Will Cesaro ever truly make it in the WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ever since making his WWE, Cesaro has won the Andre The Giant Battle Royal Memorial and the US Championship with a tag team reign most recently alongside Tyson Kidd.

Thats a decent WWE career if you think about it but it's nothing overly special. In the ring Cesaro is a VERY good talent to watch. I wouldn't have known that if I'd only watched his WWE matches but after watching a few of his indie matches, especially Cesaro Vs. Luke Harper from Chikara...I knew this dude was main event worthy.

We got reports that Vince was very high on Cesaro after he had a show stealing match up with John Cena on RAW(not sure when) but since then VKM has appeared on Stone Colds podcast and said it himself that he doesn't see the "IT" factor in Cesaro.

That pretty means he will never be where he should be right? But then again Vince also said that he'd keep trying with Cesaro so he obviously knows the dude is super talented.

Do you think that Cesaro will ever find his footing and make it big? I'm not saying he'll take over for John Cena or anything but he should be someone who can jump into the main event from time to time, like Ziggler.

He hasn't been in the company for many years and many talents took years to finally take off (Jeff Hardy, Edge, Jericho) and get the main title so maybe he may be on that list of people.

If he is put with a proper manager (NOT PAUL HEYMAN...there are others in this world who can speak) then I think he may be a big star.

What do you guys think? Will Cesaro ever truly make it? Will he remain a mid card guy? Whats his peak?
I wish Cesaro would main event the WWE, he is the top wrestler in the company IMO. Only problem is, he's not the top total package in the company. Cesaro's mic skills are bland....they should dub a different voice in when Cesaro grabs the mic. ( bad idea, that's the Vince Russo coming out in me )
he's on the cusp, he's just lacking that certain charisma. He's actually well spoken and a decent interviewer but a little lacking on showing emotion. I wouldn't mind a little repackaging. He resembles Jason Statham; why not have him as a suave, ladies man who can kick ass? Pair him with a diva, have backstage segments with him in a suit or tuxedo and then have him do his thing in the ring.
There's still time for Cesaro to make it big. Yes he's 34, but judging from the way he takes care of himself and his body, the guy can likely wrestle for at least another 9 years or so. I remember reading that WWE was very high on Cesaro following Mania 30 and he, along with Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns were the three top prospects in the entire company, which is saying something. It may not seem like it now, but I wholly believe that Cesaro will receive a very strong push in the near future, especially with Tyson Kidd likely out for good. WWE is hurting for main event talent at this point, and Cesaro is a solid hand that can make the jump without much of a fuss from the fans.

His ring work is nothing less than superb, and I'm not just talking about his ability to work a match. His timing is great as is his ring psychology, and the guy can really work a crowd (when he's doing anything but cutting a promo). The only thing missing for Cesaro is a legitimate character that can be connected with. I would suggest going back to "The Swiss Superman" but actually refining the gimmick as a real life strongman with superhuman abilities.... or something like that...

I could very well be wrong, but I doubt WWE has given up on the guy just yet.
I remember reading that WWE was very high on Cesaro following Mania 30 and he, along with Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns were the three top prospects in the entire company, which is saying something.

Haha. I remember that report. All three guys were pretty dominate and had support of the fans and backstage personnel at the time. Boy have things changed. Cesaro was thrown into a tag team, Wyatt has lost every major feud he's been in, and Reigns got pushed only to be rejected by the fans.

I didnt see Cesaro ever being a main eventer. But I thought that he would be a mid card attraction. I thought he would be...basically a mid-card Randy Orton(?maybe not the best comparison?).
The thing with Cesaro is that beyond his awesome in ring skills he has nothing else. He may can speak 5 languages, but he dont belong on the mic. And though he's exceptionally strong he has an old school/dull look. If wwe would've given him a character, Cesaro could've been a top star by now. They pushed the swiss superman gimmick and the swing which resulted in him getting over then all of a sudden they dropped it and he just became boring old Cesaro again. Wwe needs to have him play to his strengths which is... his strength. Theyre using a similar idea with Neville and he's getting over pretty nicely. With Tyson Kidd gone they have to find something for him. And now a face maybe they/he should bring back the super(hu)man gimmick.
I don't think he ever will get to the tip of the company unfortunately for him. Personally, I don't think he has the capability. Being honest with you, the WWE have ruined him when he could have been a big star if they had any sort of faith in him from the start. But his terrible run with Swagger has killed all momentum stone dead. His Tag Championship run with Kidd was slightly better but when he was there, he didn't scream out "main event", in fact he looked liked he belonged there more than anything.

