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Why is nobody bringing this up?


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Sorry if this has already been done, but everyone is assuming that out of John Cena and CM Punk, whoever faces the Rock at the Royal Rumble so they can drop the belt to him, and the other one can face him for it at Wrestlemania.
Why can't they do a triple threat match at Wrestlemania?

Think about it. Rock-Cena, whilst entertaining and a big draw, has been done. If it's Rock-Punk, that means Cena will have:
Been cost the title by Rock at WM27
Lost to him clean in the main event of WM28
Dropped the title to him at Royal Rumble
Been pushed down the card in favour of The Rock at WM29

Not gonna happen.

However, if Punk loses to the Rock at Rumble, who does he move on to? Steve Austin is reportedly a no-go for WM29. He might face Lesnar or the Undertaker, but Lesnar is a heel, and if Punk faces Taker, who does Lesnar go against? Triple H again? Lesnar-HHH 2 and Rock-Cena 2 is a big risk.

But what if they did a triple threat for the title at WM? If you want Rock-Punk, you can get it at the Rumble, whilst Cena wins the actual Rumble match. Or if you want Rock-Cena 2, then just swap Cena and Punk.

Cena and Punk obviously have great chemistry in the ring and on the mic, but it's been done a few times now. Rock and Cena had a great buildup, and Rock winning at WM28 sets up some interesting promos, but again it'd be the same old schtick. Putting the three of them together gives some variety, especially if Punk were to be the loose cannon trying to strong-arm his way into a Rock-Cena title match.

Plus if Rock needs to drop the belt, the triple threat protects his character. If Cena is to get his Wrestlemania redemption by pinning Rock, that just puts them even, whilst Punk can say he never lost and therefore potentially move back to Cena after WM. There's just so many options in this scenario.

So what do you think? Should there be a triple threat match at Wrestlemania 29? Do you think there will be?
The Rock doesn't need to save face at wrestlemania - The rock needs to say good bye like Hogan vs The Rock done twice Cena vs the Rock will be done twice too - its passing the torch a nod in the right direction.CM Punk doesnt really need to get invovled does he? But what it will mean is Cena will win the Royal Rumble
I see there being a Triple Threat Match between the 3 of them at Mania 29. I've thought this since the ending of Raw 1000 where Punk stood over Rock and Cena.

The way I see it happening is Punk keeping the title til the Rumble where he will take on The Rock. I see The Rock winning, but by dq. keeping the belt on Punk. I don't see Rock winning the belt and then having to defend it at Elimination Chamber and Mania.

I see Cena not winning the Rumble but facing Punk for the title at Elimination Chamber. I see it ending in a double pin fall so the title stays on Punk going into Mania.

Then, Since Punk wasn`t able to defeat The Rock or Cena, I see them making it a triple threat match at Mania 29.

Triple Threat matches can sometimes be boring and have one guy kinda left out of the match. The way I would book this Triple Threat match would be a way that makes the winner an undisputed winner. And what other way to do that then to have each guy in the match having to defeat both opponents to win the match.

For example, If Rock was to win the title, he would have to pin or submit both Cena and Punk. Punk would have to defeat Cena and Rock, and Cena would have to defeat Rock and Punk.

Having to gain 2 victories in the match would make it much more interesting with nobody being able to say they weren`t beat after the match. It would be a clear, cut winner.

The way I would have it go down is as follows. Rock pins Punk first. Then Cena pins or submits Punk, leaving Rock and Cena needing to defeat each other to win. Then I would have Rock go to defeat Cena but Punk kicks Rock out of the way picking up his first victory of the match. Now all three guys need only one more win. I would have Cena deliver a giant A.A. to The Rock but, again, Punk kicks Cena out of the way and gains the cover on the Rock making him the victor of the WWEC. Triple Threat match.

This would put Punk over as the best in the business and possibly set him up for a one on one encounter with Steve Austin at Mania 30.

The Rock and Cena angle would be left unfinished, possibly to be settled at next years Summer Slam where Cena could defeat the Rock to end their feud with a victory each, or save the match for Mania 30 where Cena could even the score.

So, yes, I can see it being a Triple Threat match at Mania 29 for the WWEC. And, I can seeing going down this way, so there is an undisputed winner.
Hmmmm.... errrrr...... hhhnnnnnngggggg.....

I hate triple threats as main events; generally they fail to meet expectations (the main exemption being WM 20), but this could work. It'd sell well anyway and would enable Rock and Cena to go at it again without the rehash of last year's match.

Punk deserves Rock. His career is at the point where a huge match would solidify his status as a top player in the industry and make him a household name.
I expect a triple threat match as well.

