Why the sudden shakeup after No Way Out?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
It would seem as though certain wrestler's are about to jump to new shows after No Way Out, specifically any mixture of these wrestlers:

Edge: Most likely, as he may have to defend his title on Raw against Cena for his rematch clause.

Triple H: Brought in by Steph, Vince, Shane to get rid of Randy Orton

John Cena: Goes to challenge Edge.

Randy Orton: Challenges a champion for Wrestlemania due to his Royal Rumble victory.

Here's my question: Did the WWE actually need to have such a sudden shakeup after No Way Out? I mean, every major angle that we're about to see, I fear, is going to turn into a major clusterfuck, and unless there is a unification title match, one of the champions is going to head over to Raw. My question is, who bother to shake up the belts when you're going to have the draft almost immediately after Wrestlemania? Why wouldn't you try to build up a feud after Wrestlemania with some of these folks? Isn't Wrestlemania supposed to be the culmination of month long feuds? And isn't the draft supposed to be the thing that brings about fresh new feuds for us to clamor about? It seems like they were deseprate for new feuds for Wrestlemania, so they made these shakeups.
I think they are going to unify the 2 titles now

i think at WM 25 it will be a fatal 4 way between

Edge, HHH, Cena, Orton.

Edge and HHH are the champions

Orton is the rumble winner
Cena gets a rematch

they will combine the titles...that's my theory at least
I know its a long shot, but I really hope this is what happens:

I hope that there is a title unification in the first step towards getting rid of the brand separation. They bring all the titles together first. Then, Vince comes back and names himself commissioner over all the brands to solve this madness. Next, Vickie complains that he's showing favoritism to raw and he brings all the brands together.

I am tired of the GMs and brand separations. The WWE doesn't have nearly as many superstars anymore as they did after WCW fell. Its about time they bring it back together so that we can see some matches that otherwise may not happen, like an HBK and Undertaker fued.

I know its a shot in the dark, but if they would get rid of the brands I think it'll only help the WWE.
I don't know if they can unify the titles. It could destroy rising talent who are at the level of needing 2 titles (Jeff Hardy for one).
Now nobody's mentioned this yet, but I have this feeling that Edge is not going to be facing HHH or Cena or whoever at Mania. Does anybody else see the sparks between Vickie and Big Show? I think they are facing each other at Mania. Then HHH v. Orton. Where Cena fits in is a bit of a hole in my theory. We'll find out in an hour or so.
I don't see Trips being involved in the storyline working. Purely because Orton's Rumble win and being the top product atm was a moment I felt he was truly over Triple H as a star, putting Triple H in the programme will just bring it down much like 2004 and 2008, Trips has to stay away from Orton because this is what makes guys hate him.
k so heres my question...
unless orton or cena goes to smackdown, wouldnt that leave Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Big Show, and Vladimir Kozlov as the top 4 on Smackdown if both Triple H and Edge leave??. I mean I have no problem with Jeff being one of the top 3 at all but everyone knows that theyre gonna start leading up to him vs. Matt at Wrestlemania. And if Edge goes to Raw, what's going on with him and Vickie Guerrero..which I definitely wouldn't mind if that ended either lol. All I know is that after Wrestlemania this better be one hell of a draft.
Don't forget the Undertaker. Triple H against the Undertaker would be a big draw as the creative stance behind is that Triple H wants to beat Taker at WM and the last time they faced off was King of the Ring 2002 (excluding the Smackdown match in October).
The only answer that can be for the shakeup is Wrestlemania, WWE didn't like the direction they were heading and decide to shake it up. I'm starting to really get annoyed by all these fast title changes. It's almost as bad as when WCW had 5 World title belt changes in about a month. The WHC has changed hands 5 times since Unforgiven, the WWE belt 4 times since Survivor Series. The WWE is either trying desperately for shock value, or is really unsure in the direction there going. I think this all really begins to devalue the title, especially how Edge just sneaks in and cheats to win all his belts. Edge doesn't even need to try to win, it's all just set up for him to take it, but enough of that rant.

