Why is Evolution ignoring Flair?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I realize Flair can't wrestle, or really do anything physical anymore. Nor do I believe he should, but why is he being ignored completely in the Evolution reunion?

I didn't notice it until last night's Evolution montage video where they did everything they could to not show Flair more than necessary. He could still be on the sidelines and do some good promo work against The Shield. What else is Flair doing for WWE right now that blocks him from this? I just don't understand the absence or lack of acknowledgement
Nothing else to add here, totally agree with you. I would've thought maybe it's because they are worried about what he might say on a live mic after the 2K14 panel, but he's been on Old School Raw and Legends Roundtable live without an issue, so who knows. Personally though, Evolution without Flair isn't Evolution to me, it's supposed to represent the past, present, and future. If anything Flair should help them induct a new member to represent the future, now that Orton has ascended to main event status.
Because WWE want Evolution to be heels and Ric Flair would likely not help that cause. Fans love Flair and Flair would likely embrace the positive reaction he would get from fans and do nothing to turn them against him.
I've been reading comments online from people saying how it's a disgrace that Flair isn't involved because he "made Evolution". Seriously. Just in case anyone wants to go down that path, I've got news for you. Flair was old and washed up when Evolution was put together the first time. He was there just to be the "old guy", to show the "Evolution" of the business, from him to HHH to Batista and Orton. Not saying he didn't contribute at all, but that was Triple H's group, hands down.
I've been reading comments online from people saying how it's a disgrace that Flair isn't involved because he "made Evolution". Seriously. Just in case anyone wants to go down that path, I've got news for you. Flair was old and washed up when Evolution was put together the first time. He was there just to be the "old guy", to show the "Evolution" of the business, from him to HHH to Batista and Orton. Not saying he didn't contribute at all, but that was Triple H's group, hands down.

yup agreed 100%

flair coming back as a manager could be interesting and to the guy who said flair couldnt get over as a heel, you forget flair is "the dirtiest player in the game". flair cheating to help batista and orton win would be enough to reaffirm flair as heel. or they could go the whole rvd hhh setup and make it seem like flair is with the shield just to turn on them and help hhh.
I've been reading comments online from people saying how it's a disgrace that Flair isn't involved because he "made Evolution". Seriously. Just in case anyone wants to go down that path, I've got news for you. Flair was old and washed up when Evolution was put together the first time. He was there just to be the "old guy", to show the "Evolution" of the business, from him to HHH to Batista and Orton. Not saying he didn't contribute at all, but that was Triple H's group, hands down.

Pretty sure hhh came up with evolution. On his dvd he said flair wasnt being utilized well at that point and that it would be a nice concept to put two young guys under their wing and build them up.
Because WWE want Evolution to be heels and Ric Flair would likely not help that cause. Fans love Flair and Flair would likely embrace the positive reaction he would get from fans and do nothing to turn them against him.

Can't disagree, You do make alot of sense about WWE wanting Evolution to be heels.
Im sick of people whining about Ric Flair not being part of the reunion its not about flair whats he gonna do seriously hes not gonna wrestle hes retired if anything he would come in as a manger for evolution but this is about 3 men on 3 men what are they gonna do just ignore the fact evolution ever existed just because flairs not with them cmon really
Because WWE want Evolution to be heels and Ric Flair would likely not help that cause. Fans love Flair and Flair would likely embrace the positive reaction he would get from fans and do nothing to turn them against him.

Not to mention, and let's be perfectly honest here, Flair's becoming something of a loose cannon. Between his last few appearances on TNA his appearance at Summerslam Axxess 1-2 years ago as well as growing age, Flair's starting to become someone who just does whatever he wants, consequences be dammed.
Flair is to loved by the. Wwe universe to be heel now sort of like taker i would like hhh to step back a bit and focus being the veteran guy and less in the ring and let orton lead and maybe add a young up and comer derrick bateman/ethen carter would of been perfect as i see him as a young smug legend killer orton but if i had to chose a guy off the roster i would say Cody Rhodes, or maybe Justin Gabriel just repackage his style a bit and maybe bulk up a bit and i see potential and if Batista does leave for a while then replace him with mason Ryan , or a heel roman reigns who turns on the shield
so my evolution.2.0 is
leader orton
veteran hhh
muscle ryan/reigns
future star rhodes/gabriel
I realize Flair can't wrestle, or really do anything physical anymore. Nor do I believe he should, but why is he being ignored completely in the Evolution reunion?

