Why do you hate the main eventers of the WWE?

Kanye South

Now I know I posted a similar thread in the General Wrestling Section, but I think most of the points I made in that thread applies to this thread. Why do you hate the WWE main eventers? Is it because they don't stack up to the days of the Attitude Era? Are they bland? Is it because they are trying to recreate the 80s? Why?

The Attitude Era was great.

However, The Attitude Era ruined wrestling because it set the bar so high for professional wrestling that it can't be beat.

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Ur so stupid!!!!!! U r just a stoopid Czena fan!!!!!1!!!1!!!!

Let's take a look at wrestling for a moment, shall we? Everywhere you go, you see hatred of the WWE main-eventers. Four in particular. Batista, Triple H, Randy Orton, and most of all, John Cena. Chris Jericho and Mysterio get hated by some, but not like those infamous 4. Taker and Michaels aren't there that much to begin with, and somehow Edge is above this. Now I can't seem to grasp why there is so much hatred for the WWE's main-eventers. I mean, Orton and Jericho get ripped for there slow, robotic, monotone promos. But isn't that how a heel's supposed to act? Didn't Kurt Angle get disliked in his feud with Cena for the WWE title for using highflying moves. Wasn't he called a bad heel? Orton and Jericho get burned for being slow and monotone. Cena, Batista, and Mysterio get burned for pandering to the kids and being "goody goody two shoes". Ok. Let's look at the top two names of today: Orton and Cena. Let's look at the top two names of the Attitude Era: Steve Austin and The Rock. Do you see a pattern?

Some say the answer is to bring the Attitude Era back. This is not the answer.

How much edgier can the WWE get? Have divas wrestle naked? While that might increase the amount of time you ejaculate, it still isn't going to help much, plus I'm sure the divas won't go that far for a paycheck. So what is the solution? Have wrestlers drop the N-bombs and F-bombs. No, that's not it. There is nothing more the WWE can do, unless they go X-rated, but really would you want to see that? So no, the Attitude Era can't be recreated. Not to mention that fans wouldn't accept it. You know how I know that? I've seen it before.

I'm sure we all know a man by the name of John Cena. Well he is how I know, a second Attitude Era won't work. Look at the stages of this man's career. When he was strapped with the white rapper gimmick up until the time he was drafted from Smackdown, he reminded me of Austin. Then, in about 2006-07 he reminded me of the Rock. Now since he came back in 2008 he reminds everyone of Hogan.


Cena's Austin Era:
Talking shit to McMahon? Where have I seen that before?

Cena's Rock Era:
Calling the interviewer a sick freak? Sounds familiar?

Cena's Hogan Era:
He walks around respecting everybody, tipping his hat and shit, and well look at his shirt:

So Cena replicates the 3 biggest stars in wrestling history and still gets hated? Why?

People hate on Triple H. Why? Because he "holds people down"? Please, tell me one instance where Triple H actually held down somebody that realistically had a chance at the main event. I know in 2007, he Pedigreed London and Kendrick for no good reason, but really, did you think that they would be more than a tag team? No. In fact, he helped put Jeff Hardy in the Main Event. Armageddon 2007, Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy for a WWE Title Shot at the Royal Rumble. After his match at Royal Rumble 2008, he was started to be looked at as a serious contender to the title. He was slated to win Money In The Bank, but due to suspensions, that never came true. He won the WWE Title later in the year, and is not only a 3-Time World Champ, but he is the current World Heavyweight Champion. How would any of that been possible without Triple H, who supposedly never puts anyone over, putting him over? Why all the hate?

Now we're on to Randy Orton. People say he's monotone and that he can't cut a promo.


Now I know he hasn't cut a promo like that in ages, but that's because he was cheered like fuck at that Wrestlemania. Is that a good heel. People say they hate Randy Orton and Legacy because they are boring. WELL ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF A FUCKING HEEL? By definition, Randy Orton is a great heel.

Lastly, I get to Batista. People say he's a stupid, uncharismatic, pill-popping musclehead. Well I say, he does his job. He goes out there, slams people, and yells. Now he is no Steve Austin or Rock, but he is over as fuck and is always welcomed with open arms when he returns. He might not be the "King Of Promos", but he is charismatic enough to be considered a great main eventer. So why do you hate?

So, in conclusion, Why do you hate the main eventers of the WWE?
Solid thread, JKO. Really great post. Okay, so here is how I look at it. I don't really hate the main event wrestlers. I just think some of them need to be tweaked.