Everyone says Cena vs Orton and Edge vs HHH. Both good main events, but I don't see why it can't be the other around. I'm talking Cena vs HHH and Edge vs Orton. Let's first ask ourselves, who'd Edge even be allowed into the RAW EC match? Orton beat Shane and the McMahons would still want revenge on Orton. Edge, in exchange for the WHC, could very well have agreed to take out his former associate for the McMahons. And after that why wouldn't Orton want to challenge Edge for the WHC title. He probably doesn't want anymore beef with HHH and he's already feuded lots of times with Cena. A feud with Edge is new, and it'll pick up on their post Rated RKO break-up, which ended with the two having an unbelievably good match on RAW that should've been at Wrestlemania instead. On the SD side of things HHH is champ and Vickie wouldn't like that one bit, Cena would also be furious, learning that Edge begged and agreed to do McMahon's dirty work to get in the EC match, and decides to make his own case on SD to face WWE champion HHH. It'll be good for SD, as Cena being on SD more if he feuds with HHH should increase the ratings further, it'll be the rematch they didn't get to have after their first Wrestlemania, this time with HHH as the champion. It could also plant heel seeds in either character, depending on how the match and buildup goes.

Or option 2, Cena is cheated out of his rematch on RAW and the WHC main event becomes Edge vs Cena vs Orton, with Orton deciding the very week before in order to mess with all the competitors minds and infuriate the McMahons with his incorporation. On SD, HHH vs The Undertaker, both were the last two competitors in the SD EC match, and would be a very big draw because of how seldom they feud. Of course thou, if this were to happen, then Michaels would be left without his match with Taker, so that's why I think my first idea has a more likely chance of occuring. What ever happens, the reasons for all the shaking up at NWO will make sense in the next two weeks.
Im getting a little tired from the undisputed championship and wrestlers changing brands. Here what I thinK:
1. Only a few months ago we had 2 world champions on Smackdown......but nothing happened out of it. I believe the same will happen. The only good thing out of this is because it is so close to mania, we may get some great Wrestlemania matches from this.

2. Edge is the face of Smackdown at this moment. he may be argueably the best heel right now and is in one of the top known storylines......he'll stay on Smackdown. Trips will stay, mainly because he prefers the schedule.....like Taker.

3. Brand unification seems like an interesting idea....but it wont work. First off, the WWE has 3 TV contracts, the wont put 3 big shows a week for their money. Im sure if SCIFI knew that they can gets 2.2 in the ratings.....they wouldnt be paying as little for the contract with WWE as they do now.
THE MAIN REASON THERE WILL BE NO BRAND UNIFICATION is with Raws 5 million viewers, Smackdowns 3.5 and ECWs 2 (not even sure on the numbers)....the WWE doesnt have 10.5 different viewers. You wont gets 10 million viewers on each show. I myself watch all three shows. WWE is fine with 3 shows, but I prefer two.

4. Also, last thing. Smackdown may have argueably been the A show a few years ago (Orton, Taker, Batista, Angle, Beniot, Cena...etc) but it is obviously the B show now. People complain that Smackdown is horrible, but its actually the most entertaining show in my opinion. I think if McMahon didnt take stars such as Orton, Batista, Cena and Rey.....SmackDown would be just as good as Raw. SmackDown brought these guys from good to great. Please, this draft.....lets let another brand besides Raw get some guys
The unification ideas are good, but get real it will never happen. As for HHH ending Taker's streak, get real. Possibly HBK but not HHH. I'd rather them have a young star end the streak. Would lend tons of credibility to an already great Jeff Hardy. I think Dibiase would be a good candidate to end Taker's streak. Most people know Taker wanted Kane to be the one to end the streak but I dont think Kane would go for it. Plus Im not too sure fans would dig it either. My votes for ending the streak are Jeff Hardy (who will face Matt), Mr. Kennedy (who may be injured), Ted Dibiase (who isnt established yet, but this could be what establishes him). HBK ended Flair's career last year, Im not sure they will have him end Taker's or his streak. But they may who knows. I'd like to see a high profile IC title defense between Punk and Morrison or HBK. Or Morrison v. HBK for IC title would be awesome. Just a thought.

By the way, everyone knows and it should be common knowledge and written into stone that HHH goes to Raw to fight Orton at WM and Edge stays on Smackdown where we will likely see Cena/Edge at WM. Forget about Edge v. Orton, it aint gonna happen.
I would rather see Edge and Orton over Orton and HHH or Orton and Cena. Orton beat them both last year and I won't order the pay-per-view if the main event is that similar to last year's. Edge vs. Orton for the WHC is the funnest idea in my opinion. Have Cena lose the rematch and the entire Raw roster INCLUDING the McMahons have to change their mind and look toward Randy Orton to bring the title back to Raw. It sounds like an amazing idea to me, and I would love to see that happen.
No youg guys deserver to end Takers streak, well none that could concenivably go into a quick programme with him this close to WrestleMania.

