Why Ultimate Warrior does NOT deserve HOF.

Ugh, of course there are fans out there who don't think he should be in because of his WORK RATE. The business is about making money and becoming a popular star. Warrior did that in spades in the late 80s and early 90s. If it wasn't for butting heads with Vince, he may have surpassed Hogan as the wwf's biggest star. Ultimate Warrior is more deserving than Dean Malenko. There I said it! I don't care if Malenko never goes in.
OP Said he could name 10 people who are more deserving of the HOF than Warrior. I am sure there are at least 10.

However, I am going to name 10 people that Warrior is more deserving of the HOF than...

Donald Trump
Mike Tyson
Drew Carey
Bob Ueker
Koko B. Ware
Tito Santana
William Perry
Sherri Martel
Pete Rose

Warriors impact was greater than anyone on this list and I could keep going but it would be pointless... Yes he deserves an induction and for me it would be based on the fact that when I was in elementary school everyone was Ultimate Warrior for Halloween, but I never once saw a Koko B. Ware costume.

Okay, this may be picking a nit now, but why the fuck would anyone pick Tito Santana for that list?

Certainly he wasn't a main eventer, but the guy was synonymous with the WWF for nearly 15 years. I'd put Abdullah the Butcher in there, given he never contributed in any way to the WWF at any point in his career.
Another name on that list would be Bob Orton. If the guy didn't hang around Piper, I don't think he would have been remembered that much. Warrior was a WAY bigger name than him too.

I don't know if I should type this here because I don't know how relevant it would be to the topic, but when Ultimate Warrior did a convention last year in NJ, it cost $150 to meet him and the line for him was huge. WWE Hall of famer Tony Atlas didn't have anyone by him and he was probably at least 5 times cheaper to meet lol. Point is, Warrior was such a huge star back in the day that people pay lots of money just to meet him, get his autograph and get a pic with him and he definitely deserves to be in wwe's hall of fame. There's no question.
Was he the greatest wrestler no
Is he sane god no
But when he was in wwe he was one of the most over star ever he made wwe a lot of money vince has said him he hated him but vince knows he draws so kept him around and has done a deal with him again why??? He will draw again so he gets to go in hall of fame. I dont mind i was a warrior fans when i was young he was insane i loved it
Time for WWE's favorite segment of:

Did You Know?...

...who else was considered a douche? Triple H.
...who hit a woman? Stone Cold.
...who else was told he couldn't wrestle? Hulk Hogan.

Did you know these guys are Hall of Famers too?

You win.

The fact is, Warrior transcended the business. He was recognizable to nearly everyone. If I had flashcards of wrestlers from the 80s and 90s, then showed them to my grandmother -- who knows nothing about wrestling -- she would without question recognize Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, and the Ultimate Warrior. But that's about it.

Plus, the dude sold merchandise ... tons and tons of merchandise.
Even in hindsight and the way he has presented himself post wrestling career I'll still say Warrior was one of my favorites back then.

Hogan has notoriously been a dick hole but no one argues about him being in the HOF. Why? Because he drew money. He was incredibly popular.

Warrior drew money and was incredibly popular.

If wrestlers were left out due to the way they were outside of the ring then the list of wrestlers inducted would be pretty short.

You wouldn't have Austin in considering he is a known wife beater.
You wouldn't have quite a few of the '80s and '90s wrestlers in because you wouldn't want to be associated with drug and steroid users.
Dynamite Kid would never be in because he notoriously a prick. ( I know he's not in yet but the British Bulldogs are bound to go in at some point.)
You wouldn't have Jimmy Snuka in because of the whole possibly killing his girlfriend thing.
You wouldn't have Andre the Giant in considering he took liberties in the ring with guys he didn't like.
There would be a shit ton of guys who wouldn't be considered if you ever watch any of their shoot interviews.