John Cena-He is a decent in-ring talent. He could afford to add a few more moves, but he is decent. But he can go out there and get the fans fired up. He cuts great promos and gets over like none other. I view him as okay, I'd prefer him in his rapper gimmick. But he is doing his job and getting over superb, so he is a great asset to WWE and I wouldn't have it any other way, I would like to see him fued with new people though, maybe C.M. Punk, a heel John Morrison, something of those likes.

Triple H-I like The Game, he is a very solid character. He works great macthes, and regardless of what people say, is a great wrestler. He is really solid on the mic, and has ton of charisma. And while I think maybe a couple of his reigns might come from banging Steph, and he does bury the occasional wrestler sometimes, there is no denying he'd still be where he is today, regardless of his family. The only thing I really dislike of him now is him playing a face, he works much better as a heel.

Randy Orton-He plays the heel to perfection. There really is nothing to change about him. Maybe have him slip away from legacy, perhaps snapping and turning on them. I hate how they build him as a cowardly heel, when the way he acts and has been portryaed, he should need no help. He should be portrayed kind of loiem Austin or more especially Taz, a sorry sonofabitch, takes no help, takes no prisoners, and hurts people. But other than that, there is no problem here, it's just the way he is booked.

Batista-Now this is one I don't like. He is just really a waste of space. he is injury prone, pathetic on the mic, with average charisma at best, and no real in-ring skills. When he is there, he is okay every now and then, but when he is injured, which happens to be often , I don't care. He is someone who could be easily replaced, and I don't think anyone would care more about than say Christain when he was first released. Batista has nothing that couldn't be replaced and done even better, I dislike him.

Overall, Batista is the only one I have a problem with. I don't really hate the main evnters, there are just a couple things that could be tweaked. The main problem I see is with the WWE booking, as they don't create good storylines or fueds, or anymore even fresh fueds, for the main event players. They keep recycling Batista/Orton, HHH/Orton, Cena/Orton, HHH/Cena/Orton, and there is nothing fresh. They also occasionally mess up booking the wrestlers, as in Orton. Really, there is no problem with the main eventers (except Batista), it all boils down to booking, but that's only half-bad right now, so I'd say the main event is half-good.
LOL!! @ The Rock's interview with Coachman.

Quite frankly, I don't despise the main event scene of the WWE as much as others do.

This is probably the last year where we will witness Taker, HBK, and (probably) Batista in the main event consistently. Triple H should slowly diminish a couple of years from now. Personally for me, I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts.

The "main event is stale" talk will only last a year or two. The same way the 'RAW has lost its anything can happen feeling' & the old 'There was only 20 minutes of wrestling on Smackdown' talk has already gone to pass.

The current heated complaints will succumb because RAW is going to eventually enter a rebuilding period. Smackdown has already started months ago and ECW is officially a televised OVW where the wrestling faithful can watch future stars in their young stages. Right now, a smart fan should be moaning less about HHH and tuning in more to the mid card scene where exciting stars such as Morrison, MVP, & Jack Swagger come to light.
Really good thread this, great opening post. So from where I stand:

Triple H - I hate HHH as a face, it really doesn't work for me at all. I'm not a huge fan of him at all but he has to be heel to appeal to in the slightest. I don't really have anything against him otherwise, it's just that I've never really liked him from the minute I started watching wrestling however many years ago.

Randy Orton - I don't hate Randy at all, great in the ring and on the mic. I think they made a mistake with the way his character developed during his feud with the McMahons/HHH but that's another story.

Batista - I can't help but like Batista, always have from the minute he was running around as D-von's sidekick.

John Cena - The only one I really dislike but again I never really liked him in the first place. I remember being so happy when Carlito beat him on debut for the US Title and since then Cena has been shoved down out throats SO much I can't possibly like him. Every now and then he'll put on a good match but generally I try to avoid watching them, as is the case with HHH in all honesty. However you can't doubt he's the biggest thing in the business and clearly works hard for it.

