Why would you enjoy/Want to see Wyatt VS Lesnar?

One decent promo (although the one of the best today) v. a rambling nonsensical cartoon character that can't get himself over even when he's playing the villain to some of the greatest babyfaces and superstars in the last few decades? No thanks.

Add to this that Wyatt is still terrible in the ring, I can't imagine him taking 16 suplexes from Brock correctly. This is not a feud that could ever be good, no matter how hard Brock or Paul Heyman carried it.

Can't get himself over? Based on what?

His merch sales - do you have those numbers?
His Main Event status - WWE are notorious for pushing whoever they want, whenever they want. If it was based on crowd reaction, Daniel Bryan would have been the top focus a year earlier, and at one point, Zack Ryder and Santino would have guys with a lot more time.

Whenever his entrance hits, the entire arena, pull out their phones and participate.

Wyatt is unique that he's an Upper Midcard guy, who can take a loss every day of the week but because of his unique character and promo skills, he stabilises himself. Its not Wyatt's fault that after the Cena feud, he became cannon fodder. WWE are just not ready to give him a solid story run.
I have to say that this feud was not in my original Wrestlemania plans before the injury storm hit the WWE. But now, with so many stars missing, someone has to take a step up the ladder. That someone has to be someone worthy, that has been placed in upper midcard for so long and that is ready to become a real star.

Ring a bell? That's right. It's Bray fuckin' Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt has been swimming in the upper midcard for 3 years now. He's a decent threat to anybody. But every time he goes to make his break into superstandom, he falls back. He couldn't do it against Cena and he couldn't do it against The Undertaker. I say that it's about time for Bray Wyatt to really become the real Face of Fear.
How? By beating Brock Lesnar. And I actually mean it. Beat him. 1-2-3 shoulders down.

Bray and Lesnar are so different it can be something you never seen before.
Brock Lesnar has never faced someone like Bray Wyatt. Even Undertaker wasn't so mysterious and unique when facing Lesnar. The Bray Wyatt character versus the Brock Lesnar character can create a unique dynamic. It will be like total legitemacy vs total kayfabe. Kayfabe needs to win this round though.

Bray Wyatt and Paul Heyman on the mic.
Do I need to say more about this one? It will be gold and strange at the same time.

A feud between them makes sense.
Bray Wyatt spend the entire 2015, trying to be the new Face of Fear, trying to surpass the legendary Undertaker, but he failed. He never once defeated The Deadman.
Then here you have Brock Lesnar. The man who ended to Streak, the man who surpassed The Deadman and then made him his bitch.
Bray Wyatt targets Lesnar because he has vowed to surpass The Deadman and to do so, he will have to slay the beast that conquered the dead. It has me sold.

WWE need variety in the main event scene, not one single top babyface.
I believe the time where you had one top guy in the bussiness is over. Hell, it has been over for over 15 years, but McMahon never realized it. The WWE has been keeping the Lesnar rub warm for Roman.
Since Roman is about to get a rub from Triple H, he does not also need to get one from Lesnar as well. Sure, he can beat Lesnar some time in the future. But he must not be the first to pin Lesnar cleanly for the first time in 3 years. Someone else has to do it, in order for the company to create more stars that can create more high profile matches in the future. That someone is Bray Wyatt, who has been in the upper midcard for the last 3 years, waiting for his chance to break through.
lmao Sheamus cuts better promos than Bray? Wow, I've seen it all. Brock also dismantled Sheamus in a matter of seconds on Raw like twice. Who cares about a house show match...Big Show had a good one with Lesnar too in a house show...you gunna book them together at Mania? C'mon dude. I don't think you'd know talent if it bit you on your ass. Wyatt has plenty.

No he doesnt. His promos are boring nonsensical rumbling and if you think Wyatt vs Lesnar will be better match then Sheamus vs Lesnar then you are a delusional one.
Why? Because I like them both.

Brock obviously needs an opponent for WrestleMania and with the depleted roster his options are limited.

I see the Wyatts eliminating Brock from the Rumble and Brock fighting Rowan, Strowman and Harper in various matches with the numbers game making it look like Bray stands a chance. Bray needs to not mess with Brock much during the build up. I doubt they're gonna have Brock lose at 'Mania but if done right even a lose can elevate Bray and the entire Wyatt family, especially if the finally debut Sister Abigail like has been rumored (which should happen at WrestleMania if it's gonna be done at all).

