Cm Punk taking time off?

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I think danny_boy is basically saying Punk should be happy as a great midcard when Punk obviously wants to be a great main eventer. I kinda see your point but what's wrong with Punk wanting to be a bigger star? Zack Ryder is trying to be a bigger star but no one tells him he should just be lucky he has a job. I don't think it's arrogance but just wanting to have a legacy.
Punk has every right to be upset and not kissing Mcmahon's ass. If Mcmahon sees Punk as a major asset he would give him the Cena treatment, (not the lame ass character) and have him being Champion more times that he is now. Like was said earlier, WWE needs Punk more that Punk needs WWE.
"Sorry about your damn luck!!" - James Storm
I think danny_boy is basically saying Punk should be happy as a great midcard when Punk obviously wants to be a great main eventer. I kinda see your point but what's wrong with Punk wanting to be a bigger star? Zack Ryder is trying to be a bigger star but no one tells him he should just be lucky he has a job. I don't think it's arrogance but just wanting to have a legacy.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with wanting to be a big star, I imagine everybody on the Roster wants to be a big star and there's not a doubt in my mind the Punk will one day be the number 1 heel in the WWE if he decides to come back to the company but he's not really going to be impressing a lot of people with that attitude
Last I heard, Jericho is not in TNA/IW and he's taken a break. HBK retired and didn't jump ship. MVP is not in TNA/IW after given his release. In short, you can relax. WWE would be INSANE to let that happen.

I had Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle in my head when I wrote that statement. I didn't think about Jericho. MVP, well I don't know about him. He didn't take a break, more like quit because he wasn't being used.

I don't know if WWE has much say at this point where Punk can go. He'll have a 90 days 'non-compete clause' in his contract but after that, he's free to go to TNA if he wants.
I think I am correct in saying that the 90-day no-compete clause only affects a wrestler who quits, or is future endeavored. Christian didn't wait 90 days to show up on TNA's show. He did it the night after his contract expired. Punk can do the same. Here's to hoping he shows up at ROH in New York for their first Sinclair taping.
I think he'll take some time off and come back to the WWE eventually. Every wrestler needs a break eventually to recharge the batteries and what not. He'll be back.
I think I am correct in saying that the 90-day no-compete clause only affects a wrestler who quits, or is future endeavored.

I think you are right on that one my friend. Makes the issue even more compounded.

In general, no, I would NOT be down with him going anywhere else. BUT, if it means he's happy going to ROH, TNA, who are we to say he can't? We're just fans. I personally feel he would be wasted in those other places; stranger things have happened though.

We sometimes get greedy like "you shouldn't go there" or whatever but they have to look out for themselves, no one else will. He's still young at 32 and like I said, would be a huge boost no matter where he goes. He would bring more to the table then anyone else aside from Jericho off the top of my head.

But I'm being a fan here and I FUCKING hope he doesn't switch companies. Take a break but fuck the TNA garbage, lol.
If i had to guess, Punk will leave and try to flagship ROH into superstardom..........the only way i see him staying with WWE is if they promise him something huge (Austin at WM28) or re-hire his best friend Colt Cabana.

Otherwise he will be gone and probably be ROH's biggest star, trying to put that company on the map.............think AJ Styles in TNA/IW.

I don't see any possibility Punk goes over to TNA with those jokers unless they promise him something big with Samoa Joe (who i would also think would go back to ROH if he can)
I don't see any possibility Punk goes over to TNA with those jokers unless they promise him something big with Samoa Joe (who i would also think would go back to ROH if he can)

(Hope I did this quote thing correctly. I've not done it but this once) Anyway, when I attended Honor Takes Center Stage here in Atlanta back in April, I spoke at length with both Colt and Homicide. They both assured me Samoa Joe is on his way back to ROH. He hates TNA/Impact, and especially what Hogan and Bitchoff have been done with him. Vince Russo is even more blacklisted. I asked Colt about reforming the Second City Saints team - he said he's been talking with Punk about it for the past year. Getting back into the E is the issue, though.
CM Punk wanting to take time off is perfect for WWE.

1.It gives them a good storyline to build up Michael McGillicutty David Otunga and Mason Ryan.

2.It fits perfectly because, when wrestlers take time off they usually take like 5 or 6 months right?Well guess how far the Royal Rumble is from when his contract expires.Have him enter the Rumble at 26,27ish (so they can show he hasnt lost it and can still fight after his break) win the Rumble and main event Wrestlemania.Most likely Vs the Smackdown World Champion who will be Randy Orton because of The Rock and John Cena.
I think untill the PG era breaks, which i dont think it will for awhile, WWE is gonna have a rough time unless they start establishing new stars.
If CM Punk is really just taking a break, then I say go for it. Every needs to take a break to recharcge their batteries and heal up any injuries. *looksatcena*

BUT, if Punk really does go to ROH or TNA after his no compete clause is up, the he is truly a dumber man than I thought he was. A midcarder in WWE gets paid more and has more public acknowledgement than any of the stars TNA's brought up, and ROH is nothing more than a glorified indy promotion that's getting a TV deal, much like the original ECW. Even if he doesn't like his position in WWE that doesn't change the fact that being part of the company gives him a more stable position in life than any other promotion in North America.
Punk can always go back to ROH, he is god there, and he would get a ton more respect. WWE has never shown that they are willing to get fully behind him even though he may be the one guy who could save the business. I hope he leaves, he deserves better.
-punk leaving would, yet wouldnt be a loss to the wwe. he isnt a huge draw, however he is a talented wrestler. lets face it though, we have been losing guys lately, theres been batista, jericho, undertaker (mainly cause he put on good matches when he was still wrestling), triple hhh, MVP, plus with some of the bigger stars winding down we are left with new guys. personally the wwe havent been to bad lately (despite what all these impossible to please people say), but we are left with new talent, so that means wwe need to build new stars to main event level and start talent seeking.

-as for cm punk, i hope he comes back after taking a break, it would be awesome.
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