Why won't WWE acknowledge TNA ?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
If they could put pride aside could a game that puts them together help or hurt?

As far as TNA it would help it will get their name and style out there for the fans that don't watch it. The business as a whole definitely. But would it Help or Hurt WWE. Would it be wise for VKM to consider it?
It would help TNA immensely, having their names next to WWE. But this would be pointless for WWE to do and Vince would and should never even think about it. Smackdown vs Raw is already a pretty good selling franchise. So why would WWE jeopardize that for something that they have nothing to gain from. I can't think of a single reason for WWE to do it. Especially coming off of SvR 2010 which was a one of the best ones recently.
Acknowledging TNA is not a good business move for WWE. If they don't mention them, they can pretend they don't exist. I would almost bet that the majority of WWE fans have never seen or heard of TNA. By Vince acknowledging them, it opens his shows fans to another option. Any good business man wants you to think that they are the only option for you.
WWE has nothing to gain whatsoever by acknowledging TNA. There have been several threads on this subject over the past several months and the answer is always pretty much the same. The only one that would ultimately benefit from the WWE acknowledging the existence of TNA in either a WWE publication, WWE website or WWE television program is TNA. That would give TNA free publicity on behalf of the largest and most successful pro wrestling company in the world.

While competition is a good thing for fans in particular, one competitor helping the other one out just doesn't make good business sense. After all, why should Vince McMahon TNA management's job for them? If TNA wants to become as big and successful of a company as the WWE, they're going to have to do it without any help from the WWE and nobody can legitimately blame Vince for that.
Why won't they? Why would WWE want to acknowledge TNA?

That would basically be saying "Hey fans, there's a smaller company out there competing with us, why don't you head over and check them out?" There is literally nothing for the WWE to gain from this. And yes, they can pretend TNA doesn't exist forever because doing that doesn't hurt them at all. I'm 100% certain that WWE speaks of TNA internally, it's not like they don't know who they are. When trying to think why WWE does or does not do something, remember that they are a public company, so their goal is to make the most money possible, and maintain the largest amount of market share. Publicly speaking about TNA to fans could only hurt them.

For TNA it would be tremendous. They would be exposed to fans who don't know there's another wrestling company and/or who haven't taken the time to check them out.
TNA assumes everyone knows about WWE, and WWE assuming that not everyone knows about TNA. So by not mentioning it on air (they have in surveys and indirectly on their website before), they reduce the chance of alerting those unaware of TNA that is exists.
There is absolutely no need for WWE to acknowledge TNA. A vast amount of WWE fans are not familiar with TNA; why direct their attention towards the competition. Why would WWE reference ROH? Same thing.

It's TNA on WWE's past to build their future by reusing the screwjob storyline and hiring old WWE stars. It's TNA that needs WWE to gain viewers, not the other way around.
Why would they?

TNA has one star that didn't get big in WWE: AJ Styles. Joe is barely on TV anymore, Angle, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Flair etc. got big in other companies, namely WWF/E. Why should TNA get acknowledged on WWE programming when they're the original that TNA keeps ripping off? It would make no sense as WWE is doing fine on their own.
TNA is notorious for having shitty marketing and advertising. Why would WWE do them the biggest favour in the world by acknowledging them on their own TV program, which is broadcast all over the world to many more people than Impact, and advertise the competition?
They don't acknowledge them because there is no point. When do you ever see the NFL talk about rival American Football leagues? Never. All that namechecking your competition does is give them free exposure. The WWE will start attacking TNA on air when they are a threat in the same way that McDonald's attacks Burger King in its adverts. You never see McDonald's talking shit about the Brothers Fish Bar in Stratford, because they are leagues beneath them. Right now TNA aren't close enough to WWE to bother discussing them.
What would the point in WWE mentioning them. TNA barely gets half the viewers that Raw gets so there is no reason for it, it is giving TNA more publicity. Look at what TNA are doing. They are mentioning WWE all the time but they still don't get anything from insulting them. It would just make no sense for them to do it.
If WWE ever mentioned TNA on-screen the way TNA has been taking shots at WWE for the last 5 years, it would make WWE look low-production the way it has affected TNA (not that other factors don't contribute to TNA's low budget feel).

WWE has no reason to go after TNA. Both their A and B show's slaughter TNA in the ratings with atleast 1,000,000 more viewers, it would be a shot in the foot and literally a million steps backwards for them.

The only time WWE ever mentioned WCW on-screen was after McMahon bought them out and he decided to gloat on-air about it, and rightfully so. Even when WCW was beating WWF in the ratings, Vince didn't cave and kept his world together just fine.

TNA is not beating RAW in the ratings, and I honestly do not believe they ever will, so there is no reason for anyone to mention their name on-screen unless Vince decides to WCW their asses and buy them out.

