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Will Mason Ryan and Zeke Jackson team up to win the tag titles?

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Burning Hammaaaaah!!!
After Raw this week with Ryan walking away from Nexus after beating down Kane and Zeke always talking trash to the Corre and being the one man in his team to slam Show, I was thinking that these two men will break away from their teams and join forces to win the tag belts.

Anyone else get this feeling?
I would like to see this. I think they would look good together aslong as they are both given similar attires. Make them a proper tag team not just two single wrestlers chucked together. They could be a powerhouse of a team like LOD or Demolision. Let them fight a few matches together on a house show too build ip some sort of understanding between the two before making them Champions. Give them a manager aswell to do the Mic Work (Michael Cole?)
I wouldnt mind seeing this for two reasons. One being that a new tag team is always good in the WWE since they have like two teams. The second being that it would make tag matches a little more fun think about a smaller team like The Usos or Hawkins and Ryder (both on Raw now) competing and trying to take down the two giants. This would get Hawkins and The Usos TV time as well. Also Big Zeke isnt a horrible mic guy I dont think they would need a manager just let Zeke do the talking but keep it short.
This would be a horrible idea. Two guys who have nothing going for them besides being huge, holding the most meaningless belts in the company. Breaking Mason apart from Punk when he hasn't learned to do anything besides hit clotheslines and scream "COME ON!" would seriously hinder his development. Same goes for Zeke, who is still incredibly limited in the ring. I don't see either of these guys being deserving of a serious push any time in the next 12 months.
I don't know if it WILL happen. But it would be a pretty formidable team to match up with Kane & Show. Zeke keeps getting the better of them and Mason put on a "show" on RAW last Monday. So, it definitely seems likely, and to be honest, I welcome it. A new team and a big ass team to say the least. I am semi excited to see where this goes.
I could definitely see these guys teaming up, hence creating a duo that can be compared to the likes of Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas "World's Greatest Tag Team" in that they could use a completely polarized moniker, say...the "World's Shittiest Tag Team....Ever", because that's exactly what they would be. Not criticizing you, OP, but WWE for even showing glimpses to their fans that this will probably happen. Bad idea.
This would be a horrible idea. Two guys who have nothing going for them besides being huge, holding the most meaningless belts in the company. Breaking Mason apart from Punk when he hasn't learned to do anything besides hit clotheslines and scream "COME ON!" would seriously hinder his development. Same goes for Zeke, who is still incredibly limited in the ring. I don't see either of these guys being deserving of a serious push any time in the next 12 months.

I completely agree with what this poster said. Now, I know everyone's saying that Big Zeke doesn't need The Corre to be successful, and trust me I agree, and people are also saying that Mason Ryan is going to be the next Dave Batista of WWE, but both of these guys have hardly seen any kind of REAL development, especially to their characters. They are identical in two ways; size and aggressiveness. But other than that, they aren't anything special. So no, I'd rather not see them as a tag team, especially when the tag team division means absolutely nothing to Vince these days. If anything, Mason Ryan needs to go back down to FCW a little longer (apparently, he even expressed his surprise at being called up so soon shortly before he made his Nexus debut on RAW), and as for Zeke...he just needs to work a little bit on his mic skills and then SmackDown could utilize him as a mid-carder for now.
I dont agree with Ryan and Zeke teaming up either...however, Draft Night during that Battle when it was down to Ryan and Bourne against Show and Kingston....

Bourne tapped Ryan on the shoulder and smiled and ofcourse they tried a double team move...I mean....just watching that reminded me of Batista and Rey.

I much rather see Bourne team up with Ryan and go FURTHER as a tag team than Rey and Batista did. I think they can and could if you get the teams together.
This would be a horrible idea. Two guys who have nothing going for them besides being huge, holding the most meaningless belts in the company. Breaking Mason apart from Punk when he hasn't learned to do anything besides hit clotheslines and scream "COME ON!" would seriously hinder his development. Same goes for Zeke, who is still incredibly limited in the ring. I don't see either of these guys being deserving of a serious push any time in the next 12 months.

That is so true, but we are watching the WWE. It's not like we are going into a WCW/TNA/RoH meeting. These things have been etched in stone for the last 7 months. WWE already had this thing already planned, if they do join forces.

I do agree on why they shouldn't receive a push yet. Their ring is very limited. Zeke has the mouth, but for a monster his voice is soft. He reminds me of Terry Crews. Very big man, but no bass in his voice.

