Why is Daniel Bryan on the Back Burner?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
We all remember when Daniel Bryan made his epic return at SummerSlam. WWE brought him back early after his initial release. He was arguably the star of Team WWE and personally eliminated two members of The Nexus in Darren Young and Heath Slater. They also continued his feud with The Miz by having Miz cause Bryan to get eliminated from the match. In my opinion Bryan was one of the main performers that made that match as great as it was that night.

He goes on to finish his feud with The Miz and in the end Bryan takes the US title from Miz at Night of Champions one month after his return. This ended up being the match of the night and I still stand by that this was Miz's best pay-per-view match to date. Bryan then continues his moment by defeating major upper mid-carder in The Miz, John Morrison, and others for the remainder of the month.

He then gets in a brief rivalry with Dolph Ziggler and these two put on fantastic matches with one and other. With the best match being their MOTY Contender at Bragging Rights which was the show stealer. Bryan was mad over during this time and fans couldn't wait to see his next match. After dominating the Ziggler feud Daniel Bryan went on to feud with Ted Dibiase over the US Title and arguably giving Dibiase his best match in his career at Survivor Series which also stole the show it opened.

Now for whatever reason after his feud ended with Dibiase at Survivor Series, Bryan has not (to my knowledge) defended the belt on television since. He has also been given less than five minute matches for the majority of the last few months defeating guys like Zack Ryder and William Regal mainly in quick fashion as well as the whole redundant shtick with The Bellas. This then escalated into Bryan revealing Gail Kim was his real girlfriend and was used for ridiculous skits involving diva fights over him. And this has been the most relevant thing he has been doing for the last two months.

Also let's not forget that this has killed almost his whole momentum. We went from an exciting pop for his entrance to near silence this past week on RAW. Why is this? Well because instead of WWE continuing their trend of giving Bryan interesting feuds and letting him put on fantastic matches on pay-per-view like they were doing, they're sticking him right above the lower-card and continue to have him do irrelevant shit and therefore the fan's interest has died over the course of this two month momentum sucker.

Wasn't it great that Daniel Bryan was sent out for an entrance only for The Miz to just beat the hell out of him for no reason this week? Because him going out there and wrestling a good television match is just too crazy to even consider right? This guy is by far the best in ring performer the WWE has right now, he is the man. He is WWE's Kurt Angle essentially meaning that he can go out there and make himself and his opponent look like gold no matter who he is working with.

So the question I propose to all of you is why when Daniel Bryan was getting very over with the fans in his first three months back with the company and had all this momentum they decided to throw him on the back burner and stick him with the divas killing almost all the crowd connection he had built up since his return? Can anyone else justify what they're doing with Bryan on television week in and week out recently? I was hoping Derrick Bateman would win NXT and him and Bryan could have worked the tag division but that didn't happen and now Bateman is injured, so I'm hoping Bryan does get into a feud with Sheamus in the coming weeks because it would give them something to do at WrestleMania and it would also give Bryan his first real challenger for the title since Survivor Series with Ted Dibiase.

So this thread is up for discussion on how you feel about Daniel Bryan's momentum being killed over the last two months and perhaps give some insight into why it's even happening. Because honestly I can't even begin to fathom why they pulled the plug on his dominance of the mid-card, especially when he was making it relevant with great matches show after show.
The pain is difficult...isn't it? I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan and this pisses me off as well. How is it that Miz is beating the Hell out of him now. Are we just supposed to forget that Bryan is the one who made him cry/tap like a b*tch and took the U.S. title in the first place? It's not like Miz has STEPED UP or IMPROVED in any way. Also, even though Bryan got some(Bellas AND Gail Kim on the side) it kinda ruined his character. If Miz happenes to beat Cena and Morrison doesn't go into a program with him, have him drop the title to someone who needs it, and have him be a champion. On the indy scenes, he inspired the crowd, so obviously he can be a good role model until Benoit V 2.0 kicks in. He's the best talent they have and they're just wasting him!!
It's a disgrace the way hes been booked recently. Involved in Santino like backstage segments and with the shine taken away from his "Submission Specialist" gimmick which was built so well after NXT and on his return.
He needs some decent bookings in the run up to Mania which build his character as he is more than capable of the main event. I myself am hoping that The Miz retains at Mania and is put into a program with DB, which could put them both over seeing as The Miz will have huge momentum off the back of beating Cena at WM27. But then again i have this horrible feeling that Cena will be booked to win... Again.
I really dont think he is on the back burner, per se. He'd really would have to have been forgotten for that to have happened. I just honestly think this isnt were they thought he would be.....when he first got brought up. Hear me out. He got ousted from Nexxus when they first came out. Well...there still is a Nexus....with a new leader.....while Barrett has the Corre.