So yeah, Orton and Batista get the thumbs up from me whilst I've never really liked Cena or HHH and probably never will.
Very nice thread. You just said what i've been thinking of for the past 3 months. I remember in February when everybody was jizzing in their pants for Orton cus of how perfect he was playing his role. he hasn't changed much but now the IWC claims him as "robotic". Cena is the best of his generation. And HHH does bury superstars. He will never lose his title cleanly. He gets his way for the majority of the time. As for Batista... well. He's alright. A 5-time champion. He has the look of a dominant superstar, but is injury prone. But overall, not a bad superstar. He's obviously has something going for him.
Honestly, i don't hate the main eventers, i just think the main event, on raw mostly, is stale, mostly because alot of major Smackdown talent, like Teker and Edge are out injured right now. I like HHH, but it's getting boring when you look at the ppv card, and it's kind of like, oh HHH is fighting Orton again. Orton i like too, but same thing, he's been fueding with HHH and Cena forever now. I also wish they would put over younger talent more often. Cena's match with swagger was good, but he squashed the Miz, and i havn't seen HHH put anyone over in a while. I don't hate the main eventers, i just would like to see some new superstars get over, and fued with orton, hhh, cena etc.
As far as the mainevents mentioned on here are concerned, I don't hate all of them. The two guys I've always liked have been Triple H and Randy Orton. I can't understand why there is so much hate for these guys. They both are very good in ring performers and are very good on the mic. So I really have nothing against these guys at all. Everyone likes to go on about how Triphle H has so much backstage influence and never puts guys over but lets face it he has been one of the best stars the WWE has ever had. I can always remember back when he was a heel, he was able to get so much heat from the crowd because he was just that damn good at getting people to hate him, which is what heels are supposed to do. As a face he always gets probably the biggest reaction now from the crowds because that's how much the fans respect him and appreciate what he has done for the company. Randy Orton has been one of the best heels as well, I always look foward to seeing his matches and he is great at getting alot of heat from the crowd as well. He has this aura about him and I feel he is going to down a similar pattern as Triple H and become one of the best heels we've seen in the WWE.
Moving on now to Cena and Batista. I think with Cena alot of the fans who don't like him are older fans because lets face it, Cena is pretty much there to entertain kids and he is very good at doing it and on top of that he has a great work ethic and great passion for the business. Unfortunately though alot of older fans just don't like him because of how much of a "goody goody" face he is but I feel bad for him because he really is just doing his job. Cena is a perfect fit for the pg era because he is better than just about anyone at entertaining kids and selling tons of $$$ in merchandise. I hate Cena only because of his character but at the same time I can aknowledge that he really is just doing his job. When Cena was a heel I genuinely liked him and loved the way he would come out and insult people with his raps and all that sorta thing. When he was a heel he was more entertaining to older fans but now his character is very watered down because the WWE is targeting a much younger audience and Cena is their main man. In regards to Batista....I feel he is just becoming very injury prone and probably should retire very soon. He has terrible mic skills if you ask me and the only time he was ok in the ring was when he was feuding with taker.
I'll admit I hate Cena & HHH simply cause we all know they were practically handed the titles they've held for kissing Vince's ass. HHH married into the family and we'll NEVER know if he could have held those 13 world titles if he didn't.

As for Cena He as been shoved down our mouths because Vince wants to appeal to 10 year old kids. WHY ? because he knows their mommy's will by them Cena merchandise because Cena is Vince's cash cow.

Orton I don't like that much, WHY because he's doing a great job as a heel. SO I do like him because he's a good heel. I could see Legacy vs. Hart Dynasty if they ever get pushed high enough

Batista is rumored to be a big baby & always threatens to leave if he's not in the world title picture. I won't dive into that to much

But the problem is the four guys are always Obviously pushed & handed the titles & we KNOW they're handed the titles because their in good graces with vince.
I'll admit I hate Cena & HHH simply cause we all know they were practically handed the titles they've held for kissing Vince's ass. HHH married into the family and we'll NEVER know if he could have held those 13 world titles if he didn't.

As for Cena He as been shoved down our mouths because Vince wants to appeal to 10 year old kids. WHY ? because he knows their mommy's will by them Cena merchandise because Cena is Vince's cash cow.

Orton I don't like that much, WHY because he's doing a great job as a heel. SO I do like him because he's a good heel. I could see Legacy vs. Hart Dynasty if they ever get pushed high enough

Batista is rumored to be a big baby & always threatens to leave if he's not in the world title picture. I won't dive into that to much

But the problem is the four guys are always Obviously pushed & handed the titles & we KNOW they're handed the titles because their in good graces with vince.

So you want Vince to start hating money? Laughable. If you owned the John Cena character, you'd milk it for all its worth too and don't sit there and deny it. John Cena the man has EARNED EVERYTHING in his career. So what if he kissed a little ass? Go find any employer in the world who doesn't promote somebody who's kissing a little ass. Not many people get to the top of the world without kissing a little ass along the way. And as for Triple H... the marrying into the main event excuse is soooooooo stale and dead. If you saw anything Triple H did after he turned on DX and really got out on his own, you would know that as a heel in those days and up until about WM22, he was that damn good. He is easily one of the top 3 heels in history. No argument can even be made that he isn't.