Mason Ryan, is so limited. You don't see nothing happening for him. I say, if he don't get shipped down back to FCW this year, then look for him to be with Shad Gaspard at the unemployment line. They both have the looks, the size but lack the in-ring ability.
No they won't.

Very far fetched idea. Mason Ryan looks to be getting a pretty singles push himself on Raw.
I don't see this happening.

Ryan needs to go back to FCW; he's still green in ring and needs the training. Zeke needs a face turn and a trade to Raw. He was hella over before his move to Smackdown, and he has the kind of energy that just connects better with the live show. (Look at his matches around Oct-Nov 2010 for an example)
No I dont think that will happen.... becuz they r on different brands...draft is over nuff said...id like mark henry and zeke and mason ryan and dolph ziggler yea!
I thinks this is a great ideal; but they have to be marketed as a team not individuals thrown together. I can really see them a cornerstone of a real tag team division if the "E" really want to pursue it. They will need a mouthpiece; I suggest Michael Cole use them as his bodyguards or something.
Irrelevant even if they did. Tag Division has been dead for along time.
Don't think much of Mason Ryan, other then his Batista look he's really looks akward and a lack of coordination.

Zeke has grown as Da Truth said b4 they shipped him to Smackdown he was getting over but then they killed it off with the Corre (what a shit idea) least they coulda done was do more of a Wolfpac vs Black and White rather then the brief i'm taking your guys, you go to the other show and we never meet again.

Barrett was heading to the top, Zeke was over and the other 2 were somewhat respectable as a tag team, now Barrett is going nowhere, the other 2 losers are hanging on by a thread and Zeke has finally broken away from the sinking ship

and what's worse the guys who were actually something in McGuilacutty and Husky Harris were shipped back to FCW and they kept the losers on the main roster.

Shame on you WWE, shoulda just left them as the sons of Henning and Rotundo they woulda been far more successfulll
I don't see this happening.

Ryan needs to go back to FCW; he's still green in ring and needs the training. Zeke needs a face turn and a trade to Raw. He was hella over before his move to Smackdown, and he has the kind of energy that just connects better with the live show. (Look at his matches around Oct-Nov 2010 for an example)

I agree with everything you say here, but I'm at a loss for how Raw being a "live" show means a wrestler connects with the audience better. The show is taped, not the audience. I can't say I've ever sat at a SD taping and thought, "This isn't that exciting because it won't be on TV until Friday". It's all live when it happens.
In my opinion I don't see this happening because of them both just breaking away from stables plus wwe already has one big man tag team
Yea, I think they could potentially be a great tag team. Almost like a modern day version of the Allied Powers. But, I think for them to be successful at this, the WWE is really going to have to resurrect the Tag Team division first by recruiting new teams with some sort of a them behind them.
I would like to see it too, they have the same build, joined in their respective stables at a later time than their other members, and were both the powerhouses of their stables. But one of them is probably going to have to be drafted. Even though the tag team belts can be defendedon both brands, they both have to be on the same brand to start the team at least like big show and kane did.
Hope not. I'd rather Ryan team up with an established star to learn from for a year or so. Maybe have him as a "special enforcer" or such for Truth or Christian or somebody. I'd like to see him in a capacity like Riley/Miz for a while where he could learn, and then in a year or so start pushing him has a top singles guy.
sounds like a train wreck, and a bunch of lackluster matches. Sure both Jackson and Ryan are big guys, massive and they have a that big look that Vince loves, but they are both horrible in the ring.

Jackson can cut decent promos, but he couldn't wrestle his way out of a wet paper sack to save his life.

Ryan is too green and the one time I remember him cutting a promo I don't remember what he said, was it even in English?

The WWE needs to stop slapping two people together into tag teams, and build real teams. Why haven't Otunga and Mr Perfects kid been put in a tag team together to face other teams? where are Jimmy and Jay they got traded to Smackdown and have yet to be seen(I thought they were there already)? Santino and Kozlov? their both getting TV time but neither of them are doing anything meaningful. The Corre looks to be breaking up, but Gabriell and the Wendy's girl still need Barrett to get TV time, so they wont be going to far.
no they are doing the right thing mason is the next big heel for raw and zeke should get more of a push seeing that he was the last ecw champion but hey were just fans
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