Why Is Shane McMahon So Popular?

Ok, his matches with Kane where entertaining, but I see Jake's point in that they should've given the feud to an actual wrestler on the roster instead of Shane, RVD would have fit in great and the feud could have catapulted him into the ME, they could've kept everything the same for the most part and I'm sure the matches would've been just as good if not better, remember accoriding to the storyline, it was RVD's idea for Kane to lose his mask if he lost his title match against Triple H, this lead to a way too shot feud with RVD that ended after about a month, they had on PPV match against each other and that was it, SummerSlam, and then I think they had a cage match the next night on Raw and that was the end of the feud, and next thing you know Shane is going at it with Kane, IMO they should've kept the feud going with RVD, they could've still done the LMS and Ambulance matches, but with RVD instead of Shane, Shane didn't need to be involved, if you want to involve Shane in this than just have him do a run-in or be in RVD's corner, and basically have him screw Kane out of a win in one of these matches, possiably setting up a one PPV only match between the two after Survivor Series, there was no need for Shane to have 3-4 month feud with Kane
No. But would he have started using it if he hadn't seen RVD perform it in January of 2001? I doubt it. RVD did popularize it, how many times (compared to Shane) did he perform it in WWE?

Shane did the coast to coast before RVD was in WWE, I think. I'm no sure tbh. If RVD had beef i'm sure we would have read about it by now.

I believe RVD performed it first at Guilty As Charged 2001. Shane berformed it at W.M. 17. Several months after. And is RVD really going to say anything. He might not have even been hired by the comapny at that time, or he had only just signed. There was no WCW so he didn't really have any other options at the time.

That angle was stupid. Kane was hot at the time, he shouldn't have been put in a feud with Vince's chubby on.

Well, the feud was a continuation of the psycho Kane storyline. Kane beat up Linda and Shane got Angry. That made shane over with the fans trying to stop kane, and people hated Kane more because he was made to look like a monster. It's simple WWE Logic.

Kane should have feuded with a full time wrestler, somebody who could sell a lot. Not Super Shane who gets beat time and time again, but never stays down.

So has Rikishi. It's a gimmick match. It was last with several other superstars carrying the match.

Yeah i know it's a gimmick match, i was listing it because it's a impressive thing to say. To say you've been in Hell In A Cell one of WWE's top matches is quite impressive. More then people like The Miz or Kenny can say. For example.

He was in one of WWEs top matches because his daddy owns the company. He could probably be world champ if he wanted. His dad has made himself world champ twice now.

Onto about 100 cardboard boxes. He's supposed to be a wrestler, not a stuntman.
Here your talking about the old age argument that is hardcore wrestling a art or a joke? Well seeing as you have Ric Flair in your sig i can guess when you think. But if you look at people like Foley and RVD you see how they make big matches, and i think shane has done this to some point.

Hardcore wrestling has it's place. But if you constantly have people jumping off stuff then it loses meaning. Especially when it's obvious how much padding they're landing on.

Yeah and James Storm hits people with real beer bottles. Glass? Sure, a form of it. Not proper glass though.

True. It does look like glass and it makes a nice impact sound and it looks pretty cool. Still it's something to note down. Again not your average wrestler does this. It's something different to say about him.

I'm pretty sure that your average wrestler could take that though. It's not impressive because it's supposed to shatter, and make a nice big sound.

How much of that sledge hammer actually connected with him?

None. But it looks good. Plus the Sledge Hammer is real so it takes some amount of guts to trust Triple H not to screw up (True fact, it's a real hammer, he just covers up the end)

HHH is a professional. I'd rather get hit by one of his sledgehammer shots (which are pretty easy to sell) than a chair shot.

Don't applaud him for that. Applaud the poor wrestlers who had to catch his fat ass.

Nah i'll applaud him for risky his life jumping off a 20ft Cage thanks

There was no danger to his life. But whoever was supposed to catch him could have had a fat McMahon land on his head, and break his neck. It's only about 10ft by the way. I don't find it too impressive. How far is it from the top of a turnbuckle to the floor? I'd say about 10ft. Nobody considers the bumps the cruiserweights take to be amazing. Not in this era anyway.

