Why the JBL/HBK feud is stupid


Shawn Michaels ❤
A) This past week on Raw we heard about the offer JBL made Shawn Michaels, and it looked like he's accepted it. JBL wants HBK to come and work for him. In this promo, JBL insinuated HBK was struggling financially, and played on Shawn's love for his family. But are we really supposed to believe the man we've seen headlining Wrestlemanias and tearing the house down every night has no money? Nothing in a bank, or no other skills? This is going too far for the WWE, and I think most fans will find this a stupid concept to grasp.

B) People have recently started calling HBK 'boring'. Do you wonder why, when this is the most recent of his angles? To stand in the ring and cry? People want the old HBK back, the flamboyant excited man everyone loved. Instead we have this broken shell of a man who's acting cowardly. if this is the way Vince is going to go with HBK from now on, it's stupid. It doesn't suit him.

C) JBL is one of the most boring men on the mic ever. He just has no emotion in his voice at all. When I was watching Raw I was just thinking about how boring he sounded, how I'd have probably been a sleep if I had to listen to it much more.

D) HBK Vs Morrison would be great for both of them. I won't go into that in too much detail because thre's a thread solely for it, but it'd be so much better than the JBL feud. Who's benefitting from that really? Shawn is one of the best in the ring, and right now he's supposed to be helping the talent of the future become as good as him. Not crying in the ring over some old, boring idiot.
I am wholeheartedly prepared to defend this angle, and to no end.

A) This past week on Raw we heard about the offer JBL made Shawn Michaels, and it looked like he's accepted it. JBL wants HBK to come and work for him. In this promo, JBL insinuated HBK was struggling financially, and played on Shawn's love for his family. But are we really supposed to believe the man we've seen headlining Wrestlemanias and tearing the house down every night has no money? Nothing in a bank, or no other skills? This is going too far for the WWE, and I think most fans will find this a stupid concept to grasp.

First and foremost, since the WWE is literally there to 'tell a story', why does it matter how HBK goes around being stretched for money. JBL actually noted alot of reasons why HBK could be legitimately gone for money - if you had more focus on that, instead of just thinking of how 'boring' JBL supposedly is, you may have realised that. Let me remind you: Financial crisis, supporting a family - the big one; as in it's not cheap tp send kids to a good school these days, especially univeristy. Ontop of that, HBK has a large family he must support (storyline wise anyway).

Who knows anyway, maybe HBK is strapped for money because he spent so much on hair saving products.

B) People have recently started calling HBK 'boring'. Do you wonder why, when this is the most recent of his angles? To stand in the ring and cry? People want the old HBK back, the flamboyant excited man everyone loved. Instead we have this broken shell of a man who's acting cowardly. if this is the way Vince is going to go with HBK from now on, it's stupid. It doesn't suit him.

I for one, don't think HBK is boring currently. This angle also fits perfectly with the financial crisis and HBK's age. HBK is getting older, let's face it. It makes perfect sense to have the excited HBK go away for a bit, in place of a man who isn't exactly having a smooth middle age.

C) JBL is one of the most boring men on the mic ever. He just has no emotion in his voice at all. When I was watching Raw I was just thinking about how boring he sounded, how I'd have probably been a sleep if I had to listen to it much more.

JBL did one of his best promos in a while on RAW. Appreciate it, he can't exactly go crazy with enthusiasm - that's the faces job. He put on a solid promo that flowed and not once did he slip. If that's boring, then heels should just not say anything at all.

D) HBK Vs Morrison would be great for both of them. I won't go into that in too much detail because thre's a thread solely for it, but it'd be so much better than the JBL feud. Who's benefitting from that really? Shawn is one of the best in the ring, and right now he's supposed to be helping the talent of the future become as good as him. Not crying in the ring over some old, boring idiot.

That would be a good fued as well, but it doesn't mean JBL/HBK is bad.

And since when does every fued have to lead to someone benefitting from it? Why can't people fued just to put on a good fued? Answer: they can. And if you're so into putting people over, if this fued ends with JBL winning (which it won't) then they would have put someone over. HBK stands to lose nothing but his hair.