It really wouldnt suprise me if that split were to have happened all along. But was thwarted because of the "Tie Of Infamy". Now when they brought Bryan back, i really do think they did a great job. Came back unexpectedly. It made sense, and he looked GREAT during that match. On the natural progression to the Miz.....and taking the US belt. Not only did Bryan get the belt, he showed The Miz somethings in the ring.

That.....was the length of their thinking after he came back. Which brings with it mixed blessings. Im pretty sure WWE creative didnt think that Ziggler/Bryan would be as great as it was. I know I didnt. It wouldnt suprise me if they seriously thought about giving the belt to DiBiase.......but Bryan made him look great. Working a dark match at TLC aside, he drew #2 at the Rumble, which in the past few years means THEY WANT you to be seen. Bryan, Morrison, Ziggler, Borne....they all have an exciting style that the WWE needs when they have Sheamus-Big Show matches on a PPV (trust me itlld happen).

Sorry to rant but in closing........it just means on the road to Wrestlemania, WWE has no big plans for him. And probably never were going to have them.
It's all in the timing.

Bryan was definitely on a hot streak, and WWE officials know that he has potential to get over and get the crowd hot. I imagine that's why he was put in the dark match before Elimination Chamber: to get the crowd excited. But Bryan's being put on the back burner because it's WrestleMania season. Vince always brings out the big guns around this time of year, and although Bryan is an incredible in-ring talent, he doesn't draw yet, and that's what Vince wants.

The Road To WrestleMania is when WWE pulls out all the stops and gets the biggest talent and biggest matches for the show. All of the TV time is devoted to building the show. As a Bryan mark, it pains me to say this, but why should they be pushing Bryan hard right now? If he's even on the WrestleMania card, it won't be in match that people will particularly care about. Most people wouldn't be thinking "Yeah, all this Rock/Cena controversy is okay, I guess, but what I'm really interested in is that new guy with the silly theme music." Bryan just isn't at that WrestleMania-draw level. I'd imagine he will be someday, though. Actually, he may be in an important match at WrestleMania 28. The WWE officials have faith in him; that's why he has a title and gets TV time. Once the time is right (post-WrestleMania), he'll be pushed. So don't worry about Bryan not being focused on right now. He knows how to win the crowd over no matter how little he's emphasized. He'll be pushed and embraced by the WWE Universe when there's room for him to rise.
Two things really:

1. It's wrestlemania time. If your not in the main event scene or close to it, your on the back burner around now.

2. Frankly, he's just run out of guys to kill on RAW. All the talented mid-carders are on Smackdown, and the possible Tyson Kidd feud has been axed for some reason. The only tease we have is a thing with Sheamus, and that could have been a simple spur of the moment ordeal. Although, now that Evan Bourne's back, he might feud with DB for the title.
Now that the attention has died down, all his former critics who didn't like him for being an independent guy can put the screws to him.

In all seriousness, he should have guys lining up round the block to take him on for the US Championship. He could get a good match out of anyone.

I think if he's ever going to win a world title, it's got to be over on Smackdown. Guys are allowed to thrive on the B-show, but with Raw there's always a glass ceiling. Get too popular and someone will beat you back down.
Daniel Bryan is a great wrestler in a company that promotes sports entertainment. He lacks, size, personality and he looks like a nerd. All the top dogs are these larger than life characters and then you have Daniel Bryan... as plain as vanilla.
What the hell are you talking about? He was featured prominently on NXT, he was in the main event of Summerslam as the mystery partner that JOHN CENA picked, he's the freaking US Champion and he had a featured storyline on Raw for weeks with the Bellas. How much more of a push can they give the guy? Bryan for all intents and purposes has been on the main show about six months. He's a gamble for the company already due to his look and the firing thing and yet he's been champion what, five months now? He's excelled so far and in six months has a career it takes most guys years to get. Cena didn't get a title for nearly two years. Bryan isn't on the back burner. Think before you post next time.
what about the fact that Miz attacked him from behind this week for seemingly no reason...you really think that'll be the end of it? No chance, they'll have him fight the miz this week surely? if not then i'd be looking for him to cause miz to lose the title or even somehow cause miz to retain thus setting up a major fued for them which has been brewing SINCE he won the US title. This could be the calm before the storm, i don't think they've forgotten about Bryan at all. He'll get a decent push to main event soon enough, you'll see.
they should start by getting rid of that theme music.
seriously, i like the guy, but when you come to the ring with that music blaring, how is anyone supposed to take this guy seriously?
Daniel Bryan's ideal match at Wrestlemania is a 3 way for the US title with Sheamus and John Morrison. The three of them have been trading wins. It wouldn't take much to build to a good match at Mania.
We all remember when Daniel Bryan made his epic return at SummerSlam. WWE brought him back early after his initial release. He was arguably the star of Team WWE and personally eliminated two members of The Nexus in Darren Young and Heath Slater. They also continued his feud with The Miz by having Miz cause Bryan to get eliminated from the match. In my opinion Bryan was one of the main performers that made that match as great as it was that night.

