Why Does TNA Keep Putting Talent That No One Wants To See On TV?


Getting Noticed By Management
Before someone pro or anti TNA or pro or anti WWE bring this up, I know the other federation does the same thing, but we are talking about TNA here.

I decided to watch TNA again yesterday since I discover I was finally getting the Spike in HD (can't stand SD on my HD tv it looks like crap... anyway) and I had some free time to get back into it, my wrestling of the week is usually either TNA or Raw.

But what hitted me was that even if it was a good show, there's too many guys I just don't want to see and in the mean time where's Joe, where's MCMG (weren't they supposed to be back or is it soon?), where's Pope (he's still with TNA no?) and other names I enjoy watching.

I mean let's start with Crimson vs Morgan that didn't really happenned, but is there someone who's buying into Crimson? Why hasn't he lost already, his streak is meaningless since unlike Goldberg, people just don't buy the streak and don't buy the wrestler. Now they will try to turn him heel playing his streak so we pray that he get his ass kicked even more and honestly that may work, anything to get him off my tv.

And Matt Morgan... I want to like him more than I'm able to for now, let's just say that.

Now Robbie E and Robbie T... I don't really care for them and they can be okay I guess, but Devon... who put the belt on Devon, why is he still on my TV, like seriously? I just can't invest in that guy and I never will, maybe some of you do... I don't know.

One small side note is Zema Ion (is it how it's spelled?), I found it silly with the hairspray at first, but then it reminded me of the time where every wrestler had their gimmick and I can accept him more because of that.

We always hear people saying there's not enough time in TNA to put every talent on the show every week, but why are they booking the guy we have no interest in seeing over names that people are really into.

I would have take a Kaz, Daniels, Styles, Joe match any day of the week instead of Devon and Crimson.

I really enjoyed the show despite those negatives, but I would really like them to stop trying to get guys over that never will, especially in a crowd that is so smarky.

Your thoughts?
This has been brought up before. You gotta look at it like this. You (like myself) like seeing guys like Joe wrestle on a regular basis. But instead we get the Robbies and Devon. I agree with you on the Robbies, being that they're just plain annoying. Disagree on Devon, though. And I know I'm in the minority on that. But I think he's doing alright as the TV champ. Been a fan of him and Bully Ray going back to the ECW days. And part of the reason for the rub Devon is getting is due the heat that Bubba draws, at least I think so. Devon gets popped like crazy when he fights Ray. Zema Ion is annoying as well, but you got him jobbing to Aries so at the very least it was tolerable. But my point is Impact isn't gonna completely satisfy everyone on a weekly basis. I'm sure the fellas aren't complaining seeing Velvet and Brooke these last few weeks. But some might want to see Mickie or Tara (Triple Naitch). And as big of fan of Hogan as I was or still slightly am, he's taking away some valuable TV time as well. But in my case, I'll reach for the remote when I see EY and his spiel, but occasionally watch him wrestle. Not my first choice but it is what it is.
The simple answer is that by "no one" you seem to just mean "I don't." When you become a significant amount of people maybe TNA would care but you aren't so get over yourself. They don't book the show for one person. They book it to appeal to as many people as possible. You suggested you still overall liked the show, so they succeeded with you. Now maybe some of the more entertainment based stuff that was less indyesque didn't really appeal to you but it did to others in a different group. ROH isn't a mass marketable product by itself. If people would just get over that inescapable fact the discussions about what TNA "needs" to do would be so much more bearable.
To the OP, a couple of things about your post definitely struck me:

First being, you seem to be transposing your thoughts on TNA's talent and talent usage on to TNA fans in general. While you may not enjoy Robbie E and Robbie T, Crimson Zema Xion, any many others, that's not to say that there aren't fans out there that don't. Also, in the case of the some the talent, TNA is simply trying to create and/or continue a storyline.

Take Crimson for example. TNA has two ongoing storylines with Crimson, one being his winning streak, and the other being his feud with Matt Morgan. It's hard to argue that fans don't want to see Morgan, when he consistently gets some of the best pops that the often blase Impact Zone fans tend to give.