When you consider that people like Kevin Owens, Sam Zayn and Neville have been coming through NXT and have been getting a bigger push than Cesaro, I think it pretty soundly shows that Cesaro isn't a big deal for the WWE Creative Team right now.
But his terrible run with Swagger has killed all momentum stone dead. .

Um, what momentum? Pre-Swagger he was so directionless they even tried making him yodel due to a apparent lack of ideas(ugh, the memories) with only a very forgettable US title run to his name. Teaming up with Swagger was hardly the greatest since they lost, a lot, but eventually they became a very entertaining tag team that actually got Cesaro a ton of chances to show how great he is and it's safe to say that he came out of the team a hell of a lot better than he went in.
Yes he's 34, but judging from the way he takes care of himself and his body, the guy can likely wrestle for at least another 9 years or so.

Yeah, in other words, he can become a top star if he manages to outlive Vince McMahon.....whom I presume will run the company until he's reclining in his coffin. Didn't McMahon openly un-endorse Cesaro?

On the other hand, if Triple H is pro-Cesaro, maybe the guy can make an impact sooner. Of course, that's presuming Trips thinks any better of Cesaro than his father-in-law, but given the kind of wrestler Triple H has always been, I would think he'd appreciate the way the guy goes about his business.

It ain't what you know, it's who you know.

Ask Cesaro.
Cesaro has never been full on babyface during his years in the company, we've not even seen 80% of what he can do, as he gets older of course there will be less chance of seeing it, I'm certain Vince doesn't want to turn him as a babyface as he might actually get over once he shows his full repotoire, what's it been four years already?
In any other company I think Cesaro would be in the main-event. At 34, it's hard to imagine how he can improve his mic skills now but while Kidd is out they could put Natayla with him.
Cesaro is having a great RAW match with Cena right now.....double flipping the bird ! Cesaro swing, sharpshooter ....Awwww stupid Owens !
I really thought Kidd/Cesaro were going to elevate the tag titles like Cena did the U.S. title. I enjoyed them together. Sucks Kidd went down. I would like to see Kidd return and them to win the tag titles again. Cesaro is talented. I'd like to see him in another tag run then move back into the mid card title scene
If anyone watched the match he had with Cena last night, which quite honestly was PPV worthy, then the question of whether he should make it wouldn't even be asked.

We go on here in the IWC about mic skills and other shit, but what Cesaro can do in the ring really says it all. Give the guy a manager if that's what's needed and push the hell out of him. I sincerely don't remember seeing him put on a bad match ever. And if he can get Cena to pull new moves out of his arsenal, like he did last night, then push him to the moon already.

The guy is a phenomenal talent and so underutilized. If he went anywhere else, he'd be holding a title belt.
We go on here in the IWC about mic skills and other shit, but what Cesaro can do in the ring really says it all. Give the guy a manager if that's what's needed and push the hell out of him.

That's exactly the problem with Cesaro. To truly succeed in the WWE, you need to have more than just in-ring skills. You have to have charisma. Cesaro doesn't. Quite possibly the greatest manager ever Paul Heyman failed with Cesaro, so that's out of the question as well.
That's exactly the problem with Cesaro. To truly succeed in the WWE, you need to have more than just in-ring skills. You have to have charisma. Cesaro doesn't. Quite possibly the greatest manager ever Paul Heyman failed with Cesaro, so that's out of the question as well.
Problem is that Heyman is a Heel manager. Cesaro comes off better as a face. Problem is that you do not have the Arnold Skaaland's of the world anymore. Very rare do you see a face manager these days. The other problem is that Cesaro does not move the Merch meter much. Add that all together, and you see why Claudio Castagnoli leaving ROH for WWE was a mistake. He'll never be more than what he is right now in WWE. He needs to be at a place where talent matters.
That's exactly the problem with Cesaro. To truly succeed in the WWE, you need to have more than just in-ring skills. You have to have charisma. Cesaro doesn't. Quite possibly the greatest manager ever Paul Heyman failed with Cesaro, so that's out of the question as well.

No the problem with Cesaro is the fact that he hasn't been given a fair shot. Heyman was definitely the wrong person to pair him with, as Heyman is larger than life and needs a larger than life person to manage. That's why he works so well with Lesnar. Cesaro was still in his infancy so to speak and when your manager is stronger than you it will never work. Besides Heyman is not the be all, end all. Just ask Axle and Ryback as well.

Cesaro was doing just fine with Colter, and Colter did a lot of for him. Heyman wiped that out almost right away. Plus turning him heel did nothing for Cesaro either. Cesaro has a face move set, and he hasn't shown even a fraction of what he can do in the ring.

