Why hasn't Kane had a legitimate world title run?

Should Kane get a world title run?

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The Brazilian Surprise
I mean seriously dudes, he's been around in the company since 1996 which is probably one of the longest tenures next to Taker and HBK. His only title run was for a mere 24 hours. That's ludicrous. How can guys like Cena and Lashley get title runs, while Kane gets absolutely nothing. Maybe it's me, but this ticks me off. I think he should've been booked to win the title from Edge at GAB, but now since Khali has the title and it's a triple-threat, I highly doubt it'll happen. What's your opinion?
One theory is because Kane sucks.

I tend to subscribe to that theory.

Kane's best years came when his gimmick wouldn't allow him to be the WWF champion. Since he took off the mask and began speaking, his in-ring skills have been worse than disgusting, he's slow, immobile and his matches lack any substance. Kane has not deserved a title run since his gimmick allowed him to have one.
One theory is because Kane sucks.

I tend to subscribe to that theory.

Kane's best years came when his gimmick wouldn't allow him to be the WWF champion. Since he took off the mask and began speaking, his in-ring skills have been worse than disgusting, he's slow, immobile and his matches lack any substance. Kane has not deserved a title run since his gimmick allowed him to have one.

That may be true, but is he worse than Khali or Batista?, I have to say no, and Since both of them have had title reigns now, why not give Kane a half way decent run with the belt, at least until November, when Edge and Taker come back, over even till Mysterio comes back, which is what less than a month away, I say throw the belt on Kane SD! has nothing left to lose right now anyway, and there are far more Kane fans than Khali and Batista fans combined, so you gotta believe Kane would be a bigger draw as champion, than those two
I think they should have kane lose tonight only to just snap come back not this friday but the following friday just kinda crazed challange Khali or batista(whoever has the belt) win and have a reign until edge and taker come back with all this happening for Kane maybe he'll shed a few pound and change up his moveset a bit
He's not quite the wrestler he used to be. He's slow..and he's got the trying to hard to be scary aspect. He's a freak, and freaks only ever get to be the challenger.
I think Kane should have gotten a title run with his whole, "May 18th" deal. Kane was over with the fans when he was champ and I think that after they lost the the belts he had a perfect oppertunity to go for the title. It would have been good for the movie too.

As for right now, I just can't see him winning tonight. I think he needs to make the matches a bit faster. I think he could pull it off and then he should become champ.
Can anyone try to name me 5 good Kane matches? I doubt anyone could because Kane sucks ass in the ring. That is why Kane hasn't been champion for more than 24 hours, and why he should never be champion. He is complete crap when it comes to wrestling.
I'm a fan of Glen Jacobs earlier work (circa 1995) when he was actually not so muscle-bound that he could move in the ring. The problem is that he spent too much time in the weight room bulking up when he should've been focusing on more speed and agility. He had the mother of all lead-in gimmicks at Badd Blood 1997, but was never able to live up to the immense hype because of his uselessness in the ring. He's indicative of just how pathetic the WWE as a whole has become. All gimmick, no payoff. That's why he's never had a title run. Unfortunately, the company is stupid enough to give belts to guys I think are pretty much in the same boat, though, so go figger.
Can anyone try to name me 5 good Kane matches? I doubt anyone could because Kane sucks ass in the ring. That is why Kane hasn't been champion for more than 24 hours, and why he should never be champion. He is complete crap when it comes to wrestling.

Can anyone name 5 good Batista matches, or 5 good Khali matches, or 5 good Big Show matches, probably not because like you said about Kane they suck ass, but they have all been/are champion, in WWE it doesn't necessary matter how good you are in the ring, as long as you have drawing power, and right now with all the injuries on SD! Kane is one of the few guys that has drawing power, and for the most part it wasn't his matches that his fans loved I think it had more to due with his Gimmick, and throughout the majority of his career he was stuck wrestling other guys that sucked, but his matches with Taker, Triple H, and Stone Cold were all pretty good imo, the five that stand out the most were his (1) WM14 match against Taker, (2) his Chain match with Triple H at JD a few years ago, (3) the TLC match he had on Raw when he was tag champs with Hurricane, (4) his IC/WHC winner take all match with Triple H at No Mercy, and finally (5) his First Blood match with SCSA for his one and only title run (alright I'll admit that last one is debatable), now I'm sure some body is going to come in and say, "well he was carried in those matches", well the question was name five good Kane matches, and imo those were five of his best matches
Can anyone try to name me 5 good Kane matches? I doubt anyone could because Kane sucks ass in the ring. That is why Kane hasn't been champion for more than 24 hours, and why he should never be champion. He is complete crap when it comes to wrestling.

