Will Christian Ever win the WWE title


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I am a big fan of Christian and started watching TNA to see him. After he left TNA and was returning to the wwe i really wanted to see him comeback as a ME on Smack down and Win the world title then move to raw and win WWe Title. but as ECW champ odds are he is a mid carder for the rest of his Carrier. teaming with edge every now and then. So does anyone think he will ever do it. does he have enough peeps. Can he draw the crowds or is he a mid carder for life.
lately Christain has impressed me and the creative team wwe. hell even Vince has to be impressed. yes i do think if he continues on this role then he will for sure get a wwe title run. but not on Raw it has to be Smackdown. reason being to many big egos on Raw. christan would get lost in shuffle like MVP, Rey, Miz have. Bourne right now is getting buried beyond belief. so yes Christain can do it.
Absolutely. He'll get a short title run like Jeff & Punk at first, then go back to teaming with Edge if he returns as face. Then maybe in a year or two he'll get a long and believable run with the WHC title or the WWE title. I'd rather him have the WHC so that he stays in SmackDown, though. We need a face like him, with Jeff scheduled to leave rather soon.
I really, really hope so, and I do believe he has more than enough talent to win it and be as good of WWE Champion as we've seen in the last 5 years, but do I think it will happen? I just don't think so. For some strange reason, it just seems as if Vince and co. just don't like Christian. They don't see anything in him. Why? I sure would like to know, but it's a true shame that Christian hasn't won it yet, or at least been made into a serious contender for it. The one. short time he was pushed to challenge for the title, he was as over as anyone in the company at that time. But yet, all he did was lose a Triple Threat match and then get moved to Smackdown to get squashed by Batista and feud over the US Championship.

So that's all the proof you need to know that WWE Management doesn't have any faith in Christian as a main eventer, but then you add the fact that Christian actually said fuck you to WWE and jumped ship for a few years... I think that really hurts his chances of someday becoming WWE Champion as well. I mean, just look at how he debuted. It was pathetic. And now he's being put in a situation to get permanently labeled as an "ECW Guy" and as someone who can't "draw" since ECW's ratings don't do so well. That's how WWE fucking works. It's not right, but that's how it is.

I certainly hope I'm wrong, but as of now... I don't have any faith in ever seeing Christian as WWE Champion.
I got Four words as it concerns Christian and a major title

I fucking Hope not.

There are a lot of younger better stars in the WWE who should be making their way into the Main Event than Christian.
I've been a Christian Peep since 2004. I've been a fan of Christian almost since the very beginning of my wrestling watching career. Even then, in 2004, at 10 years old, I thought that Christian was very underutilized. I thought he had enough talent to be a main eventer at the time, but a World Champion? No. Since then, the three years that Christian spent in TNA, he has greatly improved his ring skills. So if I think he could be a main eventer then, he has an even better shot now.

As two-time ECW Champion in the six months he's been back in WWE is great! If you ask me, I'd say that Christian is the greatest ECW superstar since its rebirth in 2006 (some may saw it was C.M. Punk maybe).

When he leaves ECW, Smackdown would be the only place to go. It's been evident that a superstar being moved from ECW to Raw doesn't exactly mean great news for the superstar. See Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger (for now atleast), Mark Henry, The Miz, C.M. Punk (in 2008), Kane, etc. In my opinion, the only person I think was able to find success in their ECW to Raw switch was Kofi Kingston.

Christian deserves to be a World Champion. I see absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be. He's shown that he's improved in the ring, he's great on the mic, he stays in shape... if you ask me, Christian has the full package. He has all the signs of a great future World Champion.
Another thing nobody has pointed out is his build. Physically, he is a very slim guy, not bulked up huge especially compared to other wrestlers. this is most likely a disadvantage, but if there is anothe big steroids scandal in WWE they might look to push a guy like him that looks like (and I would assume is) not on the juice
I believe Christian will come good, And win the WWE title at one point in his career. The guy is magic on the microphone, People have said Christian rehearses for his promo's religiously, Over and over again, He makes sure he hits every point he needs, And in what context. He get's people fired up in the ring, With his impactful moveset. He has a great finisher too, Instantly recognizable.