The only thing WWE has sent fans to TNA's direction is off their attempt at dominating "industry news" with their, well, industry news section that had news regarding TNA, ROH, and other promotions.
WWE ignores TNA because they only have nothing to gain. If they mention TNA they give them free advertising and possible lose fans. 2 wouldn't it look dumb to advertise something that has a better product. If TNA gives fans a Shooting Star Press (TNA) or or a moonsault. So they choose not to help the copmitition.
What's the point? Sure, it'd definetly help TNA a ton. It'd get their name out there. That's exactly why the WWE shouldn't mention them. They have absolutely nothing to gain. They're still miles ahead of TNA at this point, why would they want to do something that would close that gap? It's just a stupid suggestion.
No way will Vince or the WWE make mention on-air of TNA for the simple reason he has never really been about marketing another company negatively or positively before. People forget that before the Monday Night Wars started that WCW and WWF pretty much pretended that the other didn't exist. Sure we had Flair coming over to the WWF with the WCW/NWA title, the Nacho Man/Hukster/Scheme Gene/Billionaire Ted nonsense and the WWF being mentioned briefly when Hogan signed on with WCW, but really they just left each other alone.

Even during the Monday Night Wars WCW was always far more concerned with the WWF than the other way around. I can barely remember the WWF ever talking about WCW on their show, I'd assume because Vince didn't want to lose one viewer to them by making a remark like 'yeah they have the nWo, Sting, Flair, etc. but we've got....'. I was a WWF fan, but I know I would have turned over at least to check out what WCW was doing if they did (I did check out WCW anyway but that's besides the point).

The only comparison you could make is the way the WWF co-promoted with ECW back in 1996/7, but then ECW was a different entity altogether from TNA. TNA are really looking to eat in to the WWE's market share, ECW was always it's own animal and weren't really a threat to the WWF in the same way as TNA would like to be.
If they could put pride aside could a game that puts them together help or hurt?

As far as TNA it would help it will get their name and style out there for the fans that don't watch it. The business as a whole definitely. But would it Help or Hurt WWE. Would it be wise for VKM to consider it?

Reasons why WWE won't/shouldn't aknowledge TNA;

1, TNA is a small, tiny company in comparison to WWE.
2, WWE would be giving TNA free publicity, and with TNA being so small, WWE doesn't want help make them any bigger.
3, TNA is a load of shit, you cannot call it competition, it is full of has beens in fueds that should have/did happen 15 years ago.
4, TNA is full of WWE has beens, you know either the ones that WWE let go because they didn't draw anymore/weren't interesting, why would WWE say "hey, look, we've released val venis and orlando jordan because they are lower mid card jobbers that we don't need and nobody cares about, but there's this little company called TNA that has hired them, go check them out!" eh, oh.
5, TNA will fail, WWE doesn't need to do ANYTHING for this to happen other than continue doing what they are doing. Hogan thinks he knows what the fans want, but boy, they don't want to see the Nasty Boys face The Dudley's. Seriously, WTF are TNA thinking? They are their own worst enemy and are continually shooting themselves in the foot, fast forward a year and TNA, if still in existence, will still be drawing 1.2s. Fact.
WWE knows that any publicity is good publicity. Telling people that they have a choice will stir interest for casual viewers. And plus, TNA taking shots at WWE makes them seem petty, busch league, and really overall desperate.
Because it's a move that would only help one side FOR SURE, whereas the other side gets nothing for the favor.

TNA would become more noticeable. Now, let say WWE says something that sticks out about TNA, if you assume that for each million people that watch Raw, (it's about 4 to 5 million, overall on a weekly basis. The 3.whatever is based upon capsules of the quarterly hours,) lets assume that 5,000 would be clued into a new product. Now, that equals about 15,000 people. 15,000 people that didn't know about a company before WWE mentioned it, getting nothing in return so far.

If TNA mentions WWE, you think that fan is hearing about WWE for the first time? No, they still get nothing.

So, lets say that TNA doesn't hold on to ANY of that 15,000. Fine. BUT, that's still more awareness from the general public.

WWE, however, still ends up with nothing. It could only potentially hurt them. If those 15,000 fans watched TNA and said, I'll never watch again, it's not like they'll watch Raw.. HARDER. They gain, nothing. Whereas, at least TNA would be making strides. Strides that COULD potentially hurt WWE business.

No reason for them to mention, 'the other guys.'
Reasons why WWE won't/shouldn't aknowledge TNA;

1, TNA is a small, tiny company in comparison to WWE.
2, WWE would be giving TNA free publicity, and with TNA being so small, WWE doesn't want help make them any bigger.
3, TNA is a load of shit, you cannot call it competition, it is full of has beens in fueds that should have/did happen 15 years ago.
4, TNA is full of WWE has beens, you know either the ones that WWE let go because they didn't draw anymore/weren't interesting, why would WWE say "hey, look, we've released val venis and orlando jordan because they are lower mid card jobbers that we don't need and nobody cares about, but there's this little company called TNA that has hired them, go check them out!" eh, oh.
5, TNA will fail, WWE doesn't need to do ANYTHING for this to happen other than continue doing what they are doing. Hogan thinks he knows what the fans want, but boy, they don't want to see the Nasty Boys face The Dudley's. Seriously, WTF are TNA thinking? They are their own worst enemy and are continually shooting themselves in the foot, fast forward a year and TNA, if still in existence, will still be drawing 1.2s. Fact.

