Why so much recaps of RAW?


Championship Contender
WWE shows nearly 15-20 mins of recaps on other shows like Smackdown,Superstars and NXT which is really annoying.

They can have a match instead but they waste the time with recaps. Many people don't watch Smackdown because of this. They have already watched RAW then why WWE need to show it 10 more times.

Also nowadays they have started showing the recaps of RAW on RAW itself nearly 4 or 5 times. Anybody else hates this ?
This week on WrestleZone: Sam sucked CM Punk's cock, JGlass gave romantic advice to his various underlings, and a Lord Sidious return was teased!

I'm sure it can be rationalised, but it does irritate me. I'd rather we cut out the middle man and just invite Vince over to my house to give me Chinese burns or tweak my nipples at random intervals.

It's a cliché to say, "Oh, this is wasted time - it could be dedicated to this or that or those instead." I would rather Cody Rhodes have an extra five minutes to his match or Wade Barrett get an extra couple of minutes to cut a promo than see the same thing I've seen three or four times already though. Shocking, I know.

This week on WrestleZone: Sam sucked CM Punk's cock, JGlass gave romantic advice to his various underlings, and a Lord Sidious return was teased!
This week on WrestleZone: Sam sucked CM Punk's cock, JGlass gave romantic advice to his various underlings, and a Lord Sidious return was teased!

I'm sure it can be rationalised, but it does irritate me. I'd rather we cut out the middle man and just invite Vince over to my house to give me Chinese burns or tweak my nipples at random intervals.

It's a cliché to say, "Oh, this is wasted time - it could be dedicated to this or that or those instead." I would rather Cody Rhodes have an extra five minutes to his match or Wade Barrett get an extra couple of minutes to cut a promo than see the same thing I've seen three or four times already though. Shocking, I know.

This week on WrestleZone: Sam sucked CM Punk's cock, JGlass gave romantic advice to his various underlings, and a Lord Sidious return was teased!

Erm, what?

I live in the UK, and Smackdown every week has RAw re-caps and a Smackdown from the vault match very week, that probably eats away 20 minutes or so at least, Superstars has re-caps from Raw and Smackdown too if I remember. This cpuld be used for extra matches or longer matches. Afterburn and Bottom line are re-cap shows, not Smackdown.
Erm, what?

You clearly missed what happened in WrestleZone this week. Fortunately, I've prepared for just such a scenario:

This week on WrestleZone: Sam sucked CM Punk's cock, JGlass gave romantic advice to his various underlings, and a Lord Sidious return was teased!

I live in the UK, and Smackdown every week has RAw re-caps and a Smackdown from the vault match very week, that probably eats away 20 minutes or so at least, Superstars has re-caps from Raw and Smackdown too if I remember. This cpuld be used for extra matches or longer matches. Afterburn and Bottom line are re-cap shows, not Smackdown.

You forgot Experience and, um, I'm sure there's a few others, each with a more generic name than the last. Of course, the rationale there is that Bottom Line and Afterburn don't have as large an audience as SmackDown, and so not enough people will know what's happened on Raw. Which would be like the Korean and Vietnamese wars rolled into one.

I do think less overt options could be the way to go though. I mean, if somebody wants to know what's happened on Raw the previous week, wouldn't a more efficient way be to have the commentators mention it, or, if they want to know that badly, just watch the highlights on WWE.com? I dunno. Maybe I'm being obtuse.
WWE has this bad habit of trying to drive Raw down everyone's throats even though pretty much everybody has already seen it. That's what the DVR's are for WWE, we don't need a freaking recap every time we turn around. They have got to stop this, I already know a few people that have quit watching because of annoying side habits like this performed by the WWE.
Honestly I do not have a DVR and miss the first 20-30 mins of Raw because of work. I like the recaps on Raw because it shows me what I missed. Not everyone has a DVR and also not everyone gets to watch Raw. It is their flagship show so they want everyone to know the major stuff from it. I didnt even see the clip of Paul E. coming back until Smackdown. So lesson is kids just because it is not useful to you doesn't mean it isn't useful to others.
I agree I hate recaps to when not needed and smackdown does not need raw recaps taking up 15mins of the show every week. smackdown needs to be its own show try and cast away from raw (even tho the brand split is all but over)...I live in the UK and I watch smackdown almost every friday so i dont dvr it much so it really annoys me to watch smackdown with raw recaps, from the vault matches, advert breaks every ten mins and awful backstage segments with teddy long(fire him already!!). Taking all that into account smackdown is probably no more than a 40minute show of wrestling sometimes less which is a shame.
2 reasons - one is that RAW is the main show. Ever notice that if Smackdown starts to get too good, something stupid happens and pushes it back to 2nd place? it is the same reason why they will put a match on RAW that has 2 Smackdown stars in it. why not use that on Smackdown instead? they want to push RAW as "the show" so they recap it. the other reason is that they need to hammer in the angles they are pushing so people actually care. remember that Simpsons episode where Bart gets into a boy band but it is a secret way to get the people into the Navy? remember the three recruiting methods - liminal, subliminal and superliminal? this is the third. they pound you over the head until you care, or at least until you can't get it out of your head.
The recaps don't really bother me, it's just a way to build more tension into a storyline and to drum it into people's heads what is going on. Not everybody who watches WWE can tune in every week. I'm pretty sure this isn't anything new either. Smackdown is and always has been the second show so I don't see the Raw recaps ending anytime soon.
The reason I don't understand the recaps is that MORE people watch Raw than do SmackDown, and I don't think there are many people who just watch SmackDown and not Raw.