As for Ion, he's essentially the number one X Division heel by default right now. He's proven to be a good performer, and as long as he continues to put over, and further establish Austin Aries, especially with Aries face push really gathering steam, then he serves a purpose, and is doing something not much of TNA's roster does...elevate talent.

Of course it would be nice to see the likes of Styles, Kaz, Daniels, Joe, and many others used more often, but that's not a realistic scenario with TNA's roster as large as it is, and with them only having one televised show per week. TNA has adopted a revolving door mentality towards it's talent...using some for periods of time, while essentially benching others. I'm not a huge fan of it, but it is what it is. If you aren't happy with the talent you're seeing on tv these days, you're likely to see a total change over of talent in the coming weeks. Just look at RVD and Anderson...they were gone, and are now right back in the thick of the main event scene.

There are countless things TNA 'could or should do', as could be said for any promotion..but the simple fact is that your post shows you are still watching Impact which means in some way, the talent they are using, is pulling you in.
I couldn't add to what I already posted earlier but I know that when I suggest Joe or Pope some people would say I don't like them, just like I say I don't like x or y.

That's why I said in the case of Zema Ion I said I found it silly at first, but since it's nodding back to the old days of gimmick I can appreciate and respect that.

For Morgan I clearly said that I want to enjoy him more than I am at the moment. I want to enjoy him, because I like the guy, he just hasn't done anything interesting from what I've seen for a good while.

But for Crimson, NOBODY like him and not because he's supposed to be a heel. He's getting rejected because TNA is trying too much.

And Devon, I know the first poster said he enjoy him, but even he acknowledge that he's in the minority. I've enjoyed Devon back in the days, but he just does nothing for me and most fo the people solo. Bully Ray is really good tho.

And for Robbie E. and Robbie T. I said that I don't mind them too much.

I guess that my main problem is that tNA has an AWESOME roster of SOLID players so they shouldn't be booking the jobbers that will never draw and dime over some of their good established talent.
The simple answer is that by "no one" you seem to just mean "I don't." When you become a significant amount of people maybe TNA would care but you aren't so get over yourself. They don't book the show for one person. They book it to appeal to as many people as possible. You suggested you still overall liked the show, so they succeeded with you. Now maybe some of the more entertainment based stuff that was less indyesque didn't really appeal to you but it did to others in a different group. ROH isn't a mass marketable product by itself. If people would just get over that inescapable fact the discussions about what TNA "needs" to do would be so much more bearable.

I don't need to get over myself, because I'm not an idiot smark who thinks he represent the whole fan base.

I will break my first rules by talking about the other company for an example that everyone can releate too.

I don't like Jack Swagger and I HATE Kofi Kingston, but some people like them. I switch the channel when they appear, but I don't ask that they are not put on the show saying no one like them, because I know it's not true.

Then there's the guys like Great Khali who EVERYONE (okay maybe not the Punjab) hates and don't want to see in a wrestling ring, that's the kind of concensus I was trying to evoke.

Like I said Crimson shouldn't be on TV, people resent him and don't like him for his push. Devon shouldn't be champ, especially considering the pool of talent they have that could hold this belt and make it mean something.

For Robbie E/T, Ion I can understand that some people like them and I do enjoy them too from time to time.

My point may not have come the way I wanted it, but it's more 2 points. First there's the wrestler who shouldn't be there because no one wants to see them.

Second there's the jobbers who are there that shouldn't be there over some of the people who TNA's are sitting out.

And I know that you probably have your little rant that you learned word for word that you answer to everyone that you fit into your little mold, but where the hell did you make a relation between ROH and me? I've watched RoH maybe 5 times on the fight network in my life. I even said that my main source of wrestling was WWE and TNA, so don't give me the indy crap.