Sorry about the hair jokes, I just needed to entertain myself.
I am wholeheartedly prepared to defend this angle, and to no end.

First and foremost, since the WWE is literally there to 'tell a story', why does it matter how HBK goes around being stretched for money. JBL actually noted alot of reasons why HBK could be legitimately gone for money - if you had more focus on that, instead of just thinking of how 'boring' JBL supposedly is, you may have realised that. Let me remind you: Financial crisis, supporting a family - the big one; as in it's not cheap tp send kids to a good school these days, especially univeristy. Ontop of that, HBK has a large family he must support (storyline wise anyway).

Who knows anyway, maybe HBK is strapped for money because he spent so much on hair saving products.

Every fan, especially with the average fan base getting younger, think wrestlers get paid a good amount of money - much more than the average job pays. Do you not see how stupid it is to then have a wrestler being 'broke'? It's hardly a believable story, is it?

I for one, don't think HBK is boring currently. This angle also fits perfectly with the financial crisis and HBK's age. HBK is getting older, let's face it. It makes perfect sense to have the excited HBK go away for a bit, in place of a man who isn't exactly having a smooth middle age.

Angles like this are the reason people have said he was boring. This angle is pointless with HBK involved.As I said above, do you expect people to think he has no money left, when he headlines Wrestlemanias?

JBL did one of his best promos in a while on RAW. Appreciate it, he can't exactly go crazy with enthusiasm - that's the faces job. He put on a solid promo that flowed and not once did he slip. If that's boring, then heels should just not say anything at all.

Heel promos are usually good - his voice is just so boring.

That would be a good fued as well, but it doesn't mean JBL/HBK is bad.

And since when does every fued have to lead to someone benefitting from it? Why can't people fued just to put on a good fued? Answer: they can. And if you're so into putting people over, if this fued ends with JBL winning (which it won't) then they would have put someone over. HBK stands to lose nothing but his hair.

Sorry about the hair jokes, I just needed to entertain myself.

JBL doesn't need 'putting over'. HBKs job in the WWE is to help younger talent become good and learn the ropes, because I don't think he has too long left. And it's perfectly fine to have a feud just because it would be good. But this feud isn't.
A) This past week on Raw we heard about the offer JBL made Shawn Michaels, and it looked like he's accepted it. JBL wants HBK to come and work for him. In this promo, JBL insinuated HBK was struggling financially, and played on Shawn's love for his family. But are we really supposed to believe the man we've seen headlining Wrestlemanias and tearing the house down every night has no money? Nothing in a bank, or no other skills? This is going too far for the WWE, and I think most fans will find this a stupid concept to grasp.
WWE is very much storyline based, if fans beleive The Undertaker's gimmick why won't they beleive this storyline? There have been plenty storylines in the past, in which have seemed difficult to get over with the fans. I think they are just making Shawn Michaels to look old and drawn out, then he'll come back and start beating the crap out of JBL.

B) People have recently started calling HBK 'boring'. Do you wonder why, when this is the most recent of his angles? To stand in the ring and cry? People want the old HBK back, the flamboyant excited man everyone loved. Instead we have this broken shell of a man who's acting cowardly. if this is the way Vince is going to go with HBK from now on, it's stupid. It doesn't suit him.
This is looking a great storyline, i don't see it affecting Michaels career or the way people view Michaels. Face it, Michaels is never going to be that same high flying athletic guy again. He puts on a few good matches a year but he will never be like he was a few years ago.

C) JBL is one of the most boring men on the mic ever. He just has no emotion in his voice at all. When I was watching Raw I was just thinking about how boring he sounded, how I'd have probably been a sleep if I had to listen to it much more.
JBL is a heel, he is meant to be a boring person. He is meant to cheat to win. I don't find JBL boring at all on the mic, infact he is quite the catch.