Onto boxes.

So? It looked good. I'm not trying to argue about wrestling being fake and how everything is fake so no one can get respected because everything is fake. Thats not what im saying. I'm listing stuff he did that makes me respect him more then the average.

It looked impressive. But why was Shane McMahon, somebody who isn't a frequent active performer allowed to do stuff like that? In my opinion it was an easy jump. I'm sure he was scared about falling off, but I don't think there was any danger that he might hurt himself. Somebody who wasn't over, on the undercard could have done the bump. That would probably make a star of him. Shane McMahon is like Mick Foley. He comes and goes every few months. The problem is that Shane isn't anywhere near as talented as Foley.

Yeah because he knows that will get him great heat. It's a shortcut. How many times has somebody like Austin, The Rock or Hogan done that?

So it got him heat. Everything is done for heat in the end. Yes people have done it. People like Austin,Rock,Hogan and lets see Shane. So thats a good list to join in my book.

Talentless wrestlers often resort to jumping and bumping to get a pop. See Jeff Hardy.

Yeah. Only just though. He's never connected properly, like RVD for example.

He did. Check out the Vince one. That is sick.

RVD does it onto a chair and makes it look painful. Shane usually uses a bin.

#1 He can only just about make the jump.

#2 A bin is considerably wider than a chair.

These moves don't really hurt y'know?

That isn't the point. Again i'm just telling you what he has done to earn my respect and add to his reputation. Hell taking a stunner gives you a bit of reputation straight away.

Didn't work out too well for Billy Gunn, Steve Blackman & Santino Marella. Stunners are given to anybody who gets in Austins way. It's not a star quality thing.

So you respect every single wrestler ever?

Thats the point! I don't! This list makes Shane Special. It makes me stand out from the rest. Sure there is about a list of 5 that have done EXACTLY the same ammount of stuff as Shane. But he is pretty special.

But he isn't a wrestler. Thise are spots and moments that could have been given to an active wrestler. A wrestler who might go on and make money for the company. Does Shane draw for the company?

Vince vs. Shane @ Mania: That match didn't draw. Mania draws. It doesn't matter what the matches are.

Vince, Big Show & Shane vs. D-X (Hell In A Cell): The cell draws, D-X draws, even Vince draws. Shane? Nope.

Owen Harts bump was WAY better.

Thats Sick Dude. Owen died on his. And it wasn't planned. Thats horrible.

That's what happens when you make wrestlers do stuff they don't want to.

Shane got knocked out because that glass you're such a fan off didn't break. And getting knocked out happens if you want to play wrestler.

What? Huh? Play Wrestler? Well then it was angles fault for starting the throw in the wrong position? Surely. Or the production team for getting the wrong Glass. I'm confused.

The ''glass'' was supposed to break. It didn't. Shane got a concussion. Big deal. If he wants to be a wrestler then he has to take the injuries that come with the job. That was nobodys fault. That stuff just happens.

Look i respect all what your saying but the fact is :

Say Person A owns a wrestling business. There is a business and a public side. Person A's Son goes into the business side. Fair play to him.

However if Person A's son also goes into the public side and preforms well (imo) and gets over. Well, thats great.

All i care about is that Shane can put on some great hardcore one off wrestling matches. Sure it's a drag when he sticks around for a longer time, but when he comes in for the one-off feuds he is great

I'd say he is like Foley. Except Foley has lost his 'Pop' a lot over the years due to being used too much. I'm sure if Shane came out, had a feud with a popular superstar, had a last man standing match, did a insane drop, the fans would go crazy for it.

And i think that's fine.

Oh and

". Does Shane draw for the company? "

He doesn't have to/ His last name does. (Or did, it's been overused this last year a lot).

But when he stays out for a while and comes back, he does draw.

I liked this debate was good.
Rob Van Dam first performed the Van Terminator at ECW Heatwave 2000. I have the video. He did it way before Shane. Van Dam invented it, any true wrestling fan would know that.

