Cena will put him over.

I'm sorry but we are in the time of the yout mvement. Why in the world would you put effort into changing R-Truth's character considering he's 39. Shocking but he's not as young as it seems. If you want to put effort into making somone heel give the Nexus something heel like to do.

I'm not saying R-Truth wouldn't be good as a heel or doesn't deserve something new, but Cena should promote the youth and not a vteran in R-Truth.
Why would he turn heel now that things apparently are finally going his way? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
But whatever, I don't really care either way. The one thing I would welcome in his heel turn is that he'd probably stop with that WHASSUP business of his. But then again I'd much rather see him on the future endeavored list than in the main event, so I'll steer away from any R-Truth discussion for now and let his actual fans debate him.

Oh, one thing, though:
I'm not saying R-Truth wouldn't be good as a heel or doesn't deserve something new, but Cena should promote the youth and not a vteran in R-Truth.
I think one must differentiate between TV age and actual age. Truth may be 39 years old, but in television years he's still relatively fresh. His first stint was long ago and hardly anyone remembers it. Then he was at TNA, which only very few people watch, and then he spend a long time on the undercard, away from the spotlight. He is still, in that sense, fresh and young and can be pushed as such.
Take the Rock. By the time he was in his early thirties he was quite stale because he had been hogging the spotlight for several years already.
Take Batista. He was what, 36 years old when he won his first Championship? But he hadn't been around the WWE for too long. He was still a relatively new guy.
Oh, one thing, though:

I think one must differentiate between TV age and actual age. Truth may be 39 years old, but in television years he's still relatively fresh. His first stint was long ago and hardly anyone remembers it. Then he was at TNA, which only very few people watch, and then he spend a long time on the undercard, away from the spotlight. He is still, in that sense, fresh and young and can be pushed as such.
Take the Rock. By the time he was in his early thirties he was quite stale because he had been hogging the spotlight for several years already.
Take Batista. He was what, 36 years old when he won his first Championship? But he hadn't been around the WWE for too long. He was still a relatively new guy.

Yes however all these guys were doing something before they won a championship. R-Truth you are lucky he is even on Raw let alone Superstars. At 39 years old he so far like you said is remembered for nothing, and even though he is relatively fresh might not necessarily see his body keep up with him. It is just in the current perspective of the WWE you have to realize who your future Main eventers are. If you decide it's truth give him a heel turn push, if not spend your effort into another place.
Before I start this is a thread to share my scenario how I would turn R Truth heel!

Ok basically I would start by Miz playing mind games and turning Cena and Truth against each other. Telling R Truth that Cena has been telling people he is ajoke and he can't take him seriously and then telling Cena that Truth is mocking Cena's fan base and saying he is overated. Later on that Night it is Cena and Truth vs Miz and Riley, Truth walks out on Cena and Miz's team wins. Next week Cena calls out Truth and they argue. Cena says that they ahve another match with Miz and Riley but this time before the match a backstage promo is hot of Truth collapsed in the locker. He is rushed to hospital. Then it turns into a handicap match which Cena wins by DQ as both Miz and Riley assualt. The final week before the Triple Threat R Truth calls out Cena to say sorry and says the Miz attacked him. Cena believes him but still delivers the AA. Later that night it is Miz vs Truth which Miz wins thanks to Riley. Cena makes the save and cleans out and that Raw ends with Truth and Cena brawling.

At Extreme Rules Cena is about to win when R Truth takes out Cena, viviously assualts him with a steel chair when the referee is down. But doesn't pin and puts the Miz on top to retain. THIS CEMENTS HIM AS A HEEL.

The next few weeks R Truth says life was hard on the streets, says Cena is a wannabe Gangster. His protogue Johnny Vurtis debuts as a heel and joins Truth to expose and humliate Cena. Hopefully this will keep Cena out the mainevent picyture until SummerSlam where his fued with the Rock will start up again.

What do you guys think?
I think you definetly have a creative mind. However I think your scenario has way too many ifs that it doesn't seem likely. Also through parts of your build-up I was unsure how Truth was a heel especially when he is apolozing. That part made it sound as if Cena was the heel. Also I highld doubt feuding with Truth keeps Cena in the main eventso that is correct however he can do better than R-Truth. Have him feud with someone good and not just a thrown together feud which you having going way to long against Truth.
At first I liked the idea of Truth as a heel, but even more so, I like the idea of using Truth to turn Cena.

At the ppv have Cena hit Miz with the AA, but Truth pulls him off, they scuffle. Truth knocks Cena out to the floor and Miz sneaks up and hits Truth with the SCF for the win.

Cena rolls in and realizes what happened as Miz hurries up the ramp taunting Cena. Then Cena snaps and destroys Truth to close the show.

Next Raw Cena apologizes and Truth forgives him. Cena raises Truth's arm, but then clothes lines him. Now Cena has a year to fine tune his heel gimmick before the showdown at Mania.

I think that the problem with this scenario is that Truth isn't over enough with the crowd to facilitate a John Cena heel turn. If anything, attacking Truth would be more likely to make the guy more popular. Truth just isn't high enough on the pecking order to have that effect. To turn somebody like John Cena, you really need somebody at a much higher level like The Rock.

I would be utterly shocked if this match goes down and does not result in an R-Truth heel turn. They need more heels on Raw. Out of the 5 men in the gauntlet, Ziggler was the only heel present. All you really need to turn Truth heel is an attack on Cena, cutting out the rapping, and a slight change to his moveset. Seems likely that this will be used to get Truth heel, keep the title on Miz, and move Cena into a new feud and away from the championship.
I think that the problem with this scenario is that Truth isn't over enough with the crowd to facilitate a John Cena heel turn. If anything, attacking Truth would be more likely to make the guy more popular. Truth just isn't high enough on the pecking order to have that effect. To turn somebody like John Cena, you really need somebody at a much higher level like The Rock.

I would be utterly shocked if this match goes down and does not result in an R-Truth heel turn. They need more heels on Raw. Out of the 5 men in the gauntlet, Ziggler was the only heel present. All you really need to turn Truth heel is an attack on Cena, cutting out the rapping, and a slight change to his moveset. Seems likely that this will be used to get Truth heel, keep the title on Miz, and move Cena into a new feud and away from the championship.
I know one dam thing R-truth really is good on the mic, its something creative is doing to the guy. See listen to him diss the wwe right here.My thing is his gimmick is " The Truth" which means he should be a heel and tell other people what some wont tell them about themselves- The Truth, whether its telling how much they suck or how much he hates them. And then he could even have his own segment like Y2J and Piper did with that highlight reel. Except his could be called " The Moment Of Truth" Where my dam phone at, let me call Creative.

If Creative plans to turn Cena heel, Truth is definitely a good candidate for the job. With the amount of heat Cena gets from the adult fans, all it takes is one extra hard clothesline or one extra chair or stair shot and it will be done. I don't think they will go that route though. Truth going heel would make more sense business wise. It also would give Cena another storyline besides the Miz. Maybe he breaks out the Dr. of Thuganomics again (wishful thinking I know). Either way, I hope there is a heel turn from one of them because that match will be boring without it. We all know that the Miz is prolly gonna retain, but the aftermath is where it's gonna get good.

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