I didn't notice it until last night's Evolution montage video where they did everything they could to not show Flair more than necessary. He could still be on the sidelines and do some good promo work against The Shield. What else is Flair doing for WWE right now that blocks him from this? I just don't understand the absence or lack of acknowledgement

You really answered your own question: "I realize Flair can't wrestle, or really do anything physical anymore." Since Ric Flair isn't able to participate in the storyline feud with The Shield, what would be the point in acknowledging him? Even if he did participate just to do some promo work, what would he say that'd really add anything to the feud? Ramble on about how dominant Evolution was? Mention how many title reigns they have between them? Talk about how they styled & profiled back in the day? They don't need Flair for that, it's not as if they have trouble doing it themselves. Flair could give people a bit of a nostalgic moment but, all in all, there's nothing he can contribute to justify his presence.
I've been reading comments online from people saying how it's a disgrace that Flair isn't involved because he "made Evolution". Seriously. Just in case anyone wants to go down that path, I've got news for you. Flair was old and washed up when Evolution was put together the first time. He was there just to be the "old guy", to show the "Evolution" of the business, from him to HHH to Batista and Orton. Not saying he didn't contribute at all, but that was Triple H's group, hands down.
Agree with this guy. The Four Horsemen didn't always have the same four guys and JJ Dillon as manager. They kept the core and the idea of what got it over. If anything, Evolution needs a new young guy with HHH now being "wrestling's past".

Plus, who's to say Flair even wants to carry that schedule or that WWE wants to pay him for what he'd demand for that schedule?
Main reasons I can think is that he is retired as far as wwe is concerned and therefore would be a target. Other thing is that I don't think they are high on him right now after that panel and since he really isn't needed, why bring him back? There is nothing he could add to them.
Okay, I see what you guys are saying. I'd enjoy the promo work personally. My question is does Evolution need another member? Not because of Flair, but because of Evolution. Past, present and future. We now have HHH as the past, Orton/Batista as the present. Isn't it time to look to the future for the next coal that will be squeezed into the next diamond?
Pick one:

A.) He's physically not capable to be in the ring.

B.) HHH, Orton, and Batista can hold their own on the mic.

C.) He doesn't add anything to this particular feud other than his trademark catchphrases

D.) Fans love him. Evolution wants to be hated. Counterproductive donchathink?

E.) He's unreliable and his personal demons can rise up on any occasion.

Okay, I see what you guys are saying. I'd enjoy the promo work personally. My question is does Evolution need another member? Not because of Flair, but because of Evolution. Past, present and future. We now have HHH as the past, Orton/Batista as the present. Isn't it time to look to the future for the next coal that will be squeezed into the next diamond?

Evolution came back only to battle The Shield and teach them a lesson. They won't be around for long given their egos and after The Shield destroy them, they probably will split up afterwards. Enjoy the mini reunion.
Here's some reasons...

- as much as Flair is still capable of playing a heel... he's far past the point where the fans want to boo him. With Triple H, Orton and Batista, the WWE actually has 3 legitimate heels. Not bad guys that the fans want to cheer anyways, but bad guys that the fans also happen to be guys the fans do not want to cheer for. As much as he would try to fit in with that, the fans simply would not let Flair be the heel anymore, and it would ruin the dynamic of the group.

- Flair finally seems to be starting to get to a place in his life where he's accepted he's not the "Nature Boy" anymore. He's someone that had a really hard time letting go of the road and the need to be the life of the party 24/7/365, and while he's probably not completely there yet... he's also probably closer to being there than he's been in his life. Putting him back out there weekly and on the road would be the cruelest thing that they could possibly do to that man. Let him stick to the role that he has in the company right now. Let him be retired.

