Will Punk Cash in at Judgement Day?

Mighty NorCal

Welp, since the Edge Vs Jeff Hardy thread is wildly veering towards a CM Punk cash in convo, we may as well just get er goin.

Ok, so. J Day is in Punk's hometown of Chicago. Making it predictable. On the other hand, if Umaga kicks the shit out of him earlier in the night, then it will make it a suprise. Lulz. If that happens, and Punk still somehow steals the belt in the end, we have an ultimate underdog/undeserving champ angle. Have they ever even DONE one of those before? I cant remember...

I dont think itll happen. WWE seems determined to destory Punk, having him job cleanly to Kane last month, and now most likely getting his ass whipped by the returning Umaga. Also, unless they make it into a gimmick match, I cant see Jeff Hardy brutalizing Edge enough for him to be susceptable to a sneaky attack. Thoughts here dudes.
WWE doesn't really pander to home towns. If anything they often make the wrestler lose.

Punk won't cash it in for months, maybe until the new year. I think this year they'll bide their time with the briefcase.
Yeah I gotta admit I don't think it will happen. When they annouced the Kane vs Punk match at Backlash I honestly thought "this is a good way for punk to go over huge monsters and then lose the MITB match itself". But with a loss to Kane I think it could be the other way around. Which I will be pissed at. It would be like MVP winning the WHC in his losing streak, it would just be gay. SO I hope Punk beats Umaga at Judgement day because I am predicting a match between the 2. Then after that I hope he vs's another big dog. I don't know who it could be tho, maybe a Raw superstar in Big Show. Anyways I don't think he should cash it in.
It seems too easy doesn't it? I hope they don't right now, as Norcal said, they're simply burying Punk again, further adding to my theory: Vince hates wrestlers he didn't create, no matter how over they may be. Why should Punk get a solid push towards a big time title match and have to steal it like Edge? I'm not sure. It's not like he's got a great resume, loyal fan base, far better in ring skills than he's given credit for and a unique style. Really, someone name me the last bad Punk match they've seen.

As for JD, I doubt it. As Jake said, WWE doesn't pander to home towns more often than once in awhile and Punk got his moment by winning the IC title in the Windy City. He'll likely job to Umaga and then Jericho, Morrison, and any other big name guy I'm overlooking before stealing the title again, and we get last year all over again. Why this keeps happening is beyond me, but it's hurting his already weak reputation. so, i'm going to say no, hopefully, because at this point, it would fail badly.
nah, punk won't cash it in at judgment day. he'll probably get a match with umaga, get completely dissected limb from limb, and still come out on top. in story, he'll be way to beat up to even consider showing up in the world title match. unless i'm wrong, in which case i just wouldn't find it believable. punk looked very good against edge on raw. and i am aware he lost to kane at backlash. i don't want to see punk win all of his matches. that's boring. i don't want to see any wrestler win all their matches....except taker. punk should hold on to the case for a while, keep building, than have a decent reign as champion. 3rd times a charm (if you count the ecw title which i do because nobody in wwe has said the ecw title isn't a world championship, it's just not a very credible one.)
It seems too easy doesn't it? I hope they don't right now, as Norcal said, they're simply burying Punk again, further adding to my theory: Vince hates wrestlers he didn't create, no matter how over they may be.

Essentially, Vince did create Punk. I mean, it's hardly like him getting called up from ROH was a massive coup for the E. He was an indie star - nothing more, nothing less. Punk's current 'overness' (which I think is questionable) is almost entirely down to Vince, without whom he'd still be selling out surprisingly large gymnasiums and probably battling Jerry Lynn. Oh, the humanity!

Why should Punk get a solid push towards a big time title match and have to steal it like Edge? I'm not sure.

He beat Edge clean on SmackDown. I think. I was in and out of it. I wouldn't have thought NorCal of all people would have missed it. Sure, Edge was five days removed from a Last Man Standing Match, but he sure as shit wasn't selling it.

It's not like he's got a great resume,

Not really. Well, he is the most interesting choice for world heavyweight champion maybe ever, or maybe since Edge. Otherwise, midcard titles and indie titles are meaningless.

loyal fan base,

From what I've heard over my, uh, 'lamps' recently, he's been getting pretty mixed reactions. He definitely got out-to-the-popped by both MVP and Christian at WrestleMania.

far better in ring skills than he's given credit for and a unique style.

Yeah, fair enough. You know me though; never was a believer in the importance of psychology.

Really, someone name me the last bad Punk match they've seen.

The highlights from the Kane one certainly didn't make it look very good.

As for JD, I doubt it. As Jake said, WWE doesn't pander to home towns more often than once in awhile and Punk got his moment by winning the IC title in the Windy City.

He could always cash it in on - and consequently feud with - Jeff Hardy. I'd pay to watch that. Then again, I'm a fan of both.

