Why Slyfox Why, What Do You Have Against Me?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Using the rules you just posted, would not the following thread be considered spam?


Thus, I think Mr. Gilbertti raises an interesting point really. I mean, in the last couple weeks, Jake has already been caught with two sigs that violated forum rules, and created a spam thread that really does not contribute in any way to the board. Additionally, the thread above also could make the case for rule "12. Don't stir up drama." since Jake posted it in the Exclusives forum merely to mock Mr. Gilbertti. Adding all of those up, that should constitute 4 warning points, according to the rules, "on your Forth Warning you will be Banned for Fourteen Days.". So, are we going to see Jake go on a 2 week Temp Banned vacation? I think it is certainly possible.

Mr. Gilbertti raises a very good point. And, it's not like he's being unreasonable. All he asks for is an apology.

Meh, I don't care either way. All in all, I think Jake does a pretty good job, it just seemed like a fun thread to post in. And, all the cool kids were doing it, so I want to be just like them.

It's because I unstickied the Cena thread, isn't it?
anytime this forum ever dies down im just gonna throw it out there. itll be quiet and ill just throw out a post saying....
Hmm, let me try this.

Yes, Triple H should have beaten the Hulkster in that Triple Tier Cage match, in fact, how Hulk got more then Ten percent of the votes is beyond me. And please Triple H should have squashed Andre 99-1. I don't know how Hogan beat Hernandez in the 2nd round...

Cena Rules.
Hmm, let me try this.

Yes, Triple H should have beaten the Hulkster in that Triple Tier Cage match, in fact, how Hulk got more then Ten percent of the votes is beyond me. And please Triple H should have squashed Andre 99-1. I don't know how Hogan beat Hernandez in the 2nd round...
What are you smoking?

Cena Rules.
Hmm...well, you do at least make some interesting points...

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