Anyway..... why do we hate the main eventers? Simple. We don't hate them. We just wish we had other main event guys to feud with them instead of the same 4 going at it all the time. I mean look at the past 3 years. Batista, Triple H, and Cena have been face the whole damn time. How many MAIN EVENT heels have there been consistantly since then? One. Orton. You can only have the same guys feud with Orton for so long before we get bored. Jericho has only been heel for a year so he doesn't even qualify for this discussion. And let's face it... nobody hates Jericho... because he's awesome at everything. All these other guys people want to see in the main event aren't ready to carry on a feud the calibur of the big 4 on Raw.

Nobody is sick of Smackdown's main event card because it's forever changing and slowly evolving. IMO... it's pretty damn good right now. Hardy is still a spot monkey, but let's face it... the guy isn't awful. Punk is carrying this heel thing with amazing results. Seeing his ROH heel gimmick, you knew he could carry it over to the WWE and it's amazing. Edge and Taker... even though they're out right now... these 2 guys never grow tiresome. I don't know why, but they just don't. They always put on an amazing show. And Morrison is really coming into his own and could possibly be champion before the year ends. If not, you WILL see Morrison as champion in 2010. I would honestly bet the farm on that.

The top 4 guys on Raw have just grown a little stale is all. We don't hate them. We just are growing tired of them being in feuds with each other. But it's a necessary evil right now because nobody else is ready to carry that torch... especially on Raw. I think that if there was a small switch of 1 or 2 main event guys between Raw and Smackdown, that would really freshen things up enough to get us to WM26 and the draft afterwards.

EDIT: Orton, Cena, HHH, and Batista have all EARNED their way into their spots. Saying they get things handed to them because they're in good graces with Vince is hilarious. But if they did... so what? Through their years of hard work, they have all payed their dues and deserve every accolade they receive. Especially Triple H. What? His 15 years of service in the WWE isn't enough for you to give him any credit? Give me a break.
I really don't think anyone actually 'hates' the main eventer scene or main eventers. I believe some people are fed up with the main eventers, they are sick and tired of seeing the same ones week in and week out in the mian event scene and getting all the title shots. They want a change that has yet to come and likely won't come anytime soon.

What they fail to realize is that there is no one who is quite ready to full step up yet and go toe to toe with the likes of Cena, Orton, Edge, and I'll admit even HHH. To an extent even on Smackdown there really is no one other than Hardy and Punk right now to main event. So all these people want change, but they'll have to be patient, because right now, if they try to change up the main event scenes it won't go well, the majority of the non-smarks, will not like it. So as long as they are not starts ready to step up yet, we wil continue to have the same main event scene.
yeah HHH is a good heel. But Seriously time machines don't exist. if HHH never married the "family" we'll never know if he'd still be a 13 time world champ. He HAS done lots of things to make a name for himself with out the family backing him that's a fact.

I don't like him personally cause I don't like heels, I guess that means their doing their jobs. I Don't care for OR want to hear HHH as a 20 or 30 time world champ by the time he retires. Look at the Dudley’s 20 time world tag champs even then it's not a big deal their not portrayed as the greatest tag team ever.
BUT that's an obvious discussion for another time.

what's the point of making HHH WWE or WHC over & over & over & over & over............again ? people say HHH marrying the family is old & stale, But so is HHH winning World title's all the time
I'll admit I hate Cena & HHH simply cause we all know they were practically handed the titles they've held for kissing Vince's ass. HHH married into the family and we'll NEVER know if he could have held those 13 world titles if he didn't.

Now, where is there proof Cena is into politics backstage. Cena gets titles because he is a draw. Same with Triple H. He ws getting pushed before Stephanie and he married, and he would've got pushed nonetheless. Pathetic statment.

As for Cena He as been shoved down our mouths because Vince wants to appeal to 10 year old kids. WHY ? because he knows their mommy's will by them Cena merchandise because Cena is Vince's cash cow.

Cena draws. He might be shoved down our throat, but he draws. I'd like to see him lose every now and then. Just to givee the heel some heat and put him over. It's not like fans will tune out because he loses. They'll just see him pay more to get revenge. But he is pushed because he draws and makes money. You want them to stop pushing Cena and lose money. Losing money, that is always great for a company.

Orton I don't like that much, WHY because he's doing a great job as a heel. SO I do like him because he's a good heel. I could see Legacy vs. Hart Dynasty if they ever get pushed high enough

Well, at least you have some common sense here. I juust believe he is booked wrong as a heel.

Batista is rumored to be a big baby & always threatens to leave if he's not in the world title picture. I won't dive into that to much.