They have me excited for this one that's for sure.
I don't know, I think we over analyze everything to death on this site. This feud hadn't even been teased until Monday and we're already talking about how shitty the build will be, how Wyatt will lose, that a singles match would suck, etc. Honestly, the criteria some people use to determine Lesnar's opponents are way too much sometimes. For example, OP says he wouldn't want to see this because Bray isn't stiff enough, big enough, and won't get the win. Well if that's what it takes to feud with Lesnar, it excludes about 95% of the roster from ever getting in the ring with him. Also, your criticisms don't make much sense. Wyatt is one of the more stiffer in ring workers in the WWE. Most of his moves hit hard. He's also one of the bigger guys on the roster. I don't think Lesnar dwarfs him by any means.

To answer the OP. I would want to see this because it creates possibilities, it's a fresh and intriguing match-up, and if nothing else, it keeps Wyatt relevant for the year. Lesnar should be used as a means of getting younger talent over and right now, other than Owens, Bray is the most logical choice to get the rub. Also, I'm a Wyatt fan. I assume that the people who want to see this are fans of Bray while the ones that don't are not. The easier question would have been "do you like Bray Wyatt?"
Nope. I get to hear the exact same Heyman promo to go along with the exact same Wyatt promo. I'd rather see Brock and KO beat the hell out of each other with no story other than who can fight best. Save the Wyatt gimmick for someone who cares.
Recently I've seen a lot of love for a Wyatt Vs Lesnar match on these forums. After last nights Raw it appears that we could very well get that at 'Mania with The Wyatts attacking Lesnar and Bray hitting Sister Abigail at the end.

What I want to know is why do you want to see this match?

Personally I have no interest in this whatsoever. I don't believe Wyatt and Lesnar will mesh well. I don't feel Bray is a stiff enough worker to make a match entertaining with Lesnar. He isn't a good enough wrestler to make it believable he could beat him.

Then there's the size difference. If this was Face Wyatt Vs Heel Lesnar then we could have a little underdog thing going on, like if it was Bryan Vs Lesnar, but that's not the case.

Finally if it did happen, I don't see Wyatt going over. I think it would be a waste of the rub of beating Lesnar. I don't think WWE would see Wyatt go over either.

So yeah, sorry to be a typical IWC guy, but I think the match will suck and it's an easy Lesnar win.


For real dude? What I saw on HIghlight reel was devastating! I rather see Brock lesner take on Bray Wyatt on Fastlane or even ignore this match cause come RR he will eliminate everyone and set his sights on purple reign @ WM32. I think they should skip this feud cause Bray Wyatt will job yet again! Its too embarrassing as the wyatt family has been a joke of a family and jobber family as well! They are not serious threat or danger but just start up a feud and end up jobbing the match! There is no point ! I want Lesner- Reigns part 2 as it was supposed to start that way
It's rare that I agree with you on anything Brockie Maivia because I think your mostly full of monkey crap. So to answer the question why do I want to see this match? I don't think it's believable that Bray could beat Brock, nor anyone for that matter except maybe Roman Reigns, maybe the Rock (which won't happen this year). To make it more interesting they would have to have lots of interference from the Wyatt Family, but in the end Brock wins anyway. It doesn't really benefit either of the wrestlers. I would much rather see Braun Stroman because he looks like he can stand a chance but at the end Brock wins and another monster heel is done. Kevin Owens? He's nothing but a fat a$$. He doesn't stand a chance, and you can't make me believe he does. The size difference even. Looks like he works out at McDonalds. I don't know why the IWC gets a hard on for this guy. Back when he was Kevin Steen and tag champs with El Generico in ROH, I saw nothing in him. Other than Braun, I don't think there's much in line for Brock, and even then I think Braun vs Undertaker is more likely to happen. That said tho I think it should be AJ Styles vs Undertaker instead. They may be just doing Bray vs Brock since neither has an opponent and they want them both involved in Wrestlemania. I think what ends up happening is from the Rumble til Mania Brock goes through the whole family and then gets to Bray at Mania. Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt could be entertaining going back and forth,if any two men could make it work they can, and by the time Mania hits everyone will want Bray to get his. Triple H I believe will win the royal rumble and title and lose it to Roman at Mania. Oh as for Owens? most likely against Dean Ambrose unless Sami Zayn comes up and they carry over their NXT storyline feud. I just got two words for the IWC : Suck It!
I'd rather have Wyatt win rumble after HHH screws Reigns and Owens screws Lesnar. Taker challenges Bray for title and puts his career on the line. Wrestlemania needs a huge main event and I think a title vs career match would be perfect. Bray Wyatt FINALLY gets put over, which is what needs to happen, losing to Lesnar won't help him
While a feud between the two, Lesnar and Wyatt's, might be interesting, the only person it will benefit is Lesnar in the end. If you look at who Wyatt has faced in the past, Bryan, Taker and Cena, he lost to all of them. Lesnar beat Taker's streak and handed John Cena one of the most lopsided losses I've ever seen. Lesnar can tear through the locker room, Wyatt's and all.