D) HBK Vs Morrison would be great for both of them. I won't go into that in too much detail because thre's a thread solely for it, but it'd be so much better than the JBL feud. Who's benefitting from that really? Shawn is one of the best in the ring, and right now he's supposed to be helping the talent of the future become as good as him. Not crying in the ring over some old, boring idiot.
HBK and Morrision would have been great yes, but sadly that looks off the cards. Michaels is one of the best in the ring, according to you. He has lost some of his fire and flamboyance, now all he does is the elbow drop or the superkick, great in the ring then eh?
Every fan, especially with the average fan base getting younger, think wrestlers get paid a good amount of money - much more than the average job pays. Do you not see how stupid it is to then have a wrestler being 'broke'? It's hardly a believable story, is it?

Well it's hardly believable that you can pick someone up and drop them on your knee and knock them out for a three count. It's hardly believable that the wrestlers stay down for long periods of time while wrestlers go to the top turnbuckle to hit a move. It's hardly believable that someone would randomly turn on one of their friends for no particular reason. That's just some examples.

Also, as I said already: they made the storyline work with the reasons JBL made. It told a good story, and stories don't exactly have to make perfect sense.

Angles like this are the reason people have said he was boring. This angle is pointless with HBK involved.As I said above, do you expect people to think he has no money left, when he headlines Wrestlemanias?

I disagree with the other people who say he is boring. He isn't, it's just a different approach for the showstopper.

And, as I have already pointed out numerous times, it makes storylines sense.

Heel promos are usually good - his voice is just so boring.

Opinion. I can't really debate with you on that.

My point still stands though, whether or not you like his "voice", the promo was still brilliant.

JBL doesn't need 'putting over'.

If JBL wants to be put somewhere credible, he does. He is a main eventer, but barely, and he never wins when it counts. HBK, on the other hand, won't lose any reaction/fanbase/drawing power/credibility by losing to JBL.

HBKs job in the WWE is to help younger talent become good and learn the ropes, because I don't think he has too long left.

It's not you job to decide what HBK is there for. However, I would like to believe the WWE is smart enough to realise he is there to make money.

And it's perfectly fine to have a feud just because it would be good. But this feud isn't.

Read my posts again, and carefully. Maybe I will change your mind - if you aren't stuborn about it.
A) This past week on Raw we heard about the offer JBL made Shawn Michaels, and it looked like he's accepted it. JBL wants HBK to come and work for him. In this promo, JBL insinuated HBK was struggling financially, and played on Shawn's love for his family. But are we really supposed to believe the man we've seen headlining Wrestlemanias and tearing the house down every night has no money? Nothing in a bank, or no other skills? This is going too far for the WWE, and I think most fans will find this a stupid concept to grasp.

Wasn't Shawn's career supposed to be over during his last feud, that every match was a career risk for him? It's a storyline people. Obviously Shawn's career was not over yet and after they were done they slipped him back into regular matches on RAW even though they made a big honking ass deal that Shawn's career was just about done. Shawn being broke is just another storyline and once that ones over, no one will ever speak of Shawn being poor again. Besides, it's something JBL can work with, being a rich character and all, you got to play to the characters strengths. JBL is rich, Shawn is old and broken down, hence he can be portrayed as poor.

B) People have recently started calling HBK 'boring'. Do you wonder why, when this is the most recent of his angles? To stand in the ring and cry? People want the old HBK back, the flamboyant excited man everyone loved. Instead we have this broken shell of a man who's acting cowardly. if this is the way Vince is going to go with HBK from now on, it's stupid. It doesn't suit him.

What do you think this is, 1996 again? or 2003 when he made his comeback. Shawn is old and appears most weeks like he's in some sort of constant pain and that he's just not into it as much as he was years ago. Shawn can't play the cocky, excitable young Heart Break Kid character anymore. Instead he plays a more realistic character, an aged wrestler who is in the final stages of his career. I admit, Vince is throwing it down real hard, making us all sympathetic to Shawn, but that is the most realistic character Shawn could play now. There making him into the old underdog who's supposed to always be hurting, but still somehow always pulls it out and wins.

C) JBL is one of the most boring men on the mic ever. He just has no emotion in his voice at all. When I was watching Raw I was just thinking about how boring he sounded, how I'd have probably been a sleep if I had to listen to it much more.