Kane v. Undertaker Inferno Match

Kane v. Shane Ambulance Match

Kane And Taker vs. Edge and Christian on Smackdown for the tag belts

Kane v. The world in a TLC match

Kane v. Taker Wrestlemania 14

and which one of your favorite wrestlers comes even close to these?
Kane v. Undertaker Inferno Match

Kane v. Shane Ambulance Match

Kane And Taker vs. Edge and Christian on Smackdown for the tag belts

Kane v. The world in a TLC match

Kane v. Taker Wrestlemania 14

and which one of your favorite wrestlers comes even close to these?

Couldnt Agree More ^ . But most of you do have a point, Kane is rather slow these days and looking a bit oan the chubby side aswell. But c'mon, Khali and Batista make Kane look like god's gift to wrestling ! if they can have title runs then why can't Kane ?
I think given the chance Kane can do a good job as champion. I mean come on, John Cena has like 3 wrestling moves and he had the belt longer than Bret Hart of all people. If Cena can hold the belt why cant Kane? I think it is because he does not kiss vinces ass as much as cena does.
Kane would be a good champion simply because he has always been, and still is, over with the fans. Yes, his gimmick has changed drastically but when a guy's been so long in the company without a decent title run, you can't help that he's over. I remember even when he was heel in 03 after he took off the mask, he was still over because of the respect people have for him. He may not be as good in the ring but can anyone say he's worse than the current champion, Khali? In my mind, the fact that he is better in the ring than the current champion, is the key factor that needs to be taken into account. When combining that with the fact that he is over with the fans, and has never had a proper title run, who cannot say that he doesn't deserve to be champion?

You can talk about the fact that he's not had many good matches (which in fact he has), and in an ideal world that'd be taken into account, but in the bizarro world of Vince McMahon, the ability to put on good matches doesn't seem to matter anymore - it's all about the gimmicks and how over they are with the fans. Hence Benoit was only a 1-time champion.

Maybe you don't like Kane's wrestling ability, and yes it's no secret that he has gone downhill, but Khali makes Kane look like Ric Flair in his prime, not to mention that most of the fans give him Khali X-Pac heat (which McMahon conveniently assumes is heel heat).

Kane needs a title run soon before he retires and is remembered for his 24 hour reign in 1998.
i know it pisses me off that cena gets a long title run but kane don't gett nothing wats tthe matter with wwe these not letrting kane have a title run but that dick licking cena gests a title run wats up with this kane has done enough to get his title shot he has earned it long over due for 1 and should already be champion but the great frekin kahli gets it it like KLONDA SAID kane should have a title run before he retires and go down as a great legend
Kane was carried in each of those matches. He does not deserve a title run. He has a bad gimmick, no in ring ability, is in terrible shape, and can not cut a promo for the life of him. HE DOES NOT DRAW.

Look at the matches you posted. The Undertaker was in just about every match with him. When you have Edge, Christian and Taker to carry you through a match, it usually isn't too bad.

He got the title run he deserved. No more, no less.
the five that stand out the most were his (1) WM14 match against Taker, (2) his Chain match with Triple H at JD a few years ago, (3) the TLC match he had on Raw when he was tag champs with Hurricane, (4) his IC/WHC winner take all match with Triple H at No Mercy, and finally (5) his First Blood match with SCSA for his one and only title run (alright I'll admit that last one is debatable)

Those matches against Triple H were average at best in my opinion. The TLC match was good, but it was a gimmick match, and had 6 other wrestlers in it. If you put Batista, Khali or Snitsky in that match instead of Kane it wouldn't make any difference to the match at all. The match against Taker at WM14 was good, and the one against Austin was decent.

