Why does the WWE still have a women's division?

punk is gold

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Okay I want you people to answer a question for me ,Why does the Wwe have a women's division? We all know that Vince and the writer's couldn't care less about the divas as evidenced by short matches,lack of storylines,no interaction for the most part with the men.Now we know in turn that because Vince and the Writer's give them no reason to the fans don't give a damn about the division either.Trish Stratus is the prime example of a diva that was given a good storyline( the McMahon family) and as a result she flourished,because it sure wasn't for her ability in the ring(at least in the beginning).Now the most they'll get is a comedy bit or to be a time filler(the only exception is LayCool).It's not as if the Wwe is making a lot of money off the division so I say if their not willing to put any effort into the division,Why still have one?
The joking side sex sells , and It gives the dads something to look at while at the shows lol.
But on a serious note its simple the woman's title has been around longer than any active title and it's still a division of wrestling , like tag teams . The tag team sucks worst than the woman's division. There are at least six people who can hold either of the titles ( that's more than most divisions) And yes the diva's are just a filler, but imagine a wrestling show with only guys matches week after week , then we will start complaing about there being a lack of entertainment so there for that is the reason we see a lot of diva's involved with comedy bits . So there is a reason for the division , and I have a feeling Lay cool will try to unify the woman's title at NOC with the diva's or at the 900th episode.
Ok Really Yes fans still care about the Diva division(Myself inculded) I love the Divas Most people call them a Piss break and all that but it pisses me off they put thier bodies on the line just like the men do just dont get the respect they get when a Diva botches everyone notices and complains when a Guy botches its not as big of a deal. So to answer your ******ed question Because people still care and like Diva matches there's a whole website devoted to Womens wrestling its Diva-Dirt.com So yes people do care about the Divas
Plain and simple, it's to shut the feminists up about wrestling not including women.

Joking aside, the Diva's division has it's place. It's meant to exhibit women athletically and aesthetically (more athletically these days thanks to PG; this is a good thing), to show that women can keep up with the men. Don't forget that women can also enjoy wrestling as well, and they probably have a female role model that inspires them to become a wrestler as well. Back in the day it could have been Lita or Trish. Although nowadays there's not much choice, a current day inspiration could be Eve.
Peronally I like the divas division but it doesn't make sense from a company's standpoint to not put any effort into a product but keep producing said product anyway.So my question is from the company's point of view.
People do still care about the divas. Just because the divas don't get as much air time as the guys doesn't mean they aren't important or don't put their bodies on the line like the guys do.

Actually the divas do have storylines now not all of them but some of them do. The divas are main eventing superstars and we have divas as pros on NXT. So yes people still care about the divas and I want to become a diva one day so stop saying they are only good for bathroom breaks!
A few different reasons, and most of them have already been mentioned. Sex sells, and makes the men want to tune in to watch the hot women, and nearly all of them in the WWE are hot. Some of the people who watch wrestling actually enjoy the women's wrestling. They enjoy watching something different than the guys beating each other up, and they're allowed to enjoy it. It gives people a different option, and despite the hate it gets most people probably enjoy women's wrestling way or another. It also shows that women can do things the men can do, and that they are just important as the men.
Variety. After all, it is the spice of life (or so I've read). Plain and simple it's something different from the constant steady barrage of nearly naked men rubbing against each other for 6 hours a week on TV. They're eye candy, they're bathroom/merch/food breaks, They're backstage cat-fights, occasional comedy bits, in-ring wrestlers (aka sometime unintentional comedy bits), and fetish/fantasy pieces. They're basically the more active and involved versions of your typical comic book and/or videogame store sales-girl "counter candy".
As for why they aren't pushed more or written well for: They make no money. That is to say they rarely turn more of a profit with all the extra work and focus placed on them so why bother? If it ain't broke—and many of WWE higher-ups don't think "it" is—don't fix it. This isn't SHIMMER, WWE Divas aren't the main course but rather a mid meal side-dish and/or sweet dessert.
I care about the Diva Division.

When you have divas like Rosa Mendes and Maryse who can't wrestle to save themselves,
It's no wonder why they don't seem to care, and only still have the division for looks,

But why should divas like Melina, Natalya, McCool, Beth.P, Jillian, and Gail.K suffer,
When they CAN wrestle and are STILL improving,
If WWE gets there heads out of there asses and put the divas who can wrestle,
and the Divas who try and improve,
Eve, A.Fox, Layla
Thread like this wouldn't have to be put up
The WWE has a Women's division for the same reason they have a mens division. They want to put on a good show. Whether you like it or not, a bunch of the female competitors can actually wrestle. Yes, some are more for eye candy, but even that helps put on a good show, so that's why they are there.

