Why doesn't anyone care about Ruckus?


Dark Match Jobber
I mean, not in TNA, not in WWE, was barely in WSX. He isn't just a hardcore wrestler. He could be a great X division champion. But why does no one seem to want him?
Ruckus is the fuckin man. I actually liked him better before he lost all the weight, because it was cooler to watch him do his shit. Used to watch him in CZ dub
All of these are spam, could you give some more Information on this guy like a short blurb from Wikipedia on him, and a Match then we might know who you are talking about more.

If this guy is a hardcore Wrestler that would explain it, if he is a wrestler of the New Jack/Necro Butcher style Hardcore Wrestler variety, it isn't what the majority of people want to see. However if he is an RVD/Jerry Lynn type Hardcore Wrestler then I can't understand why he hasn't bee picked up.
aight, heres whats up.

Ruckus is a wrestler from CZW. I know what people think when they hear CZW, "oh, CZW is just a spotfest". Which in most cases, it is, im not denying that. But Ruckus is a wrestler who used to be huge, but could do flips and corkscrews like he was friggin Rey Mysterio, and is a guy who is very very entertaining to watch, as he has wrestling skill and can hold his own and just doesnt go around smashing trashcans on peoples heads. IN some cases, he is like RVD, with the flexibility and the acrobatic ability mixed in with his wrestling. Hes part of the faction in CZW called BLKOUT, but he himself is a wrestler who could easily find himself a place in TNA IN THE X Division, or could pull an A.J. Styles, and catapult into the Heavyweight Division, I just don't understand why he hasn't made the jump into the major leagues and wondered if anyone else felt the same.
I think Ruckus could do something in tna maybe i the x-divison but i will never imagine ruckus in wwe..ive seen a few czw shows and hes a great wrestler.
He is a great wrestler, but....he does tend to work between spots and over choreograph matches. something which is a by product of working in CZW, this is evident in Sonjay Dutts work sometimes. CZW prides itself on its spots and sells dvd's by promoting Music videos of there matches with the big spots in it.

But never the less Ruckus should go far in the next few years, he would be a great addition to TNA, i dont think WWE would have him, he has scars and they tend to avoid people with obvious scars (sabu been the exception).

Also....maybe TNA avoid him ...because his gimmick is similar to Homicide

Heres a Ruckus Music video i found....hopefully he'll grab a few more fans....

I've seen Ruckus at two separate independent shows in the NE, once with Blackout and once in singles action. His ring skills are great and he certainly shows that he has ring presence. I'm just not sure that I see anything in him that makes him stand out from some of the other talented guys. Maybe he would need to fly solo for awhile to develop himself further and gain more recognition. I also think he needs to get more exposure. CZW, MCW and the Jersey circuit are okay, but he would probably do better to try for a spot in FIP or ROH.
I never even heard of this guy until I saw this thread, I watched the video Martyn posted and he does look pretty good, but I think that his matches, from what I saw anyway, look to be too choreographed, and I'm not really in to that, but the guy does do some cool shit, I wouldn't ming seeing him in TNA, but he needs to lay off the handspring flips, it seems like everyother clip in that video he was doing a move that started off with some flippy shit, and for me that would get old real quick, ROH would probably be the most likely, and best place for him, but I wouldn't be surprised if TNA picked him up some day, especially if they pull their heads out of the asses and return the X-Division to what it used to be
With a guy like Ruckus, you have to separate the sizzle from the substance. The man, at least from this video, is very spot heavy and over choreographed. It reminds me of Old School RVD, but RVD was also very capable of putting on a good mat wrestling show.

Ruckus, though, does look to have some impressive moves in that list. That Michinoku Driver looks absolutely sick, which means....He won't be working for the WWE anytime soon. This guy would obviously make a good fit in re-amped X-Division in TNA.
Holy crap, I just watched the video that someone posted earlier.. & damn. I've never heard of, or knew of this guy. But he reminds me of Ron Killings in a ways. I'd love for Ron Killings to team up with this guy instead of Pacman Jones. Maybe he could join "Team Pacman?"

I agree with Justinsayne, however, about his matches looking too "choreographed." And I also agree with him looking similar to a R.V.D. type style. Watching that video in itself reminds me of watching several R.V.D./Jerry Lynn old school E.C.W. matches in that their moves would flow well together. This guy is awesome looking.. but obviously there has to be a reason why W.W.E. or T.N.A. (especially T.N.A.) has NOT picked him up yet.

Maybe he has a nasty attitude, or his asking price is too high for a relative unknown?
Everyone seems to agree with the fact that he looks a bit over choreographed and works between spots. Which IMO is the problem with alot of the INDY scene they are too focused on getting memorable spots into there matches, hoping that someone will see it and go WOW, than working the match properly.

