Cena on smackdown after Wrestlemania?

I say switch Jericho, Cena for HHH and Edge. Then we can have a HBK v Edge feud, Jericho v Undertaker feud, HHH v JBL feud, Cena v Kozlov feud...

The more I think about this, the more I like it. As far as I can remember, we have never seen any of these feuds before, with the exception of HBK/Edge back when DX was feuding with Rated RKO. That's one worry I would have here, is that those two groups would just reunite and pick up where they left off. We do not need another DX/Rated RKO feud.

The only other concern I would have with this is the potential for Edge to lose some of his heat in this switch. While Edge is great at playing the heel, he draws tremendous heat from his association with Vickie. All he has to do is walk out to the ramp beside her to draw huge heat. While he is good enough to get the heat without her, why break up a pair that is still working as well as they do?
Cena to SD could be awful. Right now, he's the biggest face on the show followed by who, Rey? With Batista out of action for who knows how long, tehre's no need to send him over there with Hardy, HHH and Taker being the huge faces that they are. I'm not saying Cena would get lost in the shuffle, but he's in a good place where he is. He's the undisputed biggest star on Raw and in the company, so why not put him on the flagship show? Without him, Raw is really, really bland. Smackdown doesn't need any more big names right now.

If they are serious about pushing Smackdown as much as Raw then there is no reason not to. Why not have Hardy move to Raw? Not to even it out because Cena offers so much more but just to keep a big face on Raw and the balance. And I think Hardy + Batista + HBK is enough.

Orton/Hardy only had a brief feud and the match at last years rumble was really good and got Hardy over even more. You have also got Jericho, JBL, and even HBK which would be fresh potential feuds for Hardy to have on Raw.

The potential for Cena on smackdown is huge, I'm almost certain that Smackdown would get a huge ratings boost, and if there are decent enough storylines on Raw then Raw might not be hit too badly. Cena/Taker and Cena/Edge are both big money feuds in my opinion. Theres also Kozlov who needs someone like Cena to feud with if he has any chance of suceeding in WWE, MVP who needs a feud with a name like Cena to catapult him into the main event, and even Matt Hardy who may be on the verge of breaking through with his new heel charachter which I really like.

I think it would benefit Cena somuch because as much as people criticise Cena he needs fresh competition. Instead of giving him 1 or 2 wrestlers once a year in a draft, let him move rosters and give him a whole host of fresh feuds and watch the viewers flockto smackdown.
I agree actually, Edge & Vickie shouldn't be broken up. However it mite run its course at some point. Or you could even have Vickie fired as GM, n just switch to bein Edge's manager. although will vickie be as effective as just a manager? i dunno?

And then if Chavo stays on Smackdown, he'll have nothin to do and will be let go! (We can all dream)

But yeah I do agree with you pyrusane.
Id put Cena on SD! but I wouldnt take away HHH, Raw already has enough Main Event Talent and To give them HHH would be a mistake for SD! Although, I would put MVP, and Big Show on Raw just to even things out

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