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Will Kofi Ever Be A Prime-Time Player?


Best for (the Music) Business
So, while I was watching Hell in a Cell last night, the first match happened to be Air-Boom v. Ziggler & Swagger. While the match was going on, I couldn't help but think that this time two years ago, Evan Bourne was(no disrespect intended) the WWE's #1 jobber, while Kofi was messing with Orton & Legacy and was considered to be the one to win Money in the Bank. Since coming to the WWE aside from that one stint, the Intercontinental title is the most important claim Kingston can make. Not that that's anything to be ashamed of itself, but a lot of people were saying that Kofi was this untapped champion. Now, he's been thrown into his second tag-team. He's over with kids, can put on a pretty decent match, and I'm sure with a little bit of work, he could cut great promos. My questions are simple:

Will Kofi ever big a big time star, much less a world champion in WWE? Why or why not?

If yes, how could it happen? If not, what holds Kofi back from reaching the brass ring?
In the future he maybe able to hit that level but he has got to change his character a bit if it will ever happen. The fact is he was never able to keep that momentum going when he was feuding with Orton and a lot of that has to do with his character.

Kofi is a stereotypical face, he smiles, has high energy and waves to fans, he needs to do more than that to be a main eventer or world champion. He has good matches but is a little too bland everywhere else and he would be difficult to be bought as a main eventer by the fans.

I like Kofi, he has potential but he needs to be a little more serious, do something that can actually separate him from the pack as right now he is basically a African Evan Bourne, outside of dreadlocks and skin color there isn't much difference between both and I don't think people want Evan Bourne in the main event either. Kofi needs to evolve or will forever be stuck in lower card to mid card status for the rest of his career.
Just to expand on deanandterry's post, I think the only reason Kofi had that potential two years ago was because he abandoned his goofy, Jamaican gimmick and evolved into a more realistic version of who he actually is. The only problem with that was that he couldn't keep the momentum going. I think if he can somehow start to expand on that, maybe a heel turn somewhere down the line, he has all kinds of potential to be a main eventer.
I think this is a great question. Kofi is 30 years old, has probably just over one year left in his contract (assuming 5 years contract, his first post-developmental match was December 2007). In 3.5 years he's won IC title three times, US title twice and two Tag Team titles.

Despite his accomplishments, he just seems to me to be nothing more than an upper mid-carder. He might come close to the pinnacle by being one of the last men standing in a Royal Rumble, or competing in an Elimination Chamber. But to me, Kofi will always sell more tickets / shirts by being the high-energy first match, not the big payoff last match.

I'm sure Kofi realizes this and is content with being an IC title type of guy. What he should do is try to be the Greatest IC Champ ever, a la Curt Henning. The brass ring will always be out of reach.
Currently... hell no! I love this Air Boom thing, honestly. Yes, I've seen the Attitude Era, the Golden Era, the Shitty Era (no, wait, we're living it right now). Anyway, I like it. The Tag Team Championships have meaning again and it is just flowing really well. It could last for a while, maybe just before or, at a push, just after WrestleMania, but, after that, I want to see a, wait for it... Heel Kofi!

Thats right. Beat the shit out of Evan, Kofi! Hate the crowd. Become Anti-American. Hate everyone. Love yourself. Think you're the best. Then, I could see him win the Intercontinental Championship... again, hold it for a few months, drop it and go into the World title picture.

Normally, I can see a way for any current superstars gimmick (even Santino), but, with face Kofi, I can't see it. After a good year as a heel, go back to being a face, but with the same intensity he had against Orton in 2009.
When Kofi was feuding with Randy Orton, he had a more serious and vindictive side and it really worked for him. I really began to think that Kingston could be a main eventer and be a player, but that didn't last long. Kingston has the tools to be a prime time player. He has in ring skill, he is exciting, he has a good look, and he is good enough on the mic. He just needs something to make him stick out. Maybe it is a heel turn, maybe it is a change of character, maybe it is a change in look, etc. I'd like to say Kofi will be a world champ someday, but I think he is pretty much an upper midcarder at best when looking at the overall roster as a whole. There are guys who I rank above him in terms of main event talent and I think that is what will truly keep Kofi out of the main event scene. However Kingston should remain relevant, whether it be through Air Boom or roaming around the midcard and having a successful career there.
I think that Kofi Kingston has potential to move up the card. He's over and talented. He just needs to find his edge if he wants the WWE Universe to really take to him - to the point where people are willing to put their hands in their pockets to see him. I'm not going to suggest that he turns heel, that's too easy. Although now he's in Air Boom, it seems likely (after all, statistically, 98% of tag teams end in divorce).