The only way the Wyatt's could win this is to attack Lesnar as a group, and to me that makes them look even weaker that they can't get the job done as individuals. I just can't see Lesnar against Strowman. I doubt Strowman has ever been in a fight with someone like Lesnar and one of two things would happen, he would crumble like a paper flower, or come out stronger. I'm going for the former of the two. He's just not that experienced.

They say there is strength in numbers, but in the case of the Wyatt family, it has never really helped them, has it? Instead of taking on someone like Lesnar, maybe start in the mid card and rack up a bunch of wins, terrorize the locker room do something other than take on the toughest guy on the roster. If they lose again I'm afraid their credibility goes down the drain. How can you take this group seriously when all they do is lose.
I don't want to see the 2 of them wrestle because we all know the end result, which is Brock prevailing.

And the truth of the matter is that if Wyatt loses this feud and again fails to win a match at a big PPV, then he really is buried to the point of no return.

To me, his character and shtick is already hanging by a thread. If WWE wants to keep this going, he has to face someone that he wins a feud with and he's certainly not going over Lesnar to make that happen.
While a feud between the two, Lesnar and Wyatt's, might be interesting, the only person it will benefit is Lesnar in the end. If you look at who Wyatt has faced in the past, Bryan, Taker and Cena, he lost to all of them. Lesnar beat Taker's streak and handed John Cena one of the most lopsided losses I've ever seen. Lesnar can tear through the locker room, Wyatt's and all.

The only way the Wyatt's could win this is to attack Lesnar as a group, and to me that makes them look even weaker that they can't get the job done as individuals. I just can't see Lesnar against Strowman. I doubt Strowman has ever been in a fight with someone like Lesnar and one of two things would happen, he would crumble like a paper flower, or come out stronger. I'm going for the former of the two. He's just not that experienced.

They say there is strength in numbers, but in the case of the Wyatt family, it has never really helped them, has it? Instead of taking on someone like Lesnar, maybe start in the mid card and rack up a bunch of wins, terrorize the locker room do something other than take on the toughest guy on the roster. If they lose again I'm afraid their credibility goes down the drain. How can you take this group seriously when all they do is lose.

I totally agree that they have booked Bray pretty weak up until this point. I mean, there's really no disputing that since he loses his top feuds all the time.

I used "MMA math" as an example in one of my previous posts in this thread. MMA math doesn't work... Just because Bray lost to Cena and Undertaker (both of whom have been beaten by Brock) doesn't mean he has to lose to Brock. It happens in real life MMA all the time so it is believable. What better way to finally stamp Bray Wyatt as the "new face of fear"?

I disagree that Bray beating Brock in any way besides a clean 1,2,3 hurts him. It has not hurt others in the past on the grandest stage of them all. Look at HHH's win over The Rock @ Mania 16...look at him going over Booker T @ 19. Both dirty, yet still, Trips was better afterwards.

The entire family doesn't have to have a drastic interference...maybe a helping hand here or there, but just enough to have Bray looked at as a real player in the company and the real leader the family looks up to.

Look at Paul E's constant bragging after Brock beat Taker..."the 1 in 21-1" ...sounds like a broken record. Bray could do something similar with beating Brock...would be a nice addition to his resume. This 4 Horsemen of the Apocolypse thing they got would sound cool if they also conquered the Conqueror.

The way the WWE is pushing the Wyatt Family lately is not giving me the impression they want to keep doing the same old stuff with them. Ever since they added Stroman, they've been destroying everything. Look at the Dudley's and Dreamer/Rhyno. The Brothers of Destruction angle was cool, Wyatts got the upper hand and kidnapped them, and the Brothers got theirs in....it didn't make the Wyatts look weak imo.

This would be Brock's toughest test, and most believable loss. Kevin Owens would get steam rolled by Brock 1 on 1. Not a chance I believe he can win when he's destroyed everyone in his path.

Only people are Bray with the Wyatt Family or Batista...and he ain't coming back.
It's a fresh match up. It just sucks because both wrestlers aren't in the position to lose, especially Bray. When they face off, probably WM, I got Brock with the win unless they finally want to give Bray the big win.
Based on the report on the main page, we aren't looking at Brock vs. Bray. We're looking at Lesnar vs. Strowman.

I am slightly more intrigued simply due to his size. But no way he beats Lesnar either so there's really not much intrigue to watching the match.
Based on the report on the main page, we aren't looking at Brock vs. Bray. We're looking at Lesnar vs. Strowman.

I am slightly more intrigued simply due to his size. But no way he beats Lesnar either so there's really not much intrigue to watching the match.

Not 100% true. HHH seems to want that but that article says that other high ranking people don't feel he's ready or even has the reputation to headline a Mania with Brock yet.

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