His size might be holding him back at the minute, He is pretty tall, But is very lean. That didn't stop people like Edge, Jeff Hardy, And Cm Punk winning the big one recently though.
im probly one of the biggest christian marks out there. he was the only reason i would turn on tna and is still the absolutely only reason i turn on ecw every week. i think that if vince had no say in the matter, christian would have been a multi-time world/wwe champion by now. he completely has what it takes in every way. like people have said before, the only thing holding him back other than vince not liking him, is his size. which really isnt (or shouldnt) be a big deal. talent is talent no matter how big or small you are. hell the smaller guys on the roster are waaay better athletes than the big guys like khali. yeah show and kane are pretty athletic but they cant do the types of moves and aerial attacks that superstars like christian, hardy, punk, bourne, and kingston all do.

i would much rather see a young, fresh, talented, high-flying, high-risk wrestler be the wwe/world champion over a big, stale, older, slow, boring wrestler anyday. and christian fits the first mold.

if vince gets off his steroid muscle headed horse and realizes that he has a huuuuge talent in christian that he was able to TAKE from his "competition", then christian could be a ridiculously big star in the company. but he fucked up by putting him on ecw. just like jim cornette said in an interview, if he, or any sane man, were in charge in wwe, he would have paired christian back up with edge immediately and pushed him to the moon. even if vince doesnt like christian, it would have been a fantastic business decision because it would have shown any TNA guys who were possibly considering leaving that if they went to wwe, they wouldnt be instantly buried on arrival. thus in the long run, increasing WWE's chances of stealing more big name talent from tna and causing them to go under. basically if vince would have given christian a well deserved push and a meaningful title, he could have taken to first step to ending tna.

but i digress.

i really think that christian deserves a push to the main event level and given a shot to run with the title and prove himself to the doubters. hes sure got the fans, vince has just gotta listen to them
I am going to have to say that Christian has a shot at becoming the WWE champion. As of this moment, he has proven his worth over on the ECW roster & has held his own. He is actually been given the main role of training up the new guys alongside Willie Regal on the roster instead of long-term resident Tommy Dreamer. He also has the ability to draw the crowd & carry a match, as seen with the recent Ryder/Christian match. That must be saying wonders for his performance & work ethic.

However, Christian is aging & his peak will soon be dipping into oblivion like all wrestlers do. If he were ever to become a WWE champ, he must be drafted away from the ECW roster & quickly establish himself as a credible threat in the Main Event scene. I am sure the fans wont mind a sudden movement either into the title scene. It can be done, but it must be done quickly. Even then, the only thing I see Christian doing is posing a legit threat to the champion but ends up doing the job.
I'll say this again like I have so many a time. Christen has taken Benoit's spot in ECW. Getting paid to be a popular spot infront of the camera. Help new guys get over (swagger??). Would I like to see a EC and hardy TLC match yeah, but that was years ago. Christen doing his thing and yeah he probably has other titles written into his contract, along with $$$. I loved him in TNA, but WWE is where the money is at.

However, Christian is aging & his peak will soon be dipping into oblivion like all wrestlers do. If he were ever to become a WWE champ, he must be drafted away from the ECW roster & quickly establish himself as a credible threat in the Main Event scene. I am sure the fans wont mind a sudden movement either into the title scene. It can be done, but it must be done quickly. Even then, the only thing I see Christian doing is posing a legit threat to the champion but ends up doing the job.

He's got the talent and charisma to do it and I think he would be able to carry a show like Smackdown and he would draw well. Lately he's shown brilliance in the ring and out with his promos. He's carried ECW and has brought 'some' credibility to the title with his feud against Dreamer but as to wether or not he'll be given the chance at the WWE title is a different thing all together.

I just don't get the feeling that WWE trusts him and that Vince doesn't see anything in him. I don't know if he will get it but I do know he has all the talent in the world to be a great world champion.
It's doubtful. I'm not sure Vince has completely gotten over the whole jumping-ship thing, he likes to hold grudges like that. Some people could refer to his place on ECW as him being "buried", but I disagree with that. Being ECW champion isn't being buried in my book, but it is the upper midcard. I hope that his current role on ECW though is going to be used to build him further, and not just keep there to waste away. Christian routinely gets great reactions from the crowd, is great in the ring, and is one of the very best on the microphone in the entire WWE, possibly the best right now (Punk has given him a run for his money lately though). Vince is desperate looking for new stars when he has a star right here, someone who he hasn't tapped yet for a main event role. When Edge returns, there had BETTER be a god damn program involving those two either as a team or opponents, because if the WWE fails to do that, they are missing out on a big opportunity. I imagine an Edge-Christian main event feud in 2009/10 would draw BIG numbers, as their legend and stature has only grown in the years since Christian's departure.

