Why does Undertaker randomly attack people?

Ultimate Warrior

Dark Match Jobber
I've been watching WWE television since last July, and I'm a little tired of 'Taker randomly attacking people. I'm going to refresh your memory a little on when Undertaker attacked people for no reason in the last few months without reason.

1. Chokeslammed CM Punk at SummerSlam
2. Tombstoned John Cena at Madison Square Garden
3. Double chokeslammed HBK and Rey before the Royal Rumble
4. Kicked Edge in the face
5. Most recently, laid out Cryme Tyme and The Hart Dynasty, who he has NEVER had contact in the past
I don't really remember Undertaker really randomly attacking people, if anything it was part of a story line.

If he is doing that or did do that, its to serve that purpose only.

Undertaker is also in the point in his career where he can just go and beat the hell out of people simply because hes the Undertaker. There is one time he did that that I can really remember and that was when his was the American Bad Ass, but again it was to improve a new angle for his character.

So to put this simple , "since I dont have smackdown I only take from what I know" he could be attacking people for a future story line that is going on for wrestle mania. You never know what is in store for the big show.
1. Chokeslammed CM Punk at SummerSlam

In case you forgot, they started off a feud almost instantly after.
It was a way of starting the feud, and getting The Undertaker back into a title picture, and besides it was his return after his Wrestlemania match, so why not make an impact against the champion?

2. Tombstoned John Cena at Madison Square Garden

Rumours had it that there were going to be a John Cena vs Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 26, probably why, besides Undertaker rarely alligns himself with a side, John Cena was his tag team partner, why not underline the fact that he's a "neutral" force by attacking his partner?

3. Double chokeslammed HBK and Rey before the Royal Rumble

In case you forgot, Rey was the number 1 contender, Shawn wanted a rematch, wanting to do anything in his power to get it, his plans of winning the Royal Rumble, need I say more?

4. Kicked Edge in the face

Edge served as a potential challenger to his World Heavyweight title, and Undertaker knew that, why not prove a point that he shouldn't mess with him?

5. Most recently, laid out Cryme Tyme and The Hart Dynasty, who he has NEVER had contact in the past

Sends a message to Shawn Michaels that he's in for a long night at Wrestlemania.
I personally loved the way that he was smacking around each and every single one in the ring, it was absolutely awesome!

Besides, Undertaker attacking random people all the time proves him as a force to be reckoned with, beats fear into the wrestlers and the crowd.
The Undertaker's random attacks on people have grown inumerably in the past couple of months, and it really doesn't make any sense. Taker is obviously supposed to do whatever he wants, but it doesn't seem to make sense that he would stop a match, when "he has the power" to appear on the Titantron whenever he wants. If he nailed people then "took their souls" or whatever, then it would at least make some modecome of sense, but he just nails people for no reason.

The only thing that I can think of is that he serves as a useful tool when creative are too lazy to think of the outcome of a match. Having the Undertaker run in means that matches don't have to have definitive outcomes, and because it's him, people won't question it as a storyline. It's cynical, but it's true.
He cant wrestle many matches (owing to being broken) if he wants to have a good one with Shawn at 'Mania. His random attack last night was to show him looking dominant with a minimum of effort.

In Kayfabe he's saying 'Shawn, I just kicked four guy's asses with 4 different moves. At 'Mania I only need to kick one and you're going to take all four.' UT's supposed to be the master of mindgamesm him taking out people is just one way to make people doubt their ability to beat him.
He does it because he's the undertaker. He has no friends(his only freind is probably kane.) He doesn't care who it is. That's what makes his gimmick. He always attack people for some reason. To either get revenge or to prove a point. So I wouldn't say he randomly attacks people but he attacks people to make a statement.
It is a way to show that he is still a badass. It also sets up feuds or are implemented into some sort of storyline like Ferbian said. He acts like a heel against heels, what else can you ask for? Plus he can't wrestle a lot anymore so it's a good way to make him take less pain. His gimmick is also supposed to be that of a deadman and what better way to show that than kicking the crap out of his opponents when ever he wants. Being an Undertaker mark I like it and he does it rarely so it is cool when he does get to use it.
I like the random attacks by Undertaker, but they do all serve a purpose, CM Punk's was to start the fued, Tombstoning Cena at MSG was to tease a match between the two, Michaels and Mysterio was because they both wanted him, Attacking Cryme Time and the Hart Dynesty showed that Michael should be worried, i wouldnt be suprised if they done this with Michael on next weeks Raw, lets say having Carlito and Regal vs Primo and Masters and he comes in and Sweet Chin Music's them all to prove he is a threat
I like the random attacks by Undertaker, but they do all serve a purpose, CM Punk's was to start the fued, Tombstoning Cena at MSG was to tease a match between the two, Michaels and Mysterio was because they both wanted him, Attacking Cryme Time and the Hart Dynesty showed that Michael should be worried, i wouldnt be suprised if they done this with Michael on next weeks Raw, lets say having Carlito and Regal vs Primo and Masters and he comes in and Sweet Chin Music's them all to prove he is a threat