The best thing to do is have Punk Rock at the rumble and have Punk and Heyman screw Rock. Have Brock attack rock at the rumble and Cena win the Rumble. Then have a tag match between Rock and Cena vs Punk and Lesnar at EC. After that have Brock move on to Undertaker and set up a triple threat match at Wrestlemania in which John Cena will likely go over in. That way you have two huge Mainevents for Mania.
I dont think its the fact that nobody is bringing this up. My friends and I have talked about this situation since we found out Rock was getting a title shot at the rumble. Its gonna happen simply for this fact... they have NOWHERE else to go for these 3 guys! Brock will fight H or Taker (leaning toward Taker as of now).
Cena wont fight Taker - its a lose-lose for the WWE. Either Taker loses his streak or Cena jobs at WM again. both wont happen. Cena/Rock 2 is unlikely for the fact they billed it as a 1 time match. The only way to make it better is to add Punk. I say Rock takes the strap at RR and then loses it to Cena at WM. Punk never gets pinned, therefore Cena/Punk continues afterward.
Why is nobody bringing this up?
One of my first message on this Forum was about that. :)

My prediction Cena- Rock 2 at RR, Rock wins. Punk wins RR match so he chalenges Rock at Wrestlemania. Rock declines a rematch to Cena because he beat him twice in a row and goes to Elimination Chamber to defend it against someone like Danyel Bryan, while at EC we got no1 contender match that Cena wins and at Wrestlemania we have tripple threat. :)

Cena wins pinning Rock and Cena-Punk continues...
I’ve said this before on other threads. Rock vs. Punk vs. “Rap”. Just imagine the live band entrances for these 3!! Just kidding. I think between these three in one match, it could equal some of the greatest Triple Threat matches in WWE history. Plus, like the original poster stated, you increase your options significantly for match endings and follow-up rematches at the next PPV.

Let’s see here.
Royal Rumble – Rock wins WWE Title over John Cena and CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble
Elimination Chamber – Cena wins the # 1 contender Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Title, and the Rock has a non-Title Champion vs. Champion match with the World Champion, whoever it may be at the time, and CM Punk, as the 2013 Royal Rumble winner, takes a personal day.
WrestleMania – Stage is set for Rock – Cena II, but CM Punk decides to cash in his Royal Rumble victory on the WWE Title match and makes it, Rock vs. Punk vs. “Rap”!!

I think this is how it should go, but I think a lot of things and 88% of the time, things in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment never go the way I would like them to.

Now what if Paul Heyman wanted to double down and somehow insert Brock Lesnar into this match, making it a Fatal Four Way?? We haven’t had a Fatal Four Way for the WWE Title at WrestleMania since 2000. Plus with the “New Dangerous Alliance” (that’s what I call them in my WWE 12 Universe, using CM Punk and Luke Gallows old entrance. Trust me, it looks cool and it works), the dynamic just changed drastically. Brock could tease helping Punk win, turning on Punk to win himself, or whatever else creative and think of. Make it a Fatal Four Way Elimination match and give the WWE Universe what we want!! HAHA!!
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LaLaLand is a hell of a place, huh? I usually picture Sting cutting a promo with Mark Hamill as the main event of Wrestlemania 29. What simplistic thinkers here.
Does anyone else think that when (if, for you non-believers) the Rock wins the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble from the WWE Champion in January, he’s going to show up on the following Raw, take the Spinner Belt, shine that sumbitch up, turn it sideways, look at the piece of monkey crap and throw it in the trashcan, and unveil…


No, that’s not it.


No, that’s not it either.


NO!! That’s definitely not it.


What the “F”!?

This is it. The most electrifying Belt in all of entertainment…

That would be pretty sweet. Past vs present vs future. I like it.

Rock has a clean win over Cena

Cena has a clean win over Punk

Now all we need is Punk getting a clean win over Rock at the Rumble.

Then each man can say he has beaten one, but not the other. The whole rock paper scissors dynamic lol

Who would be the future? Punk is the present. Cena is the present. Rock is the past.
Who would be the future? Punk is the present. Cena is the present. Rock is the past.

Ah I knew someone would ask :p I was considering Punk as the "future" in terms of being THE top guy. Obviously he's the current world champion but Cena is still the top guy.

I know it's a stretch. I was just trying to sell the idea :lmao: I think it would be a cool tagline.
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I will say that this idea gives the WWE the opportunity to not hurt any of the competitors as much and continue the "Who Betta'?" story between Punk and Cena but I would much rather not see a multi-man match main event WM (no offense Hogan, Piper, Orndorf and Mr.T). But as a fan, I prefer WM to have a clear cut winner. You had that this year and it made for a helluva moment. A triple threat match doesn't really define anyone as the best. Look at the championship match from Summer Slam this year. It didn't really answer any questions between whether Punk or Cena were the better man. It just confirmed that Big Show was the worst.

I did like the idea the poster presented where the winner would be the first to beat both men. It sounds like a cool concept, not for the ME of a WM championship match but maybe a lesser PPV or further down the card.

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