He is probably the best wrestler they have on the roster today. Technically sound in the ring, amazing moves, and strong as shit. He can dish it out, but can take it as well. The WWE doesn't have to make him look strong, that he can do all by himself.

The fans want to cheer him, and the WWE held him back so they could push others and it's hurt him. I still think he can make it back, and if he ever allowed to show off what he can really do the fans will go nuts. All he has to do is pull out the UFO a couple of times and they'll go berserk. Unlike other wrestler who copy so the same moves as others, Cesaro has an unique moveset that is his own. The move where he throws the guy into the air and hits him with a European uppercut is fantastic. That combined with the swing and the UFO would make him the most unique wrestler on the roster.

If they go back to calling him the King of Swing, I would buy a T-shirt. I'm sure lots of others would as well. The mic skills and charisma will come as he gets more TV time and gets the chances that others have gotten. Look at Reigns. His mic skills were atrocious, his moveset weak, and he was hidden behind others for a long time, and they wanted to put the belt on him. Why, because he has the look. Since the backlash started, and they moved him back, he's come leaps and bounds. I really believe that if Cesaro had even half the chances a guy like Reigns got, he'd be motoring.
I see where you guys are coming from, and I'm a fan of Cesaro. He has a diverse and unique moveset and is one of the best wrestlers in WWE today. The problem is he has no charisma, no personality, and no character. You need that to succeed.
Yea, maybe he should go to ROH, where charisma and personality doesn't matter.
He was already in RoH. He was Tag Champs with Chris Hero, another wrestler the E did not know what to do with. You also need to understand something: WWE does not consider itself a "WRESTLING" company. RoH, NJPW, AA and CMLL do. You still need some charisma and personality in pro wrestling. However, it matters more in the E than it does anywhere else.
He was already in RoH. He was Tag Champs with Chris Hero, another wrestler the E did not know what to do with. You also need to understand something: WWE does not consider itself a "WRESTLING" company. RoH, NJPW, AA and CMLL do. You still need some charisma and personality in pro wrestling. However, it matters more in the E than it does anywhere else.

It doesn't matter what he did outside of WWE. He has no charisma and no personality and until he can develop that he will NOT be a main eventer.
Will the former tag champ (most recently) that literally just had a phenomenal 20 minute match with Cena on Raw ever make it in the WWE? What are you talking about?
I see many people saying that Cesaro failed even with Paul Heyman but you have to really accept the fact that in recent years of all the potential talent thats been handed to Paul to manage, he has only been successful with the two guys who were ALREADY successful, CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.

Maybe we feel like he has no character or personality because we don't get an in depth look at what Cesaro is every now and then. The dude is basically known for being a strong guy but thats about it. Remember when he debuted? I loved it. He was an old school dude who slept on the floor and did not believe in a luxurious life.

The WWE tried to make JoMo a star so what did they do? They showed him in pre taped segments where he would be doing parkour or just giving small interviews. They do that with Ryback now where Ryback cuts promos and lets people see what he's all about. Both of those times it seems to have worked, right?

How about they give Cesaro a his old school guy gimmick back, give him interview time on SD and let him show his workouts or show him with Tyson Kidd or something man. I assure you that you would get a positive outcome from that.

I'm not even saying give him RAW time right? I know that 3 hours is not enough time for the Authority so thats why he could move to SD. Hell maybe give him a run down in NXT since the stars seem to be decreasing down there.
Cesaro is one of the few people on the roster believeable enough to beat Lesnar in a 1v1 match. He's that good. He should be pushed.

Sucks he lost some momentum with Kidd going out, but they can fix that after that match he just had with Cena. Since he's been kinda in the middle of the Cena/Owens open challenges, let him have his own. Let him cut a promo saying he is the best in the ring and anybody who thinks otherwise should come out and prove it blah blah. Let him have 15+ minute matches weekly and he'll be over in no time. Cesaro v Harper would be a great open to this. He's a legit ass kicker, book him as one. I mean the commentary can't compliment him enough during his matches.

If he needs a manager, Lana would be a great match. Because let's face it, this stuff with Ziggler is cringeworthy. Have him work his way into that angle (maybe through the open challenges) and he eventually wins her over (as a face) and she goes back to the way like she was with Rusev. Because this new version of her sucks.
Cesaro can make it and he can be very successful only if they do this:
1. Start to push him now, with that match Monday on Raw with Cena he is ready in the ring.
2. Get him a manager to do the talking for him maybe a former wrestler.
3. Give him more t.v. time and let him talk a little he can get better but he does not need to be that good if he has a manager.
He can be a future WWE Champion if they start all of these things and add him to the U.S. Title match at Battleground.

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