I don't have mush argument. I for one don't mind JBL on the mic, but I can see where others might. Not saying that this is the best feud for Michaels, but it's something the WWE hasn't done yet. With JBL, Shawn won't have to do an incredible amount because there is little JBL can do, that matches will won't be hard on them and maybe both may benefit from them. JBL's job isn't to put over young talent like Shawn has done. JBL is to give main eventers pushes by attacking them on the mic and losing to them in the ring. Is it successful? No, it didn't matter to me if Cena beat JBL once or 50 times, but it's Michaels turn to go over JBL now.

D) HBK Vs Morrison would be great for both of them. I won't go into that in too much detail because thre's a thread solely for it, but it'd be so much better than the JBL feud. Who's benefitting from that really? Shawn is one of the best in the ring, and right now he's supposed to be helping the talent of the future become as good as him. Not crying in the ring over some old, boring idiot.

I still wouldn't close the books on that yet. I made a thread about them, as you pointed out, in the RAW section and I stated that the feud could happen within the next 6 months of when I posted it, and I still believe it could, just after this one. Why jump right into a HBK/Morrison feud right off the bat when the crowd knows Morrison ain't ready. Let JBL and Michaels wrestle at Armageddon, then have a newly crowned IC champion Morrison attack Shawn during or after the match. Let Morrison work with JBL and slowly get under the skin of Michaels, proclaiming himself to be a better Shawn Michaels than Shawn Michaels was. Have Morrison enter the Rumble first, last a while till a returning HBK comes and eliminates Morrison and himself and they brawl as the ref's pull them off, then the two of them can have a match at NWO. To me, that'll probably work better than feeding Morrison to HBK now. WWE's on the right level here. Let's build up feuds and stories slowly, and have them run a long while and get passed along, like how Jericho was probably supposed to pass Michaels to Cade, JBL will pass Michaels to Morrison.
This is a dumb angle IMO. Just have JBL declare he's a "Wrestling God" again as usual (seems like that's all he does anyway) and wants to be number one contender (again) and then have HBK come out. Have JBL "hire" someone (Snitzky, Mike Knox) just to mix it up.

There just has to be something better than a " Financial Crisis". Please Vince WTF really???
There is nothing wrong with this angle, Shawn should be gratefull that he is working with another good mic worker so that his boring voice and promo's dont come across as so bad.

I cant see a problem with it, as far as financial problems go Shawn earns more money than the average man but he's also going to have a much shorter career and be plagued by injuries for the rest of his life, so in these times it would make sense for Shawn to want some kind of financial security for when he gets older.

JBL is a god on the mic, the kind of guy who can lose everyweek and get his heat right back by doing a promo.

I dont think HBK vs Morrison would be much good at all, certainly not yet, both guy's will need The Miz to carry the mic work for them and in the ring I can see it being pretty spotty. Not to mention Morrison cant get heat at the moment, so it's best that that is put on hold.
Well, this fued is still in it's infancy so they've got plenty of time to develop it, however based on the past Raw angles that have started really well thjis year, only to be abandoned or turned into something ******ed, this has the danger of suffering the same fate.

As well loved as HBK is, and as talented on the mic JBL certainly is, this doesn't mean they're going to have good matches together. JBL struggles to put on decent matches most of the time, but then some would argue that because he's the heel, he's GOT to use the slow methodical, boring style, which isn't really true tbh. Look at Edge, Orton and Jericho. The company's 3 top heels and none of them use the boring style. Sure they walk around slowly but they have a great deal of varied offence, unlike JBL who's repetoire consists of forearms to the back, boot to face, swingin neckbreaker, fallaway slam and clothesline from hell and that's it.

I'm sure these two can tell a great story when they aren't locking horns, but i pray to God we don't have months of 15 minute match consisting of reverse chinlocks and forearms and then all of a sudden we get the stale old kip-up/inverted atomic drop/scoop slam/elbow drop/superkick routine.
Initially I agreed with Becca on this, but the more I think about it the more I think it might not be so bad. Yes, it's dumb that we're supposed to believe Shawn is barely able to pay his bills when he is a big star still and will get a big match at WM, but it could be made to work. Suppose that it's hinted that Shawn has blown through a lot of his money and compile that up with the economy, and it gets dangerously close to being believable, but still falls short so far. Granted it's been all of really one week that we've heard anything about this, so maybe it'll pick up. Either way, I'm interested in Shawn turning heel to an extent, but for the life of me I can't see him going full heel, no matter what.
HBK-aholic said:
Shawns voice is not boring. And I have no idea how you can say that about him then praise JBL.

