Why not?


Gone. For. Good.
So Zack Ryder is in IC Title match at Wrestlemania 32 against the likes of Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn etc.

I neither like nor dislike him. I mean that its just a no reaction from me for him.

So I was thinking that he isn't the best choice for being in this match.

I would have surely loved Damien Sandow or Tyler Breeze over Ryder in this match. Why waste these two in a Battle Royal which they both would surely lose?

I believe Sandow is currently taking time off to deal with family issues.

I tend to agree Tyler Breeze would probably have been a better choice for this clusterfuck.

But in reality, the best choice would have been Owens vs. Zayn, no gimmicks, and the rest of the jokers in the match should be in the ARMBAR.
Breeze bores the hell out of me, living and dead.

He's good, he just isn't my cup of tea.
The point of Ryder was to make you think you were getting Dolph when KO announced who was going to be in the triple threat match to face him.
Vince probably just threw him a match for being a good little broski. Then he can go back to working with Rawley. His alternative is to quit and go to TNA, but this one WM payday is likely larger than a years salary at Dixieland.
Could be making good on ruining him years ago, but it probably hasn't been thought through that much. Ryder's become an NXT guy so he likely has HHH pulling for him now over a guy like Sandow, and Breeze messes up the face/heel balance they wanted before Neville got hurt.

Ryder is also proven at the level of IC Champion before and is even a compelling choice to win and feud with KO versus guys like Sandow (who's been massively dehyped since his layoff) and Breeze, who again is a heel.

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