Why the Hate for Chavo?


Dark Match Winner
I really just cant understand the hate for chavo I think he still is fast enough for x division matches much more than the "fan favorite" christian york.And for all people that he is a untalented guy juste riding eddie's coatails just watch this[YOUTUBE]9Epzt3unS84[/YOUTUBE] Now please give atleast 3 valid reasons why you hate chavo,if you hate him.
I think most people recognize and respect Chavo's in ring ability. If they don't, they probably don't know much about wrestling.

But I don't think that's the issue. My issue with Chavo is that while he's good in the ring, it doesn't matter much because he doesn't know how to work a crowd. He'll mimic Eddie in every way he can and it just doesn't work at this point. I never cringe when he's on the mic and I usually know it'll be a decent match or better (for instance, this past week's tag match was superb). But that doesn't matter because I'm usually not invested. If I am invested, it's in spite of Chavo.
I don't care what anybody else says, I've always liked Chavo since his WCW days especially when he and Eddie were having that mini feud where they almost a sibling-like rivalry going on where Eddie would say "Aww buck up Lil' Trooper" when he'd beat Chavo and vice versa. I enjoyed it when Chavo snapped and started riding the stick horse Pepe around and talking to it and acting crazy and his feud with Norman Smiley. He had many memorable and hilarious feuds and vignettes in WWE as well.

I also don't get the hate for the guy because I believe he was/is just as important to the Guerrero legacy as Eddie or anyone else for that matter even if he was never a world champion. Chavo always busted his ass and could have a good match with anybody during his WWE and WCW run.

He for some reason has a problem recently with bashing WWE and Cena but its a case of sour grapes I guess. Still doesn't take away from the fact that he is one hell of a talent and can be funny or serious and still be entertaining either way
First and foremost, I don't hate Chavo. He is decent in between the ropes, and has always been a stable hand for whatever promotion he's been signed to at whatever time. He's solid in between the ropes and is a great talent to put on exhibition matches with. However, Chavo recently has also developed a mouth, and that is why the IWC is starting to turn on him.

You see, while he is, as I previously stated, a good hand to have between the ropes, he's also apparently been having delusions of grandeur. The man pretty much came out and called John Cena a talentless hack. Now, whatever your opinion may be on Cena's between the rope ability, he is more over than Chavo has ever been or ever will be. Thus when Chavo whines that he's a better fake wrastler than Cena, he comes off like a six year old who's told that he can't have any cookies because his older brother ate them all.

In conclusion, the hate from Chavo stems from the fact he's become a bitter never-was, like many wrestlers who peeked in the 90's.
I have to agree with the majority of the posters on this thread. Chavo is athletically sound, always in shape, and a true pleasure to watch in the ring. However, he seems to take himself too seriously. All the guys who tried to milk the Eddie stuff, whether it be Chavo, Rey, or Benoit, were essentially writing a check with their mouths that their wallets couldn't pay for. When the initial shock of Eddie's death wore off, we were left with three individuals who were truly blessed in the ring but extremely one dimensional. Do I think that with some fine tuning Chavo could be a valuable asset to whatever promotion he chooses to work for? Yes. Until then, however, he'll be an overexposed midcard talent with a death and a moveset as the only things they can offer the business.
Who said anything about hate? hmm maybe i don't read everything but i've never seen Hate as the main focus just that he's not all that. as the above said athletically he's sound but as a character he tries too hard and can't be taken seriously, he's too small and he overacts when on the mic. The only other thing is what he percieves is his legacy in the business as being one of the best when in reality he's just another good performer thats nothing else other then the nephew of a true Legend in Eddie Guerrero and will never be anything more then that. Sad But True
I have to agree with the majority of the posters on this thread. Chavo is athletically sound, always in shape, and a true pleasure to watch in the ring. However, he seems to take himself too seriously. All the guys who tried to milk the Eddie stuff, whether it be Chavo, Rey, or Benoit, were essentially writing a check with their mouths that their wallets couldn't pay for. When the initial shock of Eddie's death wore off, we were left with three individuals who were truly blessed in the ring but extremely one dimensional. Do I think that with some fine tuning Chavo could be a valuable asset to whatever promotion he chooses to work for? Yes. Until then, however, he'll be an overexposed midcard talent with a death and a moveset as the only things they can offer the business.