I dont mind Shane he is good for T.V. He isnt a wrestler but you have to respect the way he takes those bumps i dont care what anyone says. Shane is a complete nut to do that. And the best thing is he dosnt have to. I doubt Vince is in the back saying "your gonnea get fired if you dont do this" He does it to please the fans. And not to many wrestlers now a days wanna put up there body like that to please the fans.

He has had some good matches Summerslam 1999 with Test , my personal favorite the Kurt Angle street fight. The bump he took where Angle belly to belly suplexed him through the glass, the glass didnt brake and Shane fell right on his head was gross, you can hear the thud of it.

And for why Shane dosnt become a full time wrestler? Why would he want to the brutal schedule of being on the road, (somebody correct me if im wrong) but isnt he like 40 something years old? And he has a kid he probally wants to spend time with him, its not like he needs the money.
Rob Van Dam first performed the Van Terminator at ECW Heatwave 2000. I have the video. He did it way before Shane. Van Dam invented it, any true wrestling fan would know that.

I don't think he invented it. I think it says on his DVD he didn't. I don't remeber well but the Entry on Wikipedia says he Popularized it in America. So i'm not too sure.
Well Coast to Coast is done with a bin becuase its a easier target and sounds better. Shane is above the 40 line(look at the side of his head, the guy is greying already). He does all this stuff that he doesnt have to, like its been said he could just sit behind a desk and git paid. High Spots get the crowd excited its a known fact. He could get hurt thought there is always a chance to get hurt and he does these memorable things. If people remember the match as a good match and enjoy it then the wrestler has done a good job.
Shane is a decent wrestler i mean he has a decent amount of mic skills can get a crowd worked up has a few high flying moves and hardcore moves

i mean his angle match at KOTR was good especialy when he went through the glass

hes did a few memorable things like going off of the titantron and stuff

he has a good gimmick well used to anyway
he does those dances in the ring and those taunts

he has the support of the fans
he could sit back like some people said but gives 110%

is very athletic
is quite strong for his size

can handle a match and sell decent when he is in a good feud

only problem is he needs a decent and realistic feud for it to work thats why to kane feud didnt work it wasnt realistic say a MVP feud could work

remember he isnt actual wrestler he dose good for his ability

he also hasnt wrestled properly in a match in years and has changed his gimmick

it was his old rebellion gimmick that i liked he would just come out and fight or get in the face of someone
he is only a decent face not a decent heel
he might not be a great wrestler, but in my opinion, he's popular because he's the opposite of vince on screen and the fans like him cos they hate vince. simple as. it's helped by jumping off high things and getting the wow factor.
point 2 - he's not expected to win and everyone loves the underdog to win. all u'v to do is look at the 3104827 title defences cena had with 'injuries' and u can see that ppl will cheer for him
point 3 - people out there dont realise that it's COMPLETELY fake. they think it's unexpected and dangerous when he is hit by a kendo stick and falls.
point 4 - he's not a wrestler... he's an 'average' guy which helps fans relate. he's not a roided up monster...he's, to quote jake, 'chubby'.
point 5 - he's decent on the mic. see the shane and the beanstalk story for example.

besides Jake, since when has ability counted towards popularity. Hogan, Cena, Nash... all popular but not exactly talented technical wrestlers. popularity is mic skill, face and spots.
he might not be a great wrestler, but in my opinion, he's popular because he's the opposite of vince on screen and the fans like him cos they hate vince. simple as. it's helped by jumping off high things and getting the wow factor.

That shows how great Vince is, not the other way round.

point 2 - he's not expected to win and everyone loves the underdog to win. all u'v to do is look at the 3104827 title defences cena had with 'injuries' and u can see that ppl will cheer for him

Cena used to get the shit booed out of him. And I really don't see how somebody who's been champ for over a year can be an underdog.

Shane McMahon has also been heel for years. And the basic premis behind wrestling is that you always think the heel is going to win. That's why we have babyfaces who overcome the odds.

point 3 - people out there dont realise that it's COMPLETELY fake. they think it's unexpected and dangerous when he is hit by a kendo stick and falls.

