Santina: The Future of the Women's Division!

Sure this Santana thing is funny now, but if the WWE drag it out, I'm sure that people will start to get sick of it.
It's definately not too late for a full-fledged heel change. Can't you just imagine this ending where he builds up a mean streak... bludgeons Melina or Beth to leave the whole women's division thing behind and then becomes a singles wrestler. He would have to slow down on the promos for it to work... but he would have enough wrestling ability to pull off credible matches moving forward.

I can just imagine him cutting a promo... and while getting booed saying something to the effect of "there is a lot more women in the arena than I thought..."
Santino is Good for the Women't division because, Yes, he's bringing attention to the division which yes it does get but not a lot. He's bringing in a lot more attention to the division than what it has gotten in a long time. He would bring in a whole lot more if he ends up winning the women's title at some point.

Santino is Bad for the Women's division because he's kind of making the Divas look like a joke. Or making the division look less important. When in reality, the Women's division is just as important as any other. He's bad for the division because he's fighting females, granted he's dressed as a female while fighting them. He should be at least fighting mid carders. He's more or less making himself look bad in this aspect.

But all in all, Santino, while he may be a jobber, is great for the WWE, because he's bringing in the "entertainment" aspect of the WWE. He's hilarious and very good at what he does as a comical jobber.

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