He goes on to finish his feud with The Miz and in the end Bryan takes the US title from Miz at Night of Champions one month after his return. This ended up being the match of the night and I still stand by that this was Miz's best pay-per-view match to date. Bryan then continues his moment by defeating major upper mid-carder in The Miz, John Morrison, and others for the remainder of the month.

He then gets in a brief rivalry with Dolph Ziggler and these two put on fantastic matches with one and other. With the best match being their MOTY Contender at Bragging Rights which was the show stealer. Bryan was mad over during this time and fans couldn't wait to see his next match. After dominating the Ziggler feud Daniel Bryan went on to feud with Ted Dibiase over the US Title and arguably giving Dibiase his best match in his career at Survivor Series which also stole the show it opened.

Now for whatever reason after his feud ended with Dibiase at Survivor Series, Bryan has not (to my knowledge) defended the belt on television since. He has also been given less than five minute matches for the majority of the last few months defeating guys like Zack Ryder and William Regal mainly in quick fashion as well as the whole redundant shtick with The Bellas. This then escalated into Bryan revealing Gail Kim was his real girlfriend and was used for ridiculous skits involving diva fights over him. And this has been the most relevant thing he has been doing for the last two months.

Also let's not forget that this has killed almost his whole momentum. We went from an exciting pop for his entrance to near silence this past week on RAW. Why is this? Well because instead of WWE continuing their trend of giving Bryan interesting feuds and letting him put on fantastic matches on pay-per-view like they were doing, they're sticking him right above the lower-card and continue to have him do irrelevant shit and therefore the fan's interest has died over the course of this two month momentum sucker.

Wasn't it great that Daniel Bryan was sent out for an entrance only for The Miz to just beat the hell out of him for no reason this week? Because him going out there and wrestling a good television match is just too crazy to even consider right? This guy is by far the best in ring performer the WWE has right now, he is the man. He is WWE's Kurt Angle essentially meaning that he can go out there and make himself and his opponent look like gold no matter who he is working with.

So the question I propose to all of you is why when Daniel Bryan was getting very over with the fans in his first three months back with the company and had all this momentum they decided to throw him on the back burner and stick him with the divas killing almost all the crowd connection he had built up since his return? Can anyone else justify what they're doing with Bryan on television week in and week out recently? I was hoping Derrick Bateman would win NXT and him and Bryan could have worked the tag division but that didn't happen and now Bateman is injured, so I'm hoping Bryan does get into a feud with Sheamus in the coming weeks because it would give them something to do at WrestleMania and it would also give Bryan his first real challenger for the title since Survivor Series with Ted Dibiase.

So this thread is up for discussion on how you feel about Daniel Bryan's momentum being killed over the last two months and perhaps give some insight into why it's even happening. Because honestly I can't even begin to fathom why they pulled the plug on his dominance of the mid-card, especially when he was making it relevant with great matches show after show.

he has been going out there and looking dominate while trying to help add some much needed depth to the divas division. I agree he isnt quite pushed to the moon but it is wrestlemania season and he is a new comer. I think they see him as somebody who has such a strong backing they can use him to make people care about the divas, while not ruining his reputation.
Currently the only wrestler I hate to see coming down to the ring other than Daniel Bryan is R-Truth.

They need to change the entrance video and get him a real theme song for starters.

He's as exciting right now as a big bowl of vanilla ice cream. Sure it's great... but wouldn't it be better with some toppings? Bryan is the king of vanilla.

Unless they send someone like Seamus down to the midcard, there are no viable threats to Daniel Bryan. Now, if they would let R-Truth turn to the dark side and let him come gunning for Bryan's belt, things might get more exciting.