Simple really, JBL is a heat magnet, like I said in my previous post he can lose everyweek and still walk down to that ring and get his heat right back, whether that be because he's boring or annoying it doesnt matter the fact is JBL is one of the top mic worker's in the business.

He's also one of the underated ring performer's in wrestling, he's of those heels who would really piss you off as a fan because of how he goes about beating on his opponents, the punches in the corner for example. The slow methodical beatdown's which make people want to see the other bloke get up and knock the shite out of him.

Now I am not as big of a Shawn hater as all that, the guy can still go in the ring sometimes, there is just very little interesting about him in any other sense.
People have to remember feuds that start around this time of year, are generally unimportant and basically are just used as filler, Think about it, why would WWE want to waste a potentionally good feud heading into Armageddon?, it would be pointless and a waste casue you'd only really get one decent PPV match out of the feud, after Armageddon, you got the Rumble, which I'm betting both JBL and HBK are going to be a part of, then it's NWO which if it's like last year will be an Elimination Chamber, which again I would be willing to bet both will be a part of, so really if why waste a good feud like Morrison/HBK now, when the next couple PPVs would just have them facing each other in matches with other wrestlers, when they could save it for a later date, most likely post WM, I would much rather the have the HBK/JBL feud now instead, seeing as how WWE prolly won't be investing much time in it anyways since I don't see this lasting till WM anyways
I actually could see WWE trying to stretch this out for awhile. Maybe not til Mania, but at least through til Royal Rumble. WWE had already established that there was animosity between Michaels and JBL. Normally, that's as far as they feel they need to go to set up a one-off at a PPV. But this development of JBL's offer to Michaels is the type of thing that could prolong this fued. I wouldn't say this is a great angle, but it's the type of angle that nonetheless is used to move a fued along, intensify it, stretch it out. It pains me to say that WWE creative most likely wouldn't have bothered to think of this angle for a short term feud. The actual effort on their part indicates to me that this may be a multi-PPV feud.
I hope it's stretched out for awhile actually. A feud like this seems like it needs to have a long running time, or it'll fall flat on its face. There's no need to cut this short just for Mania, but try to keep JBL out of it for that show so Shawn can do what he does best: put over someone huge at that show. JBL doesn't deserve a big match there, but if he gets one, make it with Shawn so Shawn can beat the living hell otu of him once and for all. That would be a nearly 6 month feud, which in WWE is an eternity. But ending this at the Rumble or so would just be an awful decision all around.
This fued is just a filler to get to the Royal Rumble where the big fueds leading towards WrestleMania will begin. If the WWE started a fued now with the plan to stretch it towards WrestleMania, the fans may not be interested enough in it by then, so they would want to keep this fued short and sweet, give it to the RR at least, which gives it enough time to get a decent fued out of it, and not just wasting time. JBL and HBK are both experienced enough to make this into a good fued, and while the wrestling may not be quality enough if a match comes around, their mic work should be good enough to see them through as both are good enough on the mic to keep fans interested.
I like this feud, partly because I've been waiting for Shawn Michaels and JBL to feud for a long time now. But so far, the promos have been very interesting. It is certainly one of the most intruiging storylines at the present moment. Who on earth expected Shawn Michaels to accept JBL's job offer and get booed out of the building? Nobody saw that coming, and the fans reacted perfectly in that situation. Sure, nobody actually believes that Shawn needs money as he obviously earns a lot of cash for performing for the WWE. But this certainly isn't the most far-fetched storyline in WWE history.

I'm not the biggest fan of JBL or his mic skills for that matter, but even I have to admit that the guy knows how to receive heat. His mic skills are supposed to be boring, which is partly why you'd boo him. Heels aren't meant to be the most entertaining part of a storyline, that's the babyface's job. And to an extent, Shawn Michaels' current character is a little boring to me. As Becca mentioned, when you sit and sulk in the ring over this "financial crisis" that many other people are suffering much worse than what HBK is "supposedly" suffering, then yes it does make Shawn look like a fool.