I'm also of the opinion that it's worse to be a midcarder holding a midcard title than a midcarder who isn't. It's like having the glass ceiling made into a belt and wrapped around your waist. So much for that wonderful moment.

He'll likely job to Umaga and then Jericho, Morrison, and any other big name guy I'm overlooking before stealing the title again, and we get last year all over again.

Morrison a big name guy? Well, after Jericho... maybe. We'll see. I certainly wouldn't want to see Punk/Morrison again.

Why this keeps happening is beyond me, but it's hurting his already weak reputation. so, i'm going to say no, hopefully, because at this point, it would fail badly.

I was absolutely fascinated by Punk's lack of worth as he held the title last time. It was mesmerising. He sold "underdog" so much better than Cena, mostly because you were pretty convinced he was going to lose the belt any second. In the end, he didn't even lose it properly.
He's not gonna cash it at JD, that's stupid.

He's not ready yet, but WWE are trying to get him ready. He pinned Edge clean ffs. And now he's going to feud with Umaga. Which will be good. Punk needs another midcard feud and Umaga needs something to do. And it'll give him more mic time. This week's SD shows his mic skills are very under-rated.

Punk needs to go over though. Whether WWE will make him is still up in the air. But he should be given some feuds and have a good year. Then, when we've almost forgotten he's got MitB, he cashes in for a match at a PPV.

Oh and, this week's episode of SD proves all the morons who thought it was a good idea that Kane went over Punk at Backlash. They claimed it was a good idea cause it would help build a feud. Come on guys, anyone with half a brain knew we weren't gonna see a Judgement Day rematch, for the briefcase or otherwise.
Punk cashed in his money in the bank on smackdown, and then was beaten down by Umaga. Why wouldn't the bell ring after to start the match, and Edge simply pin punk. He did cash it in, they did announce it, therefore the bell should have rung regardless of Umagas interference, and Punk should have lost.
I thought the same until Grisham made a point of saying the bell didn't ring so it didn't count.

I wouldn't be surprised if WWE bought it up next week and Edge tried to get the title shot taken away from him. But with a face GM I don't see it happening.
The bell didn't ring but it was still announced as a match. If a match is about to start, and someone beats down the guy before the bell rings, what ALWAYS happens? The bell eventually rings, and the match starts. Anything goes before the bell, it happens all the time.
I admit that the scenario of Punk cashing it at Judgment Day is going down the drain. Of course, I want Punk to announce his intentions ahead of time like a typical face instead of taking advantage of a beaten champ anyway so I'm cool with it. With them teasing the cash in so much last night I'd be a little surprised if it did happen anytime soon now.

The only option I see left right now is Punk vs. Umaga at Judgment Day. Win or lose the Edge vs. Jeff Hardy main event will go through introductions and before the match can start, Punk comes out and cashes in making it a triple threat from the very beginning. If this doesn't happen I can see Punk holding onto the case for quite a while.

Punk cashed in his money in the bank on smackdown, and then was beaten down by Umaga. Why wouldn't the bell ring after to start the match, and Edge simply pin punk. He did cash it in, they did announce it, therefore the bell should have rung regardless of Umagas interference, and Punk should have lost.

I could be wrong but I believe what they've done in the past is have the ref wait until the champion is on their feet or at least close to being on their feet in order to ring the bell to start the match. Edge was still flat on his back last night by the time Umaga was running in. The match never started because the bell never rung. Thus, Punk still has his suitcase. It's not a hard concept to grasp.
I doubt he'll cash it in, but if he were to what they should do is as the bell rings Edge turns around grabs the briefcase out of the refs hands and whacks Punk in the head with it causing a DQ, Edge keeps the title and Punk is out his MITB shot, WWE has never done anything like this and IMO it would fucking own, especially with it happening in his home town
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The First Thing You've Got To Think Is That Right Now We Have 2 Heel World Champions, So Is The Perfect Scenario For Punk, So He May Cash In Very Soon, Ahmmm, I Thought For A While That It Was Going To Be Last Night On Smackdown But Then Umaga Entered, I Thought Edge Was Going To Pin Him And Punk Be The First Ever Man To Cash In A Fail, Now, Edge Lost To Him, So Punk Has Got To Beat Umaga And Solve His Differences With Him And Then Cash In Against Edge Maybe After Judgment Day Or Else. If Punk Doesn't Cash In Against Edge, He Can Very Well Cash In Against Randy Orton, Randy Is Wrestling Batista At Judgment Day So He Can End Up Very Battered And Beaten After The Match And Then Punk Cashes In, Maybe Wwe Is Trying To Distract Us By Teasing That Punk Will Cash In Against Edge And Maybe He's Not.....
If the rumours of Jeff Hardy possibly leaving WWE soon are true then you would assume they would want to milk him for all he's worth until then, which would obviously mean a TLC match against Edge at the Extreme Rules PPV. Think about it, just common sense, Punk won't be cashing in any time soon. He'll probably pull off a miraculous win over Umaga at Judgment Day or get the shit kicked out of him in a loss and get revenge of some kind in a gimmick match at the next PPV.
It depends more on Jeff Hardy's contract status than anything else, I think. Smackdown has 4 faces on their brand that actually "mean something" (Hardy, Punk, Undertaker, Mysterio) and 2 heels (Edge, Jericho). As much as I like Morrison, Shelton, and Umaga, they're not on the same level as those guys quite yet. So what are their options for WrestleMania?