The difference between Rey and Benoit, and Chavo is that Rey and Benoit had characters that are actually over. Rey's ultimate underdog and Benoit's rapid wolverine were gimmicks that people could actually cling to, long after Eddie died. They didn't have to talk much but they were two of the greatest in ring performers in WWE history. Chavo, on the other hand, is just stale. He is just Eddie's nephew, and nothing more. Notice how generally he generally doesnt get any sort of reaction from the crowd until he starts shimmying his shoulders like Eddie used to do, or hits the frog splash. Simply put, in my opinion, he just doesnt do enough to get people to like him.
As others have mentioned, it isn't Chavo's in-ring ability. Chavo has always been athletically sound and overall solid inside the ring. My problem with Chavo has always lied with his inability to work a crowd, his inability to create his own identity and has ridden the coat tails of his family's legacy while not really contributing to it himself.

I don't "hate" the guy, never have, but I just don't think, from an overall perspective, that Chavo is all that talented. He's always been viewed as something of a poor man's Eddie Guerrero. That has only become more prominent as Chavo as continuously gone over & over about his connection to Eddie. More than anyone else, Chavo has tried to use nostalgia connected to Eddie to elevate his own career. He hasn't been sleazy about it or anything like that, but, as I alluded to, he's used the memory of his much more talented uncle to attempt to advance his career.

If you look at Chavo in comparison to his grandfather Gory, his father Chavo, Sr., and his uncles Mondo, Hector & Eddie; Chavo is most certainly the weak link. Chavo is someone who failed to really make his own mark in pro wrestling if he wasn't doing something with Eddie. It's true that Chavo had other singles & tag team title runs without Eddie but, frankly, they weren't memorable because of Chavo's lack of charisma and star power.

Even in TNA right now, his tag title run with Hernandez wasn't at all much to speak of due in part to tag team wrestling being the weakest now that it's been in TNA's history.

In the grand scheme of things, Chavo is a solid mid-card & tag team guy. He's not a revered hero in Mexican wrestling like his grandfather, father & uncles were; nor has he ever demonstrated the charisma & personality needed to really have a shot to be over with American audiences.

As I said, I don't hate Chavo. As long as TNA keeps him at a level that suits him, such as the mid-card or tag team pictures, then I've got no real problem. But Chavo isn't a main eventer and I don't see any point in pretending otherwise.
Chavo is a fantastic wrestler. Problem is, he's kind of bland. He really has no particular gimmick to speak of, he doesn't talk well. Dude has nothing going for him. He has no character to get attatched TO. He's just there.

I'm thinking if Chavo went heel and kind of turned it up a bit, we might see something good. I think he has it in him, he just never tried to go beyond what he is. Or he did, and it failed.

Either way, Chavo is hated because he's just plain compared to the rest. He was plain in the WWE, let alone TNA. Bully Ray fucked it up for everybody. He rose the bar so high, brother.
My reason for not caring for Chavo is really childish, but it ruins it whenever I see him trying to be serious, I think of the Pepe gimmick from WCW and it overpowers any respect I can toss up for the man's career.

The copying Eddie point is also really valid, as I've noticed that he's tried to be a walking memorial to him, which isn't exactly a bad thing, but it's negatives far outweigh the positives for me personally.

Nothing he does outweighs how silly he looks in my mind, and I don't think much can change that. It takes a lot to remove the really bad gimmicks from someone for me.
There used to be nothing wrong with Chavo. Fundamentally he's sound and always puts on a good show. The problem currently is Chavo has basically become a carbon copy of Eddie but has absolutely none of Eddies swag. It just comes off flat and it's hurting him because he ends up looking like he's always going for the cheap pop. In reality that last part is probably true. He needs to get away from the tribute stuff for a while and save it for PPV's. The 3 Amigos usually get a poor crowd response, he should probably switch to a Gory Bomb instead.

One other thing. His mic work is pretty bad right now. He just rambles generic baby face promo points from the 80's that sound w.e.a.k
No Chavo plain and simple is a cruiserweight and an average one at that. He was OK in WCW, but he was rightly unsurped by Eddie in WWE. He doesn't have the charisma, his matches aren't that good, his whiny voice makes it impossible to take him seriously, and he does the worst Top Rope Splash ever.

Wait, was that Splash supposed to be a Frogsplash.

Chavo is boring as hell, if he goes out there and plays himself.
Likewise, I never hated Chavo, but definitely preferred Eddie. Chavo is talented for sure; hell it's in his blood. But he never really found his own "identity" I guess. Like when he feuded with Eddie, it felt like a throwback to Owen vs. Bret. And don't get me started on Kerwin White. I can watch Chavo wrestle til the cows come home, but he doesn't pop when it comes to promos.
Eddie was great. And I DO mean really, really great. Like... REALLY. We do miss him, however, and that inflates our collective memory of him ever so slightly. Along with Benoit and Owen, we place them on a pedestal, because they died near their prime.