It's all ready a kind of shitty Hall of Fame but if you put criteria into who the people were personality wise and the shit they did away from the ring it would be the smallest most awful Hall of Fame ever.
Hall of Fames are what you make of them. Certainly we have fans of various different sporting categories on WZ who can tell you that they're not satisfied with who gets that kind of honor. Wrestling being a scripted industry isn't bound by standards such as athletic ability like other sports are. Whether you want to admit it or not, Warrior had drawing power during his prime. He is an immortalized name within the WWE. Its also convenient to induct him when he's on good terms with the company. You have to understand that theres only one dimension of fans that see things like championships and HOF inductions as rewards for how someone actually conducts themselves backstage or how much they sacrificed for the business. There still are some fanboys who will tune in because Warrior did something for them when they were teens in the 80's. I'd say it really isn't that big of a deal. The HOF has been an irrelevant PR stunt since they started inducting celebrities, we know who truly deserves, and for the most part gets, the fans' appreciation.
Okay, this may be picking a nit now, but why the fuck would anyone pick Tito Santana for that list?

Certainly he wasn't a main eventer, but the guy was synonymous with the WWF for nearly 15 years. I'd put Abdullah the Butcher in there, given he never contributed in any way to the WWF at any point in his career.

Absolutely Tito Santana should be in the HOF, I just think his impact wasn't as big as Warriors, he was an example of someone warrior was more deserving of but that doesn't mean him or anyone else on the list are not deserving themselves.

Warrior along with Savage, Owen and Jake and maybe Sting are all inductees that should have been in before a lot of people... Sting should be in simply for how he elevated people who went on to be big WWE Stars
He definitely deserves HOF.

On his primetime (87- 91) he known as a successor for hulk hogan. He has charisma and energetic wrestling performance.

He done some amazing records by defeating the honky tonky man longest reign in 27 sec.

He is a 3 times consecutive solo survivor in survivor series.

He defeat andre the giant in mutiple occasions.

He is the first and only champion to hold ic and world title by defeating hulk hogan at wrestlemania main event.

But his miscommunication with wwe lead to leave wwf in a short period. Otherwise he is a top wrestler in his period
his career in WWE wasn't really all that short he was there from 87-88 to 91 came back for a year in 1992, then returned again in 96 for at least a year before going to WCW in I believe 98 for at least 3-4 months, Which outlived the span on Goldbergs career because before this he was the Dingo warrior and teamed with Sting.

Now in terms of Wrestling yes he was not the most technical wrestler, but he made the stories interesting, yes he was somewhat wreckless with guys like Bobby Heenan, but they said too when he could be reigned in he could have a great match like he did with Savage and Hogan and Rude.

He is a character back then as popular as Hogan and was a former WWE and IC champion.

Savage wasn't a saint you know he talked about sleeping with Stephanie and beating up Triple H for the longest time but he'll be in the HOF someday too.

So really this thread is invalid
Of course Ultimate Warrior should be inducted. Do I like Warrior? Hell no, the guy is a certified grade-A asshat. But I respect his contributions to the industry, I respect the trail he blazed for those after him, and I acknowledge his iconic moments. But liking someone and understanding their accomplishments are not the same thing, nor are they mutually exclusive. So I am okay with his induction on this principle.
In my opinion Warrior A.K.A Jim, doesn't deserve to be the headlining act for this year's Hall of Fame, reason being that people like Savage, the Hart Foundation, The Undertaker, The Rock etc. deserve to be inducted over this idiot. At least all of the above that I mentioned could wrestle & put on amazing matches, what did Warrior do? He went back & forth, near fall after near fall, reversal after reversal with Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 6 & then ranted about everyone to anyone who would listen.