It's not the 60's. Little Tommy the 6 year old Cena fans knows wrestlings fake.

point 4 - he's not a wrestler... he's an 'average' guy which helps fans relate. he's not a roided up monster...he's, to quote jake, 'chubby'.

Cubby ie out of shape. People say Umaga is fat. True but he's not out of shape. And why should an ''average'' guy (Who's a millionaire?) be getting offence on somebody like HHH & HBK? Why should he be a threat to them?

point 5 - he's decent on the mic. see the shane and the beanstalk story for example.

So is Val Venis. Where's his push? If they gave Shanes push to Val Venis what would happen? With the sort of push Shane McMahon recieves he'd be a superstar.

besides Jake, since when has ability counted towards popularity. Hogan, Cena, Nash... all popular but not exactly talented technical wrestlers. popularity is mic skill, face and spots.

There are different types of ability in wrestling. Wrestling isn't even the most important one.
That shows how great Vince is, not the other way round.

This is true. vince is gr8 at getting heat and shane's popularity comes from that

Cena used to get the shit booed out of him. And I really don't see how somebody who's been champ for over a year can be an underdog.

Shane McMahon has also been heel for years. And the basic premis behind wrestling is that you always think the heel is going to win. That's why we have babyfaces who overcome the odds.

because that's the way cena has been booked. he's fought big guys and all you have to do is listen to JR plugging the match 'can cena overcome the odds and defeat (insert superheavyweight here) after the beating he's taken in recent weeks', to realise he's being billed as the underdog.

and shane has been heel for the most of the time he's been in wwf/e. but a lot of the more famous matches he has had, he has been pushed as the face in the match eg vs kane, vince, show.

It's not the 60's. Little Tommy the 6 year old Cena fans knows wrestlings fake.

still doesnt take away the fact that a child seeing some1 fall from height would think it'd hurt.

Cubby ie out of shape. People say Umaga is fat. True but he's not out of shape.

you only have to look at the speed of umaga to know he's in shape. shane struggles to last in the ring, but that sorta reinforces his 'average' quality

And why should an ''average'' guy (Who's a millionaire?) be getting offence on somebody like HHH & HBK? Why should he be a threat to them?

average guy as in not a contracted wrestler. he's not a threat to them - in a shoot fight they'd annihilate shane. but the fact that he's been pushed as a face in most of his big feuds means people cheer for him.

So is Val Venis. Where's his push? If they gave Shanes push to Val Venis what would happen? With the sort of push Shane McMahon recieves he'd be a superstar

There are different types of ability in wrestling. Wrestling isn't even the most important one.

sad but true. i'd love val to get a push (even some tv time would be good. but being the boss's son does help, especially if do lack talent in the ring.

yeah, shane doesnt really deserve to be as popular among people as he is, but the truth is, a lot of people who like wrestling...don't actually like wrestling as a quality in their idols (if they did, hogan would be nowhere today)
Big impact, like said before here, the "wow" factor (bumps galore)

He's irritation can be hiliarious

He may be the owner's son, but he's given pratically a large portion of his whole life to the business (I respect that)