But thus far, I like the direction this feud is going in. Shawn is playing the tweener role quite well despite his boring current gimmick. And JBL is just playing his usual role by being cocky and arrogant. I could see this lasting until the Royal Rumble or even No Way Out. I have no idea what Wrestlemania XXV holds for these two, so maybe some sort of gimmick match to end their feud won't be such a bad idea after all. I like this angle so far though, and it does have potential to be a good one.
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This angle is stupid how? Everyone's losing money on investments right now, and as for the "oh he can't be broke he's headlined Mania" argument, remember Ric Flair, anybody? Michaels I'm sure has lots of money but it's no stretch for WWE to push that he doesn't. It might be an interesting feud, particularly if they can get Morrison in there somehow. Maybe HBK does some work for JBL, then turns on him, prompting JBL to hire Morrison instead to do his dirty work and to see off HBK. I would love to see that. HBK should really retire soon, but if he can put over Morrison and Kendrick before he does, hanging on a bit longer than he strictly should will have been worthwhile. A final feud with Kendrick could be epic, given Kendrick's brilliance on the mic and the fact that he once went to HBK's academy.
I have no idea what Wrestlemania XXV holds for these two, so maybe some sort of gimmick match to end their feud won't be such a bad idea after all. I like this angle so far though, and it does have potential to be a good one.

I agree that this feud is stupid, but it will last until Mania. I think this is partly because they're both Texans, HBK the good Texan, JBL the traitor Texan. A few years ago at this time the HBK/McMahon feud started with an in ring verbal confrontation, and culminated at Mania. I guess there could have been a worse match to add to the card (JBL v. Finlay?).
As for the gimmick, maybe a bag of money versus Shawn's career? HBK wins, he gives the money to the crowd, reconciles his bad choices as JBL's money slave, and everyone can love him again. HBK loses, and we get tearful Wrestlemania goodbye for the second year in a row (although HBK retiring would be more of a surprise than Flair's retirement).
Yeah, if Shawn Michaels retires, I very much doubt JBL will be the man to do it. The only fitting man in the entire WWE roster right now who could match up with HBK to have an epic and somewhat fresh match at Wrestlemania and would actually have a chance to retire him is The Undertaker. Not saying we'll see Taker/HBK at Wrestlemania though, but I also doubt HBK/JBL will actually extend all the way to Wrestlemania. I see it lasting until No Way Out at the most.

No offense, but the money bag vs. career idea seems very Russo-esque. If HBK/JBL did happen, it would likely just be a drag out, bloody street fight much like McMahon/HBK from a couple years ago, only because JBL isn't an opponent that can help Michaels put on a classic but he's still a good brawler.
I hate this idiotic idea that HBK cries so easily and is very stupid, unless they turn it into a heel and make them a new stable. It would be interesting if we see HBK beat on someone and pals around with JBL. This would get alot of people angry and could be a good storyline. They did it when JBL had his cabinet. However, like I say right now it is very stupid and we have to see what happens.
To dissect this fued to it's bones is pointless. The whole "Michael's being broke" angle is a stretch, but definately believeable especially with the state of the American economy. But the basis of the angle is not why this fued is stupid. This fued is stupid simply because these guys are both near the end of their careers yet they both still have name power; HBK and JBL should both be putting over the younger talent while their names still have positive recognition, not fueding with each other.

The WWE has several young stars that they are trying to push, yet give them no stable storylines. Someone mentioned previously an HBK/Morrison fued. Great. If Morrison is going to be a main eventer for years to come, then a few wins over HBK would make that more credible. How about Kofi Kingston? A fued with HBK or JBL would increase his value.
You know why this feud is really stupid? It's because JBL fucking sucks. There is nothing about the guy that makes him deserving to be in a top of the card feud. He is fucking horrible. People say he can cut good promos… bullshit. He cuts the same promo every single night. People say he gets good heel heat… bullshit. He doesn't get, "Booo!!! I hope you lose!" type of heel heat. No, he gets the, "Get the fuck off my screen, you worthless ********er." type of heat. The guy just fucking blows; simple as that. I know I can’t be the only person here who changes the channel whenever the douche is on the show.