So no I don't believe that he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, he is a steroid, jacked up freak that never deserved to be World Champion, never mind be in the Hall of Fame!
First off, Warrior does not compare well to Goldberg. Warrior was a major attraction between 1988-1992, a five year run, with two short lackluster returns in 1996 & 1998 (one match). Goldberg was a major attraction, main eventing and competing for and wiining World Titles from the end of 1997 when he started gaining steam through the end of his WWE run which was I believe 2005. At his height in 98-99 Goldberg was more popular than anyone outside Austin, in either WWE or WCW. Guys like Rock, HHH, Taker, Foley, Sting, Flair, Nash, all were WAY OVER during this time...Goldberg was bigger. Certainly comparable to Warrior in 89-90, his zenith in popularity.

Certainly in terms of in ring ability, Goldberg was superior (although neither was great here)

A few people here make reference to Warrior's contributions to the industry. What were they ? Did he spearhead a revival of the company's popularity through his work in a major storyline like Austin in 97-98 ? Did he carry a company as the top star for long periods of time, making money and drawing fans even during down times like Hogan, Flair, or Brett Hart ? Was he a major attraction, a top level Main Eventer in multiple decades for well over 10 years like Hogan, Savage, & Flair ? Did he return to the industry and "give back" helping to establish new talent and promote the company like HBK ? Did he even accomplish as much in his brief returns in 96 & 98 generating added interest in the product and helping establish other talents like Rock in his last WM appearances vs John Cena ?

How many guys did Warrior make look good, even when he won ? Seriously, even mediocre guys often looked very good and came away strong when losing vs guys like Hart, Savage, Flair, etc... When Hogan was gone did Warrior do as much to carry the mantle as Savage & Hart did ?

Im starting to wonder what his "contributions" were - I don't see any. Warrior got a great push due to his look, many more talented and very over performers clearly worked "down" to his poor skill level to make him look good, he never enhanced one opponent, never left anyone better for feuding with him, add to that his reputation for being careless and dangerous in the ring (people may think Hart is bitter or Hogan "played politics" too much but no one, not even genuine real life adversaries like HBK or Savage ever accused them of being anything less than totally careful and professional in the ring) and I cant see why he belongs anywhere. Sid Justice, another guy who gets many of the same critiques, did more longer than Warrior.

No doubt some guys just aren't completely "nice guys" - Hogan & Dusty Rhodes both have numerous stories that are less than flattering about dealing with them behind the scenes, but that doesn't detract from how much they did to make wrestling successful, and for how long, they are HOFers despite any stories you might hear. Warrior cant put a patch on them. He doesn't even compare to Goldberg, a guy who did put over the NWO and Evolution as major heels, was willing to lose matches to advance a storyline, and wrestled much better in the ring than Warrior. He gave back more and did more for the industry than Warrior.

Just because someone had a couple of big years alone shouldn't put them in the HOF and shouldn't be enough to overcome how lacking they are in numerous other credentials.

Furthermore, I cant believe WWE hasn't rectified the situation with Randy Savage to make his HOF induction. Really, there are a handful of guys who are such slam dunks as HOFers it isn't even debatable, Hogan, Flair, Rhodes, Sammartino, and when he retires Undertaker - Savage is in that group.

Rick Rude isn't in yet ? You can argue against him but Id put his credentials over Warrior's any day of the week.

Lex Luger ? Main Evented in both WCW & WWE, muti time US, World Heavyweight, and World Team Champion, Royal Rumble Winner (Co), Crockett Cup Winner, cleanly defeated Hulk Hogan for the World Title, main evented vs Brett Hart & Sting, headlined Starrcades and SummerSlam, member of the Four Horsemen at their height of popularity, single handedly carried WCW during the first year of the NWO story with Sting in storyline dictated exile and Flair recovering from shoulder surgery, one of the biggest stars of the decade in the 1990s, he isn't in but Warrior is ????

What about factions like NWO & DX. The Freebirds are in, one of the first true factions in wrestling, The Horsemen are in, maybe the best faction all time, either DX or the NWO (Especially the NWO) are more deserving than Warrior and its not like no other factions have ever gone in.