Taker and Mysterio won't be in the main event, for sure. So you've got Hardy/Edge, Hardy/Jericho, Punk/Edge, and Punk/Jericho. If Hardy leaves, you're down to Punk/Edge and Punk/Jericho. Somehow, they have to build Punk up to be a serious guy before Survivor Series, really, and that can't happen if he just wins the belt on a fluke and then drops it a month later and stalls for a few months.

I think basically what they're going to do is have Punk/Umaga for Judgment Day, a blowoff in a gimmick match at Extreme Rules, and then Punk moves on to someone else for GAB/SS/CS. I don't think Punk will be cashing it in at Judgment Day, cause then it suddenly converts the championship feud to Punk/Umaga, which is just a bad idea at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if he cashed it in around SummerSlam, then lost it around Survivor Series and started a feud with Jericho or Edge in the process that culminates at WrestleMania.
Welp, since the Edge Vs Jeff Hardy thread is wildly veering towards a CM Punk cash in convo, we may as well just get er goin.

Ok, so. J Day is in Punk's hometown of Chicago. Making it predictable. On the other hand, if Umaga kicks the shit out of him earlier in the night, then it will make it a suprise. Lulz.

W.W.E follows hometown heroes closer than you might think. Look at the Kurt Angle situation from 2001. Angle/Austin went to a DQ finish at Summerslam (the bigger ppv), a month later (and after 9/11 - mind you) Angle wins the title, IN Pittsburgh, his hometown.

Now, with that being said, yes W.W.E destroys hometown heroes as well. Edge lost to Cena, in a T.L.C match set in Toronto, and Benoit lost the World title to Orton in Canada.

None the less, they work off pops. I never once said Punk was going to win. I just kept repeating myself and beating that horse to death on having him simply cash IN at Judgment Day, because the pop he received last year when it truly DID come out of no where.. was shit. At least the Chicago crowd will pop huge for him, doing it even without a surprise.

If that happens, and Punk still somehow steals the belt in the end, we have an ultimate underdog/undeserving champ angle. Have they ever even DONE one of those before? I cant remember...

They do it more than you might think. Savage was an underdog/undeserving Champion, back during the Hogan era. Bret Hart was an underdog/undeserving when he defeated Flair, during a time when bigger guys ruled.

Shawn Michaels from 96, Mick Foley from 99, and even Chris Jericho for the first ever Undisputed Championship.

Now, do I (or you) believe any of those individuals were undeserving in the times they won? I don't, and your opinion is of your own.. but to the W.W.E, they seen them as underdogs.. yet it worked. They pushed them each as underdogs, yet it worked.

I dont think itll happen. WWE seems determined to destory Punk, having him job cleanly to Kane last month, and now most likely getting his ass whipped by the returning Umaga. Also, unless they make it into a gimmick match,

MITB has never been cashed in, with a stipulation added to the match. The closest to that would've been R.V.D merely cashing in, during the One Night Stand pay per view (ahead of time) in which I think they determined it'd be extreme rules.

But nothing ever last second, and sudden like say Punk coming out and saying this is an anything goes match, or this is a *insert gimmick here* match.

I cant see Jeff Hardy brutalizing Edge enough for him to be susceptable to a sneaky attack. Thoughts here dudes.

I can't see Hardy beating Edge down, either. Which is why it likely WON'T happen that way. Which also would go with my theories of Punk cashing in.. and losing, making history in the alternative way. (meaning, he'd make history for a bad reason, not a good one.)
It depends more on Jeff Hardy's contract status than anything else, I think. Smackdown has 4 faces on their brand that actually "mean something" (Hardy, Punk, Undertaker, Mysterio) and 2 heels (Edge, Jericho). As much as I like Morrison, Shelton, and Umaga, they're not on the same level as those guys quite yet. So what are their options for WrestleMania?

Taker and Mysterio won't be in the main event, for sure. So you've got Hardy/Edge, Hardy/Jericho, Punk/Edge, and Punk/Jericho. If Hardy leaves, you're down to Punk/Edge and Punk/Jericho. Somehow, they have to build Punk up to be a serious guy before Survivor Series, really, and that can't happen if he just wins the belt on a fluke and then drops it a month later and stalls for a few months.