Remember in 2009 when he feuded with Orton? He showed some real edge and fire., particularly when he fucked up Orton's car. It was awesome. If he can recapture that, he should be well on his way to a better position on the card.
I'm gonna call it right now, and you can write it down: Kofi's gonna have an Edge kinda career. What I mean is Edge didn't really become a main eventer until almost a decade after he debuted. The Edge we got at the time of his retirement was a totally different person than Edge when he debuted for WWE back in 96. That's how I see Kofi's run going: after a few more years and a gimmick change (maybe a couple of gimmick changes), he'll become a staple in WWE's product.
I have never seen Kofi as WWE Champion material. I see him for pretty much what he is and that being an upper midcard wrestler. I really do not see anything wrong with this and do not think everybody has to become WWE Champion/World Heavyweight Champion to have a successful WWE career. I am not a fan of Kofi Kingston and when it looked like he was on the verge of being pushed into the main event scene I really did not care for it. He is good in the ring and has a character that is over (especially amongst younger viewers). Having him win the IC, TV and Tag Team Championships and feuding in an around the mnidcard level is all I personally ever want for Kofi and do not see that as a negative. Hopefully the IC Title will continue to become something worthwhile again and future IC Title runs for Kofi and others in his predicament will mean a lot more. I know this is against the grain but I feel the same when it comes to John Morrison.
This is actually something i've been thinking about ever since his feud with Orton. He had this awesome rage that he hasn't shown since. It showed he at least has the potential to get out of the stereotype gimmick.
i'd like to say he'll become the next black champion, taking the ball HHH knocked out of Booker T's hands. He can work, put on quality matches and is capable of a ton more than what they've had him do since he first started.

In the future i see him winning a title, more likely the WHC. But that day is at least a few years off. They can give him a MITB win down the line, not rush it and he could be a huge player. He's extremely over and has enough accomplishments to show he's a credible champion.
i like Kofi and see big things for him, but he has bored the hell out of me during his US title runs as there was no one to have a proper feud with.
Kofi hasnt done anything to warrant a push. Maybe WWE ruined his character from the get go because he reminds me a lot of Rocky Mavia circa 1996-97. Kofi pretty much has no personality and just goes out there to smile for the crowd. All the top stars have some type of edginess to their character. Kofi, although a good wrestler, his character is straigh up dull and uninspiring. If he ever wants to go anywhere in WWE he has to develop some sort of personality. Not sure what happened in his feud with Orton but it seemed like they were going to make people start taking him seriously, maybe the crowd just didn't. I feel he needs to change his gimmick, this fake Jamaican stuff is just really silly.
I personally have never seen Kofi as anything other than a one dimensional character. He does the same routine week in and out and hasn't evolved any since his debut. During Air Boom's fued with Otunga and McGuillicutty, Lawler kept mentioning that Kofi and Bourne have way more charisma than Otunga or McGuillicutty, but I sure haven't see it. The only thing I see in Kofi is the ability to be a high flyer who shows no charisma whatsoever and never takes advantage of his athleticism. Much in the same respect that guys like Shelton Benjamin or John Morrison are talented high flyers, but completely suck at showing any sort of personality. If you never improve, then you can't really be taken seriously as a deserving main eventer.

I thought during his fued with Orton he might drop the streotypical gimmick and finally be a believable character. Heck, didn't HHH even acknowledge that he wasn't using his accent? That combined with his lack of showing any personality is the downfall in his character. I can't see him ever amounting to much if he can't drop his current gimmick and find one closer to himself. That, and maybe a heel turn to see if he has the depth to be considered a top guy. If not, he'll be either stuck in the same place on the card, or even possibly released more sooner than later.
A Kofi thread! Excellent.