Didn't HHH do the same thing when he was World Champ and he defeated IC Champ Kane, unifying the titles, as Warrior did, with both IC & World Titles following his win over Hogan ?

It is true that WWE HOF is about PR and making money. I give Vince tremendous credit for not overlooking truly deserving HOF Inductees who weren't WWE only or Vince Only creations, not just the painly obvious choice like Ric Flair but also Dusty Rhodes, Nick Bockwinkle, The Von Erichs, The Freebirds, LOD, and as a faction The Four Horsemen.

In that regard he has added significant legitimacy to the WWE HOF, making induction more worthy. Still, that doesn't mean someone truly not worthy cant get in if it sells tickets (Warrior a prime example).

There is no way to argue PRO WARRIOR in the HOF unless you argue PRO GOLDBERG in the HOF. Goldberg was just as big, at time of peak popularity for the industry, and wrestled as top star much longer against better competition than Warrior
Ultimate Warrior was the winner of the WWE's and nationally televised professional wrestling generally first ever clash of two face titans. That alone renders him more significant to the history of professional wrestling than 99.9% of people that have ever put on a pair of wrestling boots, and most of the current members of the hall of fame.

Warrior was massively over, and when he was on top the WWE was drawing more in terms of numbers than they were in the 90s. Warrior did something that no other man, with the potential exception of Randy Savage, was ever able to do - carve out a niche of popularity in a time when Hulk Hogan was in his prime.

It is exceptionally difficult to make yourself relevant when there is a megastar in your midst, especially if you are a face whilst they are or a heel whilst they are. Look at the people who have reached the very highest peak whilst others have been there: Rock had to be a heel while Austin was a face, Savage had to turn heel to properly get out from under Hogan, Punk, if you accept that he did it at all, did so by being in opposition to Cena.

Indeed in the entire history of wrestling, I cannot think of a single other performer who has been the same allegiance as the man, risen to his level and had the audience be genuinely split, without one of them turning. The Ultimate Warrior is almost unique in the history of professional wrestling, not to mention the fact he held the WWE title for over 9 months. Only Savage is inactive and has held the title longer without being in the hall of fame, though Kevin Nash could also be considered retired. If Warrior doesn't deserve to be inducted this year, then I really don't know who does.
First I would like to say that to the guy who said triple h isn't worthy of the hall of fame yet. Are you serious? One could argue that in the long run he is the most successful wrestler of all time. Why? Because he started from the bottom like everyone else and had risen higher then anyone in history. He started as a regular wrestler and could potentially one day run the biggest wrestling promotion in history. Yes he married into the family and yes it was given to him but non the less him and stephanie will take over for vince mcmahon one day, assuming they stay married of course. Now back to warrior. By today's standards of wrestling he was pretty bad in the ring. But back in his time most of the attractions weren't technical wrestlers they were guys with bigger body's and a lot of strength and power. When it comes to the wrestlers in the 80s and early 90s he had the look, gimmick, and connection with the crowd that made you a top name for that time. Regardless of his wrestling ability his look and promos were unique and he is deserving of a spot in the hall of fame. However I do NOT believe he should be a headliner whatsoever. He is a runner up for headliner at best.
I am going to go out on a limb and defend the OP. There are really just 2 reasons the Ultimate Warrior should not be in the HOF; and they are as follows:

1. HE TOOK STEROIDS. Now I know that there are guys in the HOF now that admitted to steroid use, but that is the past. WWE has to put their foot down and not allow anymore PED abusers into their hallowed halls of enshrinement. I mean my god, did you not see how he would just charge down to the ring and shake the ropes like a manic mother shakes a baby? I bet he shot up before every match. Personally, the WWE hall of fame should be just as sacred of a hall as baseball's.