Hopefully the fired Ziggler will pop up on Raw and take Bryan's belt at Wrestlemania. It is about time the guy defended the championship after all.
Daniel Bryan is going to be drafted to Smackdown and have a program with Cody Rhodes after Wrestlemania. Then give him another year or so and he'll be in the World Title picture even though his in-ring ability is far above everyone else in the WWE. I hope he wins a World Title soon and give him some sort of character. He'll succeed in due time.
Aside from everyone on Wrestlezone jizzing thier loads all over Daniel Bryan for over a year, I've seen nothing from this overrated jobber that deserves anything. I've seen his promos which are bland and blah. His intro is Waylan Mercy esque, and his wrestling skills are below sub par. Shane Suell had more charisma than this guy.
wow, triple h has a WZ account?


I really lol'd @ "His wrestling skills are below sub par". Dude's obviously just trying to get some attention.

Anyways, I don't really think he's on the backburner. I think there's a good chance the Miz attacking him is to setup DB being in Lawlers corner at Mania or something. I'd definitely be interested watching Swagger and Bryan go at it for a bit, they'd showcase some of the most incredible wrestling we could ever see.
We all remember when Daniel Bryan made his epic return at SummerSlam. WWE brought him back early after his initial release. He was arguably the star of Team WWE and personally eliminated two members of The Nexus in Darren Young and Heath Slater. They also continued his feud with The Miz by having Miz cause Bryan to get eliminated from the match. In my opinion Bryan was one of the main performers that made that match as great as it was that night.

He goes on to finish his feud with The Miz and in the end Bryan takes the US title from Miz at Night of Champions one month after his return. This ended up being the match of the night and I still stand by that this was Miz's best pay-per-view match to date. Bryan then continues his moment by defeating major upper mid-carder in The Miz, John Morrison, and others for the remainder of the month.

He then gets in a brief rivalry with Dolph Ziggler and these two put on fantastic matches with one and other. With the best match being their MOTY Contender at Bragging Rights which was the show stealer. Bryan was mad over during this time and fans couldn't wait to see his next match. After dominating the Ziggler feud Daniel Bryan went on to feud with Ted Dibiase over the US Title and arguably giving Dibiase his best match in his career at Survivor Series which also stole the show it opened.

Now for whatever reason after his feud ended with Dibiase at Survivor Series, Bryan has not (to my knowledge) defended the belt on television since. He has also been given less than five minute matches for the majority of the last few months defeating guys like Zack Ryder and William Regal mainly in quick fashion as well as the whole redundant shtick with The Bellas. This then escalated into Bryan revealing Gail Kim was his real girlfriend and was used for ridiculous skits involving diva fights over him. And this has been the most relevant thing he has been doing for the last two months.

Also let's not forget that this has killed almost his whole momentum. We went from an exciting pop for his entrance to near silence this past week on RAW. Why is this? Well because instead of WWE continuing their trend of giving Bryan interesting feuds and letting him put on fantastic matches on pay-per-view like they were doing, they're sticking him right above the lower-card and continue to have him do irrelevant shit and therefore the fan's interest has died over the course of this two month momentum sucker.

Wasn't it great that Daniel Bryan was sent out for an entrance only for The Miz to just beat the hell out of him for no reason this week? Because him going out there and wrestling a good television match is just too crazy to even consider right? This guy is by far the best in ring performer the WWE has right now, he is the man. He is WWE's Kurt Angle essentially meaning that he can go out there and make himself and his opponent look like gold no matter who he is working with.

So the question I propose to all of you is why when Daniel Bryan was getting very over with the fans in his first three months back with the company and had all this momentum they decided to throw him on the back burner and stick him with the divas killing almost all the crowd connection he had built up since his return? Can anyone else justify what they're doing with Bryan on television week in and week out recently? I was hoping Derrick Bateman would win NXT and him and Bryan could have worked the tag division but that didn't happen and now Bateman is injured, so I'm hoping Bryan does get into a feud with Sheamus in the coming weeks because it would give them something to do at WrestleMania and it would also give Bryan his first real challenger for the title since Survivor Series with Ted Dibiase.

So this thread is up for discussion on how you feel about Daniel Bryan's momentum being killed over the last two months and perhaps give some insight into why it's even happening. Because honestly I can't even begin to fathom why they pulled the plug on his dominance of the mid-card, especially when he was making it relevant with great matches show after show.

Um, if he's been slightly pushed back (and I mean SLIGHTLY) it's because of the Divas. The Divas are requesting storylines with him so something is up and he's quickly becoming the backstage playboy. Perhaps he's big in other places and the women are trying to capitalize.

