Why I think CM Punk will end up taking some time off.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, I was searching through the posts on the main board because I don't like creating threads, I like responding to them and I wanted to respond to some of the relevant topics everyone is discussing. But going through the threads, I couldn't really find many that I thought I needed to answer. Plus it's a pain in the ass having to copy and paste everything, logging on and off and also having to remember what section the thread was in and who wrote it. And chances are someone had probably already given the response I would have given.

Anyway, what I found was that CM Punk not re-signing with WWE and taking some time off was a big deal, as it should be, so I thought I'd give my opinion on why I think CM Punk will not re-sign before his contract expires.

Punk believes that he isn't seen as a top guy the likes of Cena and Orton and this is probably true. I think in order for him to re-negotiate with WWE and not take time off, WWE is going to have to raise his salary and give him all the perks that come with being a top guy like first class airfare and staying in the nicest hotels. Along with that, Punk wants to get the same amount of air time and attention to his storylines as the other top guys get.

I don't think WWE is willing to give him this, which is why he will end up taking a break from WWE. Right now Punk feels over worked and he doesn't think he's being justly rewarded for his work, so the only way he's going to work through it is if he's further rewarded with a top of the line contract and the benefits that come with it. I think one of his conditions would be that he is given some time off, but WWE doesn't feel they would gain anything from giving him a new contract as well as giving him time off. I say this because WWE has a history of doing this. Unless your injured, it's hard to take time off unless your extremely established and have paid your dues a long time.

I think WWE will try and negotiate a type of deal where Punk gets more air time, but no monetary increase or perks. Or a slight raise, as well air time, but no perks or shots at World Championship titles.

I don't think Punk has enough leverage to get what he really wants out of negotiation, is my point. WWE would like to keep him happy, but they just don't see the product deflating if he were to take a break. They might even see it as an opportunity to push some of their younger stars like Mason Ryan, Mcintyre, Del Rio etc, as well they have the returning John Morrison and eventual return of Chris Jericho.

I think WWE has an abundance of talent right now and WWE needs to challenge the untested talent especially with aging and injury fatigued stars like Cena, Rey and a few others.

So that is why I don't think CM Punk will end up re-negotiating right away and he will take some time off to recuperate and enjoy life. Now during this time, I am sure TNA will make a strong pitch too Punk to cross the line.
Aside from offering him a decent amount of money and a light schedule, they will throw words like "creative control" out there, words that might persuade someone like Punk. I'm not sure of their current monetary state, but I think TNA would throw a very nice contract his way as well as offering him an environment where he could go full out as far as match style, promos, storylines etc.

Punk knows what WWE is. His future in WWE will be much like his past, watered down. In TNA, he doesn't know what his future would hold.

Now I'm not saying CM Punk would ever re-sign with TNA again or is a fan of their product. All I know is, that if he does not re-sign with WWE, TNA will make a strong play for him and ultimately he will either re-sign with WWE or TNA.

I'd say there is about an 80% chance he will re-sign with WWE after a short break, a break I think he will indeed be taking.

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