2. Warrior murdered Benoit and his family.
Look man, If Koko B. Ware is worthy to be in the HOF, then anyone is worthy to be in the HOF.. Saying Ultimate Warrior isn't worthy, is ludicrous and asinine. He was one of the biggest stars in his time, and is still known to be one of the biggest names and most recognizable names in WWE history, that reason alone means he's worthy of a HOF induction... It doesn't take much to be a worthy candidate for the WWE Hall of Fame, stop complaining about people getting inducted and just be happy for them.. This is why people look down on the IWC, now you guys are just complaining about nothing.
Even in hindsight and the way he has presented himself post wrestling career I'll still say Warrior was one of my favorites back then.

Hogan has notoriously been a dick hole but no one argues about him being in the HOF. Why? Because he drew money. He was incredibly popular.

Warrior drew money and was incredibly popular.

If wrestlers were left out due to the way they were outside of the ring then the list of wrestlers inducted would be pretty short.

You wouldn't have Austin in considering he is a known wife beater.
You wouldn't have quite a few of the '80s and '90s wrestlers in because you wouldn't want to be associated with drug and steroid users.
Dynamite Kid would never be in because he notoriously a prick. ( I know he's not in yet but the British Bulldogs are bound to go in at some point.)
You wouldn't have Jimmy Snuka in because of the whole possibly killing his girlfriend thing.
You wouldn't have Andre the Giant in considering he took liberties in the ring with guys he didn't like.
There would be a shit ton of guys who wouldn't be considered if you ever watch any of their shoot interviews.

It's all ready a kind of shitty Hall of Fame but if you put criteria into who the people were personality wise and the shit they did away from the ring it would be the smallest most awful Hall of Fame ever.

By that anti-logic then no one who has a video on Youtube, spoke an opinion, was remotely a "bully" or "hard" backstage or even had a marriage issue would get in...

Steve Austin had an altercation with his then wife... police got involved, it didn't diminish him in anyway in reality as people got that he WAS his character...and so was his wife.

EVERYONE in the 70's 80's and 90's used steroids without fail... at least long enough to know it either it was a must, or didn't help them or that it wasn't worth the damage they caused... but they all tried them, so take everyone out, including Vince, Patterson hell I would even struggle to accept Bruno never took one if he was REALLY truthful.

Wrestlers were tough guys, so almost anyone who was anyone back then had abused a rookie or a fellow worker in the ring (or even training them) because it was THE WAY... Today WWE developmentals can cry foul when they get cut... imagine that in 1981 and the damage those teaching you would have done to you, and those who you went to next would have done just cos you went public?

There are some guys who genuinely should not be there... Jimmy Snuka is the original OJ... he has had a civil judgement against him for nearly 30 years... that means a judge holds him liable for the unlawful death of a woman... in spite of that he was one of the inauguaral inductees... even in the last year there is talk of that case being reopened... would they suspend or redact his place? or feign ignorance as they did in 1983? did they redact Verne Gangne? when he murdered his roomate as a senile guy in a retirement home? No...

Either way it renders any question of Benoit in the HOF redundant as he was never judged... anything that says, doesn't say or supposes is just hearsay... there is no judgement just an accepted version which was then severely damaged by medical evidence... but they can't hide it in the same way as they could with Snuka, so... I guess Benoit never goes in...

The point to all this is that for all the hate, ridicule and disdain Warrior is nowhere near these guys... he is overrated, fine, he perhaps "stole" the spotlight from some "worthier guys" if they were your faves and has not been a "good soldier" for the business in his manner and attitude... but he hasn't killed anyone, he took roids? big deal... so did everyone else... he made a controversial speech using the word "queering" at a University wow, shocking... Greg Valentine used "nasty black person of the ring" and then repeated it promos that Vince televised... equally sad, pathetic and wrong but ultimately a soundbite, not really their creedo...

If it were truly up to me I say let him in but as a "price of admission" the Warrior would be inducting either Savage or more appropriately Rick Rude as part of his deal... he gets to headline, but he has to put over someone who put him over and helped him... if he can do that, fuck let him wrestle the next night, job out Ryback to him... cos finally the guy gets it... if he's still refusing all of it and doesn't want to "really" play ball... let Hogan do his sarcastic induction...
By that anti-logic then no one who has a video on Youtube, spoke an opinion, was remotely a "bully" or "hard" backstage or even had a marriage issue would get in...