Kane v. Undertaker Inferno Match

Kane v. Shane Ambulance Match

Kane And Taker vs. Edge and Christian on Smackdown for the tag belts

Kane v. The world in a TLC match

Kane v. Taker Wrestlemania 14

I don't even remember the tag match against Edge and Christian. And the Inferno and Ambulance matches were decent at best.

After 10 years, if these are the best matches that Kane has had, then for me and anyone who appreciates good wrestling, he just isn't a good enough wrestler. For Kane to have a good one-on-one match it needs to be a gimmick match, and he needs a superior worker to carry him.

and which one of your favorite wrestlers comes even close to these?

All of them. Hart, Angle, HBK, Austin, Benoit.. shall I continue? They all far surpass Kane. I could name 100 wrestlers who have had better matches than Kane.
Kane definitely deserves a title run. Kane may not be the best in the ring, but he's not the worst either, and I think in general he's pretty decent. It's all pretty subjective if you ask me. I mean really, you look at the possibilities of who could walk out of the bash as champion tonight...who's the best choice? I'd say it has to be Kane. Kane has a likeable character and he is definitely over with the fans. He definitely has drawing power in my opinion. When you consider that hardly anybody likes Khali, and Batista isn't all that popular these days, I'd say Kane is a good choice, not just out of the three, but out of pretty much the whole Smackdown roster. Besides, he's been around a long time, and he's also very respected backstage. Give the guy a break already.
It seems to me that people want to cheer Kane, even as a 'scary heel.' I reckon if he was given the chance, He could make something of the title, but i do agree that his gimmick may restrict Him. But Khali??? Far out, that's not the brightest idea. A monster who can't work or speak english, only being a champ to get heat and fill in cracks??? If Kane's schedule allows, he should have a title run.

Also, when all these 'former injured champs' get well, i suppose we'll see a battle royal type thing or elimination chamber for the title. At this stage, I suggest that we would see...

Rey Mysterio
Khali or Kane?

Maybe this would happen towards Royal Rumble Time, wellness permitting.

BTW, Depending on how many years Taker and Kane have left in them, I would love to see them finish up as champions, similar to DX or Evolution, but with Taker as WHC, Kane as USC, and both as Tag Team Champs. I reckon when Taker retires, it will have to be similar to when he was Squashed by Yokozuna and half the locker room in the mid 90's. Finally, I am REALLY hoping that Taker puts out a biography that he himself writes about his life in wrestling, not a gimmicky 1. It will be the biggest seller for the WWE, guaranteed!!!
At this point SD needs a real champ. Batista's time as champ quickly went from alot of people loving it, to a Cena like reaction from the crowds. Khali has 0 mic skills and from what I can tell 0 wrestling skills. Though Kane is not up to the physical stature as he was in the past I'm sure he would be able to work on that. Kane also cuts a 1/2 way decent promo. Id love to see Kane hold the belt, I think it would be good for WWE if Kane held the belt, but all in all I'm gunna have to say we're going to be seeing Batista vs Khali for a while. It's a shame though cause Kane is a legit guy that's been with the compan for a long time and has mostly been overlooked. Give him a run!
I love Kane, but he is not world title material, not at this point in his career. He hasn't had a good match in years. The man is breaking down, and is just god awful slow in the ring. His last good shot of being a champion was when the mask came off and he was white hot...but Triple H made sure that didn't happen. God forbid another heel be champion while triple H is around, uh uh.

Kane's better years are behind him. Batista, like him or not, is more over then Kane. Hell, Khali is more over then Kane. He might not be amongst us smarks, but listen to the pops.
Kane should at least get the title due to one reason: i'm tired of seeing batista getting the title and/or staying in the title picture. it's all thanks to HHH's influence that batista is staying in the title picture. sure kane may not have the greatest quickness or the greatest moveset but if you look at him as a whole and how long he's been there, he does deserve it and if you look at past matches, he can pull off a wide range of moves but it's all what the writers and vince want him to do. i say give him the title and let him carry it
The only reason I think Kane should get a title run is because he deserves it and has taken Vince's BS for so long...Also hes on SD! and SD! is shit right now and it wouldnt hurt anything if he held that title even though he is terrible in the ring these days..