Could you provide a source. I for one have never heard this. But, I don't like him myself, for the reasons mentioned in my first post.

But the problem is the four guys are always Obviously pushed & handed the titles & we KNOW they're handed the titles because their in good graces with vince.

This, once again, is a biased, stupid statemnet from a blind Main Event hater. Learn to make posts that actually make sense, instead of bashing Cena and Triple H for completely untrue reasons.
there was a rumor about Batista here on wrestle zone a long while ago about Batista & his attitude about demanding he constantly be in the World title picture.

HHH I'm almost sure he'd be a 13 time world champ WITH OUT the familybacking him, but seriously we'll never know that for a fact.

Cena is a complete hypocrite, he tries to feud with the rock about NOT staying with the wwe. but Cena has tried the movie & music thing. Cena the ass kissing "rapper" just a complete hypocrite for little ten year olds who think it's cool to wave their little hands.

Ortan I like, what I mean is I don't like him is because he is a good heel doing his job well. if you understand my meaning

Cena i get that he makes Vince money, But I like to watch a GOOD wrestling match. I don't like to see a guy there only to sell merchandise & make the crowd cheer or Boo. And i do know that getting a pop is need for a wrestlers career.

I just don't care for a guy being shoved in my face because he can sell t-shirts & stuff
the way i look at HHH is not only did he help Jeff Hardy's career as a singles competitor, look at what he and Ric Flair did for Orton and Batista, they were nothing without HHH and Flair.
I dont Hate HhH i like him Randy Orton is a great heel he knows how to work the crowed thats why alot of people hate him because he gets under our skin Batista yeah he dont have good mic skills but he gets the kids on there feet Now John Cena I really hate John Cena WWE Shoves his crap down our throats with the hustle loyal respect t shirts abd his you can't see me ball caps yeah HhH is a 13 time champ but in the past a year or so you dont see him always in the title pictuer like you do with John Cena hell hes headling Summerslam this year AGAIN not Triple H Cena and WWE needs to give other guys a chance to go after the title this why the WWE is not doin well in ratings like it use to its the same people every month going after the WWE Title on RAW at least on smack down you have someone who deserved the title un like Raw where they litlerly just hand Cena the title belt seriously thiink back when was Cena not in a title hunt minus a few times this year I would say like a year or 2 after he came in the WWE and He became the US Champion so you asked why do we hate the main eventers I dont hate 3 of them only John Cena he gets more oppertunitys for the title then Hogan Undertaker and Savage combind.
For the Raw main eventers, I don't necessarily hate them, I'm just tired of the set up. Orton and Triple H have been at it for basically the entire year and it started off fine. I thought they were going to do something very interesting when Orton took out Stephanie, you know inject some basic, raw and primal emotion into the whole thing. Instead, it just wound up being a foil for Triple H to once again show what a surpreme badass he is and so on and so forth.

Orton is arguably the best heel working in wrestling right now, Triple H to me is just stale. Personally, I'm just tired of seeing him in the world title picture overall. However, I'm very glad that he seems to be out of the title picture for the time being. Even though it's now going to be Orton and Cena, it's still fresher than Orton and Triple H as they've been feuding off and on for about 5 years now.