yeah, he's not a real pro wrestler in some aspects, but the Van Daminator coast-to-coast whatever is very athletic, along with his bumps as not alot of real wrestler who even attempt those bumps
I am inclined to agree with erc24 here...Shane McMahon started out assembling the ring, working with the assembly crew getting each show ready, and took the time to learn the entire business before moving up into his current corporate position. Considering he didn't have to do any of that because he is Vince's son, I respect him more for that. Then, he also is willing to destroy his body for the sake of the fans, something that I think allows the wrestlers to respect him as well. He is saying "look guys, I am willing to do the same things you are doing for the benefit of the fans, even it means hurting myself, just like you guys risk night in and night out". Basically, while he is Shane McMahon, the crazy stunts he has done show the wrestlers that he can be one of the guys. Vince is the ass of the family, Stephanie has played the bitch, but even when he was a heel, Shane kinda was the "likable" McMahon.
He's so liked because he is Shane O Mac come on lol. In all seriousness though he is liked because he gives it his all everytime he is out there. His street fight with Angle was great and he does a lot of great spots.
I've always thought shane was so popular because he is so much like Vince, but he has more charisma. Shane is made up to be rich like his dad, but at the same time be able to go out and put on good matches with a large amount of charisma. When he comes out bouncing around and doing that dance he does, it's up tempo and it gets your attention, like it or not. With Vince its the same stupid looking walk every week. Shane gets your attention right off the bat. It's true with most wrestlers: The more charisma you ahve, the more fans will notice you.
I like shane in the fact that he is a good wrestler. I mean if he went by any other name than Shane McMahon, he would be a good wrestler that could be over with the fans. He is living out Vince dreams as Vince always wanted to be a pro wrestler instead of the guy on the mic, and Shane is Vince's image and too many surprise, Shane is a good in the ring. He can get a crowd in the match and thats all you need to be a sports entertainer.
The question of why shane is so popular has basically been covered here but I think its for one more reason that no one has so far covered. He comes across as a likeable guy (on TV anyway, i've heard rumours that say otherwise backstage...). Though this may not be the most important thing in life, it is important in wrestling. Either you have to be liked by the fans or hated, if your in between your not going to suceed.

Take hardcore Holly for example, though you could say he's successful in that hes been in the WWE for so long in terms of titles he hasn't had the greatest run for someone in the business so long. In my opinion this has nothing to do with his skill (which is quite pronounced) its the fact that you know hes not a total prick yet you can't really like the guy very much as he just doesn't come across very well. Now I know there are Holly fans out there so I apologise if ive offended you but it was tpo make a point and I could have easily used any number of wrestlers in his place.

Anyway; Shane O'Mac comes across as a total gimp, because hes a hell so you hate him if your a casual fan but he also seems to be a cool guy and personally he really amuses me and im a huge fan so I tend to like him!

Its like Edge, hes a total asshole on TV but outside this he comes across as a nice guy (if you ignore the whole girlfriend stealing incident...)
Shane is liked by alot of people behind the scenes, unlike his dad, who has made alot of enemys over the years! If he were to gain control of wwe he would take it in a different direction due to him being a fan of MMA, whether or not thats a good thing is anybody's opinion.

Also the fact that hes done some crazy stunts over the years which very few superstars on the roster are willing to do (except Jeff Hardy).
Shane is liked by alot of people behind the scenes, unlike his dad, who has made alot of enemys over the years! If he were to gain control of wwe he would take it in a different direction due to him being a fan of MMA, whether or not thats a good thing is anybody's opinion.

Also the fact that hes done some crazy stunts over the years which very few superstars on the roster are willing to do (except Jeff Hardy).

No one hates Vince. The ones who talk bad about him are the wrestlers he fired who couldn't cut it anymore or who time had passed. See Vince is a business man first then a promoter, and people hate the fact that he made wrestling a business. Shane will never run the WWE as I doubt that Steph and Shane can run the business together with Triple H in the background. I actually see Shane getting away from the WWE and doing his own thing.
Personally I can see many reasons why he's so popular:
1. His music starts off with a loud crescendo (always a good way to get attention, shattering glass, car crash, If you smell etc)
2. He dances around like he's on acid (which is just funny no matter who you are)
3. He IS a spot monkey, he's never claimed to be anything else, infact does anyone remember him being in a non-gimmick match?
4. His storylines and angles are interesting because his mic work is good and is usually built around a solid fued (see Test for a perfect example)
5. He is the boss's son, he doesn't have to do that $hit, but he does, because it entertains the fans, he gets a nice face pop whenever he's not up vince's rear-end.
6. His matches with Test, Big Show and Angle were incredibly memorable and the Angle match ranks up there with my favourite Hardcore/Street fights of all time.
I think the best way to describe it is there seems to be an intensity about him. He makes things happen and people are excited when they know a performer is a "lightning rod".
Usually the more higher executives of the WWE would never and have never done the things that he has done. When hes in a match now a days you always expect something huge from him. I dont care what anybody else thinks or says i will always be a fan of Shane, he has balls.

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