One reason Ruckus may have gone nowhere is, he was a backyard wrestler until about 2000 when he starting training at CZW, so he may have a CZW thru and thru attitude to the industry.

I wish i lived in the US so i could actually go to indy shows, The UK has very little going on still, although its getting better.
I have seen Ruckus on a few occasions and he has impressed me. He has a solid moveset and always manages to have the crowd's undivided attention through the entire match.

If used correctly, he would be a nice edition to TNA's X Division roster, however, I would much rather see Ruckus continue on the Indy circuit so he doesn't have to compromise any aspect of his character.
I heard od Ruckus from CZW. I think he is the heavyweight champion now. he match are chronograph. i must agree his move list is sick but his size and weight is just not wwe matieral
Everyones Prayers have been answered Last night at MHM II Jack Evans posse debuted. Ruckus is a memeber along with J. Train and possibly Sabian. Im pumped.
Yes, finally Ruckus has been signed by a more well known company. He is going to play a big part in the Vulture Squad in ROH. He is a nice edition the roster and will no doubt get to use some of his hardcore skills in the fueds with NRC and Resilliance.
well personally i dont like him...he can flip...and???alot of ppl can do flips and have matches that are just big spot fests...i guess thats just what ppl up north want but personally im tired of it if uve seen one flippidy do dah uve seen them all...whatever happened to the wrestling aspect of it all??? if u asked ruckus and/or countless other flippy guys to take the gymnastics out of their matches they would have one crappy match thats my point...if u cant wrestle u shouldnt be a wrestler u should try out for the olympics
how is it that so few people seem to know about ruckus? i met him about a month back, in buffalo, ny... he's a pretty cool guy, the reason nobody has picked him up on a national level is mainly because he is well know as a backyard wrestler (basically the same reason "mdogg" mat cross hasn't gotten a major deal)
Ruckus is a great wrestler and very althetic for his weight i remember watching him in czw over here in england on the wrestling channel and some of the moves and way he flipped over the ropes were amazin, if he did get signed it should be to wwe cause he will be in the big time,

if i was a wrestler theres noway id sign for tna,its like starting as a cleaner in a company,where as wwe is like going right into management in a company, thats why i feel sorry for these wwe rejects that get signed by tna,it must be a shock to go from the top then go right to the bottom of the ladder into the scum of the earth

I'd say the main reason why WWE wouldn't pick him up is, they've got enough guys at the moment in his kind of weigh catagory and style on Developmental contracts and don't see the NEED for more and Ruckus does botch a bit often. His matches do contain alot of flips and stuff but his matches that are fued style are very very good, like his match with Joker or with Nick Gage.

TNA probably just because he's now working with ROH, TNA and ROH arent the best of friends really.
And Homicides gangstah deal kinda muddles up with Ruckus' VERY gangstah deal....and would ruin his hilarious ring entrance and promos about smacking bitches, getting high and stuff like that. xD
show me a video where ruckus actually sells for more than 5 seconds, and youll have your answer.

ruckus = black version of jack evans who's entire character revolves around bragging about how much weed he smokes.
There were rumors a while back, when Ron Killings was in TNA, that Ruckus was going to be signed to be in a stable with Ron Killings. Of course, now that Killings is elsewhere, who knows what Ruckus' prospects are. But I will say this. Enough wrestlers do similar moves to his more major moves that he would have to alter his style to actually get over good. I do, however, think that he and Consquences "Baby Chris Rock" Creed would make a prett legit team and could be TNA's answer to Cryme Tyme.
show me a video where ruckus actually sells for more than 5 seconds, and youll have your answer.

ruckus = black version of jack evans who's entire character revolves around bragging about how much weed he smokes.

No offense being meant but Ruckus sells for more then 5 seconds. And who cares about what his gimmick is. He is capable in the ring and isn't that whats supposed to matter?
I've always had a great time watching Ruckus matches, whether it be from CZW or anywhere else. Especially back when he was a lot heavier, it was really cool to watch him flip around and do all that crazy shit. And now that he's lost all that weight, his abilities are endless. I haven't necessarily seen a whole library full of Ruckus matches, but every one I have seen, I've been very impressed. I'd like to see him go to TNA.
It's pretty much been covered in this thread, but Ruckus is too choreographed spot heavy and does have enough technical mat wrestling to him. I actually think he'd fit in prefectly with TNA. He's a guy the fans can get behind and TNA is a spot heavy wrestling promotion. He would be a good addition to their X-Division, but I won't complain if he never goes.

Just a little side note, fat Ruckus was better than lean Ruckus. Check out any of his matches vs. Trent Acid from CZW back in like the 02-03 years.
well Ruckus is becoming one of my favorite wrestlers in ROH today, and he could be a star there or a x-division champ if he was to go to TNA

but recently Ruckus won the first ever "Honor Rumble" to get a shot at Nigel McGuinness world title...

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