I don't want TNA to be pure wrestling, I just want them to put their best talent on the show instead of their jobbers or talent who they want to get over but never will.
crimson, morgan, ion, robbie e I all like. Devon to me has always been rather boring on the mic...wrestling wise I guess he's ok but def dont like him as champ. pope def needs tv time...I know he's doing house shows w tna again. Rob terry...well I just want to see him keep squashing devon, dont care if he's w Robbie e or not. Btw hope roode retains on sunday, van dam doesnt have to chase the title to be involved in the main event scene imo
Hi im a fan in the uk. To start off i want to say sorry for my spelling and grammar its not the best

I have to say i think TNA need abit of a rosta clear out with pople like rob e and rob t they are a joke, and as for crimson he is never going to be like Goldberg and i dont think anyone can (well not for 20 years or so lol)

and i think the hole rick vs hulk thats going on at the mo just needs to die we saw that in the 90s and now i think they need to move over get out the ring, see i love them both but i think when rick left WWE he needed to just stop or work for them back stage or something, hulk i love always have and i love seeing him in TNA but i dont want to see him wrestle,

and also garet bishoff they is know need for his story and i hope he is left in the dark for some time and then use him now and agen as a jobber or something.

dont get me rong i am a big big TNA fan i like the hole WCW and WWF feal about is, and the fact TNA is bigger in the UK then WWE. also im not a anti WWE i just feel they aim at the kids and make it more of a panto an i hope it can get back to the wwf we all love
Just another thread and guy ripping up TNA/IW, all i have to say is if you dont like it then go watch that PG Crap that WWE is putting on, where you get to see big fat dancing goofs, yeah that is so much better then guys like Crimson and Devon,
Man, there are some hardcore TNA marks who can't address the question. If you disagree, then disagree but don't take someone's dissatisfaction of the company as a personal insult.

That being said, I personally think TNA has actually been doing a pretty good job as of late. Yes MCMG should probably have more screen time, but I was more than happy that Gunner and Garrett Bischoff were nowhere to be seen. I can see your point with Crimson, plus he's lost so many tag matches and by DQ/Countout that I really don't think his "undefeated streak" really means anything.

While D-Von and The Robbie's might be a waste of time, you do have to give them credit for focusing on guys like Austin Aries who would be a star anywhere he set foot. Then we have guys like Bobby Roode and Bully Ray who are getting tons of focus and are in the absolute prime of their careers.

TNA still has some kinks, and there's always going to be things to complain about, but it could be much much much worse.
Just like WWE, it doesnt matter who u put on TNA's show because the rating stays in the same range regardless.

So if you don't wanna see the people they are putting on, dont watch it. The check the ratings and you will see how many people agree with you and then you can throw around phrases like "nobody wants to see..." because according to the ratings people just want to see Impact regardless of who is on.
I seem to recall that, from November 1996 through to at least August/September 1997, nobody wanted to see this fresh faced twat called Rocky Miavia...he seemed to work out okay...
Before that there was The Ringmaster, seem to remember people went for a piss when he came out at first but, again, he turned out alright.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley pretty much sucked arse from 1995 through to the formation of DX but, again, he worked out alright.

The logic? People can turn out alright if given the right character. Look at Bully Ray. I wanted him to retire when Team 3D split up (and had done for quite a while before then) because I didn't think he had any value. He sure as hell proved me wrong.

So, yeah, who's this "no-one" you speak of?
I understand your point, but it definitely got lost in your generalization.

Here's one key word: variety. TNA has a variety of wrestlers to appeal to a variety of people. That way, they don't get stuck in one niche. Just as Khali, Brodus Clay, and Hornswoggle fill niches for WWE, so too do The Robbies and the like.

Here's another key word: pacing. Yeah, intense matches with the usual suspects are fun to watch, but they cannot be appreciated as much without some filler that allows the audience to come down before they go back to that intense peak.

Not to mention, they can allow storylines to play out over a longer period of time without wearing people out. If you see too much of a good thing, people get jaded.

As for the jobbers who are on TV while bigger names are sitting out, that's not as big a deal either. The bigger names can afford to sit out for a while, while the no names can establish some sort of presence.

On top of that, who is TNA supposed to focus more on when it comes to who to promote, especially when it comes to the lower card? Are they supposed to listen to the Impact Zone crowd, which is a small portion of the viewers? Are they supposed to focus more on the hardcore TNA fans? Are they supposed to focus more on gaining a more casual audience? Not to mention the varying opinions among the fanbase as a whole.

