Why does WWE insist upon deciding who we have to love or hate?

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As I tend to do, I'll write this post without reading anything past a few items in the opening paragraph.

The question that I have is, "How come the fans insist upon not following the storylines?". I get that the opening poster was trying to say taht the WWE shouldn't try to give face/heel disposition, but why can't the fans go along with the show? Don't you think that, between the WWE and the common 14 old pimply faced kid who makes Youtube videos in his spare time, the WWE knows a LOT more about good wrestling? I know I do. Vince McMahon and his family has been doing this whole wrestling business game longer than most wrestling fans have been alive.

I noticed you mentioned something about Orton and Triple H...I honestly don't remember the WWE telling you that you had to cheer for Triple H. But, just like you wanted, they created a story, and MOST fans (at least those with common sense) cheer for the guy who does the right thing, not the guy who does the wrong. So, they do let you choose, but the GOOD fans will choose to support the face.

After all, if the fans like the heel, then he's not really a "heel", now is he?
I didnt read any of the comments in this post but the reason WWE wants to do this is honestly because of Vince's Ego and the fact that he enjoys trying to control people. Take it for what its worth.
During that one particular story line, and a few others, I as well questioned the motives of the face over the heel, and sympathized with the heel, and its not because I am a Smark, I wouldn't consider myself one, I just had the realization on my instinct. Those Storylines I consider either a failure by the writing staff or a storyline that has gotten out of hand for the writing staff. They do try and parallel the story of Good and evil, because that is their basic set up, and going beyond that would require better writing, and a more intellectual crowd.
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