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Why doesnt Big E Langston just kick ass?


Dark Match Winner
im not saying he has to be a ryback or anything, he doesnt have to be a face. but why waste talent like him being dolph zigglers body guard? he doesnt have to be great but throw in a fued with ziggler mayb cena or orton or barret. i am tired of this aj big e and dolph storyline it is boring. Big e and all the nxt talent we have culd makee wwe intresting if there talent isnt wasted. big e shuld just kick ass
He is brand new to the roster and the bodyguard situation is just a way of making him a familiar face on the roster, giving a cocky heel the muscle he needs as back up to run his mouth without fear of getting his ass kicked. Eventually Langston will break away on his own.

Have you never heard of Kevin Nash? He came into the WWE as Shawn Michaels' bodyguard and he did ok for himself in wrestling didnt he?! As with all partnerships, eventually there was a breakdown in the duo, Nash went his own way and feuded with Michaels. The same thing could happen with Big E in time.

I don't see any problem with him being a bodyguard right now. Like I said, Nash started like that, Chyna started like that, Batista came in as a manager/bodyguard for D'Von, Psycho Sid debuted in the WWE as a bodyguard. Relax, it isnt going to last forever.
ryback broke in doing handy cap matches and as u thankfully pointed out. the body guard is a card wwe uses way to much. if big e ruined a cuple of matches, cheap shotted a cupple big guys then he is instently around
handy cap, cuple, cupple

sorry first of all your spelling pisses me off u dumbass, its handicapped, and couple, and second of all why rush pushing him along like they did with ryback? let him sit back and wait for the right moment to push him and he can become huge. like already stated look what happened to batista, and nash for example, they did pretty damn good for themselves id say. think before u make a dumb post.
ryback broke in doing handy cap matches and as u thankfully pointed out. the body guard is a card wwe uses way to much. if big e ruined a cuple of matches, cheap shotted a cupple big guys then he is instently around

Thing is "big guy come in and kicks ass" routine has been done to death to, and no always with good results.

Goldberg made it work, Tensai didn't, Ryback is doing ok with it, Crimson didn't, Brock Lesner and Samoa Joe both made it work well, although Joe has kinda fall off to some extent.

Inspite of what some people want to think the "come in kick ass leave" routine doesn't always establish the guy by itself. Hell Brock Lesner needed Paul Heyman back then, Goldberg had the streak, Joe had phenomenal talent like Daniels, AJ, and Angle to work with as well as an established history in the indies people respected. You need to do a lot more than just show up a squash people to get over, hell Tensai was beating CM Punk and John Cena, go zero reaction and now he's dancing with Brodus.

Give Big E some time it's been a bit since we saw the whole body guard things done like this so let's see how it goes.
Big E is very limited in the ring and at this point is not capeable at carrying a 5minute match. There are too many squash matches in WWE as it is. I think this is a good use for him and gets him recognized. Is it ground breaking? No. But is a monster wrecking ball squashing Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder something different than what we see on WWE programing? Not so much. He could stand to lose the old "Nation of Domination" ring gear as it doesn't really fit what his role with Team Ziggler. Not a big deal but it's something that sticks out.
I'd like to agree on all points made so far. Lazy Eye Langston looked great last night as he beat the crap out of Kofi. Hopefully we see that match tonight on Raw. I was thinking last night it would be interesting to see him and Ryback match up as they're built the same.

And the "bodyguard" gimmick is just a way to get on TV. As mentioned above Nash, Batista, Big Zeke, etc have all played that role with varying degrees of success. It's a natural fit for a big muscular guy like that.

Finally, use spell check dude. You spelled "feud," "maybe," "could," and "should" wrong in your original post. It just makes it hard to read if you can't spell.
I think Big E. Langston MIGHT get his first program against Kofi Kingston. He decimated the snot out of Kofi after the Ziggler match last night. Kofi also took several shots at Langston during the match, some justified & some not so much.

The bodyguard gimmick is simply a way of introducing a big powerhouse to WWE fans. It makes him visible, makes him part of something relevant, he's paired with an over heel and is generally exposed a lot until the company feels its time to branch him out on his own. It seemed to work well in the long run for the careers of men like Kevin Nash & Batista since they both began their careers in WWE with a bodyguard sort of role.

The bodyguard role, like any other role for any wrestler in wrestling, has varying degrees of success. However, for a wrestler that's either extremely large and/or powerful, it's almost universally accepted in wrestling as a good fit for a while.
Why make him come in and kick ass? That's what Ryback, Brodus, Tensai, The Shield and others have all done, and it has worked for some, but there is no need for it. Assuming this guy is going to have a moderately long career then why does he have to be an ass kicker right away? Mark Henry showed that its never too late to become a badass destroyer of all. For now, just let this thing with DZ and AJ run its course and after he inevitably breaks off, maybe turning face, maybe feuding with Dolph, or maybe neither, then you can think about what else to do with him. If you look at Big E and truly believe that WWE don't intend to turn him into an ass kicker then I have to say I think yoou are wrong. GIVE IT TIME!
I am basically repeating other's thoughts but I am another one who doesn't think that he is being wasted, rather established. In a way it would be a waste to have debut him doing the standard big man squash match deal that gets people to ask "when will he stop having squash matches" because then people may question what makes him more relevant than others who do the same. Debuting as a bodyguard that occasionally shows his power isn't an original concept by any means and people will still question something (in this case when he will have actual matches) but it can slowly establish him alongside who is likely to be World Champion in a month and a half. That is pretty decent company imo. Meanwhile, he still can do his thing on nxt and have matches there while being able to maintain his presence on tv. With that being said, it probably isn't long before he has a televised match.
I agree that the Big E and AJ part of the storyline is getting boring as AJ must just be there for appearance and does not have much to do lately except look pretty.
Maybe he sucks, but it is more likely that WWE realizes that Dolph isn't seen as competitive enough and giving him a body guard to do some dirty work is the best way to get him over as a legit main eventer (similar to what Alex Riley did for The Miz in 2011). So Big E gets exposure and a mini-tryout on the main roster without being too crucial of a player during WM season. The time between Survivor Series and WM is not the time to take unknowns and elevate them. There is risk of flaming out and damaging your biggest card and there is a strong likelihood of getting lost in the shuffle.