So, going by that, I would think it would be more logical to be reminding people what happened on SmackDown during Raw, as opposed to the other way around.

Which I guess they kind of do by having the SuperShows. But why not spend that SD time getting over some younger talent? Maybe give some time to some Raw guys who can't seem to catch a break on the constantly loaded A show?
I hate the recaps, they even show recaps and WWE commercials at the live events themselves. I went to Raw not too long ago and it was very boring, I swear it was 40 minutes of just sitting there watching commercials. I texted a friend that was sitting in a different area and told him this is getting ridiculous. They could have had a match happen during those commercials for us that were at the live show.
So annoying, fwded through most of SD this week and noticed heavy Raw recap stuff, awful. Also hate how Raw is startign with 2-3 mins of recap stuff as welll these days.

It's partly because in US we don't have an Afterburn show or Superstars on TV anymore to get that recap stuff over anymore.

SD this week was the worst for a long time.

I'd love to see Stanford or Matthews doing a Mean Gene type role where they recap storylines / footage each week in the production truck or studio as part of Superstars and have it back on TV each week. Will not only give Raw & SD more creativity time, but would also help build PPVs better.
I'll admit, the recaps and level of fast forwarding on my DVR has made me stop watching RAW on a weekly basis as I may as well skip it for the recap.
The answer for the numerous recaps is painfully obvious to any long-time fan of pro wrestling; WWE isn't nearly as popular as it was during the Attitude era & the Monday night wars. Did you see recaps of Austin or Rock's opening promos during the Attitude era? No. Why? Because they knew people had already seen it and didn't need to be reminded.

Although WWE did recap certain big happenings throughout the history of Monday Night RAW, it has become alot more frequent nowadays. And more detailed and longer. All things that tell you WWE needs to really start putting effort into RAW to make it as must-see as it used to be.
I understand the reasoning to show some Raw recaps on Smackdown, NXT and Superstars to get people reminded of the big storylines and it makes more sense when they have Raw Superstars on SmackDown ...

But I don't like the long drawn out recaps. I like the quick recaps right before an actual match that show you why we should care abour the Superstars in the ring (i.e. something that happened on Raw that lead to some tension).

But when they do that 5-10 minute straigh recap of what happened on Raw I go... to the bathroom, change the channel to wait it out because I have no interest in seeing what I already saw on Monday.
I really can't stand when they show an instant replay of what just happened at the end of a match, right after the match. Then they keep showing it and talking about it for ten minutes. Then they go commercials, then come back and show the same instant replay and keep talking about it. I sit there saying "how many times do you have to show me the same clip (that I just saw when it actually happened)?" I can understand doing RAW recaps or replays on another show or the following week or something but I don't need a replay of something 10 times, that just happened 5 minutes ago!

If they would cut out these replays, they might be able to actually time it so they don't have to cut to commercials during the live matches.
The recaps don't bother me one bit. In fact, I enjoy them. Working overnights, I usually don't get a chance to watch live episodes of Raw, so I have to catch up on YouTube. Sometimes I can't stand the thought of sitting in front of my computer for over an hour, while watching Raw, but the recaps do a nice job of catching me up. If I've missed anything important, the recaps will fill me in, and they always highlight the most important storylines on Raw. I honestly don't give a shit about the Divas division, I have some interest in the tag team division, but missing a few matches won't kill me, and Santino's run as US Champion hasn't been anything special. But I will see footage of anything that involves John Cena, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, and John Laurinaitis during the Raw recaps.

The Raw recaps do a great job of showcasing the major storylines on Raw, I never miss any important information, and most of the time, there's no need to watch the entire show. And for the people who did watch Raw live, the recaps can provide a stronger emphasis for major storylines. The storylines featured on the recaps are something you should be looking forward to. The recaps provide constant reminders of the important events on Raw, and I don't see a problem with them at all.
I don’t see anything wrong with recaps. By stressing the importance of what happened on Raw WWE is creating more anticipation to see what happens next and for an eventual payoff. Besides, the Smackdown roster is pretty thin. Would a match between Trent Barreta and Jinder Mahal be any better? It’s not easy to fill four hours of television every week and still try to keep things somewhat fresh for a monthly ppv. Recaps help fill that time and make storylines seem more important.
They seem to be getting really obnoxious with recaps lately. Last nigh they showed 3 or 4 replays of the same thing that were like 2 mins. long. It seems the shows these days are made up mostly of recaps, video packages and stupid pointless backstage segments that aren't even really segments anymore, mostly just conversations between random jobbers with an occasional big star here and there that end with long, drawn out silences.

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