As for the Smackdown main eventers, I'm enjoying it. I enjoy most of what's happening on Smackdown these days as the main event scene is changing, it's in a state of flux if you will. For the most part, I keep seeing interesting and entertaining matches with young guys that are in their prime.
I hate alot of people in the business,but I do not hate the whole main event.Just alot of it.
I hate Triple H.You could combine my hate for Cena,Mysterio,Orton,CM Punk,and Tommy Dreamer,and I still hate Triple H more.
"Well why do you hate all those other people KnOtZ MaN?"
Well thank you for you question,Self.I hate Cena because he is terrible in the ring,and I don't care for his mic work.His fake southern accent pisses me off.He gets all loud and shit and then quiet and intense.I hate it.I hate Mysterio because someone his size should never,EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER,hold a world title.Ever.He is always the underdog,like do you really think that he's gonna lose?He could go against Hornswoggle and be the underdog.I'm sick of this underdog bullshit,yeah,we get it,he's short.Why do I hate Orton?Because they make him look like a pussy with the title,and without it they make him a fucking monster heel.Make it consistent.I love his moveset with the exception of doing a billion stomps in a row (I.E. Night of Champions),The RKO is great,and the Punt is too.But his mic work is so bland.I hate how Legacy has to interfere in every match,it just cheapens the match quality (I.E. Night of Champions).So I actually don't hate Orton,because he's awesome in the ring,but is mic work and repetitiveness bore me,so I don't like him.Why do I hate CM Punk?Because he is undeserving.He earned his first and second world titles before Matt Hardy(no I don't count ECW),John Morrison(see Matt Hardy),Umaga(a very talented big man),Kennedy(he won MITB and still didn't get a World Title reign,I know he was injury prone,but he got screwed!),Jeff Hardy(his first one),Ted Dibiase(Senior,not Junior),Mark Henry(if your the so called world's strongest man,you should get a world title),and many more.He is boring if you ask me,and a terrible champion.Let's look at his accomplishments,shall we:
ECW Champion
(Undeserved title of)Mr.Money in the Bank 2008(The match Jeff Hardy was going towin before he got suspended)
(Terrible reign as)World Heavyweight Champion
(A forgettable reign as) World Tag Team Champion (With Kofi Kingston)
Slammy Award for "Oh My God!" Moment of the Year-MitB cash-in on Edge.
(A really forgettably reign as)Intercontinental Champion(I don't remember it either)
Mr.Money in the Bank 2009(When he won,I said "Not Again!")
(An even worse reign than his first reign as)World Heavyweight Champion(He lost all but two matches from Extreme Rules to Night of Champions.He hasn't won a match since (I Think) June 18th.)
So that's why I hate CM Punk-ass-bitch.
Why Tommy Dreamer?Because he sucks.
Now to the worst of them all.Triple H.
I hate Triple H because he is always in the title picture and keeps everyone down.Wikipedia the Kliq and read it.You'll know.Watch his match against MVP,or any match against Orton,Dibiase,or Rhodes.Triple H has backstage power to win as many titles as he has won.So that's what I think.
there was a rumor about Batista here on wrestle zone a long while ago about Batista & his attitude about demanding he constantly be in the World title picture.

Could you provide me with an actual link? I never saw this.

HHH I'm almost sure he'd be a 13 time world champ WITH OUT the familybacking him, but seriously we'll never know that for a fact.

Your, right, we would never know. But you said earlier that Triple H was "handed all those titles for kissing Vince's ass backstage". As a matter of fact, let me find that.

I'll admit I hate Cena & HHH simply cause we all know they were practically handed the titles they've held for kissing Vince's ass.

Now you say that you're almost sure that he'd hold the titles without his family being the McMahons. You juts contradicted yourself. You fail.

Cena is a complete hypocrite, he tries to feud with the rock about NOT staying with the wwe. but Cena has tried the movie & music thing. Cena the ass kissing "rapper" just a complete hypocrite for little ten year olds who think it's cool to wave their little hands.

So, what's your point. He gets over. He draws money. What if he is a hypocrite. He gets over with some adults too, just look at Slyfox and JKO. And as long as people like him and he draws, he is doing fine. Plus he can wrestle decently. He is okay, but just okay and nothing more, with me.

Ortan I like, what I mean is I don't like him is because he is a good heel doing his job well. if you understand my meaning

I agreed with you on this.

Cena i get that he makes Vince money, But I like to watch a GOOD wrestling match. I don't like to see a guy there only to sell merchandise & make the crowd cheer or Boo. And i do know that getting a pop is need for a wrestlers career.

Did you not see his match with HBK at Wrestlemania 23? His match with HBK on RAW from London? His "I Quit" Match with JBL at Judgement Day 2005. His match with Jack Swagger on Draft Night. His second match with Miz in the Night of Champions Tourney? I may just be okay with him, but he can wrestle good matches. So, you fail again.

I just don't care for a guy being shoved in my face because he can sell t-shirts & stuff[/QUOTE]

I answered to this above. Although I will admit you're gaining my respect for taking time to debate me on this.
I dont Hate HhH i like him Randy Orton is a great heel he knows how to work the crowed thats why alot of people hate him because he gets under our skin Batista yeah he dont have good mic skills but he gets the kids on there feet Now John Cena I really hate John Cena WWE Shoves his crap down our throats with the hustle loyal respect t shirts abd his you can't see me ball caps yeah HHH is a 13 time champ but in the past a year or so you dont see him always in the title pictuer like you do with John Cena

I'd have to disagree with you on that point right there. Ever since No Way Out of 2008, pay-per-view matches that involved Triple H, besides the Royal Rumble, Judgement Day and extreme Rules (The last two due to a kayfabe injury) have been for the WWE Championship. Let's take a look back:

