Why do you hate the main eventers of the WWE?

O my Brother testify lol JKO speakin the truth look the main eventers are there because of idk earning a spot maybe idk HHH look at him ppl talk about him never putting ppl over gimme a damn break he put over Cena, orton, most recently he gave Jeff Hardy that step he needed to be a champion so him not jobbing is ridiculous Cena while iam not a huge fan that guy knows what the hell he is doing he has the crowd in his hands everytime he enters the arena whether they boo or cheer they always pay attention. Orton when he started the psycho persona everybody praised the man for what he accomplished now they say he is robotic cmon he is a heel that is what they do his job is not to pander to the crowd that is the face's job Orton's work has been to say the least great and Dave Batista well he is a animal he is supposed to looked jacked and beat ppl up its what he did in evolution have we forgot

The Greatness,
J. Spivez
Because they bored me and don't have the entertaining value of guys who were NOT even main eventers from the past like Scott Hall,Tully Blanchard,etc. Wrestling is so freakin boring now it's no excuse for the crap.
John Cena
I like him.. Except when he faces anyone besides HHH/HBK/Taker (Top main eventers). Against lower card wrestlers he gets his ass kicked for 5 - 10 minutes, makes his shitty predicable come back, does the 2 shoulder blocks, 5ks, powerbomb, fu (Sometimes with a top rope leg drop or stfu replacing the fu) and wins. It happened to JBL, Big Show and The Miz. They will beat the shit of Cena for 5 - 10 minutes. Then Cena gets the win after a couple of moves. It is quite lame to see now. At least when he is facing HHH/HBK/Taker/Orton/Batista etc they normally counter the Comeback.
So i hate Cena's easy comeback victories, it does make the person who he defeats look weak, a 10 minute beating can't put Cena down but a 30 second comeback puts the guy facing Cena down....
What's annoying about the ME scene, moreso on Raw than anywhere else, is that you're only likely to get a half decent match out of the ME talent when they're wrestling each other. Put 'em in the ring with an up and comer, and it's awful.

Cena goes to the ring with the Miz, Miz beats on Cena for a few minutes so that Miz can try and get over, and then the ref says 'wrap it up guys', 3 Cena signature moves later, he's gotten the 3 count.

Who was the last mid card guy to have a decent match with Cena and get the win? Umaga probably wasn't it? Some 2 years ago?

Orton's similar. Run away a bit, do boring chinlocks, get beat down for a while, hit a 2nd rope DDT somewhen, do the stupid limb stomps, maybe throw in an inverted backbreaker if he's in the mood, might show off with a high dropkick, challenger gets the upper hand, nears the victory, fans aren't getting into it, they're just waiting for the guy to waste 2 seconds, because they know it'll be R-K-Over shortly.

Why can't it be more like SD, where the mid card guys get 20 minutes to work with a ME? Ok they might not win, but sometimes they do, and if they lose it's usually when the ME'er has to resort to a small package or something (unless it's Mysterio of course). SD has guys like Punk and Hardy fueding right now, instead of having last year's ME guys re-do all the old fueds. We don't have Edge/Taker for the 3rd year in a row, we aren't watching HHH/Hardy yet again. Sure you can argue that if HHH or Edge were actually on SD right now, that they probably would be doing those fueds, but Edge was supposed to be tagging with Jericho, and HHH's a certified ME anyway, who's only not in the title picture when he's injured.

SD is featuring younger guys like Morrison and Ziggler in with established talent like Rey and Jericho in the last match of nearly every card. Raw is still always having Cena/HHH/Orton in the final segment with only the Legacy getting a tiny rub, if anything at all.

2 weeks ago, Shaq made JeriShow v Cryme Tyme. Fantastic! Someone different in the final match on Raw against everyone's favourite heel and the fat slob we boo for a good reason. I actually watched the repeat of that Raw because i knew the last match wasn't going to have Orton/HHH/Cena in it.

It's not WWE's ME scene in general that i'm fed up with, it's just Raw's. They should take a page from SD's book and let MVP/Swagger/Bourne hook it up with Orton, Cena and HHH and maybe even get some wins in there now and again. And for god sake, stop pushing new guys away from Raw. They fired Kennedy and Kendrick, two guys who had potential, traded Matt Hardy ackalmost immediately to SD and now they've moved Miz from Raw permenantly, a guy who's developed by leaps and bounds since he branched out on his own.


Raw just doesn't spotlight the new guys well enough, in contrast with ECW where that's ALL that they do, but have no decent ME draws. As soon as a new guy starts to get over they move them to somewhere else and ECW has to work on drawing in it's audience all over again. If JeriShow appear on ECW on a regular basis, that may begin to change, but otherwise, it's counter-productive to the brand to keep elevating them to Raw and SD without letting using them to develop other young guys, instead of relying on Dreamer, Finlay and Regal to do it all. SD however is the perfect combination of both. They actually use their new acquisitions from drafts as well as spreading their ME guys around consistantly for new fans to realise that these guys are the top dogs on the roster.

If Raw were more like SD, i think we'd all be a LOT happier.

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