Why I Chose My Tag Partner: In Defense Of Brian Becker

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Fellow WZ Members,

It has come to my attention that some people believe that Becker is holding our tag team, The Bee's Knees, down in this Tournament.

In response, I just want to let everyone know two things. One, Becker is the man, and is invaluable to this forum's non-wrestling sections. I asked him to be my partner precisely because I thought it would be an honor to team with such a funny, smart, and knowledgeable poster.

Two, I will now explain Becker's supposed "controversy." Yes, he can be persistent, flippant, and offensive at times, but can you really blame him? I mean, come on people, he lives in Pittsburgh!!! Barring the Steelers, who miraculously are always in the hunt for the Vince Lombardi trophy, what else does Pittsburgh have going for it (besides Becker, of course)? Furthermore, I can't even imagine how bad the Eastern European women are there, of which there are probably a lot. Think about it: wouldn't you be a little unruly too if you were surrounded by opportunistic butterfaces who only want you money and constantly bitch at you with their thick accents? Take this video for instance:


These are what young, hard-bodied Eastern European women look like. Sure, their bodies are gorgeous, but their faces ain't nothing to write home to mom about. Also, it's a good thing that they are only lip-syncing, as, I'm pretty sure that if they weren't preoccupied with this song, they would be bitching at you (yes, YOU, who is currently reading this post), as they have the uncanny ability to cut across space and time to make your life a living hell, bitching about, for example, how much of a failure you are because you couldn't buy her a McMansion and Bentley this year, and that, if you don't find another job on top of your 80 hour work week so that you can afford what she wants, then that means that you don't love her.

So, have a heart, and give Becker sympathy by showing that you can appreciate how hard his life is (this means vote for The Bee's Knees).

The Bee's Knees F(uck)T(he)W(orld)!!! (That was for Will).
In response, I just want to let everyone know two things. One, Becker is the man, and is invaluable to this forum's non-wrestling sections. I asked him to be my partner precisely because I thought it would be an honor to team with such a funny, smart, and knowledgeable poster.

:blink::headscratch:...so you picked Brian?
I was meant to be with Rusty but then Lee said I need to be his partner because it would only make sense. Now with that being said, Rusty probably got a better partner and so did I. Because NoFate and Lee contribute alot to our teams votes.
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