Right now he is single handedly holding the RAW midcard together and just had a memorable match with The Miz a few weeks ago. So overall, I'm not worried for Bryan. Midcard needs as much life as possible.
Why is Daniel Bryan on the Back Burner?

He's not John Cena or Randy Orton on a show that cares nothing about the mid-card belt he holds or anything that's not John Cena or Randy Orton. To me it seems the IC championship on Smackdown means something and it may be because the best mid-carders are on SD and they keep that group with good feuds usually. I would love to see some more of the Daniel Bryan that we saw at first, but he'll probably be all but forgot about in a year unless they change it soon.
It's yet another example of WWE's "style over substance" policy. The company's priorities are screwed-up.

They'll bring unprepared muscle-heads like Mason Ryan and Tyson Kidd's 'bodyguard' up to the big-time waaaaayyyy before they're ready solely based on how they look.

And they'll push the Miz over a guy like Morrison, not based on walking the walk, but based on talking the talk.

They're going back to the days when they would never have signed guys like Benoit, Guerrero, or Malenko because none was 'great on the stick'.

Hopefully, when the poor buyrates for this underwhelming Wrestlemania come in, it will wake them up.
Its not like he's just completley fell off the map, he's just not really featured right now for the same reason Morrison and Sheamus aren't, WrestleMania. I mean the guy is still holding a title. You could also argue that Orton has been pushed aside a little bit, not many people are really into the Orton Punk thing just because the Rock and Cena stuff. As for Miz attacking Bryan on Monday, that could just be setting up another feud between the two after Mania with either the Miz going back to the mid card where he belongs, or Bryan jumping into the main event(don't bet on Cena losing at Mania though).
This is why I don't like the WWE( One of a few reasons I dont):

Lets go back to Summerslam. Its the biggest party of the year and Team Raw need a member. Outsteps Daniel Bryan. Kayfabe-wise this means that Bryan has now got the chance to show some aggresion as he isn't too fond of the Nexus and has overshadowed his mentor. Non Kayfabe-wise this means that the WWE could not wait for the 90 day rule to bring Bryan back after he was fired. They wanted to push this guy and made his return a huge deal. He got pushed the minute his entrance music played as he replaced and got one over on "THE FUTURE OF THE WWE THE MIZ". So good start. It gets better.

He enters into a very personal and bitter feud with Miz. In the build up Miz does his best to get the fans interested as Bryan does his talking in the ring. Match of the Night as Bryan makes Miz, like I said he was at the time billed as the future of the WWE and a MITB winner, tap out. They could have had him win by a roll-up or a kick to the head but they wanted to push Bryan that step further and he won. 2 weeks later at Hell in a Cell he makes Miz tap out again. That means in 2 weeks Bryan has made Miz tap out and this is someone who is being pushed to the limit by the WWE. He also beat Morrison and beat up Alex Riley.

So after Hell in a Cell he loses to Sheamus and beats him because of DQ but never looked like he was being "Jobbed Out" and it was a good way to let the fans know that Bryan is an underdog. And the start/end of the push. He beat Dolph Ziggler 3/3. So the WWE made us believe that Bryan was too good for his competition as he had beaten Ziggler, Morrison, Riley and Miz. He also picked up a win against Swagger and Zack Ryder. This followed by another show stealing performance at Survivor Series.

So in 3 months Bryan had more or less showed that he's better than most of the mid-card and should have been pushed to the upper-card slot against guys like Sheamus, Wade Barrett etc. Guys who would have been able to slot Bryan into that place below the Cena's and the Orton's. But what do WWE do? The thing they are best at doing- pushing mid-card talent to the verge of a HUGE push but fall. They fall because the only thing the creative could come up with is an idea pitched by the f****n Bellas! Yes, that's right the US Champion, who made the current WWE Champ tap out x2, only had a storyline made for him because of the Guest Host Escorts. Ridiculous.

Imagine if the WWE let Bryan actually put his title on the line against Ted DiBiase at TLC and he won. Then bring Tyson Kidd into the US title picture and let either Kidd or DiBiase win the title. They get a push and Bryan makes his push up the ladder with a place in the Elimination Chamber and getting a few impressive wins over credible stars ala Sheamus. Why not let Bryan beat Sheamus instead of Mark Henry who got absolutely nothing from that win. He wasn't even on Raw last week. And why not let Bryan in the Elimination Chamber instead of R-Truth who got squashed in there, a week after he was squashed by a NXT Rookie and before that Mason Ryan kicked the sh1t intoo him.

So yes I am disappointed with the way Bryan has been put on the backburner but am I surprised? Sadly no.

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