TNA must feel that the guys they choose to push are getting an adequate enough reaction to make it worth it. No wrestling promotion can please every person all the time, but they're trying their damned hardest.
Just another thread and guy ripping up TNA/IW, all i have to say is if you dont like it then go watch that PG Crap that WWE is putting on, where you get to see big fat dancing goofs, yeah that is so much better then guys like Crimson and Devon,

If you want to post in my thread and be taken seriously, maybe you should at least read the first post as it was pretty clear that I'm a TNA fan and wasn't bashing them 100%. Just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I can't think critically.

I love TNA and want them to became REAL competition for WWE and for that to happen they have to be almost perfect and not use their lower card who can't get over over their best talent, because a lot of people are looking to bash them on anything.

My thread was CLEARLY not presented as bashing. I wanted to incite conversation on a promotion I genuinely like even with its imperfections.
I recently got a freeview box so i could watch TNA, so that i at least had some form of wrestling to watch and i'm glad i did.

Prior to watching, i felt that on paper, people like The Robbie's, Devon and Crimson seem inadequate. But in reality, they've got a certain variety to them that makes them worthwhile.

Robbie E, prior to me watching TNA, seemed like a nobody who would be gone before too long, and yet i think this whole Jersey Shore heel gimmick is actually a good mid-card gimmick, akin to WWE's Rico. Then there's Devon who is good at getting across his fighting spirit across the airwaves. Granted, Crimson is forgettable and his issue is that he has a no-loss streak and Goldberg had a winning streak.

It's also fair that top talent like MCMG are being overlooked and that is a bit annoying, but i look and see that maybe there's no slot for them right now. And TNA's man-management has been superb in leaving people out until the right feud/match comes along. So overall, maybe those that are looked at as having no talent, have a place on the show right now and so should keep on the show till they lose that.
Simple. Every wrestling company during every time period put guys on TV or a house show card that people didn't want to see. It is the nature of the beast, but it happens. I am sure WWE right now has a handful of people that fit the Crimson and Robbie E mold. This has to be done though because just one day that certain wrestler can say or do something that catches fire.
Robbie E, Rob Terry and Zema Ion are heels. You aren't supposed to like them, they are there to make the faces look good. As in Austin Aries and Devon. I realize it's not a popular choice and all that, but the biz needs to roll that way. I really don't know how or why, but for some reason, people react to Devon. Seriously, they do. And not just the Impact Zone.

I don't see why Crimson would be a problem. He's a fresh heel with a big body and mean look. That's the kind of guy you wanna establish, so it fits the bill. Matt Morgan, in contrast, has pretty much become the Big Show of TNA. No one cares where he is on the card, they react.

TNA has a large roster. And unlike WWE, they only have a show and a half. Impact and Xplosion. But they wanna showcase that talent. There are some cases like The Pope that may be more than meets the eye, but other than that, TNA rotates their talent to keep the scene fresh. Garret Bischoff was on a main angle for months, now he's totally gone. It's not a popular method, but it's an understandable one. TNA wants to try new things and try new talents. The Guns light up the crowd no matter what. Why not put the spotlight on other tag teams then? They need it, The Guns don't. That why you see AJ Styles in some pointless feud with Kurt Angle and having supposed pictures of him with Dixie Carter. he doesn't need that spot, he can bounce on an instant. Others don't and TNA works with those guys. To be on par.
Ok let me pose this question to you on a wwe side for a second if you enjoyed seeing Brock lesnar you either paid to see extreme rules or found a way to watch it for free am I correct? Also if you hadn't noticed Joe, Daniels, Kaz, Aj, Angle have been on TV almost every week, so just because you didn't see one of them from Thursdays Impact your upset?

