Why won't Cena work Smackdown?


Occasional Pre-Show
simple why dont cena work smackdown shows? does wwe think he to big of star to work b show? Orton,Punk,Brayn and ll other big stars work smackdown on reagural basics so why not Cena? does wwe want to give outher stars a chance to shine? maby cena himself thinks he to good for b show. what do u all think is the reason anyone no the answer?
Simple question. Why doesn't Cena work Smackdown shows? Does WWE think he too big of a star to work a b show? Orton, Punk, Bryan and all other big stars work smackdown on regular basis so why does Cena not? Does WWE want to give other stars a chance to shine? Maybe Cena himself thinks he is too good for a b show. What do you all think is the reason? Does anyone know the answer?

I thought it would be helpful to translate your post into English, as it is the primary language of most the users here.

Cena works a pretty rough schedule, taking in a lot of house shows, so I wouldn't argue the reason being that he thinks he's too good for a B show. Truth be told I would say that, as he is often the main focus of Raw, many of the other stories need room to develop on Smackdown which is why its filled more with Mid-card stuff. He isn't needed there, nor does it provide him with much more than he gets on Raw anyway.
I like how u act like it Cena's fault he's not the one who makes the matches he may have some say in wwe but I'm sure it's not him saying he doesn't want to be on smackdown
Cena has had a solid schedule for 11 years so WWE are rewarding him for his service by giving him less in ring action to protect his body and preserve his career. Its exactly what they do with Punk
Is the OP serious? If Cena appeared on SD regularly he'd be complaining that Cena is hogging the spotlight on both shows. You didn't need the broken English to sound dumb making this argument.
Wow. What an insanely stupid question. Cena has been on the road for 11+ years. He doesn't need to do Smackdown every week. He is the face of the company and therefore doesn't need to be reduced to the lackluster B show. Also, great spelling by the way.
Because many claim he is being shoved down our throats. Thus, there is no need for him to appear so half the crowd can boo him.
I wont go so far as to insult your Post,but Cena is the workhorse of the WWE. That guy,continually busts his ass,works and breathes wwe. He always does house shows,makes appearances for the Make-A-Wish,and is the true face of the WWE. If he appeared at smackdown on a regular basis,people would bitch and moan that he is hogging the spotlight. Smackdown is good enough that he does not need to appear but once in awhile.
the reason is simple and clean wwe doesnt want their face of the company to their B show. They heavily needed him in their prime show.
Didn't Cena recently work a few SD's? Maybe one with Ryback?

It's probably some mutual agreement between Cena and the WWE. Back during the brand split no one would have expected him to work a SD for the most part and that just didn't change when the split ended. It seems like Punk has a similar arrangement. WWE would probably love to have both guys on the show to help the ratings and gate but understand that it's not worth upsetting or overworking their top guys.

Does this mean Cena feels too good to be on the B Show? No. He'd just prefers to do other things with his time. Take that for what it's worth since I have no clue how these decisions are made. Maybe Cena really just hates the fans and can only spend so much time in front of them before he loses his mind from their stupidity.
he is a legend and don't need to he's already done it all he is part of a long list of SD Legends (Rock,Cena,Taker,Batista,Lesnar,Undertaker,Edge,HHH,Angle,Jericho,Show,Kane,Booker,Orton,RVD,etc.) speaking of which Orton doesn't need to really either
If he becomes Undisputed Champion I would hope he works Smackdown. Indeed, anyone who is the Champion of Champions should be working Raw and Smackdown.

There are a few reasons why Cena doesn't work Smackdown and I doubt it is through choice. Firstly, he already has such a hectic schedule so adding Smackdown won't be good for him. The same applied to Punk for a while, especially when they are carrying injuries.

Furthermore, it ensures Smackdown can be used for other things. If Cena is involved then people who perhaps dislike him will not watch. If they don't feature him they can give the secondary storyline a bit more emphasis.

Personally, I don't really mind if John Cena appears on Smackdown. I would like him to but I can see why he doesn't. However, the Undisputed Champion should be appearing on both Raw and Smackdown - no doubt. I don't care if it's Cena, Orton, Punk or Zack Ryder: they should be on both TV shows.
One main reason is there is no necessity of putting Cena on Smackdown. As face of the company, he already has a pretty hectic schedule. Smackdown would only add to his burden. You protect your biggest moneymaker at all cost. Besides, there are others on the roster who could use that time on Smackdown.
Cena needs Tuesdays off from wrestling so he can go to special education classes to make fun of all the kids for being ******ed. Then he goes to a fast food resturaunt and takes his burger apart and throws the quasi-meat patty at the special education fast food worker. Then he pisses on a chruch somewhere.

Then he goes home and jerks it to midget/goat/nun/preggo/amputeee porn.

On the real, though, Cena is the hardest working man in the company. He deserves to have an extra day off.
Cena does work Smackdown, when they schedule him to work it, which has happened about a half dozen times since he's returned.
Wow. What an insanely stupid question. Cena has been on the road for 11+ years. He doesn't need to do Smackdown every week. He is the face of the company and therefore doesn't need to be reduced to the lackluster B show. Also, great spelling by the way.

That's pretty much the answer right there. Though you could say the same about Orton I suppose and he's on SD every week? Maybe Orton does less house shows than Cena, although I'm not sure on that.

Could be the fact that Cena is more valuable than Orton and therefore are taking more precautions to preserve him?
That's pretty much the answer right there. Though you could say the same about Orton I suppose and he's on SD every week? Maybe Orton does less house shows than Cena, although I'm not sure on that.

Could be the fact that Cena is more valuable than Orton and therefore are taking more precautions to preserve him?

Or it could be that Orton has had more time off and less time in the main event

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