Why the Hate for Chavo?

somebody must have been asleep for the entire wwecw revival. even though it wasnt much, that title was a world championship.

Yeah yeah he was ECW champion...you're right. Cant believe I didnt think of that considering how much I enjoyed it when Kane defeated him at Wrestlemania for the title in 8 seconds or whatever it was.

But again, that's what I'm saying. Chavo has had a career of hilarious moments such as this.
I don't hate him. He is just bland. He is decent in the ring, but hs is bland on the mic and just plain bland in appearance. I was a huge WCW fan and I didn't even care for him back then. He just doesn't scream superstar to me. I feel the same way about Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, Randy Orton and (Yeah I am going to say it) CM Punk. I don't understand what anyone sees in any of those guys. Another problem is that Chavo thinks he is on the same level as Eddie was and he isn't. Eddie had charisma, looked like a star and was super human in the ring. Chavo also bashes the hell out of John Cena. Now, I am not a fan of John Cena, but Cena looks like a star. Cena jumps out of the TV. He has that it factor even if he isn't a four star ring general. I read an interview with Chavo and he said that Rey Msterio should not have been the one to get the World Heavy Weight Championship and that it should have gone to him. His exact words were "Vince that should be me." If that doesn't reek of arrogance than I don't know what does. Simply put he isn't as good as he thinks he is. He is an opening match guy at best. I wouldn't even put in in the lower or upper mid card.
Everyone so far has said they don't really hate Chavo. Well, I HATE CHAVO! The reason I hate the guy is because of what I witnessed at the Fridays by Universal Studios where a lot of wrestlers go to eat after the matches. I'm standing outside with a few other people including a family from England who attended the Impact taping. Chavo comes walking out and the 10 year old girl from England politely says, "Mr. Guerrero, may I please have an autograph?" Chavo says "NO!", and walks away like taking 10 seconds out of his day to make a little girl happy is below him. Fuck Chavo.

I wouldn't say that I hate Chavo, but I do hate the way he (and others) went about things after Eddie died. Of all the people that either grieved very publicly or ripped off Eddie's mannerisms and moves (Benoit, Rey, Chavo), the only one that could have found main event success on their own is Benoit. I think Chavo saw what uttering Eddie's name every five seconds and stealing his trademarks did for Rey so he set about to do it himself. I wanted to tell Rey when he was getting cheap pops ripping off Eddie to knock it off and I feel like saying the same thing to Chavo. Rey NEVER would have gotten a WH Title run without Eddie's untimely death and Chavo wouldn't be in the business right now without his last name.
Even Vickie has gotten so over (or under lol) that nobody needs to be reminded that the only reason she is in the business is because of her connection to a great wrestler that passed before we all wanted him to. It isn't like that with Chavo.
Chavo Guerrero is part of a legendary wrestling family. his father and uncles have careers and legacies that speak for themselves.

but Chavo, as mentioned by several already, either has or often appears to be a combination of stuck in the shadow of the late great Eddie Guerrero or living off of his memory and fandom. the ironic thing is that i think the two couldn't be further apart.

Chavo's best feuds involved Eddie Guerrero as an opponent/partner or Eddie Guerrero as a storyline.

his mic skills are decent at best, as is his moveset. he strikes me as the type of guy that would have been best served as either a career tag team partner or cruiserweight. anything else would just be unrealistic or unwanted by the audience.

this may sound like a totally random and odd comparison, but Chavo reminds me of Bret Hart. Bret Hart has recently gone around spreading opinions and spewing garbage about every other worker not related to himself, most recently Triple H. i have all the respect in the world for Bret Hart and Chavo Guerrero as in ring talents. but lately, every time they get the chance to share their thoughts regarding wrestling as a business or the superstars within the business, it just comes off as two bitter guys sharing their sour grapes with the rest of the world.

to answer the OP's question: why all the hate for Chavo? simple answer: cuz you reap what you sow. and lately, the question i've been asking is: why all the hate from Chavo?

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