I think basically what they're going to do is have Punk/Umaga for Judgment Day, a blowoff in a gimmick match at Extreme Rules, and then Punk moves on to someone else for GAB/SS/CS. I don't think Punk will be cashing it in at Judgment Day, cause then it suddenly converts the championship feud to Punk/Umaga, which is just a bad idea at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if he cashed it in around SummerSlam, then lost it around Survivor Series and started a feud with Jericho or Edge in the process that culminates at WrestleMania.

I think this is a prime example of people not being ready for the next step within the Company. Now, by no means am I singling out NoFate in this opinion, but a lot of what NoFate said rings true..

Basically, people aren't ready for guys like Morrison, Punk, Umaga and Benjamin to step up and be the Main guys. While we see rematch after rematch of Edge/Cena/Triple H/Orton, etc, etc.. the fact is, when a World title match, or a Main Event suddenly hints at adding guys like Morrison, Miz, Punk, Umaga, etc.. without any build for a longer period of time.. it's something "too new" that people don't take well to.

In my opinion, I think Punk/Morrison will be the feud for the Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown, by no later than this September. Yes, Edge is still around and yes he can still go. You also have Mysterio, Jericho, Kane, Taker, and several others in which you could toss the strap around.. but that isn't helping your future.

If Punk takes the title, a guy like Benjamin, Umaga and Morrison INSTANTLY get elevated, because they've either defeated Punk, or have all the proper tools TO defeat Punk.. and it makes them not just a threat, but also a realistic contender.
I hope he does cash it in, and loses! I for one am sick of the MiTB guranteeing a title reign, if someone loses that makes it better for us in the long run. I also would like Edge to stay champion for longer than a month, it's getting frustrating!
The fact that it is in Punk's hometown would suggest that he is going to cash it in, but I don't think that they are going that way, and I'm glad to be honest. Punk should spend the next 6 months beating people at the level of Umaga, Jericho, Hardy etc, until the he looks like he is a legitimate contender. Beating Edge celan this week was an excellent start. If Punk cashes in this month, it will be a disaster as nobody will care again and it'll be another lacklustre reign. However, if they give the title to jericho/keep it on Edge for a while while Punk beats some good people, it will allow him to step up to the plate without looking ridiculous like last year.
I doubt he'll cash it in, but if he were to what they should do is as the bell rings Edge turns around grabs the briefcase out of the refs hands and whacks Punk in the head with it causing a DQ, Edge keeps the title and Punk is out his MITB shot, WWE has never done anything like this and IMO it would fucking own, especially with it happening in his home town

I for one, agree to this. It would be really cool if that happens, to change it up for a bit. Then, Punk gets all pissed off and has a 2 month fued with Edge. The first time, he loses. Then he re-gains the condendership, and wins it. That way WWE can have a little change up of where the MITB is going, Edge can have a 3 month long reign, Punk can get the belt, and punk can actually get a interesting program.
I still say Punk doesn't keep the case. I really see him losing the case to someone. Who? I don't know. Jericho's a possibility. Morrison could...although he's feuding with Jericho. But either Punk cashes, loses and goes down the tubes, or he loses the briefcase in a match.
No. I think they'll tease it, but it's far too predictable. Chances or Punk is going to be in a war with Umaga the next few months, and no one is going to cash in MITB after havign a match with Umaga, a heel umaga at that, earlier in the night.

Plus, Edge vs. Jeff Hardy. They are starting a program one month before the Extreme Rules pay per view. I fully expect we're going to get Edge vs. Hardy in a TLC at that pay per view, while Punk will be in some crazy ass gimmick match with Youmanga.

I truly expect that Punk is going to go the route of RVD this year with MITB, and that's make a direct challenge. Punk is getting fed to monster's right now, and hopefully the WWE will actually start to book this guy right against them. He got a clean win over the world champion, but now he can't beat a broken down Kane? That's the WWE, and that's why the WWE is a joke most of the time.
Everything going on at the moment seems too predictable for the WWE. It all points to cashing in in Chicago, which is exactly why it won't happen. I think what you're going to see is Punk holding onto the briefcase until next year, possibly until Wrestlemania or Punk losing the briefcase. Who to I've no idea.
I think that he will cash in money in the bank just so they can get it out of the way. Then they will make him lose in the match and then will make him the new #1 contender. It will make for a good story line, and trust me, i would know, WWE is runing out of storylines, and this would be a good one.
if he cashes it in soon, it seem silly as he's coming out of a ppv loss to kane. to then go and beat edge for the title seems madness. i hope he loses the briefcase, maybe jeff wins the title and edge later wins the briefcase? we know how he loves that briefcase.

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