Steve Austin had an altercation with his then wife... police got involved, it didn't diminish him in anyway in reality as people got that he WAS his character...and so was his wife.

EVERYONE in the 70's 80's and 90's used steroids without fail... at least long enough to know it either it was a must, or didn't help them or that it wasn't worth the damage they caused... but they all tried them, so take everyone out, including Vince, Patterson hell I would even struggle to accept Bruno never took one if he was REALLY truthful.

Wrestlers were tough guys, so almost anyone who was anyone back then had abused a rookie or a fellow worker in the ring (or even training them) because it was THE WAY... Today WWE developmentals can cry foul when they get cut... imagine that in 1981 and the damage those teaching you would have done to you, and those who you went to next would have done just cos you went public?

There are some guys who genuinely should not be there... Jimmy Snuka is the original OJ... he has had a civil judgement against him for nearly 30 years... that means a judge holds him liable for the unlawful death of a woman... in spite of that he was one of the inauguaral inductees... even in the last year there is talk of that case being reopened... would they suspend or redact his place? or feign ignorance as they did in 1983? did they redact Verne Gangne? when he murdered his roomate as a senile guy in a retirement home? No...

Either way it renders any question of Benoit in the HOF redundant as he was never judged... anything that says, doesn't say or supposes is just hearsay... there is no judgement just an accepted version which was then severely damaged by medical evidence... but they can't hide it in the same way as they could with Snuka, so... I guess Benoit never goes in...

The point to all this is that for all the hate, ridicule and disdain Warrior is nowhere near these guys... he is overrated, fine, he perhaps "stole" the spotlight from some "worthier guys" if they were your faves and has not been a "good soldier" for the business in his manner and attitude... but he hasn't killed anyone, he took roids? big deal... so did everyone else... he made a controversial speech using the word "queering" at a University wow, shocking... Greg Valentine used "nasty black person of the ring" and then repeated it promos that Vince televised... equally sad, pathetic and wrong but ultimately a soundbite, not really their creedo...

If it were truly up to me I say let him in but as a "price of admission" the Warrior would be inducting either Savage or more appropriately Rick Rude as part of his deal... he gets to headline, but he has to put over someone who put him over and helped him... if he can do that, fuck let him wrestle the next night, job out Ryback to him... cos finally the guy gets it... if he's still refusing all of it and doesn't want to "really" play ball... let Hogan do his sarcastic induction...

I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me but you just echoed the point I was trying to make.

If we used the criteria of what the op stated then hardly anyone would be allowed in.

That was literally what my whole post was about.

The op was criticizing Warrior a little too much and I was pointing out that if he's going to use those excuses against Warrior then the same excuses should be used for everyone and that would leave a really small Hall of Fame.

If you were trying to argue against my post then I'm not really sure how you misunderstood that. It was pretty direct.
Its been recently announced that the Ultimate Warrior is the first inductee into the Class of 14 Hall of Fame. I think it is a bad move for the following reasons:

1. He couldn't wrestle. He makes John Cena look like Dean Malenko.

2. He was an absolute douche to the rest of the locker room.

3. He was a douche to fans who adored him.

4. He spent most of his retirement ranting about other wrestlers on youtube. That is when he wasn't being publically homophobic.

Personally, I can think of at least 10 wrestlers who deserves a HOF award over him. Any thoughts??