Big E is in a good place right now, I'm sure Mason Ryan, Jackson Andrews, Ezekial Jackson, Kozlov, and Percy Watson would love to be out there with AJ and Ziggler right now.

But if it wouldn't surprise me if in the end we realize he just sucks.
I have been thinking abou this for a while now and it almost feels like the plan for Big E is to upstage Dolph, and eventually one will turn face, don't believe me? Think about this Big E does an impression of an announcer during an interview with Dolph, who are we paying attention to, Dolph and his incredible promo work, or Big E who is showing a different side of him. Dolph runs into Aj, are we focused on Big E saving Aj or whether or not Dolph lost the match. Dolph won last night against Kofi, but Big E goes in there moments later and decimates an already downed Kofi... So think about it, we know one will turn eventually, but which one, but it seems like that if we watch the upstaging will continue...
"Why doesnt big e langston just kick ass?"

Because he doesn't have to. He walks softly, and carries a big stick as it were. You already believe he's a monster, and he's barely done anything. You know it's a matter of when, not if, with this guy. And when they pull the trigger on "when" you already know he's going to destroy someone.

I just hope they keep his five count gimmick from NXT. That's my favorite part of his whole persona.
yeah, do you remember how Langston RAN Kofi over? That was crazy...

I think they are just trying to get him some name reckognition before they let him go out on his own. He needs more mic time in order to sharpen his skills, plus he needs to get in the ring for once in a singles match...then they will let him go out on his own.
thank you all for your feedback i am not good at picking apart storylines. you have helped me 2 understand the bodyguard thing and ]why he isnt a beast yet. thankyou
Big E Langston looks like a Taz knock-off to me. His presence is intimidating and he's doing a decent job with the bodyguard role. It's far too early to tell what he's like on his own, but I do hope he packs a lot of impact at both mic skills and physical abilities. The last thing I want to do is anticipate a major disappointment (ex. Ezekiel Jackson). Until then? Patience.
Big E. Langston is boring as hell. I really don't see this guy lasting long. He's less interesting than Luther Reigns was. He's just a typical big guy with a bland big guy moveset. He'll probably wind up released before SummerSlam.
sorry first of all your spelling pisses me off u dumbass, its handicapped, and couple, and second of all why rush pushing him along like they did with ryback? let him sit back and wait for the right moment to push him and he can become huge. like already stated look what happened to batista, and nash for example, they did pretty damn good for themselves id say. think before u make a dumb post.

If you're going to critique people on their spelling, maybe you should learn a little about grammar and punctuation. You can be taken far more seriously when trying to blast someone about mistakes you, yourself are making. Nobody likes the grammar police and nobody likes a bad speller, but if you're going to be the police then you have to do it right.

On point: Yeah, I'm not feeling this "Big E. Langston" guy. Right now they are probably just getting him on T.V. to slowly see what he can do under a little bit of pressure and how the crowd reacts. I get the feeling that after EC, he's going to get into a feud with Kofi based on the beat down he gave him after the match. A Kofi vs Big E feud probably won't make it onto the WM card, but it might be on the pre-show and at least give Kofi something to do while putting over Langston. Maybe they'll keep the feud between Dolph and Kofi for a little while, but eventually it looks like Langston will take his place once Dolph has his sights on cashing in the briefcase.
you say u don't see him sticking around long and that he has a bland move set and regular big guy look. he hasnt competed yet. how can he be boring if we really havent seen his personality.
you say u don't see him sticking around long and that he has a bland move set and regular big guy look. he hasnt competed yet. how can he be boring if we really havent seen his personality.

If he hasn't competed, how do you think that he became nxt champion? (I don't ask that to be mean). Some people are using his nxt matches and the moveset and personality that he has used and displayed during his time there as a basis for judgment. Granted, that doesn't mean that he can't improve or isn't capable of doing more than he has shown.
Relax original OP Big E's time will come. Bodyguards in wrestling is as old as time itself. Eventually Ziggles AJ and Langston will have a breakdown allowing Big E to go his seperate ways. Remember it happened when Nash first came to the E then Psycho Sid then hell even Batista.

Big E simply may not be quite ready for the ring just yet. Powerful as all hell he is no doubt but maybe he needs a little more work before he goes the singles rout.
Big E? Really? LOL. He's boring. The only thing I like about the guy is his finisher. He just stares blankly at everything, trying to look mean, he reminds me alot of Bobby Lashley. I wouldn't care one bit if Big E got released tomorrow.
He isn't being wasted so why do anything more. If it doesn't affect Ziggler or AJ than it doesn't affect Big E. That should be the reality until they do something different. Kofi had a match with Ziggler; therefore Big E attacks Kofi. It is really simple. If Ziggler and Big E split than he can go on a rampage - perhaps they use that as the reason for they split - but right now it should be Langston protecting his superior.
I can see a Dolph Big E feud coming. Sort of like Nash and Michaels back in the day. The way that Dolph looked after Big E was smashing Del Rio definitely reeked "future feud." He didn't like what Big E was doing. It would also be the perfect touch to put Dolph over as face

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