Sorry, but I don't like this storyline idea in the slightest.
One, there's the obvious issues of how to possibly pay it off. There seems to be only one logical outcome here, and that's the Rhodes brothers winning. Having Dusty screw them over creates two major problems.
---How does Dusty get his comeuppance? Since Lawler's heart attack, WWE won't allow performers over 60 wrestle any longer, which is smart. There's simply too much risk, especially for someone who's overweight in the way that Dusty is. So what else is there, if he can't get some kind of physical comeuppance, especially for costing his sons their jobs. Wrestling is about good and bad, and the good guys eventually overcoming the evil. That can't happen if Dusty turns heel.
---Even if Dusty was younger and deemed capable of taking bumps, how would his sons get Dusty back? Unless HHH and Stephanie are somehow overruled and forced from power, if the Rhodes' lose, they're out of jobs within the WWE, for life. So even if Dusty could get physical comeuppance, there would be no way to pay it off, as Cody and Golddust will be fired.
I understand where you're coming from, but that's just not Dusty's character. They introduced Cody backstage as a face in his first Raw appearance in an angle with Randy Orton that lead to Dusty fighting Orton in a Bullrope match in 2007, and Dusty distracting Rey Mysterio in the build to their Wrestlemania 27 match. When asked how he could possibly set Rey up, Dusty replied:
'A father does anything to help his son, even if some people consider it "wrong."'
Not that WWE is consistent with their storytelling, but that's not truly the logic of a man who would screw his sons over for a paycheck and a better title, correct?
This is meant to be a feel-good family moment, and I don't expect a swerve here.