Why Does Everyone Hate Sean Waltman?

There's no doubt the guy was very talented back in the day, and he probably could still be great. I think the reasons he isn't liked much are mostly his own doing. Most fans know about his past problems with drugs and his reputation for no showing and not caring. Fans aren't going to care about someone who doesn't care about them or the wrestling business.

Another problem is he hasn't changed his persona at all since he went to WCW in 1996, and it has gotten stale. Who wants to see a guy in his 40's dry humping another mans face?
The instant he comes out, he starts with the crotch chops, and they never seem to stop. That's a channel changer for me...I don't want to see him get beat, I just don't want to see him. That's not the kind of heat one really wants as a wrestler, but I guess if that's who he is, he can go to town while I see what's on the other stations.
Because the internet is a bunch of haters. They think they can judge someone that they don't personally know because the IWC is filled with a bunch of judgmental losers that have nothing going for themselves so as a result they push their negative energy onto wrestlers that have accomplished more than them.

First of all, the internet is not full of haters, and you come off as a tard for saying that. number two, i don't care what he has accomplished under any persona he has wrestle. Personally i cdont know him, but i can say i dont like his character. he is, like cultofraven said, stale. the crotch-choppin and bronco bustering was fine during the attitude era, but now it is completely stupid. i think we have all grown up and can say that that persona he is using right now is a bit childish. can we all agree on that??
i personally enjoy watching this cat act a fool since his NWO days. him doing that "suck it" shit with his hands crossed, you know, the one DX copied from the NWO, is great shit for me. i find it hilarious. folks, this is wrestling and this is his gimmick. i can't see why everyone's so uptight with him but oh well....what sucks now is that he's being replaced by that stale, no charisma having, God awful Eric Young. this guy is one of the reasons TNA tends to be boring at times. i still feel Matt Morgan should have been inducted to the Band.
I think saying that his wrestling is poor is a pretty inaccurate statement. I watched him wrestle Jerry Lynn in Minneapolis about a year ago at First Ave. It was an amazing match, they absolutely tore the house down and put on an absolute classic. He has had so many big matches in the E and many of you really have no idea what your talking about. KB on the reviews is always ripping him and I feel he was involved in alot of good feuds and put on some classic matches. Long live pac.

Well said Bud. I am one of the few who actually liked X-Pac (in the old WWF) back in the day. He was a pivotal part of DX, solid in the ring and the guy can really cut a promo. I hold a distant hope that he'll be back in WWE someday. He's not over the hill (age wise) and could launch a comeback (especially if HHH puts a good word in for him).

In fact, one way I'd bring him back to WWE (if a Triple H heel turn was involved). Have X-Pac come back and be the "bad seed" or the rotten apple. Just as Steve Buscemi was the bad seed in the Sopranos, have X-Pac play the same kind of role in WWE. Have him align himself with HHH, gradually turning HHH heel in the process (an alternate to my "bring back DX" idea in the WWE sub-forum). Have X-Pac land HHH in all sort of trouble, both professionally and personally. Hell, even have DX reform with X-Pac in it!

Massive potential. Waltman isn't even 38 yet either -- still could be in his prime.
Well looks like we won't have to deal with him anymore since ont eh main page it says when he was laid out was his last appearance in TNA. Guess Dixie wasn't buying his bs excuse of "I'm not allowed to wrestle in the state" excuse. Can't say I'm sad that he's gone. Sadly now though he will probably wind up back in AAA and stink up the joint there with D-Generation Mex. And that my friends is why people hate him. He's still playing the same character he started in 96 (X-Pac & Syxx were the same damn character) and it just isn't goin to work anymore. Guys like Hunter & Shawn can do it because they evolve at least somewhat where as X Pac always, ALWAYS stayed the same.
I wouldn't bet on Sean being gone permanently. I'm sure he will be back sooner or later, even if it's just a one off appearance or two. He draws controversy and brings serious heat with the group he is in. This is what wrestling companies want when it comes to this kind of thing. Like him or not, he will be back one of these days.
I think the reason people don't like him is because in short, he sucks. He's a small guy who doesn't fly around the ring like HBK or Jeff Hardy, he does some kicks, he can't talk, he has no gimmick to speak of and he just sponges off his mates.
I think the reason people don't like him is because in short, he sucks. He's a small guy who doesn't fly around the ring like HBK or Jeff Hardy, he does some kicks, he can't talk, he has no gimmick to speak of and he just sponges off his mates.

I got to say I agree. Although he's a decent performer when he wants to be, his shtick got old real fast as he wasn't as good on the mic as Nash, Hall or HBK.
because he is just a hyped load of shit he is annonying as hell, he uses the worst move ever, the bronco buster he does nothing exciting, he filmed a sex tape of himself and chyna and spilled it on the internet, and has been a part of two of the most famous groups in wrestling history(dx and nwo), and was just a cling on who contributed nothing to neither group, how pathetic.
I personally don't hate him in fact he was probably my favorite wrestler during the late 90s with DX.. but then again I was like 9/10 so I didn't exactly have great taste then.

He had (has?) a lot of talent and had all the tools to become a real star but he let his ego get in the way of a lot of his career.

He's also really annoying, I remember an Edge promo in the early 2000s where he said something along the lines of "Hey X-Pac.. 1998 called they want their gimmick back!" and here we are 8-10 years later and he's still pulling the same lame shit. Doing DX cross chops in TNA, some of the lame moves like the Broncobuster, etc.

I truly believe waltman can be a top performer if he wants, but throughout his entire career he'd rather just hang around and piss his talent away by mooching off factions and groups.
I really liked waltman when he was the 1-2-3 Kid wrestling for the WWF. But then of course he went to WCW. And it was kinda cool, him getting a push. But for the rest of his career he won nothing but Cruiserweight and Tag Team Championships, and the occasional european title. All these werent really that big of an accomplishment. and then he came in as X-pac. Which i loved watching DX and it was cool but nothing big came from it as it relates with X-pac, so That my feeling for waltmans history up til TNA.
Now lately him and Hall are really serious about this run in the buisness. and they have done nothing but getting buisness done. Then Pac got stuck over in Europe due to the volcanoe. Which then im watching and Tazz (Even though im a fan of Tazz's) but he says "Pac isnt here at Lockdown, cause well pac's just being pac" Which is just uncalled for, and kinda a low blow. its a low blow and hes been kept off of television. Some people are hating on pac saying that he cant do buisness, but i really dont think that... that is called for. Waltman cant control the weathter anymore then you or i
so i gotta agree with the poster of the thread i really dont mind Syxx
He annoys the ever living shit out of me and I couldn't give you one valid reason why. As a performer he is fine, both in the ring and on the mic but for some reason I want him to die a painful death.
Maybe it's his face. I just want to punch him right in the suckhole.
His Sixx Pac (or whatever 6-Pac variation) is the same thing as the X-Pac of WWF(E) was. I suppose WWE wouldn't give him rights to the name...so why not go by your regular name or something original instead of a variant?

it's not a variant, he was syxx in wcw before he was x-pac in the wwf.

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