We'll never see them after suffering a stroke, after their wives took half their shit or even after DDP works his rehab-magic on them. We never see them decline!

In THAT context, Eddie is a god and Chavo is the dirt that sticks to his boot, reminding us of what we're missing. I mean, he ISN'T as good as Eddie, but I believe the in-ring gap isn't as colossal as we make it out to be.

What Chavo needs to stop, is milking the shit out of Eddie with his moveset. It's one thing to do the Frog Splash as a tribute for a few matches, or maybe a year, but for the rest of his career? Also, he has to stop the 3 Amigos. The more he imitates Eddie, the more he tarnishes our memory of him.
First off, to anyone thinking his use of 3 Amigos and Frog Splash as finishers is wrong, you realize that Eddie used it since 1994 in tribute to his former tag partner and friend, the late Art Barr. Second, Christian has used the Frog Splash, Hornswoggle has, RVD has it as well, hell AJ Styles uses it from time to time!! Even Vickie used it calling it either the Hog Splash or Cougar Splash. You realize that that makes it seem like every wrestler in existence is disrespecting Jake Roberts with the excessive use of the DDT as a normal maneuver.

Aside from that, the only things that people hate Chavo for as far as I know, are that he is in TNA, was in Ring Ka King(TNA's India promotion), and that he's hitting 40(give or take a year), thus sparking disrespect cause of his still wrestling at that age. Aside from that, people say he sucks at wrestling cause from 2009 - 2011 he was jobber material. Sad thing was...most of the time it was against a leprechaun...
I don't hate Chavo, but over the past few months I have begun to dislike him. He's just boring and plain like Zion mentioned.

While Chavo is a good in-ring performer, he lacks the "character" that usually makes a wrestler fun to watch.
crazyseandx said:
First off, to anyone thinking his use of 3 Amigos and Frog Splash as finishers is wrong, you realize that Eddie used it since 1994 in tribute to his former tag partner and friend, the late Art Barr. Second, Christian has used the Frog Splash, Hornswoggle has, RVD has it as well, hell AJ Styles uses it from time to time!! Even Vickie used it calling it either the Hog Splash or Cougar Splash. You realize that that makes it seem like every wrestler in existence is disrespecting Jake Roberts with the excessive use of the DDT as a normal maneuver.

Ohh poopy, I didn't know about the Art Barr thing, but he died when I was six and I never saw WCW back then. My bad. Eddie certainly popularized it, though. And Wikipedia said nothing about the amigo's (where I drew the line), so I'm still looking for proof that it was his.

Christian and 'Swoggle I'll concede to, however, RVD's Five Star is an improved version of the Frog Splash where he turns mid-air to adjust to the opponent's position and to hit perpendicularly.

Jake's DDT, I also won't give you. It's the nature of wrestling to evolve and as newer, more impactful moves are created, the older ones get relegated. We don't see the backbreaker or the German suplex as finishers either, because wrestling evolved. Chavo has a very distict connection to Eddie and the Frog Splash, so he should rather try something else.

What we could say, then, is to be original. The most recent example would be Ryback. He's not doing the Spear or the Jackhammer and those would look cool if he did, but he's not Bill Goldberg and accordingly all those "Goldberg" chants have been replaced by "Feed me more" and he's getting over as himself, not a poor imitation. THAT's what I'd like to see from Chavo - innovation.
He's dull. I don't think anyone hates him really.

Bad influence get a great reaction, Awesome in the ring, Kaz is good on the mic, Daniels is great. Together they're funny.

Aries & Roode are SUPERB in the ring, Roode's good on the mic, Aries is great. Together they're entertaining as hell.

Hernandez is pretty poor on the Mic, but his size & ability makes him a pretty good tag/mid-card wrestler...

Chavo is decent in the ring, poor on the mic, comes across as a second-rate eddie. He's always the weak link in these matches/segments. It doesn't help that he's been put in LAX version 3 for no real reason aside from nationality.
Chavo has never done anything of importance in the business. He seems to believe he should get a free ticket to the Hall of Fame because of his family, but what has he ever done on his own? Without Eddie he would have never made it to WCW or the WWE. The most memorable thing he's ever done involved a toy horse. He's got an ax to grind with the WWE because HE couldn't get over. And his gripe with Cena is nothing more than an attention grabbing scheme to try and garner some support from the anti Cena crowd. All it really does is make Chavo look petty.
It's not that chavo is hated so much that chavo has overestimated his own worth. Chavo thinks he's a top notch worker (he's not), good on the mic (laughable), and more deserving of a spot near the top of the show than most of the guys there. (see his bashing of cena/card placement).