You know, I really think that Kofi has what it takes to carry a World title. He is an excellent in-ring performer and decent on the mic. He has held every title besides World gold at this point, and he's still young. Now, will he ever attain that main-event status?

As much as it kills me to say this, because he is one of my favorite wrestlers (oops! "entertainer") but, I don't think so. I don't think Vince sees Kofi as a guy who can carry the WWE as a figure head. The reason I think this, is because of his style/moveset. He doesn't use power moves, and even though all of his moves are hit VERY clean, his moves don't have that OOMPH that say, a Celtic Cross or an Attitude Adjustment has. Don't get me wrong, Trouble in Paradise looks beautiful when he hits it, but it's no Tombstone piledriver.

It's a shame really. He's still young, and I only see him getting better. As it is now though, it seems that he's stopped climbing that success ladder. Now that he and Bourne are tagging up, and Vince wants to revitalize the tag-team division, that really kills his shot (for now) at getting into a World title race. I see him and Bourne becoming a staple in the tag scene (considering they ARE the champs).

I really hope I'm wrong, though. I'd love to see Kofi wearing championship gold. He's young and over, so I guess we'll see if the tag division flourishes or flops. I think that will be a deciding factor in him climbing back up that ladder.
the guy needs to change...hes always smiling and what not. he won't get over doing the same thing over and over...we need to see that edge in kofi like he had with orton to push him to the top. but i think he can get there
People seem to have this preconceived notion that if your not a world champion within your first few years, you never will be. Look at guys like Edge, Christian, Henry, etc. Let these guys develop. Morrison, Kofi, McIntyre, Ziggler, Barrett. All can be good champions in time. Just because they get de-pushed, doesn't mean they wont move back up.
This is again another example of someone portraying something they are NOT. Kofi Kingston is not Jamaican nor is he anything he's acting like from a character standpoint. It's that simple. He's an athletically gifted individual, no doubt. He's not worthy of being anything beyond a mid-card performer until he improves big time in the character department. Fans will not buy him as a main event guy until they can identify with his character.
Right now, he's the perfect mid-carder and the level he's on is where he belongs. But when new main eventers are needed I can see Kingston, if his character isn't as one-dimensional as it is now, being able to be a World Title contender someday.
Kofi is what I would call a 'kiddy' wrester (pardon the lameness). He connects well with the kids in the audience, and has an overall cartoonish image.

Overall however, with his current personality, he'll find it very difficult to get over the guys like us. As a matter of fact, I believe his character is very boring (if he has any) and some of his moves are plain ridiculous. For example his crossbody or clothesline from the top rope where he has excessive hang time looks dumb when most of the time, the opponents are waiting for an eternity for him to come down.

Kofi will drastically need a change in his image to actually progress in the WWE. With his current blandness, I'm afraid he'll be a permanent member of the WWE mid-card club. I'm not questioning his atheletic ability... it's awesome. Just that, he doesn't have the 'IT' factor.
Kofi Kingston is one of my favorite midcarders. Yes midcard, that is where he truly belong. I don't see him as a main-eventer sort-of like Cena because he is always this smiling happy-go-lucky type of guy and wouldn't go beyond that. He doesn't get angry or frustrated of some sort. He is like a one dimensional guy. His wrestling style is OK, in fact I am always amazed on how he does the SOS. I got no problems with him, but unless he changed his personality a bit - be more aggressive and show some more emotions he wouldn't be a main eventer. You have to have the attitude.
Kofi Kingston is one of my favorite midcarders. Yes midcard, that is where he truly belong. I don't see him as a main-eventer sort-of like Cena because he is always this smiling happy-go-lucky type of guy and wouldn't go beyond that. He doesn't get angry or frustrated of some sort. He is like a one dimensional guy. His wrestling style is OK, in fact I am always amazed on how he does the SOS. I got no problems with him, but unless he changed his personality a bit - be more aggressive and show some more emotions he wouldn't be a main eventer. You have to have the attitude.