Here is another point you need to think about the heroes of the past aren't getting pushed in a singles level or at a tag team level MCMG was on a ppv recently but didn't get a title shot on Open fight night. Pope wrote he is semi retired from pro wrestling on his twitter, Crimson really has nothing going on right now for him and has lost flavor because the way they book him in ring makes him look weak and so his streak is weak, Robbie E and Robbie T are basically your main eventers of the mid-card which is why they are going after the TV title which Devon won. The reason Devon has the belt? He's a vet, he can help these new guys build themselves, he brings legitimacy to the title, and they need to show his relevance as a singles competitor.

So I wouldn't take it personally your not seeing who you want to see, they're trying to bring people up and push people down, but at the moment you have to give some of these other guys a chance otherwise we get another 20 years of Hogan using a walker getting down the ramp and Ric Flair wrestling at age 80
I think Impact Wrestling is starting to do this a whole lot better, I think. They fixed a lot of things that people were annoyed by. For one thing, we don't see Garrett Bischoff anymore. Silly acts like EY/ODB are nowhere to be found. We have the two Robbies but they come off like old school heels and Devon, well it's not so bad sometime to have kickass brawlers. It may not great wrestling but brawls can bring another variety of things. As far as Crimson, he comes off better as heel, smugly saying he is undefeated rather than playing the Goldberg card as before. Next stop for them would have to focus on only the best wrestlers on tv. But it's getting there.
First of all, people can't even agree on what the company is called these days so that tells you right there how smart the marketing people are. Then I hear some guy challenge the OP by telling him to look at the ratings. Maybe that guy should check the ratings. They're terrible. A non wrestling show that costs money to produce would have been cancelled by now and a big reason is the talent they decide to use on television. I keep hearing from the TNA marks that they've got the best roster in wrestling. Well, where is it? Are they hiding behind Crimson or Robbie E? Is Mr Anderson...Anderson a reason to watch? He wasn't in WWE, but I guess TNA is booking him so much better. They're not you say? Well, now I'm just all kinds of confused.
I think the problem with this post is that you are looking at it from your own point of view, and are complaining that your favourites are not on TV, while TNA is giving TV time to people you are not a fan of personally.

Now, I would rather never see Devon, Robbie E or Robbie T on my TV again, and the less said about Eric Young the better, but you are never going to get everything you want in a wrestling show. I would personally like to see much more AJ Styles, Tara, Mickie James and Joe, and alot less of the guys I mentioned previously, but I try to focus on the parts of the show I do enjoy, rather than moan about those I don't.

It isn't just TNA. I would happily never watch Khali, Mahal, Hornswoggle etc on a WWE show again, and there are plenty of guys I want to see pushed more, but there is only so much time in a show for everyone to get included, and if my favourites are not currently involved in a storyline, then they will be on TV less. This is even more true in TNA, where they only have 1 2-hour show, compared to WWE where there is alot more TV time for a roster that isnt that much larger than TNA's.
Each wrestling company has talents that most fans don't wanna see on their program. That's how wrestling operates. There are people who are on tv because of talent & merit and then those who are just on there because management wants them on. No, rhyme or reason to it really. However, it's a much bigger problem in TNA because TNA management is oblivious to what fans really want to see. The only fans they remotely listen to are the Impact Zoners. Which is why guys like Devon are even still appearing on television. Yet, Samoa Joe hasn't won a singles title in a long time. Go figure. All I can say to the OP is that you have to watch for the few good things that TNA has to offer. Guys like Bobby Roode and James Storm. AJ Styles. Samoa Joe, Daniels, etc & the list goes on and on.
wwe does the same. remember Michelle McCool, the most dominant diva who people couldn't care less about? the one who had gimmick after gimmick after gimmick and got 0 reaction? the one who only got a run after her and Taker hooked up? TNA isn't the only one who does it.

For Crimson, they are trying too hard but wwe did the same with The Rock when he started. I am not saying that Crimson is anywhere near The Rock but maybe it will lead to a better character like it did in wwe. I personally like Devon but again, it is personal preference. Some people love Orton but i really couldn't care less for him. you may not want to see someone but that doesn't mean that no one wants to. In the end though, you need to work with what you have. imagine if they dumped 1/3 of their roster because people just didn't like them. how long until people would complain about the same matches always happening? sometimes you just put up with people until you find someone better.

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