Chavo had undeserved opportunity after opportunity with WCW and WWE. They continually pushed him into spots on the card that were above his natural position and he failed. Chavo was always a jobber/enhancement talent, but he thinks he would have been as successful as Eddie had he been given the chance.

The only time Chavo has ever done well is teamed with Rey or Eddie. Otherwise, he's just Kerwin White or now a guy who just uses the move-set of a dead guy to get nostalgia/memorial pop during his matches. He's an above average worker, but absolutely no other part of his craft was ever honed to the point that I ever thought anything other than "damn it's chavo". Worse, he's gotten lazy and complacent with age and has significantly lost a step in the past 5 or 6 years (or really since Eddie died).

If Chavo didn't have the last name he does, he'd have been out of the business (in the us at least) well over a decade ago (if he'd ever made it to a major US promotion to begin with). Outside of being a "Guerrero" his only other personality trait is "random mexican guy"...
I really just cant understand the hate for chavo...Now please give atleast 3 valid reasons why you hate chavo,if you hate him.

I'll give Chavo credit for getting his tag partner Hernandez over and displacing the awful Anarquia but Chavo needs to be re-packaged and not a tribute / imitation of Eddie. Since he bashed Cena, maybe he could take that a storyline - a bitter mid-card heel who bashes all the stars that kept him down.
Yeah, the dude can wrestle very well, he's just boring as shit. As a face he's quite generic especially in his tag team with Hernandez but as a hell I kinda dig him. In his feud with Rey Mysterio in late 2006, I thought he was fantastic in it.

It's a shame he does get such hatred. He's a decent talent to have on the roster as he'll always put on a decent show. He's in great shape for someone who is 42 and could be potentially great enhancement talent. I guess when you're related to Eddie, anything less is going to be shit on. It's a shame, I guess.
Hahaha I'm glad a couple people mentioned his brief stint as Kerwin White. I thought I was about to be the only one. I couldn't tell you which was sillier, that or the damn horse-head-on-a-steek, but here's my take on all this.

I used to defend Chavo quite religiously not too long ago, and I still do once in a great while. I'm actually glad he got into TNA and started tagging it up with my main dude, SuperMex (I'm a huge Hernandez mark). I felt like that stupid feud with Hornswoggle had gone on for way too long and even though, yes, Chavito has a serious problem getting himself over (that and a painful lack of originality outside of Pepe/Stereotypical-White-Guy-In-A-Golf-Cart), which I'm sure landed him in that position to begin with, he puts on pretty good matches most of the time - when he's using his own moveset.

I agree wholeheartedly that the one-man-Eddie-tribute-band needs to stop post-haste. What Chavo needs is a reinvention as a serious character (provided he's willing to go along with it and actually start working a crowd sans Eddie's moveset/taunts).

Someone on here earlier mentioned Chavo making a character out of all his Cena-bashing and whatnot, and while I don't know if the guy was kidding or not, markbyrn may be onto something. Make that bitterness his character and get him over as a heel. Return his moveset to normal and have him start laying guys out with some good ol' fashioned Gory Bombs. Just jeans and a t-shirt, taking some cornerstone TNA stars out on a nightly basis. You know, have him get over and involve him in some high-profile feuds with the tried-and-true "Nobody ever takes me seriously. Well how bout now?!". You could start by turning him against SuperMex and taking him out first. This would enable him to turn all his negative PR and fan-hate into some really good heel popularity/heat.

The only issue is, like I and many others have said, he has to take himself seriously first and start working the damn crowd. It's all on him.
1) After almost 7 years has to use Eddie's memory to get over at all. Seriously the crowd is usually silent until he says something about Eddie. It's like the Mick Foley cheap pop except its always about Eddie. I get the feeling he's using Eddies death to get a reaction and I have no respect for that.

2) Not a big fan of his constant Cena bitching saying he can't wrestle, saying stuff like "Eddie and I taught you better than that!". He comes off as a bitter bitch whenever he talks about wrestling today especially WWE and Cena. I would put Cena's best match over Chavo's any day of the week, at least I care enough about Cena matches then to go take a good shit during it, can't say the same about Chavo.

3) He's boring. I'm not knocking his in ring skills but frankly the guy in the ring does nothing for me, like at all.

I guess I don't hate him, he just does nothing for me. He bitches a lot about WWE today which is immediately off putting to me (I agree with some of it but he comes off like a whiny bitch in the process) and I don't have respect for anyone who has to use someones death to get over with the crowd, he may as well have a "my uncle died feel sorry for me" sign around his neck at all times.

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