I'm not sure Vince will ever go through with it though. I pray to God he does give Christian a shot at a legit world title though, because he's one of the most talented guys in the WWE right now, and could be doing MUCH bigger and better things for the WWE right now than feuding with William Regal.
The way Christian has carried ECW since he arrived has been epic and I hope when he jumps to Raw or SmackDown!, it'll be the same thing. He has come leaps and bounds better than he was before he jumped to TNA years ago and he's done a great thing on ECW. I prefer him going to SmackDown! where he won't be held down by HHH, Cena and Orton. He could very well carry the brand.
Christian deserves the WWE or WHC title the way i see it is finish this feud with Bill i mean William Regal and have him traded to smackdown and maybe a heel turn would push him either further in the Main Event Status or not. but i would like to see him turn heel or keep him face and maybe a E&C reunion here and there would be cool
Say what you will, but Christian is already a 4-time World Champion (then again, I'm one that still believes in the credibility of the ECW and NWA Championships by lineage alone). I've been a fan of this guy since he returned with a haircut and won the Intercontinental Championship. Prior to that? Not so much, 'cause I always liked Edge better when they were a tag team. Fast forward to the present and we have a very polished Christian. He's already made the ECW title look more prestigious than it was with post-2001 Champions before him. His promos are strong. His mic skills are strong. His in-ring abilities are fluid. Now it's only a matter of time that he wins the WWE title or the WHC title. Either one would make him a complete WWE superstar since he's pretty much won all the other titles. I'm leaning on his chances of winning the WHC more likely than the WWE title though. The WWE title seems like something that only mega main-eventers get to attain. Then again, it depends on what show Christian will be on. Overall? Chances are still slim that he'll ever get to hold either. It's a shame.
I absolutely think Christian has a shot. He just needs a chance. Of course it's already been said Vince is holding a grudge, and that's Vince's style.. But what is also Vince's style, is doing business. If Christian gains the popularity to become the champ, Vince will make it happen. He's already got the mic, and in-ring skills necessary. It's been awesome having Christian back in the WWE. I really have preferred him as face. Don't get me wrong, I loved the cocky, pesky heel just as much as anyone else, but he just has a much different swagger to him as a face. I like the more mature feel his character has gained. Personally, I don't really think Vince is punishing him. I think if that were the case, he wouldn't even have the ECW title. I think ECW is just a temporary spot. Give it another year or so, and he'll be, hopefully on Smackdown, to rekindle his feuds with Chris Jericho and Edge, especially Edge. Picture him showing up on Smackdown with a heel Edge as World champion. Christian says he's no longer his little running mate and wants his shot at the title. He could also start new ones with the likes of Morrison, Mysterio, C.M. Punk, The Undertaker, even Batista. I think his TNA run helped him develop his skill even further, he certainly proved he could headline in TNA, but the WWE is a different story, and we'll just have to wait and see.
of course he will, most likely the world title though, cuz as someone said egos go to raw and watnot. but if they unleash the true christian i saw in tna, then i see no reason for him to become champ. if punk can be elevated while he is the champ at the same time, i see no problem in giving christian the world title soon, killing two birds with one stone. but of course i prefer the heel christian
Looking at the roster, and the ease with which Regal was dispatched, and the fact that Zack Ryder is number one contender, Christian is obviously going to be the ECW champion for the foreseeable future. Anybody watching Money in the bank can see that the WWE fans want him to be a world champion, and I think it is just a matter of time. He's being booked as a long term ECW Champion, and I certainly think he will benefit from that.

You have to remember that Shawn Michaels, Batista and The Undertaker are probably all going to retire within the next 2 years, which leaves a big main event void. Christian is definitely the most over of the upper midcarders, so it makes sense to believe that he will be the world champion at some point in the middle distance to test his potential. Christian isn't being buried in ECW, he's being tested, and crowd reaction, match quality. promo quality and ratings would suggest he's past them all, if he passes longvity, there can be little argument to his championship credentials.
If they act quickly then maybe, I can see him moving to Smackdown about when Edge returns then do something with them against Jericho and Big Show And from there i can see him moving up into World Title contention

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