  • WrestleMania 24: Triple H/Randy Orton/John Cena

    Backlash 2008: Triple H/Randy Orton/John Cena/JBL

    Judgement Day 2008: Triple H/Randy Orton

    One Night Stand 2008:Triple H/Randy Orton

    Night of Champions 2008: Triple H/John Cena

    Great American Bash 2008: Triple H/Edge

    SummerSlam 2008: Triple H/The Great Khali

    Unforgiven 2008: Triple H/Jeff Hardy/Brian Kendrick/MVP/Shelton Benjamin

    No Mercy 2008:Triple H/Jeff Hardy

    Cyber Sunday 2008: Triple H/Jeff Hardy

    Armageddon 2008: Triple H/Jeff Hardy/Edge

    No Way Out 2009: Triple H/Edge/Jeff Hardy/Undertaker/Big Show/Vladimir Kozlov

    WrestleMania 25: Triple H/Randy Orton

    Backlash 2009: Triple H, Shane McMahon & Batista/Randy Orton & Legacy

    The Bash 2009: Triple H/Randy Orton

    Night of Champions 2009: Triple H/John Cena/Randy Orton

I guarantee if you list Cena's title oppertunities from the same time, Triple H has had more. And if you don't feel like looking it up, I did the counting for you. John Cena: 11 WWE/World Title Championship matches and Triple H: 16 WWE/World Title Championship matches.

hell hes headling Summerslam this year AGAIN not Triple H Cena and WWE needs to give other guys a chance to go after the title

I've been watching the WWE for only 8 years so I may not know as much as everyone else on here and while I agree that a few new faces must be added to the WWE Title picture, I'm pretty sure SummerSlam is NOT the pay-per-view to try and headline a new up-and-coming main eventer. This decade, only one "up-and-comer" has headlined a SummerSlam and that was Randy Orton, who was apart of Evolution and had main evented at SummerSlam the past year.

this why the WWE is not doin well in ratings like it use to its the same people every month going after the WWE Title on RAW at least on smack down you have someone who deserved the title un like Raw where they litlerly just hand Cena the title belt seriously thiink back when was Cena not in a title hunt minus a few times this year I would say like a year or 2 after he came in the WWE and He became the US Champion so you asked why do we hate the main eventers I dont hate 3 of them only John Cena he gets more oppertunitys for the title then Hogan Undertaker and Savage combind.

So does, and you may have to check me on this one: Triple H, Edge, and recently Batista
My self Personally does not hate the Main Eventers except for one.

John Cena
I do not understand why everyone hates him so much, he's a good entertainer, way, way over and can have some good matches. Although i liked him as his rapper gimmick i admit he's still great.

Triple H
Now Triple H is great, Hes is such a talented wrestler i know he may be always in the title picture but he deserves to be because he's that good. Personaly I thought he was amazing as a hell and i really hated him which made me like him.

Randy Orton
Orton is brilliant, one of the best heels EVER!, Now he i dont really like how their showing him 2 be a pussy but hes still amazing. He can pull of great matches and great promos and is amazing. I even loved him as a face for that little bit.

Now i really hate Shitista, he hasnt been any good since like late 2007 and thats saying something, hes injury prone, boring and crap he should give up.

All the other main eventers i have no problem with except i wish swagger and morrison would be put into the main event
I mean, there are a lot of factors that go into it.

One thing that is overlooked is a lack of variety, 3 of the 4 mentioned wear black speedo's as their wrestling attire, so the general look is the same. The same 3 also got shoved down our throats with Evolution. Here is my take.

Batista-He's just big. I don't like his promos, and after injuries, he is thrown right back into the title picture.

Randy Orton-I don't hate him. He did a great job when he feuded with the McMahon family, and I think that WWE is horribly misusing him. They need to let him be a dominant heel. Let him beat the big name faces clean (no legacy interference), and then that gives you a chance to put over a fresher face.

Triple H-He's just better with HBK as DX. He's boring, and I'm sick of him in the title picture. Everyone I know who follows wrestling hates Triple H because he is always in the main event. They want someone else, anyone else, and I agree with them. I'd rather see a Hornswoggle vs Chavo main event then Triple H win a title.

John Cena-Once again, I think misused. I don't hate him, but I think McMahon is in a desperate situation. No one sells like Cena does, so you can't even make him a heel to help get someone else over. I also think they keep reverting him to the STFU, and making him appear as more of a wrestler than a fighter. I know he is a wrestler, but his gimmick makes him seem like a brawler, so I don't think his finishes should be technical, I think it should be a big impact slam and pin.

I don't think it is anything with those 4 individuals, I just think Raws main event picture is disliked because it's the same guys at the top, and it has been for awhile.
I personally don't dislike them but I'm just plain sick of seeing the same guys in the same matches.