- as great a wrestler as Ric Flair was... he makes just as lousy a manager. The problem with him in that role, is that he's still Ric Flair. He overshadows who he's representing. Even when he tries not to, he can't help it because the fans still look at him and see the Ric Flair they've always known.
Ric Flair has no business being on live television. He's so far gone at this point it's sad. Bringing him along would do nothing for the program.
Okay, I see what you guys are saying. I'd enjoy the promo work personally. My question is does Evolution need another member? Not because of Flair, but because of Evolution. Past, present and future. We now have HHH as the past, Orton/Batista as the present. Isn't it time to look to the future for the next coal that will be squeezed into the next diamond?

I don't think Evolution will be around long enough for that. This is just three guys who have the same enemy teaming up together to try to take them out. If they were never in Evolution 10 years ago, they could all still be teaming up against The Shield, they just wouldn't have the name or the music. Once they're done with The Shield, they're all going to go their separate ways. Which is another reason why Flair doesn't need to be involved among all the others people have listed. There's no reason for him to feud with The Shield. Unless they did a 3-on-1 assault on him at some point, but I don't think they did.

If they were going to make a new, full time Evolution...well, firstly I think Triple H is too young to be the "past" like Flair was. During the original Evolution run Flair was already older than dirt, clearly at the very end of his in ring career(either full or part time), and to be frank that end should've already happened long before that point. It all started with Flair as Triple H's manager. To put things in perspective, Flair was 53 when he started managing Triple H. Today, Triple H is 45. Can you envision him managing Randy Orton, or anyone? I know he's not a full time wrestler, but you still get the feeling that it's because he's so busy being the COO more than because he can't do it anymore, like with Flair back then. When Triple H looks like Undertaker did against Brock, then he can take on Flair's role in Evolution. Until then, he just feels like another "present" guy instead of the "past."

Also, if they were making a new Evolution, I think they'd have to pick one or the other between Orton and Batista...unless Batista wanted to transition into more of a non-wrestler, enforcer type role. But, just like it's hard to imagine Triple H as a manager, I have a hard time imaging Batista being somebody's ringside muscle. And I don't think it would work, having two main guys, long term.

Although, as I think about it, I think they had an opportunity to form a new Evolution last summer, right when The Authority formed at SummerSlam. Triple H and Randy Orton, but instead of(or in addition to) Kane coming in as the muscle, bring in a couple younger guys...hey, how about adding the Real Americans, Cesaro and Jack Swagger. I think it'd be a pretty easy sell for Zeb Coulter to get on the "best for business" bandwagon. And I think their shtick had gotten stale by that point(I know Cesaro had just joined, but he joined way too late, and it had already gotten stale with just Zeb and Swagger by that point), so it would've been a good way to freshen up their characters. Or any number of people would work...Wade Barrett, Big E, Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Axel and Ryback(after they were dropped by Heyman), Dolph Ziggler, whoever.

I think it could've worked then, when the stable was new and fresh, and they could've used the name Evolution once they had their four members...but I feel like the whole Authority thing is too far along, too close to its conclusion, at this point for that kind of major change. I'm sure they could still make it work, but I think it would've been better if they did it from the beginning.
Flair could get over as a heel, when he debuted in TNA he was cheered like mad but he was able to get over as a heel. However, he is extremely popular and would get face pops on screen. He's a master promo guy, he could work a crowd to a heel reaction but right now he would get a massive face pop and that isnt what Evolution needs.

Its the same with HBK, you cant have him do anything onscreen with HHH as long as you want Trips as a villain because HBK is so beloved by fans.