IMO if those jokes Batista and Khali can hold the belt with zero mic or wrestling skills why not let Kane... hes better than both of them in the ring but he isnt as over with the crowd like those two are...thats the only problem but I think Kane could make a decent short time champion

I think they should have already gave Kane his shot in after he lost the mask that is when Kane was hot and was not bad in the ring but now ring wise hes terrible and WWE ruined his title shot then and its a little to late now but id love for him to get a run either way
Kane has been wrestling as kane for almost 10 years. 10 years of dominance, his matches until the past year have always been awesome, he has created new matches, his broken royal rumble records, basically he has dominated almost every superstar in the WWE! at some point, he has broken Raw rating records especially kane unmasking & going crazy. He has held almost every title (WWE/IC/Hardcore/Tag/WCW Tag/) how can anyone say Kane sucks & lets not forget the whole massive being burned and fire and etc.. storyline since the begining, his never changed his charactor in 10 years like most supertstars do because they are not doing well. he has faced and beaten the best of the best in ALL types of matches. Inferno, I quit, steel cage, TLC, Hell in a cell, casket, first blood, chain, buried alive i could go on. People like Jhon cena, Batista and great khali have never experienced half of these matches, they are not yet legendary...The bottom line is kane can compete in any match and show his skills, he doesnt have a 5 move set, he has alot of different moves from time to time & has shown this over the years.

Yes at the momment the WWE are really waisting Kane, but i know from watching his matches since he first came, he has got talent and he is very different, and i know he would make a great brutal WWE champion given the chance.

He just needs to be given an opportunity.
That may be true, but is he worse than Khali or Batista?,
Yes, because the other two are actually over as credible main-eventers, and Batista, at least, is a good draw. Khali has good drawing potential. Kane is not over and has never been a draw. Ever.

I think Kane should have gotten a title run with his whole, "May 18th" deal.
It was May 19th. Which is a perfect example of how forgettable Kane has always been.

Kane is one of the few guys that has drawing power
Since when? Where is your proof of Kane's supposed drawing power?

Kane v. Undertaker Inferno Match

Kane v. Shane Ambulance Match

Kane And Taker vs. Edge and Christian on Smackdown for the tag belts

Kane v. The world in a TLC match

Kane v. Taker Wrestlemania 14

and which one of your favorite wrestlers comes even close to these?
Hell, son. I can name 5 Ultimate Warrior matches that are better than any of those matches.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 6

Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 7

Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude at Summerslam 1989

Ultimate Warrior vs. Sargent Slaughter at Royal Rumble 1991

Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude at Summerslam 1990

When you are getting outclassed by the Ultimate Warrior, then you don't deserve a World title.

At this point SD needs a real champ. Batista's time as champ quickly went from alot of people loving it, to a Cena like reaction from the crowds. Khali has 0 mic skills and from what I can tell 0 wrestling skills.
Batista only drew heel heat against the Undertaker. That was the only time. Otherwise, he came out to good pops. Khali is an intimidating badass, whose job is not to do 5 different variations of a wristlock, but to pound the everliving fuck out of you.

Both of them are more credible, and deserving, than Kane.
Well Im a Kane fan. Do I think that he should get a World Title run at this point? No. Does he deserve one? Maybe for all the years he has been in the WWWE. But if that were the case we would have to throw the title on Val Venis and Big Daddy Man Boobs as well.

Kane is old and slow and is getting way past sloppy in the ring. His gimmick was that of a monster. That is completely gone now. They humanised him by allowing him to speak, taking that aura away from him. Then they destroyed it by taking the Mask off. Then he went from being a monster to going to parties and drink driving (Katie Vick) destroyed his gimmick. For the past while Kane has been nothing more than a jobber to get some of the guys over. MVP, Khali, Umaga to name a few. What would people say if Val Venis took the title off of Cena? It would be shit.

So while Kane may deserve a reign for his service, that cant be the only reason the WWE gives him one. ATM he is horrible in the ring, to me as bad as Batista, he isnt as over as Batista so to me shouldnt get picked before Batista. Khali? Well he is a 7ft 3 giant that beats the crap out of you. I dont care if he cant do 1002 moves, he plays his role well. Is more over cos people hate Khali.

So perhpas if ther are few more injuries on SD! and no replacements come over than maybe Kane could get is reign. Doubtful.

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