Seems they left it open at the end of No Way Out for Taker vs HHH II, they tore the house down last time when they battled

I don't see where it's written in stone that HHH is going back to Raw. You must be watching a different show, nothing they have done would indicate he's going anywhere.

Onto Raw winning big every Draft,, Smackdown got all the best picks last yr to try and bump the ratings so obviously thats not the case.

personally having 3 shows is still viable with a unified roster for Raw and Smackdown they did it for yrs b4 when they had a stacked roster so why not now with even less guys and staff to run the show. ECW can do whatever it wants it's not even a consideration

So to say it aint gonna happen, you can never say never. JR/HHH were never gonna leave Raw yet where are they now? Taker will never work with HHH yet they coexist.

Is it likely to happen soon? probably not, but eventually they are gonna have to trim the fat even more and leave only the best content.
As I've said a couple of times, I think we'll now see all 4 appearing on both shows. Perhaps not all 4 on every show, but I certainly see Edge/Triple H appearing on Raw and Orton/Cena on SD a fair number of times. End of the day it helps them promote two Championship matches twice as often, which with this years WM being such a significant one in terms of the 25th anniversary, it makes sense to do so. You'll probably also have HBK/Undertaker appearing on both shows, maybe even those within MITB. I mean I'd expect the SD rating to be up this week alone with the prospect of Cena chasing Edge to SD.
Its a clusterfuck, but its cause its not just any wrestlemania, its the silver anniversary. They want the best matchups they can possibly get, and since theres a draft coming, they are mixing everything up. The next big wrestlemania will be 30, then 40 50 etc, but this is a landmark event, expect most matches to be interbrand matches, to keep things crazy and exciting up til Wrestlemania.
I agree Bill. After Raw tonight this seems to be the most probable direction. Edge vs. Cena. HHH vs. Orton. HBK vs. Undertaker. Hardy vs. Hardy. Christian vs. Swagger. Diva match. MITB match.
As I've already said in the Cena to Sd thread. Cena/Orton and Edge/HHH will stay on Raw/SD respectively for now. They don't need to switch. It doesn't matter if they appear on all the brands at the moment. Just think, the Draft will a week after WM, it is going to send everyone around. There they are likely to be stuck yet again (Besides the ECw wrestlers of course).

So basically, it doesn't matter if Cena/Orton/Edge/HHH appear on both brands (Ignore ECw as a brand) for now as the Draft ("Brand Split") will split the rosters yet again.

I could be right
Its a clusterfuck, but its cause its not just any wrestlemania, its the silver anniversary. They want the best matchups they can possibly get, and since theres a draft coming, they are mixing everything up.

Agreed. Hell, all of this interbrand mixing and matching probably accomplishes two things:

1) They're doing it so that SOMEBODY :)undertaker2:) can have a decent opponent at Wrestlemania. Because let's face it...who does SD have that is "Taker Wrestlemania Opponent" worthy that isn't going to be involved in a title match at this point? And so they're doing all this other mix and match so that HBK/:undertaker2: doesn't seem off.

2) It can be used to justify the draft. We all know it's coming, but I don't remember hearing anything about it on tonight's Raw. Just like the last one, the internet knew it was coming, but it wasn't mentioned on TV until like a week before. So everything stays chaotic in the week or two after WM and one of the McMahons calls for a draft to calm things back down.
I'd say Triple H moves to Raw to feud with Randy Orton and and Help Stephanie cause hes all she has left after Randy got rid of Vince and Shane, and Randy will use his title match contract against Triple H for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania and John Cena will move to Smackdown to fight Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania.
I'd say Triple H moves to Raw to feud with Randy Orton and and Help Stephanie cause hes all she has left after Randy got rid of Vince and Shane...

I know she's busy with her Board of Education duties and all, but I say Linda McMahon shows up on Raw next week and gives a Stone Cold Stunner to Randy Orton, downs a few beers, and flips a few birds, thereby re-activating the Attitude Era.

Before anyone goes nuts and starts raging, just picture it.