And is it just me, or is LayCool one of the more over gimmicks in the whole WWE right now? Last time I checked, LayCool are part of the Women's division, so the fact that they are so over just solidifies the reason for having a Women's division.
Because they have women wrestlers? Wouldn't it be rather discriminating or sexist if WWE just all in all threw away the women's division? I sure would think, and I'm a man.

The women's division isn't really that important, we get that. However it's still a business that features women just as well as men. There shouldn't really be any case to be made why it's still around. Because the divas should be just as much allowed to showcase themselves as anyone of the current WWE male wrestlers, or male wrestlers in general.

I get that people hate the division, but do you really hate it enough to want it completely gone? I don't really care myself, I can scroll through the matches. But I'm sure some would miss it, I guess the thing I'd miss though is the entrances, because you can't damn well deny a good Maryse entrance.

Yeah, the women's division isn't going anywhere, and it really shouldn't.
On Raw, you gotta have a piss break match for a live show sometime.

On SD, Michelle is a necrophiliac with a magical vagina who will forever pushed despite the fact that she is prolly the worst diva ever. She has proven this over the last three years. At least the likes of Ashley was over and Rosa & the Bellas are nice to look at.
I think there is an ebb and flow. We will see a large group of great female wrestlers being way underutilized and the model types being overexposed. Sadly, this is the current time. The era of yesteryear, when we had Lita, Trish, Mickie, Victoria, Chyna, Ivory, Molly Holly is something we are in dire need of. I do agree that they still have a few good wrestlers now. But it is more geared towards fantasy, and appearances than actual athletics and talent. While I’m not discrediting the talent of save a few of them (Phoenix, Melina, McCool..although her mic skills lacking, and Kelly Kelly…vastly improved from over a year ago, and Natalya, and Tamina) I feel that they still have a WWE division because they know that women are a very target audience as well and if there were no Divas group, even though men watch, they would lose a generous sum of their revenue since the Divas, although a small group, bring in an amount of revenue as well. With FCW being the ‘preschool’ of WWE, there is always hope for more talent to be brought in. Besides, more talent is a chance for more money to be earned by any means necessary, no matter how crappy the storyline. Its a gambling process, even if people have to be cut later on. With Vince being a business man, he will eventually find his stars for the women's roster at some point or another. Unfortunately, this seems to be taking longer than hoped.
i like watching female wrestling i find it a nice change from the guys :) even though the roster at the mojment and since really 2007 :( I loved watching trish and lita and mickie and when they actually got storylines :/ The divas are neer going to be liked if they are given no story no identity they come out each week people go to the toilet they "wrestle" then they leave ?? whats the point the guys come outcut a promo the match ends they cut another promo ... they create themselves make themselves intresting the divas dont get to do that and they really need to ... so vince fix this mess we call the womens division and m#give us female wrestlers not models :/
I get what your saying, actually. If the creatives spend no more than 30 seconds on what they're gonna do with the Diva's, then they might as well not have one. Of course, they will, because the womans title has it's place in WWE history. I think the WWE could make the womans section a lot more interesting if they use more people like Serena, (once she's done with S.E.S) Natalya, (once she's done with the Hart Foundation), Tamina (once she's done with the Uso's) and Beth Phoenix. (Once she returns from injury) LOL. All the ones I name are busy doing something else. But I think if people want to see more womans feuds, then getting those 4 out could really work. I miss the era of Lita and Trish and I wish the diva's would improve even though I'm waaaaay more into the mens wrestling.
They have their diva's division because of the amount of divas they have on their roster. Now that doesn't take away from the fact that it is a completely pointless division. The amount of models that learn how to do their jobs (wrestle) on the spot has been rapidly been the formula for the division since Lita and Trish's departure in 2006 but it was happening before that too. There are very few decent female workers in WWE right now and one of them in Natalya is basically getting wasted as she is only in manager role for the Hart Dynasty and when she does wrestle is usually the one to job.