It's funny, a little over a month ago before the 1/4 impact, reports were coming out quoting hogan as saying "He's going to show everyone how the business is ran". Fast forward to last week, and a radio show interview he had quoted him as saying "Brother, I've sat down for the first time and after taking the reigns, brother, I can say I'm learning everything... this is all new to me" along those lines (probably more or less "brothers".. lol). So it's funny, he first thinks that he knows how everything works, then after actually doing the work he realizes he knows absolutely nothing, which is a huge pat on the back for Jeff Jarrett in being able to do it pretty much all by himself with Dixie Carter throwing him money.

I'm still 50/50 on the old guy resurgence; I'm pretty sure the majority of it is all temporary, and just a work to get fans riled up, but in the end most of these old guys they've brought in (like Nasty Boys, Hall and Waltman, etc) will be gone at the end of the TNA Vs. Hulk Hogan Angle they have been building to since even before the 1/4 impact. I don't want them there as much as the next guy, but I'm sure they do have a crucial role in building towards the apex of the first huge storyline TNA has ever been able to grind out.

Like I said earlier in the thread, the pot shots were just a way for TNA to garner attention from outside media and fans with their schoolboy insults to WWE over the years, but it failed hard because no media outlet wants to cover TNA bashing WWE because it will expose them for being everything we've covered in this thread; lower-level, bottom feeding ******s. When ECW Was first re-introduced (I refuse to call it "Brought back"), The Dudley's/Team 3D were on Impact nearly every week talking about "ECW THIS, ECW THAT, WWE THIS, VINCE MCMAHON THAT", and it not only made TNA look "Bush league", but it also really hurt Team 3d in the eyes of a casual watcher (where we all know they were told to go shoot on WWE on impact by everyone in the back).

I for one am sitting back and laughing as Hogan talks about success and "Reaching the inevitable 3.0's", because their ratings are sliding and there is nothing they can do about it.
Without a doubt it would help TNA, there name would be put along side that of the single biggest wrestling promotion in the world, people may even believe it to be another brand. I like TNA but they have no real name, most people have no clue about it let alone watch it. When some stars have admitted that people have asked them when they are going to get back into wrestling when they are in fact main eventing on TNA (Kurt Angle & Kevin Nash have both admitted to this), it's not a good sign for your company.

This would not help the WWE in any way shape or form, with the possible exception of giving TNA a much needed view from the public & making them better, thus causing the WWE to step up it's game just like it did with WCW. Other then that, the WWE have nothing to gain, all they would be doing is helping the competition.
It would help TNA without a doubt to be acknowledged as competition, but until they are tied with or beating Smackdown, WWE won't care because they can't beat the B-Show. TNA has talent, but they need better theme songs and entrances, or else they'll seem really low budget. And didn't TNA learn from WCW? That's exactly what they look like to me. WCW. TNA needs more identifiable themes. You know who WWE wrestlers are as soon as their entrance music hits. In TNA, I wait until they show the name at the bottom. WWE won't acknowledge them until they become real competition, not just a bunch of old guys and AJ Styles.
There's no need to, that's why. Does Manchester United encourage their fans to watch Liverpool games? Would Tiger Woods turn to the audience and say 'Root for the other guy!' So why would Vince say 'By the way, we aren't the only game in town anymore!' Purely by mentioning them, fans are going to change channel to see what TNA are up to.

Why did WWF acknowledge WCW and ECW? Well they acknowledged WCW because WCW used cheap tactics to win viewers, so Vince faught fire with fire, and he acknowledged ECW because they didn't really have a choice, every time they went near an ECW city, the entire crowd would chant ECW angrily AT Vince McMahon.

WWE doesn't acknowledge TNA because TNA doesn't have a rabid fan base like ECW did, who would purposely try to ruin WWE's broadcasts by chanting TNA all the time, and they aren't slowly but surely over taking WWE in the ratings, they're still stuck in the 1.5's.

TNA might like to take shots at WWE, but stupidly, the talent always appear on camera to moan about Vince himself and WWE politics, which the average mark won't understand anyway, or they're just being immature like Taz is being lately when he slags off Adamle or Cole. Yes they suck, but you slandering them on TV is no better than Ed Ferrera mocking J.R.s illness, or Tony S. trying to downplay Mick Foley's title win in 1999. It's not necessary and does nothing to help promote the show.

Even mentioning TNA on a WWE broadcast, or letting one TNA sign appear in the audience, will only help to push WWE fans to them. Why would Vince want to do that? It's dog eat dog, every man for himself in the business world, so helping your competition out just isn't smart.
TNA is no where near and never will be anything like WWE. Its not about pride its about buisness. Jesus kid.. You actually think Vince will wake up one day and say "Hey guys Im tired of being mean to these smaller wrestling companies. Lets help them out and lose fans and money! Who's with me!?"
Vince doesn't want all his little prepubescent fans to find out that there is another wrestling promotion on tv. He also doesn't want to add an inch to Carter's (or Hogan's) ego by mentioning them. VKM is VERY concerned about TNA. Bret Hart, Guest hosts, talk of raw being 3 hours permanently, and even the new rookie show that replaced WWEcw. He's worried, he just won't let TNA see him sweat

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