Triple H: I strongly dislike him as a face. He plays a much better heel than a face.

John Cena: I think that is character has been stale for like the last year; he is desperately in need of a heel turn but it won't happen because Vince is afraid to take that risk.

Randy Orton: I liked him when he was with Evolution but now he's being shoved down our throats similar to how Cena was when he had that year long title reign. I do think he is pretty bad on the mic, he never shows any emotion. I also think that he really needs to stop being booked as a cowardly heel because its making him look way to weak and that he can't win a match on his own.

Batista: The one I really dislike out of this group. He is average on both the mic and in the ring. He is injury prone as of late and his character is stale as hell. I was really behind Batista back in his Evolution days but ever since his face turn, he's been completely boring to me.
Randy Orton: I liked him when he was with Evolution but now he's being shoved down our throats similar to how Cena was when he had that year long title reign. I do think he is pretty bad on the mic, he never shows any emotion. I also think that he really needs to stop being booked as a cowardly heel because its making him look way to weak and that he can't win a match on his own.

Randy Orton is the best heel in the WWE today and if he has a high pitched entertaining tone on the mic then he's not doing his job. Fact is Orton is executing his current gimmick to perfection and that's why he is the WWE champion.

I completely agree with your second point Orton should be booked as a dominant heel champion he should be booked the way he was in the summer of 2007 when he took out HBK, RVD etc. It's beyond me why he was booked so dominantly on the road to Wrestlemania 25 and then so pathetically after it pretty much decimated his push. Sigh that's WWE booking for you though.
I don't think anyone hates the main eventers, it's just it's the same thing over & over & over.

I'm all for the main event guys of the WWE, think they're great. But I'd LOVE to see someone like MVP, Benjamin or Carlito go up into the main event scene and just make it different. What, Orton & Cena are fueding again? Great. What over this time?

Orton & Cena headlined SummerSlam previously, and it wasn't exactly a classic. If it was Orton vs MVP I'd be way more pumped. In short, mix up the main title scene.
I personally don't hate any of the main eventers but i understand why some people do and i believe its down to frustration at midcard talent being held back and repetative feuds.

Looking at the first point, its hard to argue that with talent like Swagger, MVP and John Morrison, the WWE midcard is very solid and has huge potential for the future. And there lies the problem; the future.
People don't want to wait for pushes they feel should be given now. Yes, Swagger is a former ECW champ and MVP a former WWE tag and US champ but that doesn't mean they should be headlining PPVs just yet. I believe that creative should set up feuds between the mid and main card through non-title matches. A good feud with a seasoned vet like HHH or HBK could do the world of good for these guys. I remember Mr. Kennedy getting a short feud with HBK in late '07 which did wonders for him and helped him gain some of his momentum back that he lost through injury.

I don't understand people ragging on Batista though. Batista is a big guy, plain and simple. He's a powerhouse. He comes out and kicks the crap out of people because he's the animal. Why should he come out and cut deep, meaningful promos when it contradicts his gimmick? Yes, his matches aren't classics but he's top draw and gets huge pops and had some good matches with Taker in 07.

In a way, i feel sorry for Cena and HHH. Both are top draws and both have their careers picked at and mocked but i think the underlying difference is HHH can carry a match. HHH is the better wrestler by far but i feel he is better used as a heel. Atm, creative are fusing his 'Cerebral Assassin' heel character with the 'sophmoric jock DX' character to create a face that acts like a tweener which makes no sense although for the purposes of the NOC triple threat it does. HHH will always be seen as a guy who has too many title reigns than he deserves by banging the bosses' daughter and burying talent and there are truths to this, but the guy does deserve some respect.

Cena is a different story. The character is over done. His promos and matches are repetative and creative book him wrong. The Miz is traded to RAw and seems to be the next decent heel and is put in a feud with Cena. Great! A mid carder vs a main eventer in a non title feud... maybe some wins will be traded... no. To be squashed twice in 48 hrs by a man with a very limited move set does neither man any favours. Marks see Miz as just a midcarder and smarks believe that Cena is holding talent ack again to sell a bit more merch.

Another problem is the closed shop at the top and over-run feuds. I think the main reason the HHH/Orton feud has tailed off dramatically is that they have been feuding for 8 months bar the 2 PPV's HHH missed. What's WWE's solution? Throw Cena into the mix. That's what we all want to see.

IMO, i think WWE needs to create more non title feuds with a mix of midcarders and main eventers to benefit both. The main eventers are out of the title scene yet are still involved in decent feuds and the mid carders can get a decent rub of the vets.

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