What's even more terrible about the division is the fact that it has to belts to represent it which is not needed. I think that they are trying to solve this issue as they are having Melina feud with LayCool. Melina is the Divas champion while LayCool are the women's champion(s) which seems like this feud will lead to some kind of unification match somewhere down the line. Which will be good because then we will have just one undisputed women's champion defending the title on two brands and it will make for better and more intriguing story-lines and feuds. However that still doesn't take away from the fact that the diva's division is the weakest division in all of the WWE, and yes it's even below the tag team division in my mind.
The WWE would have a pretty decent women division if they combined the Divas and Women's title and put the entire division on one show. I think the brand split really hurt the women's division.
personally, I like the divas competition but I do have to say it's not the same without Trish, Lita and Mickie there. if there was no women division then they all would been used as ring side manager like Vickie Guerrero does. from a lady standpoint, if there no matches for them then it would have been too boring for them.
Because they have women wrestlers? Wouldn't it be rather discriminating or sexist if WWE just all in all threw away the women's division? I sure would think, and I'm a man.

The women's division isn't really that important, we get that. However it's still a business that features women just as well as men. There shouldn't really be any case to be made why it's still around. Because the divas should be just as much allowed to showcase themselves as anyone of the current WWE male wrestlers, or male wrestlers in general.

I get that people hate the division, but do you really hate it enough to want it completely gone? I don't really care myself, I can scroll through the matches. But I'm sure some would miss it, I guess the thing I'd miss though is the entrances, because you can't damn well deny a good Maryse entrance.

Yeah, the women's division isn't going anywhere, and it really shouldn't.

This post basically sums it up.

The WWE needs to appeal to ALL audiences. Women need female heroes as well as male heroes. Even though the women's division is lacking the tenacity and star power of the Trish Stratuses and Litas of the past, that doesn't mean the entire division needs to be killed off. The division has a long legacy attached to it and has a habit of becoming popular and unpopular over periods of time. That's no reason to kill it off, all together.
In my opinion... They have the womens championships exactly like the Tag Belts.
Can be defended on both shows which would let us have some better wrestlers and hopefully some better divas fueds. Also we need to use divas more, have them in story lines more often like back in the day that puts them to a bit more good use.

In a perfect world - Have Melina vs Michelle Mccool (Butchered her last name didn't I?)
Winner of that becomes the all new WWE Womens Champion or whatever name would be good. Also help train the divas a bit more, make them worth watching like they were back in 03-05. I mean come on Victoria vs Jazz vs Trish was just an awesome match at WM 19.
The Womens title used to be defended on both shows, The WWE created the Divas division for the stars that are not as established as their counterparts, girls like Eve Torres, Alicia Fox and Kelly Kelly.

The Womens title IMO is more prestigious and are for more established stars like Beth Phoenix, Michelle Mccool etc.

The main issue with the division is the talent, it's just as bad as the Knockouts division in TNA, too many belts and not enough talent, the reason why the WWE keeps its division going is because of the diversity it creates, womens wrestling is always needed even if it isn't a huge draw as the mens, if you don't believe me look at the pop Melina recieved.

I think the WWE will probably end up merging the two titles sooner than later or use the angle with Melina to earn Laycool another championship, I doubt it will be going away anytime soon, just look on how the WWE is pushing for more female talent even incorperating females into the third season of NXT.
Why does the WWE still have a women's division?

In a single word... justification. Let me explain:

Professional wrestling is an extremely scrutinized form of entertainment, at least from a decency / morality perspective. Like it or not, critics and the masses often dismiss WWE as an extremely low-brow form of television. The terms racist, violent, and particularly sexist have been used for decades to describe the kind of product WWE (and other wrestling companies) bring to the table. On the contrary, while it's acceptable that prime time network programming feature a couple of the so-called "seven dirty words" and an occasional bare backside, wrestling is not afforded that same "luxury" given its social status.

So what does this have to do with the womens division and why it exists?

Well, WWE can't simply have attractive women parading around solely for the purpose of having attractive women parading around. They have to be doing something or its considered sexist. For many years, women often posed as valets (Elizabeth immediately springs to mind), but even those roles are considered "sexist" because the women are still taking a backseat to the male athletes. Instead of being just eye candy they are arm candy for the bigger, stronger, more dominant male wrestlers.

So what is Vince, owner of the largest wrestling company in the world, to do?

Create not just one but two divisions that exclusively feature female "athletes" performing against other female "athletes" in bouts that are purported to be comparable to the other contests. We fans know that many of these women have little to no formal wrestling training and were signed heavily based on their looks rather than their professional wrestling acumen or athletic ability. That doesn't matter though. Critics will say wrestling is sexist, Vince says "but I have TWO competitive womens divisions."

The "wrestling" side of things merely justifies a high majority of the participants in the Divas/Womens division being there and not much more. They're not just attractive women strolling around in the ring, but they're "professional athletes"... Wrestling superstars even! Whatever.

For this reason alone, I don't see the women's division going away anytime soon.

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