All of these are pretty valid, but you have to look at the simple fact that Warrior was huge in his era. When you think of wrestling in the late 80s, early 90s you probably think of Hulk Hogan. The second name you think of is probably Randy Savage of The Ultimate Warrior, with the third name being whatever you didn't say for the second name. Warrior was a dick who didn't have passion for the business...but he had a good look and made them a ton of money.
1. HE TOOK STEROIDS. Now I know that there are guys in the HOF now that admitted to steroid use, but that is the past. WWE has to put their foot down and not allow anymore PED abusers into their hallowed halls of enshrinement. I mean my god, did you not see how he would just charge down to the ring and shake the ropes like a manic mother shakes a baby? I bet he shot up before every match. Personally, the WWE hall of fame should be just as sacred of a hall as baseball's.

Almost everyone in that era did but you just made my point. Anyways if WWE is so serious about having people in the HOF who took steroids they should just revoke the HOF induction of Hogan among others. Edge and Curt Henning were inducted knowing full well he took steroids.
Calm down pal. I just happen to respect the art of wrestling. I know shaking the ropes may get more of a pop than an actual technical wrestling match, but any number of bodybuilders could have done what Warrior did. Not every one can do what Malenko did. But you're right I could have used Bret or Shawn in that analogy, but it wouldn't change the fact that Warrior ABSOLUTELY SUCKED as a wrestler. No disrespect to Cena either, he is an incredibly hard worker.

See I have to disagree with this. Not just anyone could have done what Warrior did. Others tried and didn't come close. In fact there was a feud between Hogan and Paul Orndoff based on the idea that Orndoff had a better body and more talent then Hogan and was more deserving of the top spot, but Mr Wonderful never could connect to the fans the way Warrior did. There was a charisma, an appeal to him that was missing from countless others who were attempting similar things before and after him. As for his ring work, he was not as bad as a lot of people are saying. He was booked in a different way then most in terms of what they wanted of him in the ring, and like Taker, could have done more and when given the chance showed he could hold his own in the ring. Sure he was no Hart, malenko or Perfect, but he was as good in the ring as Hogan ever was and for more modern references, as good if not better then guys like Batista, Ryback, Henry, and Goldberg.
Wrestling was different during the mid/late 80s when he broke out and he faced a lot of pure jobbers instead of actual contracted talent, similar to the inflation of Goldberg's streak on house shows against jobbers. So he wasn't put in matches that SHOULD last more then 4-5min against no namers and then paired up with good workers for those matches that actually mattered with the likes of Perfect, Dibiase, Savage, and Rude. It was his character that drove his matches and style in the ring and it was that character that fans enjoyed seeing as it was so different to anything else they had seen up to that point.
So yes, he deserves to be in the HOF, as much as any one else who made a real impact on the sport. As many have said, ask anyone over 25 to name a wrestler from the 80s and he's one of top 4 wwe guys and only Sting(his old tag partner-remember they broke in together as a tag team) and Flair would potentially be named before him when talking to people who knew nwa/awa/wcw from the 80s.
As for induction, here's a though that's a little out there and they'd have to work it out with TNA, but they have done it in the past with Christian working a TNA event in response to Flair and Horseman's HOF induction when Flair was in TNA. Have Sting do the induction, if he's willing. They came in together, have similar 'christian' beliefs and ideologies and while I've heard Warrior rip everyone and everyoen rip him, I can't recall anything from Sting either about or by Warrior as negative from either guy.
I am going to go out on a limb and defend the OP. There are really just 2 reasons the Ultimate Warrior should not be in the HOF; and they are as follows:

1. HE TOOK STEROIDS. Now I know that there are guys in the HOF now that admitted to steroid use, but that is the past. WWE has to put their foot down and not allow anymore PED abusers into their hallowed halls of enshrinement. I mean my god, did you not see how he would just charge down to the ring and shake the ropes like a manic mother shakes a baby? I bet he shot up before every match. Personally, the WWE hall of fame should be just as sacred of a hall as baseball's.

2. Warrior murdered Benoit and his family.

1.Some real logic there brother. So let's take everyone out of HOF who took steroids too, just to make it fair right?

2. Murder? Have you got nothing better to do than this?

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