When you said he'd never go beyond the mid card b/c he's always smiling and happy go lucky, you just essentially described John Cena's personality. Effectively the reasoning why WWE won't turn him heel. I think the main reason he won't go anywhere is b/c he's one dimensional. Kofi is decent enough and talented in the ring, similar to Morrison or Shelton Benjamin, but is only used to enhance gimmick matches. If it weren't for the MITB, TLC, HIAC and other gimmick type of PPV's, then guys like Kofi and Evan Bourne wouldn't be used as regularly. And certainly not in the main event matches on TV or PPV. Kofi just lacks overall personality and the believability to be taken seriously as a main guy. To suggest he could effectively carry either brand is a completely laughable suggestion. One day that might change, but for the here and now I think he sucks. Thus the reason he's always stuck in the midcard or thrown in a random tag team.
Kofi has the potential to be higher up on the card but his character is what holds him back. He is too happy. We saw a darker side of Kofi when he was destroying Orton's car back in 2009, but I recall reading somewhere that he made Orton angry by messing up a spot. Now he's stuck in the midcard. I like the Air Boom team and this could be the best thing to happen to Kofi. He and Bourne are the focal point of the division and will be for quite a while. If/When they split up, Kofi could turn heel and perhaps then break into the main event, otherwise he will continue to see success in the midcard. Whether the Orton incident is true or not, he is too happy as this character to be seen as a threat to the world titles. We need to see more of that anger we saw in Kofi during the Orton feud, THAT Kofi can main event. This one cannot.
Shelton errr Kingston isn't going to the main event anytime soon, hes fine where he is.

They tried to push him to the main event vs Orton when Orton was a slippery sneaky super heel and it flopped. Kingston sucks on the mic, hes terrible absolutely terrible. He's ok in the ring, relying on far to many spots to get by, and his basic moves look botched 90% of the time.
Could someone explain to me why he has to jump to perform a basic clothesline? Either way it looks like complete shit

He's destine to be in the middle card, with Bourne and Morrison. They all stick equally.
Shelton errr Kingston isn't going to the main event anytime soon, hes fine where he is.

They tried to push him to the main event vs Orton when Orton was a slippery sneaky super heel and it flopped. Kingston sucks on the mic, hes terrible absolutely terrible. He's ok in the ring, relying on far to many spots to get by, and his basic moves look botched 90% of the time.
Could someone explain to me why he has to jump to perform a basic clothesline? Either way it looks like complete shit

He's destine to be in the middle card, with Bourne and Morrison. They all stick equally.

I agree with you on that Kofi should stick in the midcard with Morrison and Bourne. They all have something in common. All have terrible mic skills and rely on spots during the match. Bourne is definately the most athletic. Kofie the most charismatic and John Morrison has the most marketable look of the 3. However I don't think any of them should be holding the World or WWE title.
I agree with you on that Kofi should stick in the midcard with Morrison and Bourne. They all have something in common. All have terrible mic skills and rely on spots during the match. Bourne is definately the most athletic. Kofie the most charismatic and John Morrison has the most marketable look of the 3. However I don't think any of them should be holding the World or WWE title.

I agree with this. They're all entertaining to watch because of their high-flying, but they all lack what it takes to be a real Heavyweight/WWE champion. Though, I could be wrong. Jeff Hardy was in a similar position as these guys, yet he ended up being a pretty good champion.
I agree with you on that Kofi should stick in the midcard with Morrison and Bourne. They all have something in common. All have terrible mic skills and rely on spots during the match. Bourne is definately the most athletic. Kofie the most charismatic and John Morrison has the most marketable look of the 3. However I don't think any of them should be holding the World or WWE title.

The fact is, if you can't connect with the crowd with your personality, then you won't go anywhere near the main events. It certainly doesn't help if you rely solely on high spots to get over. All 3 are decent in ring workers, but really don't have much offense other than the high flying. As we've seen in the past, being a talented high flyer will only get you so far. You have to have charisma, athletic ability, and a marketable look in order to be a top superstar. Maybe if you combined the three you'd have one awesome wrestler, but seperately they all suck big time. None will be on top anytime soon from my perspective and rightfully so. The last thing you need is a weak or transitional champion, as we have seen with Del Rio.

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