Seriously, the ONLY way this feud could ever have any positive outcome, is if some over zealous Shawn Michaels fan snipers down JBL one night while he is on his way to the ring. That's the only time anything good could ever come from a JBL program, but unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed though.

As far as Shawn Michaels is concerned, I think its bullshit the flack he gets around here. The guy's a great wrestler who could easily entertain us regularly if he was put in feuds with guys who weren't talentless pieces of shit like JBL. His feud with Jericho proves that. People say Jericho carried HBK in that feud... bullshit. I love Jericho, but he can't carry anyone. He needs to work someone who is actually talented to be able to pull off something that is watchable. Just look at the month long feud Jericho had with Batista and how terrible that was. If Jericho could carry such a washed-up has-been like Michaels to such a good program, then how come he couldn't do the same thing with Batista?
As far as Shawn Michaels is concerned, I think its bullshit the flack he gets around here. The guy's a great wrestler who could easily entertain us regularly if he was put in feuds with guys who weren't talentless pieces of shit like JBL. His feud with Jericho proves that. People say Jericho carried HBK in that feud... bullshit. I love Jericho, but he can't carry anyone. He needs to work someone who is actually talented to be able to pull off something that is watchable. Just look at the month long feud Jericho had with Batista and how terrible that was. If Jericho could carry such a washed-up has-been like Michaels to such a good program, then how come he couldn't do the same thing with Batista?

Because Batista is a lazy turd who can't cut promos and is slow, laborious and boring in the ring? Michaels may not be as good as he was but at least he can still cut an acceptable promo and is fairly nimble around the ring even now.

And as regards JBL, I find him thoroughly entertaining. He's certainly one of the top guys in the wrestling business until he starts wrestling. Don't be too quick to condemn this feud: there's still plenty of time and space for them to work in some younger guys; I gave an example of how they could involve Morrison, for example, earlier in the thread. Heck, maybe it could even lead to an HBK versus JBL-backed Morrison match at Mania? Couldn't that be great? The whole feud could be excellent provided JBL doesn't have to wrestle, and I'm sure there's many ways of Creative to work around that.
Okay, to everyone in this thread....stop you're complaining. This feud is not stupid at all. In fact, this is the only other REAL feud going on on Raw right now as far as I can tell. You all just think the feud is boring because you either A) dislike JBL or B) dislike HBK or C)both. And quite frankly, I'm tired of everyone bashing HBK. He is an amazing wrestler, an amazing story-teller, and one of the best in the business. HBK may seem old and washed up, but really, if you had a ton of lingering injuries , would you be out there risking it every 5 minutes in a match like he used to do back in the day? NO, you would not, you would be doing exactly what he does. HBK is great on the mic, and great in the ring, he can really do a lot more then most people think even though he is getting older. Now for the JBL haters, stop hating. This man, he may not have the largest set of moves or the best mic work, but he gets the job done. He is a heel, and to be boring, the heels aren't supposed to be the more energetic side of things. They are supposed to be the boring, monotonous, yelling bad guys that they are. JBL is also good in the ring and on the mic, and he is good at what he does. Now as far as this feud goes, they are both playing it off really well, in fact, better then I thought this would go, and I would like to see HBK turn around and fight against JBL in the end, and not be his lackey or his assistant. He needs to tell JBL to shove his offer up his ass and superkick him straight outta his boots.
It's not complaining as much as it is stating our opinions on what we think of the feud so far. Sure, it's in its infancy but it's still worth talking about. Some feuds start poorly and end well, just like some feuds start hot and end poorly but either way, it's always fun to comment and critique.

I have to disagree as well that JBL is gold on the microphone? In the ring? Not so much, he is a good brawler at best (still a better brawler than Cena, too.) JBL can shine in a steet fight environment. His best matches all year in my opinion were against Finlay at Wrestlemania and John Cena. We know Shawn Michaels can brawl as well, from his matches with HHH and McMahon so these two might mesh well in the ring in a no holds barred or steel cage when it does go down, even if the storyline is a bit out there.

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