As far as being trustworthy Flair has been the epitome of 'company man' his entire career. This is a guy who against his wishes cut his hair and became a masked stalker character in 1990, dressed in drag in 1995, put over Hulk Hogan in a Win or Retire Match in 94, suffered an on air heart attack in Atlanta right after Falcons Coach Dan Reeves nearly died from one in 98, played a lunatic in a sanitarium in 99, had his shaved on air in 2000, playing each angle to the hilt despite numerous reservations. There were no issues with his on screen performances in TNA although there were issuer regarding late paychecks and with creative (such as jobbing to Abyss and losing his HOF Ring, which he still went along with). The infamous video game roundtable may not have pleased WWE because the game took a back seat with media members, all bored and disinterested with the other wrestlers as Flair was willing to answer non video game questions honestly and discuss his career and his son. He never said anything embarrasing or derogatory towards or about anything WWE and the attending media loved him. The idea that he wouldnt be 'trustworthy' or 'go off script' is ludicrous.
I actually think it make sense not to have flair back in evolution. They're building towards a 3v3 match. The whole ethos of evolution is to evolve and keep control of the company and it's titles, flair is put out to pasture now and it's time to evolve, HHH being the past and Batista and orton the present...I actually feel like with them reminding us of this ethos of Evolution they are setting it up for a new member..the future and it makes a lot of sense for this new member to join during this 3v3. Could it be a Shield member? I'm thinking yeah but it's tough to say which one. We may get outside interference and a new member introduced that way. For the business to Evolve it means Flair out, new guy in..actually don't be surprised if they mention Flair at some point though. "Adapt or perish" = can't beat them, join them...the promo's for a heel turn (I predict ambrose) are there for the making!
You really answered your own question: "I realize Flair can't wrestle, or really do anything physical anymore." Since Ric Flair isn't able to participate in the storyline feud with The Shield, what would be the point in acknowledging him? Even if he did participate just to do some promo work, what would he say that'd really add anything to the feud? Ramble on about how dominant Evolution was? Mention how many title reigns they have between them? Talk about how they styled & profiled back in the day? They don't need Flair for that, it's not as if they have trouble doing it themselves. Flair could give people a bit of a nostalgic moment but, all in all, there's nothing he can contribute to justify his presence.


In the original Evolution run, Flair was already the past. Now I would say that HHH(and even Batista...) is the past now, whilst Flair's time in the group is over and done with and there is no point bringing him back to be a part of the group.

Tbh, if there was a plan to bring back Flair...I'd bring him back to be in Roman Reigns corner for the rumoured HHH vs Roman Reigns match at SummerSlam.
Other than that, there is no need to bring him back at all other than nostalgia as JH has said above.
Flair isn't needed. I think Big Dave will leave Evolution before long. I think he will snap and fall out with Triple H. Big Dave was primed to come back as a face but if he is to do promotional work for his film, it will work much better as a face than a heel. Big Dave has paid his dues now - he has tapped to Bryan, he does house shows, out of the main event picture so the spotty virgins who pollute these boards can rest easy now with their 'Bootista' and 'skinny jeans' shit.

So......Big Dave leaves/kicked out of Evolution. Rollins and Ambrose turn and join setting up a fued with Roman Reigns.

Evolution 2.0.

Past - Triple H
Present - Randall Orton
Future - Dean Ambrose
Future - Seth Rollins
Ric is 65-years-old and two of the last three WWE appearances hes made hes wound up crying. The guy is a legend and that's great, and I love him for how often brilliant he is even to this day, but there is a time when guys no longer belong in the spotlight and Ric no longer belongs in the spotlight. It's not about him no longer being able to wrestle or get physical, it's about him no longer emotionally being able to disconnect himself. If anybody hasn't seen the Saturday afternoon prior to WrestleMania pre-show they did on the Network, it's pretty uncomfortable footage.
I think it would be fun for Flair to show up to manage Evolution at Extreme Rules, just to get a fan reaction and maybe a few more people to watch the Special Event. I mean, since we're going to cloud the heel/face lines with the Wyatts, Cesaro, HHH, the entire IC level talent, etc. why not blur the lines a little with Evolution?

Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to watch The Shield show up at ER and wipe the floor with Evolution, but how great would the match be with a little bit of stylin' and profilin' at ring side? Maybe a few eye pokes, a pulled down top rope on an Irish Whip, a behind the back low blow, or maybe sliding a weapon in in case the match isn't an extreme match?
There is no need for Flair. He is pretty old now and would serve no purpose. This is about HHH, Orton and Batista putting over The Shield. Maybe he could appear once to talk them out of doing what they are doing but he should be walking around with them.

I don't buy him being too loved. Shawn Michaels was able to get boo'd during his little spat with Bryan. Flair can turn it up and make himself hated if he wanted.

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