You can thank me when you stop laughing.
They're doing this to keep us interested like we've never been interested before. Keep us on our toes and and having us guessing to the very last minute.

It's magnificent.
Wrestlers appearing at different shows, champions being crowned every way you turn. It's damn good tv. WWE is better than it's been in 5 years.
The shake-up was fully necessary. Everyone was predicting No Way Out to be a suck PPV, predictable, etc. Vince is a smart man, genius even. He knows how to get us just when we think we know everything (no matter how stupid it was, did anyone predict he'd blow himself up?).

Edge/Cena and Trips/Orton seem to be the locked-in main events for Mania. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to castrate themselves and get fucked by a cactus. Seriously, Stevie Wonder saw these two matches happening after the end of No Way Out. Any other speculation is stupid and pointless. Question is, though, is how they are going to build them with their respective competitors on separate shows...but, then again, they have been playing fast and loose with the brand extension since day 1, so I'm sure it won't be a real problem.

As for Taker, no, HBK nor JBL will end the streak. In all God's honesty, I think the streak will end next year to Jack Swagger. He's got the look, he's got the skills (for a rookie, this guy is OUTSTANDING), and in a year's time with the build, he could be a completely believable torch carrier for ending Taker's streak. The streak is now something so sacred it HAS to be used to put over a younger talent, and with the way Swagger is being groomed now, it would only make sense.

Still have no idea where they're going with Jericho...but $10 says we'll know after the Oscars Sunday (if Rourke loses, he's back in I'm sure).

Let's not all forget that the draft is the week after Mania and Backlash is always Wrestlemania 2: Electric Boogalou, so I'm sure Orton goes to Smackdown and Edge back to RAW to wrap up those two programs nice and tight.

I can book this shit in my sleep.
There's 7 weeks between No Way Out, and the biggest Pay Per View in WWE history. They've never had to plan for a show like this, and they've never needed to book storylines this epic before. EVERYBODY will tune in to watch, but if the product is shit, no one will tune in on Monday. They need to make sure that not only is this show amazing, but that the fallout is just as great, and is must-see TV.

Cena is the biggest draw the company has, so by putting him in a match with the biggest heel they have, they're guaranteed to have a match that will have everyone's attention. Orton is the most hated guy in the company, so by putting him against the greatest active champion, they know no one will turn away, and no one will not like what they see in the ring. On a smaller scale, Matt Hardy leaving ECW was necessary to give Jeff Hardy the best possible non-title match available for him.

I like everything that is going on, and hope that once the rosters are set for the build-up, that ECW isn't forgotten. They have a great thing in Jack Swagger, and shouldn't let that title match go overlooked at Wrestlemania, by making it simply Swagger v. Christian, and sticking it on the show first. There's potential for a ton of great matches, and with 7 weeks, the build-up should definitely work to keep our interest after Wrestlemania ends.
It would seem as though certain wrestler's are about to jump to new shows after No Way Out, specifically any mixture of these wrestlers:

Edge: Most likely, as he may have to defend his title on Raw against Cena for his rematch clause.

Triple H: Brought in by Steph, Vince, Shane to get rid of Randy Orton

John Cena: Goes to challenge Edge.

Randy Orton: Challenges a champion for Wrestlemania due to his Royal Rumble victory.

Here's my question: Did the WWE actually need to have such a sudden shakeup after No Way Out? I mean, every major angle that we're about to see, I fear, is going to turn into a major clusterfuck, and unless there is a unification title match, one of the champions is going to head over to Raw. My question is, who bother to shake up the belts when you're going to have the draft almost immediately after Wrestlemania? Why wouldn't you try to build up a feud after Wrestlemania with some of these folks? Isn't Wrestlemania supposed to be the culmination of month long feuds? And isn't the draft supposed to be the thing that brings about fresh new feuds for us to clamor about? It seems like they were deseprate for new feuds for Wrestlemania, so they made these shakeups.

Wow, I completely agree with you 110%. I jst got done posting basically the very same thing in another thread. Having a draft directly after WrestleMania diminishes the value of the draft. Especially since Edge, Orton, Triple H, and Cena have almost already switched. The only way to correct this is to have Cena win and Triple H win, which we already see quite enough. And even if they do correct the problem with the titles, the draft would move these guys around anyway, defeating the purpose of having those two guys win. Even though it makes for entertaining TV, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sence to me.

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