I can understand the Punk one but not the others. Him tombstoning Cena may have been to tease a match but that's forgotten now because most expected them to fight at WM 26 but that's not going to happen. Cena just tagged in and Undertaker was surprised and nothing more. At the time, Undertaker told HBK he wouldn't fight him so why was there a need to chokeslam him? Why should Michaels be worried about Undertaker attacking four guys that aren't on HBK level? Sure you can say that it was because HBK cost him the title at the Elimination Chamber but Undertaker got his revenge by making DX lose against ShoMiz. Those guys aren't on par with Shawn Michaels and Undertaker so why should either of them be worried.

If HHH started attacking random people, we would all be crucifying him but since it's the Undertaker it is completely okay? Steve Austin was the only person good enough as a face to do heelish things like attacking everybody which he did. It seems like the Undertaker is following suit and that is still a problem from the Attitude Era.
The only attack that was a random one was the one Over Cryme Time and the Harts, all the others had its motive, including the one over John Cena.

Liek everyone has pointed out, He chokeslammed Punk because he wanted the title, nothing personal againts Punk, but the title was the main thing, Storyline wise, Have H Hardy won, he would have got chokeslammed.

On the Tombstone to John Cena, Taker had the match and was ready to finish it, John Tagging in as he did was completely out of line and that is why He got the Tombstone.

On The attack on Edge, well this came at a time were everyone was pointing at Taker's head, and just the week before Edge teased to spear him and mocked him at the end, so Taker faced Jericho and when Taker threw Jericho over the announcer's table Edge got mad and started yelling at him, so hi got himself a boot to the face because he was looking for one, Taker is none step stone. Beside Edge speared him later on so he got his retribution.

On Chokeslamming Michaels and Rey, sorry but both guys kept disrespecting the Undertaker with Michaels always disrespecting the Undertaker because he thinks he can beat him (Can he? we don't know until March 28th) adn it has been the saem since last year, he mocks Taker all the time, that is not being cocky, that is been arrogant to a guy who has as many years as he on the business. In the case of Rey he kept saying he was going to beat Taker, so that double chokeslam was again to prove a point: Taker is none Step stone.

The attack on Cryme time and the Harts was because he was mad as Hell becasue on Monday night eventhough Taker has accepted all of Shawn's conditions now for some extrange reason Michaels is playing games again saying Taker is afraid of him because he was close to beat him, it seems that even the Undertaker won last year it is not enough to get the respect of Shawn Michaels and all taker gets is being Mocked over anda over again, that could piss off anyone, so yeah for those four kids it was the wrong place at the wrong time.

also, I have seen HHH attack people at random before and it has not being bad all the time.

Also before Austin start doing heelish things, Taker has always being a character with both characteristics, so he doing things like this notthing really new, he has done even before Austin got in WWF.
Taker has not appeared on Smackdown in 2 weeks, HBK rarely works Tuesday Night Smackdown tapings, so their could not have been any HBK/Taker angles on the show, so to get Taker on the show he had to come out and beat people up, he is currently on a show where is main rival right now rarely appears on it, so for me that is the reason why this angle was done on Smackdown.
Undertaker does all this to look more dominant, if Undertaker taking out 4 superstars doesnt look dominant, or strike fear into opponents, I don't know what does. The others were because, like someone else stated, he is a lone wolf, a neutral and it also starts a feud normally. So why not hurt them? Why not strike fear into competitors
Every attach by The Undertaker as of late has had a reason or motive or purpose just like the above posts have said. Are we tired of it? Yes and no. Yes because there really has been a lot of them in the past 9 months or so and no because he's the freakin' Undertaker for God's sake! He's the man over on SmackDown and his gimmick is to strike fear into his opponents! Whether it's by titantron or the lights go out and he cleans house, that's what The Deadman does!

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